This is the thread showing how I repair the frame rails. Usually the trunk corners are also gone along with the rail. You can click on that topic here When I removed the rear clip this is what I found on the passenger's side with similar corrosion on the other side.

Start by removing all the attached items and noted the locations of all clips and how the wiring harness is routed. Take pics before removing something. Special attention need to be paid to the location of the plastic bracket with two screws that spaces/supports the rear clip. You will need to drill two new holes in the new rail to reattach this bracket. Also note where the little pads where the clip bolts to, are located if one is gone. If you are unlucky and one is missing you may have to put the clip back on and locate the hole by transferring the hole from the clip. Then remove the rear clip again. One closest to the glass is for the Z-bracket that locates the grille, the other two bolts the clip down. In this car I was able to save the area where these little pads are welded on the original rail. I make these rails in pairs, so I took a pair and cut one end to fit this car. These rails are made out of 2x2x.070 wall square tubing, notched in four places, bent and welded. When done the rails match the original rails as seen in the following pic.
Here's the drivers side.

Again make sure the edges to be welded are touching the rail to avoid burn thru. I was told to use stitch welding and I like it. By removing bad sections with some kind of saw (I use a cutting wheel), it gives you clean material. Caution: experiment before you start if you're a newbie at welding. Also you cannot weld to rust, so make sure you have clean virgin metal. I use .023" solid wire with argon mix and use the push method. The driver's side was not as bad as the pass side. Note the amount of the old rail that was still good. Almost the entire top face allowed me to use clamps. The welded pic shows the pass side with hardly any lip to clamp. I had to use some long, some short welder clamps and normal c-clamps to weld the pass side. But perseverance (spelling?) is on my side. Here's the pass side all welded up.

After I had the new rails in place I had new metal to weld the trunk corners to. See my other thread "Fiero Restoration - Trunk Corners". Now add the new holes for the plastic bracket and any holes for the harness clips. The last IMPORTANT step is to take a 13/64" drill (1/64" larger than a 3/16") and drill the rail thru pads for the rear clip. If you don't the screw will not go thru cuz they are too long. If the hole you drill is too small you will end up breaking the screw. Too big of a drill and the screw will not pull down tight. Then screw the bolt in the holes before you put the clip on, to form the thread in the new hole and if it breaks it's easier to chase out. I proly have to edit this to add or fix sections so refer to the start again later.

Edited to add a drawing of the rail for those who want to build a set for themselves.

[This message has been edited by rubyredfiero (edited 04-05-2006).]