not realy any new progress this weekend. I spent the whole weekend in classes. last night I was able to do a little welding before I ran out of wire. the out side is almost complete but I still have to do the whole inside. it is a lot of work I will not lie. I am having to jump around with the welding and re check everything as I go to make sure it does not move and it stays where I put it. so far so good. I hope to have the chassis done this week and start back on the body. I will keep everyone posted.
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08:03 AM
Posts: 1020 From: Summerville S.C Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by whodeanie: I will not be posting detailed pic's of the chop or any information on it. as part of the deal I made with Archie. the pic's above are as detailed as I will get on the chop. sorry!
I'm glad you said that. I don't know if you or me spoke to Achie first but had talked to Archie at Daytona in 2007 about getting parts and instructions on doing a choptop. I have everything but didn't post pics or talk to much about it due to the agreement I had with Archie. No pics or details about the cuts and in NO WAY is Achie responsable for my mistakes or misunderstanding of the process. I've been gathering up body parts and will be starting on the body work. Great job whodeanie and its nice that people still can keep their word.
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08:34 AM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
When do you plan to finalize the chop ? I am dying to see the chop with the body back on.
What is the daily countdown on the wheels ?
I am not sure on the wheels BonSpeed will call me when they ship them they were making the 19's when I talked to them last. As far as the chop I have the outside welded now and I am working on the inside (the hard part!) it is taking a little time but I dont have a lot of time to work on it except after work. I am taking measurements as I go to make sure that nothing moves while I am welding so it does take a bit more time than you would think but it will be right when I am finished. I would like to finish the welding this week and get back to the body so I can get it in primer ASAP. I have not taken any new pictures yet because welding is not very intertaining and it does not look like much has been done even though a lot has been done. I do hope to be back on the body by this weekend. I will keep you all posted.
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09:52 AM
Sep 25th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
I was able to work on the car last night and I just about have all the welding done. now it is a lot of grinding and metal finish before I can start on the body but I should have the chassis part done tonight. it other news I finaly found the plugs for the tail lights at an AC Delco distrabution center. this has been a tough week here in Atlanta. no gas to be had and yesterday alot of my friends lost their jobs when the largest Chevy dealer went bankrupt and closed 13 locations with about 2600 people. I am thankfull that my shop is still doing ok but it has been tough. no mater what I will continue to work on my car to get it done. I enjoy working on it and for me it helps me forget all the crap of the day. I will keep you all posted. I should have some pictures next time. D.
I will finish it and I will be taking it to the shows. it may just take a little longer than I wanted. I always pay cash for everything on this car so I will owe no one when it is done. that way no one can take it when it all goes to s**t. but yess I will keep posting the progress here often.
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11:00 AM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
yea it got to be the wheels! HA HA, ok last night I was able to get all the welding done and started back on the body to get it fit to the new chop. here are some pic's from last night.
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08:21 AM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
I was able to work on the car a little friday night. I got the top body pannels cut and glassed back together for the new lower roof. I also made some fiberglass quarter windows to get rid of the plexi. I will paint them to match the rest of the body and I am going to do something a bit differant for the quarter windows. I looked at a lot of differant windows and found that the new Mustang windows fit almost perfict for the choptop. because of the angle on them I will have to use them backwards from the Mustang but I think they will work great and look good. here are some pic's from this weekend.
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08:26 AM
fierofool Member
Posts: 12945 From: Auburn, Georgia USA Registered: Jan 2002
Hey, Dean, you know that as a GFC member, you are entitled to a discount on your paint and body supplies at one of our local stores. If you want info, PM or call me. With the extent of the rework, it could save you some bucks, even tho the store is in Norcross. But, they ship, too.
