Here you go if you would like the last pic done to I can do that?
cool thanks! I think you just made up my mind to cut the front end up and widen the bottom. I just kept looking at it and not liking it very much. too much tire showing. Great! more to do! LOL! oh well it will get done some day!
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11:54 AM
85SEnochie Member
Posts: 2081 From: Tri-cities, WA Registered: Oct 2007
From the looks of it your someday will be ahell of alot sooner then mine
Little by Little. if I could just stick to a plan it would go a lot faster but not quite as cool I think. so I will just keep going the way I am going and it will be done when it get's done. don't loose hope on yours, just doing something small each week and before you know it, it will get there.
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12:05 PM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
What type of side mirrors do you have in mind? 355s?
I am not sure yet. I know a guy that makes break away Diablo mirrors and I was kind of leaning that way. I would have to tweak them a bit to shorten them but that would not be that hard to do.
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07:33 AM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
Last night I finally got around to working on the drivers door. I got the old door skin off and mounted the tabs on the new fiberglass skin. while I waited for that to dry I reworked the door a little with the new door skins they have the mirror hole glassed over so it hits the original mirror mount so what I have done is cut the mount around the bottom and part way up the sides then hammered them flat to the rest of the door and re welded them back in there new location so they will no longer interfere with the new door skin. I then worked on the rocker and got it in to place so I could tweak the front of that side. I have not started it yet I ran out of time. I was able to get the new door skin mounted and lined up before I quit last night. here are a few pic's from last night. 2 pic's mounting the door tabs to the new skin A pic to show what I had to do to the door for the new skin to fit 2 pic's of the rocker installed and last but not least the new door skin mounted on the car on a side note.... the easiest way to get the tabs to line up on the door is to place the new skin on the door place 2 plastic rivets in the bottom and tape the top in place then close the door to align it then reopen it and take a marker and mark the holes. then pull the door skin off and mount your tabs. the tab has a nut hole that goes all the way threw so you can see the marks you made and center them. just a heads up for anyone wanting to do the same.
[This message has been edited by whodeanie (edited 11-04-2008).]
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07:55 AM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
I saw where Amida was doing something like this with his noses, and i thought this would look great on yours as well.
a chin spoiler helps it to line up better with the rockers from a side profile and is a pretty slick and aggressive look to boot !
Any final thoughts yet on your wing brake light or rear marker lights ?
I was going to make one like the challenge car (the yellow one) I like the way it looks I have just not gotten that far yet. also on the sides at the bottom of the rocker. as far as the side marker lights I have them already I have 4 amber and 2 red I will use 2 of the amber in the stock front location with a few tweaks as marker lights and the second set of amber's as turn signals at the rear of the front fender like the Euro cars do. as far as the rear markers I have not decided where I am going to place them yet I am not finished tweaking yet. the lights I am using are from a Ford dully rear fender. I have not found a light for the spoiler yet I want one about 10" to 12" LED but I am still looking at other cars on the road for that one.
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09:12 AM
85SEnochie Member
Posts: 2081 From: Tri-cities, WA Registered: Oct 2007
I have looked at this and I think I like this one the best. if I just paint it black to the back of the door. and color match the rest it will size down the B piller look and not just look like the stock fiero glass. I will be working on the car this weekend and I hope also a bit this week after work as well. I will post pic's as soon as I get some more done.
Is this kind of what you are talking about with the pillers? Car-2-Lo has a sweet ride. Edit for better pic
[This message has been edited by 85SEnochie (edited 11-05-2008).]
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10:39 AM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
not quite what I am going to do I want to paint the B piller the same color as the body but use a black band behind the door glass to make the B piller look a little bit smaller. I will most likely use carbon fiber there. by the way I like how CarLo's car is looking. and he just finished the 3800 swap also.
I have not found a light for the spoiler yet I want one about 10" to 12" LED but I am still looking at other cars on the road for that one.
Hi Dean, I just put a Honda Civic spoiler on my BMW that has a led brake light. Might want to check that out. I think it's a mid '90s Civic. ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
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12:54 PM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
Just a little update. last night I worked on the drivers door a little more. I got the wide body piece glassed on that makes the last piece of the wide body to be installed. now it is a matter of fitting it all and a few more tweaks to other body parts. I will wait for the wheels before I do a few of them. it will still be some time before I can get it to paint. on other parts I talked to Archie yesterday and the VDI hinges are well under way and should be ready for shipping next week. next big tweak Lambo hinges! I am going to call BonSpeed today and try to get a ship date from them on the wheels. I have this weekend off so I am going to try to get a lot done on the car and try to get it in to primer. here is a pic from last night.
