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UNbiased opinion wanted by Tha Driver
Started on: 11-12-2007 06:26 PM
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Last post by: Cliff Pennock on 08-14-2008 10:23 AM
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Report this Post11-15-2007 11:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ToddsterSend a Private Message to ToddsterDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Notice Todd hasn't been back since he posted that screen shot of the email that proved I was right about not requesting the extra photo....

As far as I am concerned you can sit here and circle jerk all you like kid. You have issues. Yes, I made a mistake listing the mats under the NEW category. An honest mistake which anyone could have made since I clearly described them as USED in the description. I do a lot of copy an paste when I list auctions and the last thing I listed prior to this item was a NEW shifter. As for the post above from eBay it clearly shows that I WAS telling the truth in that someone DID ask for photos of the back of the mat. I can't be expected to know everysingle persons eBay ID when I have litterally received hundreds of emails in the last 2 weeks. Despite which it does NOT alleviate YOUR obligation under both common sense and the specific terms of the auction to satisfy yourself by asking questions BEFORE you bid.

You made a mistake too.

The difference between us is that I am man enough to acknowledge my own errors and I do not post my personal dirty laundry on a forum in a pitiful attempt to gain some level of personal validation by a bunch of strangers.

Mike, PM replied to. I'll ship the mats tomorrow. I know your good for the money. Paypal me whenever.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-15-2007 02:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ohioindy:

I am not trying to be ruthless or pi$$ anyone off.
I just have some major issues with this entire scenario.
One thing that really bakes my potatoes is I did not out bid Paul on these because he was a member of the forum. I debated for several minutes weather or not to snipe him, but felt it better not to. I have 3 sets of these and, as mentioned above by the man from Texas, one set is in a box in my closet. So I decided to pass on them. The auction ended, he won, I thought, sweet they went to a good home for a good price. Then I read this thread saying he got screwed….WTF???
Then I make Paul an offer to receive the mats and if he wasn’t happy I’ll give him what he paid for them
“editor’s note…I would be paying for shipping from Todd to Paul and also shipping from Paul to me”.
That offer was shot down immediately.
Like I said before this was nothing but bad timing with the posting of the pic of the back of the mat. I seriously doubt Todd was trying to get one over on you. But he is trying to get top dollar for the items he is selling, just like every E-Bay seller out there. He has not been on line, probably because he has a life “unlike some of us” and this is a hobby. Don’t get me wrong I’m not butt kissing Todd he has said some things on this forum that has raised my blood pressure.
But I read threads all the time from many other members that inflame me. But I just let it go.
Remember kids….this place is a playground. Play nice or you will have to stay inside during recess.

I don’t need anymore friends…I have 6…That’s all I need to carry my casket.

I don't think you did anything to peeve anyone. You responded with an opinion of the condition of the mat, which is all I ever wanted from this thread. If someone dosen't like that it's their problem.
Really you knew it was me (a member here) that was bidding? I didn't realize that anyone here knew my ebay username; I certainly didn't know anyones' (know todds now).
As for the offer, I suggested you buy them directly from todd to save you shipping. I thought that was OK - was it not?
As for todd, I wouldn't have a problem with him if he had simply refused to accept my offer to void the auction. (although I think I was being reasonable in my request.) Instead he gets this attitude (all because he thinks *I* requested the extra photo) & then jumps in here (where I'm simply trying to get opinions on the condition of the mat) & starts calling me names & screwing up the thread/forum/peoples' sanity - showing what a jerk he is. Calling me a pinhead, bastard, & other crap was enough for me to decide to not *ever* do business with him. I never believed he was trying to rip me off, just that he was way off base in his description. I started this thread to get opinions of the condition 'cause I thought if he was a reasonable man he would see my point. I can now see he's not reasonable.
No one has an issue with you Indy.
Edit: Wait, woah; did I say I got screwed? I sure don't remember that....
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

I checked today and... this is the oldest I've ever been.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 11-15-2007).]

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-15-2007 02:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by CenTexIndy:

Tha Driver - nice collection you've got going. Are you REALLY going to let this little incident stop you from showing your car?

