Thanks, That is what I'm hoping for I want to be as helpful as I can and to share with my Fiero friends. There may be some easier ways of doing it but This is my first Fiero to chop so I'm sure the next one would would be a little smother. Like the windshield I could do it without replacing it but I cracked it trying to start a hole to cut the bottom lose if I had used the right tool to cut the sealant that would not have happened and on the front pillars I cut too much out to lay the windshield back I would only cut a small v on the next but other than that is is going pretty smooth.
And the idea of chopping the top down like you did was a "thought" But I'm 6'-4" and would need to lower the seat in the freaking floor-pan to FIT ! lol
I missed it.. How much lower did you go?
I'm 5' 11" and if I had hair on top I would rub. The sun roof helps and the Mr. Mike seats sit lower than the OEM seats so that helps. I started out doing a 3" chop but it ended up a 4" I measured the back glass and there is 4" difference from the OEM and the one I made.
Originally posted by F355spider: I'm 5' 11" and if I had hair on top I would rub. The sun roof helps and the Mr. Mike seats sit lower than the OEM seats so that helps. I started out doing a 3" chop but it ended up a 4" I measured the back glass and there is 4" difference from the OEM and the one I made.
Good thing I have short hair ! lol, I have a Millermatic 251 and 20 years of welding so making lower tracks or even a lower floor-pan is not a problem (dontcha love welding?), I liked the whole "Convertible idea" when seeing the first one (coming to this site of course and many posts ago..)
Well back to work I put the plastic pice back in no modification needed Wipers back on getting the interior back in (for now plan on a swap latter mayby a Firebird I like Jscott and Wolfs interiers) I really like the Nissan but it is to hard to find for me here hey maby I will find a new one who knows.
I put the door molding retainers back this takes cutting the ends of the 3 pieces I used the same screw holes and made a new one at the end I cut off. The top piece can be straitened out some by putting pressure on it over your knee. Next I put the seal back in buy cutting it on the factory seams and black RTV 100 silicone it back together worked well
Pretty cool. When I first started reading, I thought you decided to whack the roof off the 355, then I saw it sitting next to the "project". keep up the good work....
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12:20 PM
87FieroGT Member
Posts: 491 From: Harlingen, TX, U.S.A. Registered: May 99
Nice work. Are you going to be at the Ruckus with the chop top in Austin on Oct. 8th and 9th? It would be nice to see another choptop in Texas again since the blue one left several years ago. Keep up the good work.
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05:20 PM
RacerX10 Member
Posts: 235 From: Russellville, AR Registered: May 2005
I ordered the 82 to 92 Camaro ones from Summit when they get here I will cut them to fit. I do not know about going to Austin if gas gets much higher I'll have to start making custom bicycles. LOL
Next week I plan to cut the springs to lower the car should I post it here or start the Mutt gets lowered thread? The chop is almost done I am still waiting on my 355 door panels and the rest of the body work will happen before I paint it as soon as the windows from Summit get here I will add that part too. I am also making a new hood for the car but got in a chop it mood. I guess I could take a break for a while. I drove the car it does get some looks even in need of paint.
[This message has been edited by F355spider (edited 08-31-2005).]
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07:25 PM
Will-Martin Member
Posts: 1164 From: DFW, TX, USA Registered: Aug 2002
25 years experience in building hot rods and paint and body. Some say I should do it for a living but I can not get chip Foose to return my calls LOL. Will Thanks, I will have the Mutt in Cleburne this morning I want to show it to my glass man ( I have something working) and go by and get my 355 door panels if they still have not started on them yet and take them elsewhere. If you are in town call me on my cell. I have to go into work tonight so I can not stay long. I also want to think every one for showing pictures of their chop tops it made me want one they look ssoooo good almost as good as some wives pictures I've seen in the other thread.
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09:03 AM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
I'm looking for someone to make the windshield for my chop t-top, you think your glass guy can help?
I will ask he is making me a glass back window that will be factory smoke when I see him again I will ask He can not make the side windows but when I get my lexan ones cut down he did say he can use them for a template to get glass ones made. If I can get real glass replacement windows I will consider doing others I have had a few ask if I would chop their car but I want to get the glass issue worked out first. I can now use my car as the prototype. The only problem I have on a group buy is the other chops are probly not the same as mine and would not fit but if Jscott1 and I could get the two together we could compare and see.