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09:48 AM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
Hey, Dean, you know that as a GFC member, you are entitled to a discount on your paint and body supplies at one of our local stores. If you want info, PM or call me. With the extent of the rework, it could save you some bucks, even tho the store is in Norcross. But, they ship, too.
what store? where? I have a bussnes so I do get a little discount and can buy wholesale at the places I go to get supplys. but I am always looking to save money. ( so I can buy other parts! )
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10:27 AM
DeLorean00 Member
Posts: 4251 From: Sacramento, CA / Reno, NV Registered: Aug 2005
what store? where? I have a bussnes so I do get a little discount and can buy wholesale at the places I go to get supplys. but I am always looking to save money. ( so I can buy other parts! )
I had it in the GFC message board on the old forum. I guess it wasn't a sticky and it's gone away now with the new forum. I'll do some checking and see what I can find and let you know. Anyway, it was in the area of Jimmy Carter Blvd. and Best Friend Road, just off Buford Hwy.
thanks for the info guys I will check it out. Paul I will come get the parts this week. Thanks! I only worked on the car for about 10min.last night. I was tired from the weekend with the fam. so anyway all I did was cut the holes for the windows but I did get some pic's. I will be working on the car this week and post more pic's later but for now here you go. these Mustang windows are not cheep for this small piece of glass has a list price of $1000. I own a glass shop so I was able to get them for $200 each but still not something that most people will be willing to do. just a heads up for others thinking about doing this it will not be cheep but it will be cool!
[This message has been edited by whodeanie (edited 09-30-2008).]
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08:03 AM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
I am going to try to get to Paul's to pick up the new fiberglass door skins and the new hood vent he made for me. I will post pic's of the parts when I get them. Paul does a great job. no new pic's today but I hope to get a lot done this weekend and post pic's monday. I still have a few things I am working on that I have not posted yet.
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10:26 AM
Oct 2nd, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
Just a little sneek peek! last night I wanted to see how the car looked with it's new chop so I just set the body back on to get some pic's. today I am going to get my new hood vent and door skins so I can get the body complete.
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11:12 AM
DeLorean00 Member
Posts: 4251 From: Sacramento, CA / Reno, NV Registered: Aug 2005
yesterday I took a trip to Paul's AKA Tha Driver and got the fiberglass doors and hood scoop he made for me. they turned out great. so when I got home I started working on them. I got the hood scoop glassed in and started working on the doors. I have to glass in the nut's so the door skin will bolt up to the door. here are some pic's
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08:06 AM
System Bot
Oct 6th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
I made a lot of progress this weekend but not much to take pictures of. just a lot of fiberglass work the underside of the rear section, the hood vent, the fornt facia,doors and the widebody parts. a lot of the stuf you never see but needs to be done. I have the car striped at this time to get all the details worked out with all the body parts. I will finish the glass work one piece at a time and re fit it back on the car one last time before it gets primer. I will bolt the body all up to fit it all together and do final tweeks. I am waiting for the wheels to make sure they fit to the body also. so if I need to change some things I can before it is to late. I will post more pic's this week.
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08:34 AM
Posts: 1020 From: Summerville S.C Registered: Jun 2003
With that scoop you do have to cut a little but nothing major. As i recall i only cut mine down about an inch or so. I also had to relocate the coolant over flow resevoir thing.
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10:20 PM
Oct 7th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
here is some of what I have been up to. I have taken the body off the car to finish all the glass work that needed to be done and it is a slow go with that. also I have just talked to Archie and I am getting a set of his VDC hindges for the car. I am hoping to start fitting the body parts back on the car to do the fit and finish so I can get it in primer soon. their is a lot of fiberglass that you will never see that needs to be done to get it right. I am going to make mounts for the fog lights I have and get all the lights wired while everything is off the car and easy to get to. I am also using seam sealer to seal all the weld areas from the chop top to waterproof it incase of any pin holes. I will not be doing the finish bodywork on the car I will get it close and then a friend of mine that does that for a living is going to get the body in shape for paint. on another note BonSpeed said my wheels will be shipping out friday or monday. I can't wait to get them. I will try to get some pictures soon I just did not want to post boring bodywork you will never see.
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09:57 AM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
Originally posted by whodeanie: BonSpeed said my wheels will be shipping out friday or monday. I can't wait to get them. I will try to get some pictures soon I just did not want to post boring bodywork you will never see.
Yes. Now that's Pontiac excitement!
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04:34 PM
carnut122 Member
Posts: 9122 From: Waleska, GA, USA Registered: Jan 2004