It's always fun to show the Indy with all that stuff....don't let the mats become an appear to have more passion than to let something as simple (yes, simple) as this incident keep you from doing it.

If you really have proof that your car was one of the Festival Cars, PLEASE make sure that we get your VIN so that we can get more info on the cars that were at the track for the 500.

Please don't let this floor mat thing allow an Indy to not be shown.

Damn dude that's some collection you have!!! The room I live in (I don't have a house) is not a lot bigger than your collection room.
I don't know if I'll show it or not. It's gonna cost 50 bucks to put it in the World Of Wheels. I'll probably take it to a couple local shows next year - they don't cost much. I'm DEFINATELY *over* spending any more money on the car, though. Other than keeping it on the road I'm not gonna do much of anything to it. I'll spend my hard-earned money on my other projects. Hell they're going to be much more fun anyway with V8s & custom bodies & such.
I do plan to send the VIN to Rick to put on his list. As for proof, it has what's left (very little) of the Flag Lot sticker on the winshield, & I got the envelope from Indy that it supposedly came in. I'm sure it was a parade lap car, but who's to say that's *proof*? I contacted Indy (museum division) but never heard back from them.
I also have a LOT of other paperwork that came with the car new.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

Remember 1/2 of the population is below average.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 11-15-2007).]

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-15-2007 02:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by Toddster:
As far as I am concerned you can sit here and circle jerk all you like kid. You have issues. Yes, I made a mistake listing the mats under the NEW category. An honest mistake which anyone could have made since I clearly described them as USED in the description. I do a lot of copy an paste when I list auctions and the last thing I listed prior to this item was a NEW shifter. As for the post above from eBay it clearly shows that I WAS telling the truth in that someone DID ask for photos of the back of the mat. I can't be expected to know everysingle persons eBay ID when I have litterally received hundreds of emails in the last 2 weeks. Despite which it does NOT alleviate YOUR obligation under both common sense and the specific terms of the auction to satisfy yourself by asking questions BEFORE you bid.

You made a mistake too.

The difference between us is that I am man enough to acknowledge my own errors and I do not post my personal dirty laundry on a forum in a pitiful attempt to gain some level of personal validation by a bunch of strangers.

Mike, PM replied to. I'll ship the mats tomorrow. I know your good for the money. Paypal me whenever.

You STILL think im a kid???
I never had an issue with the "new" catagory. Did I ever say anything about that?
Well you accused *me* OVER & OVER of asking you for the extra photo EVEN AFTER I REPEADEDLY TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME!!!! You just can't seem to get *any* facts straight.
Yeah I made a mistake in taking your word for the condition & then I tried to work it out so that it wouldn't cost you anything - MY MISTAKE!
Just remember YOU are the one that started the argument here when all I ever wanted was opioions on the condition of the mat. YOU were the one that kept INSISTING that *I* requested the extra photo. YOU have still not admitted you were wrong about that just that "I can't be expected to know everysingle persons eBay ID". Well I suggest you keep the IDs straight from now on....
What better place to get opinions on the codition of the mat than a forum where folks know the subject matter? STRANGERS give the most UNBIASED opinions! Which BTW you seem to have completely ignored.
Edit: Here is the summary:
1) 4-5
2) the driver side doesn't look like a "9"
3) Based on the condition of the front side of the drivers side mat alone I don't think thay should be called a nine.
4) This is my opinion as well (response to # 3 above)
5) I'd give them a 7, but no way a 9
6) definitely not a 9
7) I certainly don't think they're a "solid 9".
8) Definitely not a "solid" 9
9) solid 9 out of 10? probably. but, I am basing this on how much better do you think is possible to find? (a mis-guided person that thinks it's a sliding scale ;-)
10) post up the email where he asked for pics. If it is him then i say he had a chance to see them, if not then let him split the ebay fees and relist them it sounds like a fair deal
11) Ditto. Man up and post the email.
12) I vote 5.5 out of 10
13) they are not a 9
14) those mats are not 9 out of 10
15) I would say those are in great condition considering that they are better than 9 out of 10 other mats in cars right now. a fiero around here in michigan, is a 9/10 car even if it has typical rust in the trunk and such (another sliding scale ;-)
16) driver side mat looks a little used and about a 6-7
17) Todd, Did you overstate the condition of the mats? Yes.
ONLY folks that thought they're anywhere near a nine were of the opinion that there are no "perfect 10s" & were going to a sliding scale. THIRTEEN for less than 9; TWO using a sliding scale said 9. What does that tell you?
(end edit)
The difference between us is that I tried to work it out & YOU were not man enough to do so.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

Some people are like a Slinky, not good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 11-15-2007).]

