Turboguy327 - Sounds like you found a great deal. Just a few thoughts. The oil return fitting on the oil pan is supposed to be placed 1" below the top of the pan, normally on the rear side, but as noted above, either side is OK. The gravity flow return has to enter the oil pan above the oil level in the pan. The standard return fitting is a -10AN fitting, which you can get at any speed shop. There are two types, the bolt through kind and the kind that has to be welded in place. Welding is better, bolt through is easier, but if the inside bolt ever loosens because of vibration, you are kind of screwed. Also, do not use rubber oil lines, buy the braided stainless lines at the speed shop. And get the "FACTORY" manufactured ones specific to the length you need.If you make your own, you may spring a leak; really messy.
I think you are better off cutting the exhaust connection to the manifold and having a good welding shop do the work for you. Ed
[This message has been edited by Firefighter (edited 03-24-2007).]