On the pic below, The flat "ring" terminal with the black and brown wires is connected to the front (firewall side) cylinder head. I don't remember there being two of those terminals, but it looks like there are two of them in the pic. If it's the same type terminal (ring terminal with star washer built in) it bolts to the end of the head as well.

In the second pic, the purple wire goes where you've got it.
The large red battery cable connects to the big nut on the top terminal of the solenoid.
The flat copper band that comes out of the top of the motor is screwed to the solenoid. See the terminal nearest that band? (Directly opposite the nut where the red cable connects.)
There should be a screw that goes through the loop at the end of the band, into that terminal.

The temperature sensor has two connections. One for the gauge and one for the warning light.
BOTH green wires connect to it.
If the gauge doesn't work when the engine is warm, you've got them backwards.

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 02-28-2009).]