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Report this Post11-15-2007 03:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for buddycraiggSend a Private Message to buddycraiggDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by CenTexIndy:

BTW - here is some of my stuff:

you need help...
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Report this Post11-15-2007 03:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for buddycraiggSend a Private Message to buddycraiggDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by Toddster:
by a bunch of strangers.

yeah, you cant get any stranger than this group
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Report this Post11-15-2007 03:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for CenTexIndySend a Private Message to CenTexIndyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by buddycraigg:

you need help...

on so many different levels.....
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Report this Post11-15-2007 04:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ohioindyClick Here to visit ohioindy's HomePageSend a Private Message to ohioindyDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post11-15-2007 04:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for darkhorizonSend a Private Message to darkhorizonDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ohioindy:

x2, You need to buy them, and get over yourself. I dont think there is any reason these would not pass as a show quality mat for the IMO low price you paid for them.
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Report this Post11-15-2007 06:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JazzManSend a Private Message to JazzManDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
You STILL think im a kid???

Tha Driver, you apparently haven't spent time in OT and have had to deal with Toddster's particular style of disagreeing with people.

I looked at the pictures and no, Toddster's (admitted) mistake in choosing "new" as their category was not correct. Also, on my scale of 10 being perfect OEM and 0 being a few tattered pieces of red yarn stuck to rotted bits of rubber, I'd rate them somewhere around a 5 or 6, certainly nowhere near an 8 or 9. As to the timings of when and how pictures were requested and posted it's obvious mistakes were made, especially when Toddster assumed that you were the one that requested them. I personally don't deal with ebay because of the way people "make" mistakes, deliberate or otherwise.

Given his past behavior, I suspect that you'll get a negative feedback on ebay, for rebuttal I suggest you post a link to this thread and to a search of Toddster's name in OT, that should make things more clear about the value of that negative feedback to others interested in doing business with you. You've been professional and straightforward in this entire ordeal, even in not mentioning Toddster's name, someone else had to bring that up. I think you've bent over backwards to be fair and honest in this, and am sorry you've had to put up with the result.


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Report this Post11-15-2007 08:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SuperchargedV6Send a Private Message to SuperchargedV6Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by JazzMan:

Tha Driver, you apparently haven't spent time in OT and have had to deal with Toddster's particular style of disagreeing with people.

I looked at the pictures and no, Toddster's (admitted) mistake in choosing "new" as their category was not correct. Also, on my scale of 10 being perfect OEM and 0 being a few tattered pieces of red yarn stuck to rotted bits of rubber, I'd rate them somewhere around a 5 or 6, certainly nowhere near an 8 or 9. As to the timings of when and how pictures were requested and posted it's obvious mistakes were made, especially when Toddster assumed that you were the one that requested them. I personally don't deal with ebay because of the way people "make" mistakes, deliberate or otherwise.

Given his past behavior, I suspect that you'll get a negative feedback on ebay, for rebuttal I suggest you post a link to this thread and to a search of Toddster's name in OT, that should make things more clear about the value of that negative feedback to others interested in doing business with you. You've been professional and straightforward in this entire ordeal, even in not mentioning Toddster's name, someone else had to bring that up. I think you've bent over backwards to be fair and honest in this, and am sorry you've had to put up with the result.



+1 for you You summed it up fairly professional and to a T. Rick

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Report this Post11-15-2007 08:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for budsSend a Private Message to budsDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by SuperchargedV6:
+1 for you You summed it up fairly professional and to a T. Rick

+2 for you.....I'd say they were a 5-6 on my scale.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-15-2007 10:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by JazzMan:

Tha Driver, you apparently haven't spent time in OT and have had to deal with Toddster's particular style of disagreeing with people.

