This has got to be my #1 favorite engine swap to date. I had a 3.4 DOHC Fiero once, but I would have traded it and my basic fiero for one of these. Go MPG.
Well, maybe I would have liked all three, and a V8 Fiero; finances permitting. lol
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11:55 AM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
kudo's to you! i really like it and would do one myself if there wasnt so much fab'ing required (not lazy just dont have the tools) so what was your end cost? (just a general figure) im curious as to how it measures up against the other swaps... :P
I'm not trying to make a screamer just a spunky, good MPG, cheaper fuel commuter car. I spent $1500 rebuilding the engine, and making mods. The mods were pretty easy. The most expensive was a custom Y-pipe at $75. I could make the new alternator and AC bracket for you pretty cheap. I would have saved $1200 in the rebuild if I had known to pour Marvel Mystery Oil into the cylinders and let it soak for a few days to unstick the piston rings. Boo... Hiss...,a diesel guy told me this hint a week after I tore it down!
Now I think I could have done the conversion for $300!! I already had the engine and original 125c auto trans. I know I can buy a v-6 diesel around here for $350. The tranny needs to have a low final drive ratio like 2.37 instead of 2.73 or 3.33 to get good highway mileage. I am getting 35 mpg highway at 75+ mph. It got 38+ mpg at 55 mph, like it was originally designed for. I think I will replace the 3 speed with a 4 speed over drive trans, I understand the final drive gear set is swappable to the 4 speed trans. The engine's torque peak is about 1850 rpm, so it should turn about 1850 rpm at 75 mph.
Later guys,
[This message has been edited by Michelhaugh (edited 03-31-2004).]
I am now running my DieselFiero on a 50/50 mixture of Kerosene/Waste Vegetable oil(WVO). I get the used frying oil from the local restaurants.
Using this mixture will be good during the summer but come winter I will have to do a little chemistry to make the WVO into Biodiesel because the WVO starts to gel at about 50 degrees F. Making it into biodiesel is a 'transesterification' process for you technical types. It's pretty easy to do.
The exhaust smells SO much better than it does when using petrodiesel, my wife even likes it. Power and economy is the same. The engine actually runs smoother and quieter too. It starts easily and runs great.
I filtered the WVO through a filter that filters out particles down to 3 microns(better that the regular diesel fuel filter) and mix it 50/50 with Kerosene. The Kerosene costs $1.60 a gallon and the WVO is free! That gives me fuel at $0.80 a gallon!! When I make biodiesel I need to buy methanol and will use about $0.54 worth of methanol for each gallon of biodiesel made. Not a bad price for fuel either!!
I have put 10,000 miles on the DieselFiero since the diesel transplant in Oct '03. I am very pleased with it. After about 3000 miles, I switched from 30W oil to 15W-50 Mobil 1 synthetic oil. So far it is great.
I will keep you updated.
Rick M. aka DieselFiero
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08:52 AM
2m8 Member
Posts: 115 From: Marianna, FL, USA Registered: Dec 2003
Originally posted by Michelhaugh: The exhaust smells SO much better than it does when using petrodiesel, my wife even likes it. Power and economy is the same. The engine actually runs smoother and quieter too. It starts easily and runs great.
Does it smell like french fries? So if japanese cars are rice burners...
Seriously, sounds like a fun low-cost ride!
------------------ Three...make that four and counting... 84 2m8 in process 86 GT-? 85 GT-?
Originally posted by Michelhaugh: I am now running my DieselFiero on a 50/50 mixture of Kerosene/Waste Vegetable oil(WVO). I get the used frying oil from the local restaurants... The exhaust smells SO much better than it does when using petrodiesel, my wife even likes it. Power and economy is the same. The engine actually runs smoother and quieter too. It starts easily and runs great... I filtered the WVO through a filter that filters out particles down to 3 microns(better that the regular diesel fuel filter) and mix it 50/50 with Kerosene. The Kerosene costs $1.60 a gallon and the WVO is free! That gives me fuel at $0.80 a gallon!! When I make biodiesel I need to buy methanol and will use about $0.54 worth of methanol for each gallon of biodiesel made. Not a bad price for fuel either!!
Dude that's awesome, + for you!
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02:42 PM
System Bot
CoolBlue87GT Member
Posts: 8468 From: Punta Gorda, Florida, USA Registered: Apr 2001
I have just about used up this first tank of fuel. Yes the mpg is the same. Next I will try 25/75 kerosene/WVO mixture. Some diesel guys in florida said they use 100 veggie oil with no problems in the warm florida weather, so I should be able to do the same in the summer here in Tennessee!
Great work - i saw a veggie oil powered new Beetle around town and thought it was so cool! And to find out someone has achieved that with a Fiero is great!