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09:48 AM
System Bot
Posts: 1020 From: Summerville S.C Registered: Jun 2003
What ! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? still waiting on the wheels. I am going to call them today. venders got to love them !
[This message has been edited by whodeanie (edited 11-06-2008).]
I just talked to BonSpeed they were at SEMA and they will be back at the shop on Monday and my wheels are finally done and are due to ship out next week.
thats cool. did you just wake up? LOL the doors worked out great by the way.
Yep. Went to bed about 4 AM & got up a little after noon. Still didn't get enough sleep... Glad the doors worked out well. How's the mat holding up? I got the lightweight steering collum installed in the solo car last night. Tonight I'm working on one of the rocker reinforcements (going to cut off the roof). And the suspension on the custom car (pulled the rear bumper & 1/4's off of it day before yesterday & installed the custom rear bumper reinforcement). Working on them after I spend some time on the Mera (got several of it's peices under the final coat of epoxy today). Pics are still in the camera. I have to boot up another computer & upload the pics on it, transfer them to floppy, load them in this 'puter, downsize them, then I can email them. I'll get a couple to you soon... Just took me over 30 minites to get a good enough connection to load a web page. Later, ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
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08:56 PM
Nov 7th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
if everything goes right I should have my VDI hinges and my wheels next week. this will be great. I will work on the car this weekend to get more things done on the body and then with the wheels and hinges I can do the final fit with a few more tweaks so I can get it to finish body and paint. while that is being done I will work on the motor and other things.
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09:01 AM
Nov 10th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
I was able to work on the car this weekend but not as much as I wanted to. body work takes forever. I worked on the rockers to get them finished I widened the drivers side and did all the bottom body lines to match the front and installed the screen on the passenger side. I also worked on the drivers door, the rear deck lid, the rear quarter windows, and a little on the rear fascia. it is kind of a slow go and it does not look like much progress but a lot has been done. on the rear deck lid I glassed in the rear of the spoiler and made the screen for the hood scoop. I wanted to get more done but it is just me working on it. so I will just keep plugging along and posting pic's as I go. here are some pic's from this weekend. hopefully next week I will have VDI hinges and wheels to post. enjoy.
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11:07 AM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
Its cleaning up super nice!! I must say I was a little worried at first when I saw you were going to cut up a great looking GT. I had fear that the car would get taken apart and then the project would stall and another Fiero would be dead. But I guess my fears were unfounded, you have really done something amazing with this car. Your talent and skills are unbelievable!! Way to go man!!
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08:35 PM
Posts: 1020 From: Summerville S.C Registered: Jun 2003
I know what you mean about the body work Dean. It's slow moving and looks like there'e no progress and them BAM your done. That's why I took a break from fiberglassing and started on my headlight mod. Looking good. And way ahead of mine. I gotta kick it into high gear now.
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09:59 PM
Nov 11th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
Hurry up. World of Wheels is mid January. Ron Rizzi is already putting together the group.
I want to have it done for the WOW but unless I get a lot of help or enough money to send it to a body shop I don't see it happening. but you never know. but even if it is still in primer it will go to Daytona.
I will not let a good car die. it may take years to be complete but it will get there.
[This message has been edited by whodeanie (edited 11-11-2008).]
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07:54 AM
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
last night I spent a little time cleaning up my pig pen. I hate getting covered in dust and not finding things. so a little cleanup was in order. I was able to get a better pic of the car.
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08:15 AM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
When you throw that chin spoiler on front and slap on the wheels this car will be snapping necks in traffic !
Thanks! when it sees trafic again. LOL yours is looking great with wings. does it inspire you to get more done now? I hope I help inspire you to get yours done as much as all of you have inspired me to do mine. D.
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11:35 AM
Nov 14th, 2008
whodeanie Member
Posts: 3819 From: woodstock,Ga.,USA Registered: Jan 2008
been a little bussy this week at work so I have been to tired to work on the car this week but I will try to get a little work done on it this weekend. I have a few parts on order that I should have next week so I will post pic's when they get here. last night I went to a friends house that buys crashed or theft recovery Corvettes and picked up a set of C5 Z06 calipers for 13" brakes I got them for $100.00 I will buy new rotors, pads and the adapters to get them on soon I am just picking up parts when and where I can for now. I also picked up a new battery yesterday so I can start the car and move it out to get it turned around with out trying to push it by myself. hopefully I will be able to get a lot done this weekend. I will keep you posted.
[This message has been edited by whodeanie (edited 11-14-2008).]