I looked at the pictures and no, Toddster's (admitted) mistake in choosing "new" as their category was not correct. Also, on my scale of 10 being perfect OEM and 0 being a few tattered pieces of red yarn stuck to rotted bits of rubber, I'd rate them somewhere around a 5 or 6, certainly nowhere near an 8 or 9. As to the timings of when and how pictures were requested and posted it's obvious mistakes were made, especially when Toddster assumed that you were the one that requested them. I personally don't deal with ebay because of the way people "make" mistakes, deliberate or otherwise.

Given his past behavior, I suspect that you'll get a negative feedback on ebay, for rebuttal I suggest you post a link to this thread and to a search of Toddster's name in OT, that should make things more clear about the value of that negative feedback to others interested in doing business with you. You've been professional and straightforward in this entire ordeal, even in not mentioning Toddster's name, someone else had to bring that up. I think you've bent over backwards to be fair and honest in this, and am sorry you've had to put up with the result.



Thanks for that. I'm not sure if I've ever even been to OT. I just check out this & the mall. I check the tech forum to glean info & to post help for others. After all I've been building custom cars for nearly 40 years. The mall of course to find & sell parts (not much luck selling, though - but I *have* sold a couple hood vents of my own design (have one to sell now BTW). Come to think of it not much luck buying either: most shtuff that I'm looking for people want more than I can afford.
I really don't care about the neg. feedback; I'm sure I''ll get that. Hell I'd get that even if I had paid & got the mats, 'cause I would have left him a neg. for mis-reprsenting the item. I still have a very good rating (he'll only be the second to leave a negative). Truth is I don't care if I ever buy anything from egay again, although I *do* get a good deal there every once in a while. If not for good deals I couldn't afford to build any of my projects. But more & more I think egay is just not worth the hassle & chances you take. Maybe Craig's list is where I should look. I found a set of racing seats there for my solo project & the guy brought them by for $75. They're like new & new would have cost me $120 + shipping.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

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Report this Post11-15-2007 10:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for KurtAKXSend a Private Message to KurtAKXDirect Link to This Post
I swore I wouldn't post in here after reading what this was about, but **** it, I decided to be positive.

I don't really give a fucq what you're all arguing about, since I see validity on both sides, but I'd like to see Indy stuff preserved since I am looking to someday own an Indy (being that my bday is May 27 1984 and all).

Why not just coat the back of the mat with some of that vinyl tool-handle dip or something to make sure it stays together and in good condtion?

Hey Driver, why not get some black rubber floor mats for daily driving to preserve what you've already got?

When I get my Indy, its gonna get a set of thick black ribbed floormats just like my old man put in his 86 SE V6 when it was new. They're called PantsSavers, and anybody daily-driving around ruining stock floormats should be flogged.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-15-2007 11:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by KurtAKX:

I swore I wouldn't post in here after reading what this was about, but **** it, I decided to be positive.

I don't really give a fucq what you're all arguing about, since I see validity on both sides, but I'd like to see Indy stuff preserved since I am looking to someday own an Indy (being that my bday is May 27 1984 and all).

Why not just coat the back of the mat with some of that vinyl tool-handle dip or something to make sure it stays together and in good condtion?

Hey Driver, why not get some black rubber floor mats for daily driving to preserve what you've already got?

When I get my Indy, its gonna get a set of thick black ribbed floormats just like my old man put in his 86 SE V6 when it was new. They're called PantsSavers, and anybody daily-driving around ruining stock floormats should be flogged.

Well I was going to do that with aftermarket mats, saving the original ones for shows. It also has what I believe to be factory seat covers (slip over to preserve the seats). I was going to get a set of seats covered similiar to the originals for daily driving & swap in the originals for shows. But screw it: I took off the seat covers & plan to drive it that way & I don't care if the seats are worn to hell from driving it with jeans. It looks better without the seat covers. I doubt I'll show it much anyway, & I'm sure not going to spend any more money on it now.
Anyone want the covers? Make me an offer. I'll email a pic of them.
Edit: So flog me.
Hey Indy are you going to post the other pic I sent (did you get it)?
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

It's been so long since I've had sex, I can't remember who gets tied up.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 11-15-2007).]

