Yea sure... What you guys need to get is a V6 Fiero engine harness, and an engine connector out of the body of a 3.4 car. I would like the Fiero harness to be complete, and at least 8-12" of wire on the DOHC conector. Auto or manual doesnt matter, just need to let me know what its going to be. I'll give you the list of mods that will be neccesary to do to the DOHC engine harness, which is actaly already on here, about 1/2 up the page.
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03:59 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
Done, pulled my 2.8 harness off already and I have the complete 3.4 harness. Even have the part with all the fuses. Trick is my harness is a 94 and I'm going to be buying a 93 pcm, is this a problem?
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04:47 PM
Aug 8th, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Keeping you guys informed. Im waiting on the money for the flywheel, only $50 bucks, but im poor right now. Until then, im working on the interior. I pulled it all, and installed all my power accys. I also did some minor rust repair, nothing more than some surface rust im really happy about that. Also transformed it into this:
The best part is, aparently the glue that holds the roof panel on, is stronger than the windshield Pulling up on the roof pannel and CRACK. Then some screaming, and several loud bangs( unforunately for it, I had a small sledge hammer within arms reach. The roof pannel is no more ) anyway....
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01:49 AM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
Originally posted by 86GT3.4DOHC: The best part is, aparently the glue that holds the roof panel on, is stronger than the windshield Pulling up on the roof pannel and CRACK. Then some screaming, and several loud bangs( unforunately for it, I had a small sledge hammer within arms reach. The roof pannel is no more ) anyway....
Damn, u sound like me...except I wouldnt have thought of a have probably ended up with bloody knuckles...or a broken big toe(those rear bumpers arent as flexable as they seem)
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09:08 AM
qwikgta Member
Posts: 4670 From: Virginia Beach, VA Registered: Jan 2001
As for wiring.... i finished up my harness a while back. I have not put it on the motor yet, but im not ready. The main advice is get a set of the GM service manuals for the year motor/harness you are going to use. If you are mixing years/trans etc... you have to have all the books. I tried to use the DOHCFiero website and it got me most of the way, but in the end, you have to have the books. I have a few 91-93 books left, and one 96 book 2.
I had a second V6 harness and one off a 91 DOHC motor, i have the 91 manual ECM and its all going on a 96 motor. It was not that bad, but it took a long time. I did it on my kitchen table, traced each wire out and made the splice. The biggest ***** was that the 91 harness had several connections that did not fit on the 96 motor. I had to go to the yard and find a 96/7 3.1 motor and cut off the 6-7 wire ends that i needed.
Take your time, trace each wire and use the service manuals.
------------------ 88 TTop coupe (CJB #95), 96 3.4DOHC/5 speed in progress
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
Did I miss it, or have you yet to decide how to address the power steering pump issue? I am about to begin my 3.4 DOHC swap and am wondering what to do.
I have addressed it, but I have yet to find a M10x1.5 tap. Im just going to tap the upper PS mounting hole, and run an idler pulley. I went to a junkyard and snatched an idler bolt from another engine.
I am however having a heck of a time trying to get a flywheel. 2 weeks ago: I call zone, 88 fiero 2.8 flywheel, ~50$ 50 core, in stock 1 week ago: I call zone to check on clutches, same deal on flywheel call today, to double check core charge. It now costs 50 with 60 core, and is an order item call later today, it is now 50 with 35 core, order item, plus it'll cost me 15$ shipping I check online, its not even available according to thier website.
Now Im SOL, cause I need the flywheel to continue. Im just gonna get one from a junkyard I guess
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11:28 PM
Aug 10th, 2004
XzotikGT Member
Posts: 897 From: Spanaway, WA, USA Registered: Mar 2004
Tell them you need a clutch from a cavilier z24 like the 4.9 guys do and get a clutch for it tooo. They seem to run that setup with no problems, and even though my 3.4 has only been alive for a few days now, it seems to work just fine.
[This message has been edited by XzotikGT (edited 08-10-2004).]
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12:29 AM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
an early 90s. say a 91 cavalier Z24 5 speed flywheel, essencially the same flywheel as an 88 fiero. It is neutrally balanced and best part is, you can use a stock fiero clutch, I am. Bolds up and engages and disengages perfectly.
