OK, I was confused at first, but I think I see what you did now. You did not remove the harness with the engine. You disconnected everything from the engine before pulling and reinstalled the engine before connecting everything. Most people pull the engine with the main harness ( I call the umbilical) still connected to the engine.
I am going by memory here so bear with me. First thing, the rough routing of the harness is this
You should have a metal loop mount on the fire wall as the harness leaves the ECM
This guides the harness toward the air cleaner where it will connect a sensor or two on the air cleaner as well as a couple relays mounted on the firewall.
After that it heads toward the "front" of the engine (side nearest the firewall). Here is the general routing
A close up of the harness mount coming off a trans mount bolt near the coolant crossover pipe
At about this point there are a couple ground leads running to a couple bolts on the head
Here is an overall shot with another mount and connections
Another shot as it heads up behind the ac compressor
You can here see it heading up toward the water neck.
NOW ON THE TRUNK SIDEHere is the general routing on the side nearest the trunk.
Here is as the harness heads down from the water neck area down behind the alternator bracket
Here is behind the alternator
This photo more clearly shows the wiring sliding behind the alternator bracket
Here is a harness support just behind the alternator
Here is the harness mount on one of the trans mounting bolts as the harness goes to the auto transmission.
As for the harness bracket you are holding. It looks like one of the ones that mounts to a transmission mounting bolt, but I would know better if I knew about where it was on the harness.
I don't envy you. Getting the harness in after the engine is installed will be like threading a needle with your wire harness.
Good Luck.
[This message has been edited by sjmaye (edited 07-17-2009).]