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Report this Post11-15-2007 11:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for CurlrupSend a Private Message to CurlrupDirect Link to This Post
Life is too short let it go folks, just let it go. Have a beer watch Futurama on Adult Swim and work on your cars, and everything else will fall into place. Karma is a ***** sometimes.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-16-2007 02:04 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Curlrup:

Life is too short let it go folks, just let it go. Have a beer watch Futurama on Adult Swim and work on your cars, and everything else will fall into place. Karma is a ***** sometimes.

Don't drink beer.
Since I moved 2 years ago I only have a small *indoor* antenna sitting up on the roof. Usually get 2 channels clear; I ALWAYS get the @#$%^&* SPANISH channel clear!!!! (guess what language we use here in the US of A? Hint: It's NOT SPANISH. It REALLY p***es me off that the ONLY channel that ALWAYS comes in clear is in a language for #$%^&* ILLEGAL aliens!!!!
I REALLY miss the Jap anime on Adult Swim..... Did they ever do anymore Cowboy Bebop? Finish translating Sailor Moon? (not Adult Swim I know but I love Sailor Moon)
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

I'm so poor, my bologna has no first name.
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Report this Post11-16-2007 09:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for CenTexIndySend a Private Message to CenTexIndyDirect Link to This Post
Here is the other pic. Ohio is a bit busy today, so I am posting it.

Car looks good. Don't let it go to waste, but have fun driving it. The cars were meant to be driven.

I hope you don't mind me asking: "Where did you buy that car?"
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Report this Post11-16-2007 08:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 2002z28ssconvClick Here to visit 2002z28ssconv's HomePageSend a Private Message to 2002z28ssconvDirect Link to This Post
I didn't think that eBay let you change descriptions after a bid gets placed. I understand why the allow pictures to be added though. But the LATE addition of that picture is a change in the description in my eyes. If the failing backing surface had been mentioned in the description, totally different circumstance! But that picture (worth 1,000 words by the way) was an absolute change in description. An ethical seller would have allowed an earlier bid to be retracted, relisted the item with all pictures present and moved on. He even admits that he described it poorly. Just another one of those $75-9/10-Indy-Floor-Mat-too-good-to-be-true stories.

I bought a $300 hood for a 67 GTO once (~1997) that was supposed to be perfect condition. "Just paint to match and bolt on." When I got it, it looked like it had been driven through a picket fence. The front edge was all beat up. And it didn't happen in shipment unless the freight company happened to drop it into tubs of bondo.

Lesson = Never buy anything in used condition from a location too far away to "visit" if the seller misrepresents the item.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post11-20-2007 02:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Update (if anyone is interested :-)
Todd sent ebay for a "Unpaid Item Mutual Agreement", which I agreed to (simply told them that the item was not as described & we mutually agree to not go through with the transaction). He is now released from paying the ebay fees.
I got the following follow-up from ebay:
"Dear drivertoo,
The dispute involving Fiero Indy Pace Car Floor mats (#170164542893) has been closed by mutual agreement.
You are released from any obligations to sold!!!! regarding this item.
Thank you,
Too bad he couldn't just do this to start with... But anyway, we'll still be able to leave feedback. Will be interesting to see what he says.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

Since I gave up hope I feel much better.
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Report this Post11-20-2007 02:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for darkhorizonSend a Private Message to darkhorizonDirect Link to This Post
TODDSTER got owned, I guess someone that will appreciate something as rare as this now.
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Report this Post12-15-2007 03:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Well of course as expected Toddqueer left me negative feedback. NOT expected was he called me a freaking THEIF!!!! How in hell am I a THEIF??? We mutually agreed to void the auction & it didn't cost him a DIME. He got a dollar MORE for the mats through this thread - what was stolen from him?
I also left negative feedback: I believe the purpose of feedback is to be honest so that others can avoid getting ripped off like I have so many times on ebay. I'm sure not going to leave pos. feedback when something was miss-represnted like this & EVERYONE agrees with me.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"
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Report this Post12-16-2007 12:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ToddsterSend a Private Message to ToddsterDirect Link to This Post
You have some nerve. YOU left me negative feedback first and the time stamp proves it. YES we DID agree to let this go and just like with the auction YOU were the one to violate the agreement. I was willing to be big about this and let this stupid thread and this ridiculous arguement over a set of mats die. You yourself confessed the real reason you backed out wasn't the condition but that you were out of money in your thread in the Mall. And the guy who bailed your ass out by buying them has repeatedly stated that you are wrong about the condition.

