I can't say for sure on the '84's, but on the later 4 cylinder models there are a total of three wires leading to the bellhousing.
1. a large black wire which really provides a redundant ground wire for pretty much all the accessories inside the car;
2. a large blk/wht wire that provides a ground for several engine data sensors, fuel control, and the solid state voltage regulator inside the ECM; and
3. a small tan wire that provides another grounding point for other ECM functions.
I suspect that if your 84 is similar, that you have broken one of the ECM grounds (2 and/or 3 above). You must find the other broken end of the wires inside the large main wire loom that runs from the ECM through the firewall, and splits off to various engine sensors, and splice the broken wire back to the half that remained with the transmission. It shouldn't be too hard to find the end.
[This message has been edited by Bloozberry (edited 07-24-2010).]