If you don't trust a stock fiero clutch you can always go to a spec clutch down the line but as mentioned bubbajoe uses a stock cavalier clutch with his 4.9s and it holds it just fine. Should hold the torque of a 3.4 no problem. You can use a cavalier z24 clutch but you will need to keep your fiero release bearing, trani specific.
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07:16 PM
qwikgta Member
Posts: 4670 From: Virginia Beach, VA Registered: Jan 2001
This is what i did for the PS pully. I used one off a 85-86 S-10 2.5L with no A/C. This is the A/C delete pully. It is the same size as the old PS pully. I found a bracket that fit perfect. It came off a parts car in the yard, a GM FWD (not sure) and it bolted to the PS location perfect. Didn't need any work at all. Sorry, there is no part # on the bracket or i'd share.
------------------ 88 TTop coupe (CJB #95), 96 3.4DOHC/5 speed in progress
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
This is what i did for the PS pully. I used one off a 85-86 S-10 2.5L with no A/C. This is the A/C delete pully. It is the same size as the old PS pully. I found a bracket that fit perfect. It came off a parts car in the yard, a GM FWD (not sure) and it bolted to the PS location perfect. Didn't need any work at all. Sorry, there is no part # on the bracket or i'd share.
It would be AWESOME if you could find out what you got that bracket off of! That's definitely the easiest, quickest, and probably cheapest solution I've seen yet. If it's a GM FWD car, chances are there's one in every junk yard in the US! If you're back at the yard, please look into finding out what that car was. Thanks!
Bryce 88 GT
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10:11 PM
qwikgta Member
Posts: 4670 From: Virginia Beach, VA Registered: Jan 2001
NO.... Believe it or not, I was walking the yard, i was not looking for anything specific..... I noticed that it had a pully on it, but it was the wrong set up. I think it had one less groove on the wheel. Anyway, i put it in my tool bag and a few weeks later pulled it out. I noticed that it had three bolt holes like the PS pump and i thought "wouldn't it be great if it bolted up" , i tried it and it did. The next step was to find a pully that would work. It had to be big enough to go over the bracket, but not to big to look stupid. I realized that the stock PS one was the right size but would not fit on the bracket. I went to the yard and pulled about 5-6 misc pullys and the one that worked perfect was the S-10 A/C delete pully. So, i have the set up, but can't remember where i got the bracket....... again, if it had a part number, id share it. All i remember is that it was on a new GM FWD motor, not even sure if it was for PS or not. Some reason i keep thinking it went to a newer GEO motor, but again, not sure.
I will keep looking
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10:17 PM
Aug 11th, 2004
ltlfrari Member
Posts: 5356 From: Wake Forest,NC,USA Registered: Jan 2002
The pulley I used is napa part num NBH38024. It is 109mm dia as opposed to 130 for my orig ps pulley. I don't know if this is the same pulley tho that qwikta used. I moved the mounting point up slightly which allowed me to use a standard length serpentine belt.
OHhh. I see. I thought you mean a newer cav with a 2.4L engine. that would have been news to me. After checking around in my systems at work, I found a listing for a 3.1L flywheel. Its going to be here day after tomorrow. Faster than autozone, and saved me the $15 shipping. I still cant believe they're charging for shipping now.
As far as the idler pulley, I borrowed a tap from a local shop and ran it right through there. No drilling nothing its the perfect size, and most GMs with idlers use the same 10x1.5 bolt.
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12:28 AM
Aug 15th, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long... Ive started "final" (is anything ever final with me ?!?) assembly of the engine. I installed the flywheel, clutch, and exaust cross over. Repaired some damaged wiring, installed the starter, and routed the harness. Im trying to figure out why my alt bracket is not lining up. There must have been some kind of spacing between it and the block, I think an engine mount.
Anyway, Im trying to get this thing ready to run, but I gotta get it out of the way to install an engine for a guy too. Maybe I can do both if all goes well
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12:34 AM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
I had the same problem with the altenator not wanting to mount properly... Took my father and I wiggling the crap out of it to get the bolts to line up. Did you reinstall the aluminum spacer for the altenator? It goes onto the long bolt just behind where the bolt goes through the altenator.