YET, you want to keep this pissing contest going. I'll clue you in on a little geography. I live in the Silicon Valley. Half of my neighbors and friends and clients work at eBay. Let me just say this about your negative feedback. KEEP WATCHING IT....while you can.

You're in the wrong. Let it go.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post12-16-2007 02:03 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Toddster:

You have some nerve. YOU left me negative feedback first and the time stamp proves it. YES we DID agree to let this go and just like with the auction YOU were the one to violate the agreement. I was willing to be big about this and let this stupid thread and this ridiculous arguement over a set of mats die. You yourself confessed the real reason you backed out wasn't the condition but that you were out of money in your thread in the Mall. And the guy who bailed your ass out by buying them has repeatedly stated that you are wrong about the condition.

YET, you want to keep this pissing contest going. I'll clue you in on a little geography. I live in the Silicon Valley. Half of my neighbors and friends and clients work at eBay. Let me just say this about your negative feedback. KEEP WATCHING IT....while you can.

You're in the wrong. Let it go.

What a freaking IDIOT!!!
YES I left negative feedback; THAT'S WHAT IT'S FOR!!! To let others know how you act & not to deal with JERKS LIKE YOU! I NEVER agreed to not leave negative feedback & IN FACT *always* said I was going to. I knew YOU would too!

I HAVE the money for the mats & DID have at the damn time. In the mall I said I was short of enough money for my other projects & since I got SO MUCH BULLCRAP FROM YOU I decided to not show the car nor spend any more money on it & instead spend it on my other projects.
The "guy who bailed me out" AGREED with me & EVERYONE ELSE that the mats WERE NOT a "9"! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO QUOTE HIM???? QUOTE: "And for the record they are not a 9 if they are the ones I got 2 years ago on E bay are a 15"! What part of "NOT A 9" don't you understand?

You always state lies like they were facts to try to twist everything around. I'm surprised ANYONE would EVER deal with you!
So NOW you're THREATENING me with having your FRIENDS AT EBAY leave negative feedback that I DON'T DESERVE??? Let me tell you if your "friends" at ebay are ANYTHING like you I'll never buy anything from there again. I was going to let it go but now I'll show them this thread & see what they think.
YOU'RE the one in the WRONG & just won't LET IT GO.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"
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Report this Post12-16-2007 02:05 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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BTW: PLEASE explain how I'm a freaking THEIF!!!!
If anything YOU ripped off ebay 'cause you sold the mats as a result of the auction & DIDN'T PAY THEM ANY FEES!
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 12-16-2007).]

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Report this Post12-16-2007 10:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for antinull.comSend a Private Message to antinull.comDirect Link to This Post
wow i love it when new pictures showing how bad an item is pop up AFTER you bid.... yeah...
calling them a 9/10 then one day after someone bids putting a picture in there showing how bad they are?
Thats what is making ebay a shitty place to buy things.

oh hey, he called you a theif THATS slander. he didn't loose any money and you took nothing from him. you should bring it to court.

[This message has been edited by (edited 12-16-2007).]

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Report this Post12-16-2007 01:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AutoTechSend a Private Message to AutoTechDirect Link to This Post
I like how in Toddsters feedback section he says that Driver never paid and that the "2nd Chance Buyer VERY pleased w/condition".

You moron, there IS NO 2nd chance buyer, Driver was the ONLY BID. Sounds like someone has the tendency to lie quiet often.
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Report this Post12-16-2007 04:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Yeah & admitting his "second chance buyer" is happy shows that he sold the mats anyway, without paying ebay their fees.
I've sent them a letter (email) complaining about him & telling them everything he's done, including threatening to alter our feedback through his friends who are ebay employees on a public forum. If they have any concern at all for their users they'll take some action this time.
~ Paul
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Report this Post01-02-2008 12:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Mickey_MooseSend a Private Message to Mickey_MooseDirect Link to This Post
wow - you keep saying you want to drop this, yet keep posting (and starting new threads on this topic that Cliff has had to close)...

