Cannot get the bottom nut off the slave cylinder, soaked it in PB Blaster and then let it sit over night and it still will not break loose! Is there some way to get to this bugger from the under side of the car to get more leverage on it? (doesn't seem like there would be) I have lost all patience and may end up doing something I regret
Seriously though...
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07:20 PM
System Bot
Basic88 Member
Posts: 78 From: Central,Florida,USA Registered: May 2010
Aggravating yes but not the end of the world. You have done all the right stuff PB Blaster is a great product.Not sure what year you car is I have an 88 so the bolts that hold the slave cylinder on are side by side which makes it a little easier.Keep trying and maybe apply a little heat if you can get at it without catching something on fire! Worst case scenario you will either snap the nut/bolt off or cut it off and replace the hardware with stainless steel .(thats what I did) Good Luck with your repair.
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08:39 PM
fastblack Member
Posts: 3696 From: Riceville, IA Registered: Nov 2003
Car is an 87. Bolts are straight across from one another but the one is more or less on the "bottom" side of the slave. I only tried a couple times after work today before cussing started. I just hit it again with some more PB Blaster, we'll see what it's like tomorrow I guess. I'm a bit leery about putting some heat on it just because of the amount of PB Blaster that has been sprayed in the area
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10:15 PM
Posts: 405 From: Port Orchard, Washington Registered: Jun 2003
I have had good luck with Kroil penetrating oil when trying to take rusted bolt apart. Kroil is hard to find, but I got my last can from the local NAPA store. I also apply heat in cycles with oil in between.
------------------ 88 GT 5 Speed Black with gray interior 3800 SCII Swap In Progress.
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not."
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10:20 PM
2002z28ssconv Member
Posts: 1436 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Jun 2005
ue some automactic transmission fluid to the penetrant,, this will help heat,,protect surrounding area if you are removeing the nuts/bolts that hold the slave to housing be sure to jack up car so fluid runs down hill
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12:08 AM
Posts: 1088 From: ft worth, tx Registered: Sep 2011
I just rebuilt mine on my 86 se. That nut that your talking about almost made me do an insurance claim on it! I spent a half of a can of pb, WITH a pair of vicegrips! I took a small torch to it a few times and I put my weight on it and after a bit, it finally snapped and took some of my arm skin as a souvineer! I hope I never have to do that again!!! But good luck!!!!
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01:27 PM
fastblack Member
Posts: 3696 From: Riceville, IA Registered: Nov 2003
Finally got the bastard tonight! Got home from work and the SOB still wouldn't budge so I ended up putting some heat to it. Still no go. Finally just put the wrench on it with the wrench pointing towards the front of the car and "tapped" it a few times with a hammer and it finally broke free. After that I simply removed the nut an 1/8 inch at a time...those bolts realllllllllly don't have to be that long in my opinion.
I am in the process of replacing the master and rebuilding the slave. Looks as if the snap ring broke at some point in time as it only had one end on it...haven't looked but hopefully Rodney sells that snap ring with the rebuild kit so I don't have to go searching the hardware store for the exact fit.
Anywho, thanks for the suggestions!!
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06:34 PM
Basic88 Member
Posts: 78 From: Central,Florida,USA Registered: May 2010
Not sure what your local home improvement store is. (around here it is Lowes....Ace Hardware or Home Depot) Any of them will have an assortment of snap rings in the hardware section. (usually in those slide out metal drawers) for a buck or less. Take the part and the old ring and size it up before you purchase. Good Luck with your repair!