Keep the pics comming man!
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02:56 PM
System Bot
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Okay, im one thing short of sitting this thing in the car and seeing if it'll fire. On the ignition module, the left side under the big connector, there is another 2 pic connector. I think its a seperate cable or something. Im assuming it maybe goes to the crank sensor? Please let me know if Im right, or if I should be able to find the cabme in the main harness. Also where is the crank sensor? its not the in the middle of the block by the alt is it? Ive never seen a crank sensor that wasnt at either end of the engine before.
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11:51 PM
Aug 16th, 2004
ltlfrari Member
Posts: 5356 From: Wake Forest,NC,USA Registered: Jan 2002
Yes it's the crank sensor and is a seperate wire, it's not in the main harness. The sensor itself is located in the center of the block as you describe, that is the 3x sensor. There's a 24x sensor behind the crank pully dampner (well there is on mine anyway) that connects directly to the ECM if you are using the later auto ecm. If you are using the 9396 manual ecm you can ignore it.
Ahhh.... You know what threw me.... lol.... I plugged the VSS into the crank sensor. lol. Thats why I couldnt understand what was going on. I thought I remembered a seperate cable, but the I couldt figure out why I had a plug for the CSS. Sigh....
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11:48 AM
Aug 17th, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
well, I just bid on a 94 Grand Prix 3.4 DOHC on EBAY the only bidder, I sure hope it stays that way too already arranging shipping too incase it goes through...
86GT3.4DOHC thanks for posting this thread!!! I've been planning this swap for a long time, but you sinched it for me.... Hope you dont mind me bugging you if everything goes through with this purchase... (I have a back up purchase lined up too.. no shipping charges, but it costs 3 times as much oh well)
thanks again Josh
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01:09 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
After the "events" of yesterday, (sorry guys still not giving it up. maybe later tonight) Ive done some looking. Apprears that my heater hose is going to hit my pass rad hose. Ive got some straightening out to do. I can wait to get this thing on the road. Ive got the next 3 days off, BUT Ive got a car waiting that Im supposed to have started putting an engine into last sat. so imh gonna hafta start that soon. Hopefuly I can get the hoses straightnened out so I can run this for some length of time. Then its just make a dogbone, and place my wiring, and go. I'll worry about putting on a body and interior later lol
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10:38 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
Thoguht u guys might want some pics. Ive got the wires just draped for now, until I get some stuff straightened out. I have one odd problem, the fuel pump does not work. It appears the wires from the relay to the pump aernt right, but I dont think the relay is working either. Minor glitch. The other odd thing is that the ECM will not work unless I put 12v to the battery/jumper post on the DOHC harness, even though I fed 12v through the DOHC connector to what was supposed to be the B+ to the ECM
You'll notice the pictures are a little smoky.... wonder why
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11:19 PM
Aug 19th, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
After cranking I quickly realized it was not getting fuel, to verify this I popped off the return fuel line. nothing, bone dry... I hook the FP back up (I had it hot wired) and begin to think. Suddenly I hear the FP change tone. For whatever reason it picked that exact moment to start pumping. Gas shoots all over the drivers side of the engine bay at 60 PSI. I got it stopped soon enough though, just a little lost. I then get back to trouble shooting. Still thinking no gas getting into the engine. So I pull out an old trick, dump a little gas down the throttle body, a trick better suited for 4cyls. I crank it, and crank it, hmmm maybe I was wron KABOOOOOMMMMM.... wow that was lou FIRE everything within 8 inches of the throttle body is burning, including the rubber fuel lines with 60 PSI of gas pumping through them. I jump up, and first instict is to blow on it !@?!?@? WTF was I thinking, obviously that didnt work.... I then sprint out to grab the hose that I always keep handy, I see it run under 2 Fiero doors then around the side of the house, after pulling up 15' it gets stuck on something, and I sprint inside to the near bathroom, where I found a buck and recalled that I recently broke the handle off the faucet. I then run into the kitchen, throw the buck in the sink and ran to find pliers to turn on the bathtub. After getting it runing, I go back, take my 3 cups water toss it on the flaming engine, effectivly doing nothing. I run back in and get 1/2 bucket of water and toss it on there, good, now its a smaller fire. Another 1/4 bucket of water finaly put it out. It then dawns on me to turn off the fuel pump. Some wires are a little crispy, but all seems well...