...and that is all I have to say...

[This message has been edited by Mickey_Moose (edited 01-02-2008).]

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Report this Post01-02-2008 02:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fastback 86Send a Private Message to Fastback 86Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Mickey_Moose:

wow - you keep saying you want to drop this, yet keep posting (and starting new threads on this topic that Cliff has had to close)...

...and that is all I have to say...

...says the guy who bumped this thread 2 weeks after the last post in it.
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Report this Post01-02-2008 03:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for buddycraiggSend a Private Message to buddycraiggDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fastback 86:
...says the guy who bumped this thread 2 weeks after the last post in it.

the driver had two other threads going but they got closed.
so this thread was the only one still open for him to respond in.
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Report this Post01-02-2008 06:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fastback 86Send a Private Message to Fastback 86Direct Link to This Post
Or just let it drop with the closed threads.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post01-02-2008 06:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
The other threads WERE NOT ABOUT THIS.
PLEASE read them; I made reference for the sake ......oh phoque it! Apparently you idiots can't read anyway.
I'm not going to be posting ANYTHING here for awhile. The 38% has WON AGAIN!
I may even sell the indy. Something 2 days ago I said I wouldn't do for 10 times what I paid for it. I'm so tired of this sh!t I don't care if I ever SEE another Fiero again! I'm going back to work on my other projects.
Later (a lot later),
~ Paul
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Report this Post01-02-2008 07:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for buddycraiggSend a Private Message to buddycraiggDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
The other threads WERE NOT ABOUT THIS.
PLEASE read them; I made reference for the sake ......oh phoque it! Apparently you idiots can't read anyway.

i guess this idiot can read. because i did read them.

how many forum rules are you going to break???
Don't try to circumvent the censor system.
Do not start threads about other threads.
No "Rate me" threads.
No cross-posting.

thread #1 points to this thread.
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
My rating finaly got up enough to show up. As you can see, THANKS TO TODD & HIS FRIENDS, it's altready nearly at 50% negative because he mis-represented an item on ebay & then brought the fight here. I TRIED to get OPINONS ON THE CONDITION OF THE ITEM, & he jumped in & started telling lies & calling me names in his very first post.
Now they're ganging up on me at the Pace Car site, all the while claiming I'M the one who "won't drop it"! BTW they haven't droped it here either. Todd's latest post claims he had his friend's at ebay replace his negative & neutral feedback (after having them remove it!), but if it's there it's so far down that no one will ever see it. (it's no longer in chronological order)
ANYWAY, all the good people here that I've helped (& maybe those tired of todd's bullsh!t) need to leave me a "+" to keep me from getting kicked off. Also, those that need to contact me in the future please realize that if todd & his buddies succeed in getting me banned, I'll no longer be able to get in touch with you. Please email me at ImThaDriver at yahoo if this happens. I'm posting this here & in the mall 'cause that's where most of my threads are (helping people & buying/selling parts), & therefore this is where you're most likely to see it. I hope Cliff dosen't move it.
And todd this time STAY THE PHOQUE OUT OF MY THREAD!!! If you had done so in the first place NONE OF THIS BULLSH!T WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

thread #2 point to thread #1, which points to this thread.
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

i'm not a todd supporter, in fact just last week I told him to not let the door hit him on the way out.
but your shenanigans are starting to annoy me.
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Report this Post01-02-2008 07:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for pontiacman63383Send a Private Message to pontiacman63383Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by buddycraigg:
but your shenanigans are starting to annoy me.

hehe, you said "shenanigans"

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Report this Post01-03-2008 03:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
I didn't think posting links to other threads was cross-posting. If that's what cross-posting is, most of the threads here are against the rules. I thought cross-posting was posting the same thing (including topic, subject mater, text, etc.) in different forums.
None of my threads are about other threads. They may make reference to other threads, like a large percentage of posts here.
I didn't know asking folks for a "+" if I had helped them was against the rules.
I've only posted language that I've seen elsewhere, except for that "P" word (I don't think I've seen that anywhere).
BTW I'm only back for this post 'cause I get email notifications. I long ago got the opinions I wanted on the conditrion of the mat, then todd jumped in telling lies & started a bunch of crap that escalated to the point that I no longer want anything to do with Fieros or this place for awhile. I only want to sell what I can Fiero related so that I don't have to move the crap in the future & to get money for my other projects.
Thank you,
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 01-10-2008).]

