Hey everyone! After a summer of doing little to the car, I've started working on it a little more. Here are some pics of what I've done so far.
Here is a picture of the block with the mains, crank, and 3 rods installed. You can see the tops of the ARP main studs. I am a huge fan of the the stock 3800 block and main setup. The mains have to small bolts which some in from the side of the block at 90*s from the clamping force provided by the main studs. Walk and there for galling are virtually emliminated.
Here is another view..
Here is a shot of the three pistons I had installed at the time these pictures were taken. These are Diamond forged 8.5:1 units. You can also see where the o-rings were placed as well as the ARP head studs.
Here is another view of the top of the block on the bank not installed yet..
Here is a shot of the pistons/rods with the total seal rings. The L32 rods are very pretty for a factory rod!
Here is a close up of the "cracked rod" setup GM is using. The idea is the rod caps are cracked off the rod vs machined off which gives them a much greater surface area and better binding. Don't know, don't care, looks cool so here it is!
[This message has been edited by caddyrocket (edited 09-09-2004).]