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12:14 AM
System Bot
Aug 21st, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Im looking for some software to use with my engine swap, simular to WINALDL. Id prefer freeware or shareware. EDIT well, this wasnt supposed to be in this thread... but what the heck. Anyone using a laptop to scan thier engine? What software are you using?
[This message has been edited by 86GT3.4DOHC (edited 08-21-2004).]
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01:23 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Busy... pouring oil out of dis. plug, over 1 qt in 5 min. Also throwing code 34, and it wont start unless in diag mode, MAP sensor probably. Any tips on fixing the dis without pulling the head? Ive got the intakes off. I think im going to try to get an oring under it.
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01:28 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Oh yea, and I forgot. Got the cooling sys and belt installed. Filling it is a B*, im working on that. For the PS delete, I put a 76mm 6 rib pully in the top PS hole, and used a 95" belt. I think thats 1" longer than stock. Seems to work well
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01:32 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Well.. Its 630. I dont know what possessed me to work through the night, but here I am lol. I should have taken more pics, but heres what I did Tore the upper and middle intake off and fuel rail found out I cannot remove the distributor plug without removing the head. Boy that ticked me off pretty good I managed to slip an o ring on under the plug, hopefuly this will stop the flow of oil, an I mean flow, not leak.. While reassembling the top end, I re routed the vacum lines. The PCV and valve cover vents now run along the fuel rail. This will hopefuly give me a break from the traffic jam I was running into by the dog bone. I also moved the Evap solieniod left to make more room. I also inspected the fire damage. I was right, it didnt hurt anything, other than turing the tape into shrink wrap Im working on straightening out my converision harness, fixing my ECM power problem, and placing the ECM. The ECM is going to sit verticaly between the front of the battery tray, and the firewall. Theres just enough room for it to fit snugly I also replaced the plug wires. And made an exaust system
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06:46 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Okay, my exaust system. Heres the best part, Its STOCK. Thats right just a little trim off the end, and it bolts right into the car works great. Came off the 93 lumina that I got the engine from.
Its a little on the loud side.... You think this is street legal?
And heres my engine compartment, it doesnt look much better, but trust me it is.
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06:53 AM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
YEAAAWWWNNNNN Well, another 1 hour or some, another update. I found my fuel pump problem, as I had suspected faulty workmanship I forgot to connect the wires running from the oil sender/relay to the C203 connector. I did have it connected to the ALDL, but when I looked there were 2 little pigtails right next to eachother. Soildered those together, and it should work fine. Also found the problem with the ECM power. While there is a power that runs through the fusebox, apparently that is a switched power. The constant runs right off the jumper terminal. I didnt think to do anything with it, because I thought the fused on was the main power. I've got to splice into that circut somewhere, and that will be taken care of. Its all faling into place *evil laugh*
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08:10 AM
Aug 22nd, 2004
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
Well, sorry guys, looks like the DOHC is taking a back seat for a couple of days. I've got to install an engine in an 87GT. Was supposed to start LAST saturday oops. I pulled it in there at 9, and had the crade out by 1120. Not bad, but far from my normal times. Hopefuly Ill have it done in a couple of days. I do have a problem though, I just remembered, when I take an engine out, I stuff plastic bags in the coolant connections to stop leaks. Well, Im pretty sure I forgot to take some out . I hope they havent moved too far. I dont know what Ill do if they get stuck in the engine.
That and I cant figure out why Ive got gas puddling in the upper intake, and ever running out the throttle body.... Not good, especialy because it keeps backfiring, and the last time it did it started burning inside the engine.
I also need to figure out whats wrong with the map sensor. It was throwing 34, map low, I swapped the sensor, now it throws 33, map high.
I did get a lot done today. I re routed the wireing, repaired the rust on the battery tray, and placed the ECM between the battery tray and firewall. Everything really cleaned up well. Now If I can just get it running
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12:22 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004