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Report this Post01-04-2008 09:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for chrismclubmSend a Private Message to chrismclubmDirect Link to This Post
I would never pay 75 dollars for those, eww. You can probably buy red floor mats from another vendor (other than those on ebay). There are a lot of scammers on ebay.

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Report this Post01-06-2008 12:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Back On HolidaySend a Private Message to Back On HolidayDirect Link to This Post
I rarely pick sides, well.... I try 9 out of 10 times to behave myself + for drivertoo, as much as the X-Posting and Blah Blah he posted, He made a honest attempt to work things out and was backed into a corner by bullying. I've seen Toddsters shenanigans, and quite a few other people are annoyed at him for his attitude, his clear lack of research (winning bidder = Drivertoo) (msg from Nakedwanderer) posting the pics 16 hours before the end of the auction, hell I dont even check if I already bid on something, if im sniped im sniped.... I do like the idea posted about how to fix the bottom... the P/S mat is a solid 9 from the top, the D/S mat is like a trouser chili 7 at the most, or maybe a solid rip your ring as you push 6. I wouldnt worry too much Drivertoo, enuf people will avoid Sold!!! - just lay low and dont piss off Cliff anymore with X-Posting and you'll be fine.

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Report this Post01-06-2008 08:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Francis TClick Here to visit Francis T's HomePageSend a Private Message to Francis TDirect Link to This Post
Unbiased openions are useless. Whereas if you have knowledge of the topic you, you will certainly lean in one direction or the other. Only those with no knowledge can be truely unbiased and wants wants thier opinon? Just wnated to throw that out there, yeah t was no help.


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Tha Driver
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Report this Post01-10-2008 01:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Francis T:

Unbiased openions are useless. Whereas if you have knowledge of the topic you, you will certainly lean in one direction or the other. Only those with no knowledge can be truely unbiased and wants wants thier opinon? Just wnated to throw that out there, yeah t was no help.

Yeah that's pretty much no help at all. Anyone that looks at the photo can give an unbiased opinion on the condition.
I've been asked to post this (read it for yourself); it's an email I got:
This guy (toddster/sold!!!!) was a real jerk. I purchased a complete salvaged fiero t-top from him for about $1000. He specifically stated in the listing what great shape the weatherstriping aroud the door was in. When I got the item the seals were complete garbage. Holes worn thru, lots of rips due to sloppy removal and the door seal on one side was actually ripped into two pieces!!! He refused to negotiate anything. I spent huge effort working thru all the eBay hoops but finally got a refund, all but shipping which was about $250. Then the bastard put in a claim agaimst me saying I wrecked the item. Apparently ebay paid him out some money too...but who knows?? The guy is a total liar. He did all the same things. First, lie...about the item, lie in the investigation, make threats, make claims about all his silicone valley friends. This guy keeps this up, somebody is going to find out where he lives and settle the score the old fashioned way....kick the f****** s*** (censored by me - Paul) out of him....thats what he deserves!!!

Please post this response on Pennocks...and forward to eBay. I will cooperate in any investigation done by any party. I will even give my name, telephone number, etc to anybody who wants to contact me on the incident. The worst experience I have had on eBay by far....and one of the worst purchase experiences ever. I made the same recommendation to eBay....this guy should be banned for LIFE.
I think he is ex military...maybe that is where his 'f*** you' attitude comes from. And his job now...he is in real estate. How would you like to buy a home from a liar like this.
P***K, P***K, P***K, P***K
What else is there to stay.
Best regards
Bob is the one that posted his email in his feedback if you want to contact him.
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

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