------------------ Black '87 GT Auto - Daily Driver & Autocrosser Eibach springs, Koni shocks, Kosei K1s, Kumho Ecsta V700s, poly bushings, rear swaybar, front mounted battery, MSD ignition, shift-kit, custom intake scoop, antenna relocated
I really like it! It runs great and smells good too.
I am thinking about putting a bumper sticker sign on it that says something like 'Alternative Fuel Test Vehicle ' just to stir up conversation and inquiries.
We have already had a few guys try to stop my wife from 'ruining the Fiero' by filling it with DIESEL FUEL. I can hear it, 'STOP Lady don't put DIESEL in the car, you are going to ruin it'. She just smiles and directs them to look at the 4.3Diesel insignia back of the decklid. Saying, 'It's a diesel'. They usually say, 'Oh, I didn't know they put DIESELs into those cars.' She just says, 'They are very rare.' and leaves it at that with a smile.
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09:55 AM
alienfiero Member
Posts: 638 From: auburn, wa., usa Registered: Aug 2004
To each there own. But why don't you just put in a 1.6l out of a chevett. I had one and after advance the cam . new plugs ect.., I installed a 4 into 2 tuned steel header in , bump the dist.timing up. With an automatic, I got 37mpg at 70mph. Gm. also made a HO motor with a 100hp. and the best dis. exhaust manifold [4 into 2 cast iron] made by GM.
Yes, in Hot Rod they had a pic. of a chevett a head of a big block chevy on a road course. turbo charged ,intercooled. But hay theres nothing wrong with a diesal in a Fiero. My 88 GT. gets 30 mpg.[modified] If I put a highway gear [308 if they make one] in maby 35 mpg.
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07:53 PM
alienfiero Member
Posts: 638 From: auburn, wa., usa Registered: Aug 2004
Actually the jet fuel runs good in a diesel engine. The only problem is the lubricity is low and if used for long would cause injector pump wear. Add 10 % veggie oil for lubricity and It'll run just fine!!
I have added a few gallons of stinky OLD-OLD gasoline to a tank of diesel and it runs fine. Just filter it good first!
BTW my Buick Diesel got 38 mpg and with few mods to the engine I expect to get 40+ mpg in the little Fiero. I'm thinking about doing some serious mods like turbocharging it and modernizing the injection system later. It has an all mechanical injection system now. I've got an extra set of heads and manifolds that I will be modifying the intake and exhaust on.
Rick M.
dude, thast a sweet idea, instead of just re-ringing it, get the whoel engine rebuilt for high performance. if you turbo charge it, i bet it will be an f-ing beast
I had a minor setback this week. My adulterated Alternator bracket decided to crack. My son got stuck and I had to go rescue him and the DieselFiero. I welded the bracket and added some reinforcement to it and I will also add a brace to the backside of the Alternator down to the intake manifold bolt.
Other than this it is running GREAT!
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10:41 AM
Kitten Member
Posts: 16 From: Carleton Place, Ontario Registered: Aug 2004
This is awesome!! I'm eventually planning to put a diesel in my fiero as well.
I have a question though... have you driven your diesel fiero in the winter? if so, did you have any problems with the bio-diesel that you are running through it? ( you probably were already asked this, but I can't seem to find anything about it in the thread)
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11:00 AM
Oct 21st, 2004
alienfiero Member
Posts: 638 From: auburn, wa., usa Registered: Aug 2004
Down here in Tennessee I have not had any cold weather fuel problems. Up north there might be some problems but the biodiesel users have found the the diesel anti-gel and winterization additives seem to work for biodiesel too. Check out the biodiesel sites for details.
As mentioned, I had to modify the alternator and AC brackets. If you put an Olds V6 diesel into you car I can make the brackets for you.
A duramax diesel would only fit if installed longitudinally and would add a lot of weight to the rear of the car. It might be possible to bolt it to an Old Toronado transaxle which could take the power. That would be awesome! But too much work for me to do right now.
[This message has been edited by Michelhaugh (edited 10-21-2004).]
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08:40 AM
Kitten Member
Posts: 16 From: Carleton Place, Ontario Registered: Aug 2004
Down here in Tennessee I have not had any cold weather fuel problems. Up north there might be some problems but the biodiesel users have found the the diesel anti-gel and winterization additives seem to work for biodiesel too. Check out the biodiesel sites for details.
As mentioned, I had to modify the alternator and AC brackets. If you put an Olds V6 diesel into you car I can make the brackets for you.
I haven't decided on what diesel engine I'll be putting in yet, but I'll definitely keep you in mind if I go with the Olds V6... thanks I really appreciate the offer!!