I got my Harwood side windows and I think they suck they are just flat cut lexan I thought they were curved and would look better who has them and did yours come that way
[This message has been edited by F355spider (edited 09-03-2005).]
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03:27 PM
fieroguru Member
Posts: 12413 From: Champaign, IL Registered: Aug 2003
This is the way my windows came in, I am very disappointed the edges are jagged and they are just flat lexan I'm going to try to send them back I could do this myself and save 200 bucks. In my opinion this is crap.
Wow.... I would have thought better of Summit than that. Thumbs down for Summit!
I canceled the Summit order was going to be another month to get them and ordered them from Lone star racing big mistake they are A$$holes and will not let me return them. I tried to use a die grinder and cut the side window down today and almost had it but when I started to go through it did this. all day wasted I also have been using the belt sander on one and it works but is so slow I will be sanding this window this time next year. I'm thinking about the sand blaster but I do not think it will work on a side window. I think I will give up for now and put in the lexan ones I can heat them and shape them for now.
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06:18 PM
Midshipman Easy Member
Posts: 198 From: San Antonio TX Registered: Dec 2003
Wow that is very cool that you tried cutting them.. would you be so kind as to describe in detail what went wrong? You meantion when you started to cut thru is when it shattered? How much did you remove sanding it down? what do you think of cutting it down with a die grinder and doing the cut thru with a sandblaster? I realize that its considered impossible to cut tempered glass but I love experimenting.
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07:24 PM
HellYes Member
Posts: 736 From: CLifton, IL 60927 Registered: Mar 2005
Just plain flat lexan? OMFG .. thanks for the heads up. I think I might have to form lexan over my stock windows with a heat gun and a few hours apiece instead. I figure if I start in the center of the window I can get the lexan to form to the curve without bubbling it. Patience and more patience. Working lexan takes a while. I used to have to bend it all the time at a previous job where we made pharmaceutical (sp?) inspection equipment.
Thank you, btw for the detailed build thread. I'll be copying you and learning from the mistakes. I can have my windshield R&R'd for like $55 locally. I'll have them do the rear also, and just pay them to replace whenI am ready. If I completely screw it up, I guess it'll be a roadster.
Wow that is very cool that you tried cutting them.. would you be so kind as to describe in detail what went wrong? You meantion when you started to cut thru is when it shattered? How much did you remove sanding it down? what do you think of cutting it down with a die grinder and doing the cut thru with a sandblaster? I realize that its considered impossible to cut tempered glass but I love experimenting.
I tried sanding, grinding and sand blasting today went through 4 side windows I'm finish that tempered glass is worse than my ex wife and she was one bad B. I'm going to go with the lexan for now and get my glass man to see about getting glass made.
Just plain flat lexan? OMFG .. thanks for the heads up. I think I might have to form lexan over my stock windows with a heat gun and a few hours apiece instead. I figure if I start in the center of the window I can get the lexan to form to the curve without bubbling it. Patience and more patience. Working lexan takes a while. I used to have to bend it all the time at a previous job where we made pharmaceutical (sp?) inspection equipment.
Thank you, btw for the detailed build thread. I'll be copying you and learning from the mistakes. I can have my windshield R&R'd for like $55 locally. I'll have them do the rear also, and just pay them to replace whenI am ready. If I completely screw it up, I guess it'll be a roadster.
I hope it works for you it really makes the Fiero look mean I drove mine up to Home Depot today and even needing paint there was a group of people looking at it when I came out. I will help just PM me if you get stuck.
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09:35 PM
Sep 7th, 2005
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
I hope it works for you it really makes the Fiero look mean I drove mine up to Home Depot today and even needing paint there was a group of people looking at it when I came out. I will help just PM me if you get stuck.
THat sounds like a story for the chop top chronicles thread !!
I did not know if my Chop Top counts because I did it and not that other guy. Anyhow moving on along I started making the Lexan windows today and got one in will do the other tomorrow. To me the side windows are the hardest part of the Chop. But one I get my templates made I'm getting glass made. I'm hopping to be the first with all glass that I know off. Well talk is cheap here are some more pictures.
****ing bad ass is all I have to say! Too bad I don't have the time and tools to do that myself. How much would it cost to have somebody else chop my fastback?