Well, I've recently been hoping to find a 150MPH speedo and high RPM tach (think SD4 and getrag 5-speed

) I made my own gauge face before. I did it on the *real* cheap. I created my own templates in vector graphics in Corel Draw. I just used an inkjet printer and, since that's not dark enough to be solid black, I printed and glued multiple copies together. That was almost 10 years ago. That was on a speedo that had the crystal changed. It was an '87 GT with a 3.4 V6 with an Isuzu 3.83 final drive transmission. I don't recall how accurate it was though..
O.K., wow, this is incredibly ironic. I just dug up the files. The last version was from March 2002. I had started my own business in computer consulting, but was very involved with my car projects. A friend has suggested I maybe market custom faces. Anyway, what's more ironic is the speedo is a 150MPH face. I'll have to review how I made the tick marks on the face, but, I know I went through a bunch of revisions to get it right and I did make a few different versions with more or less marks, etc.
With it being vector graphics, I could easily make different versions of the template. The first issue would be how to turn these into a good quality face. I don't recall everyone who has worked on these before, but, it seems like at least one member has been able to get these made into good quality faces. Dawg? Anyone?
The bigger issue remains the same, however - how to calibrate and adjust the accuracy so that it works with different setups, especially for the speedo, but, also for the tach for those that have much higher-revving engines than stock. For those that just go a little farther, moving the redline and adding a few more marks isn't that big of a deal, but, getting much over 6K much less closing in on or passing 8K RPM is going to require a lot more.
BTW, Dawg, was your programmer fieroluke? Or where is he now? Seems like he was skilled and ready to make this happen. Any chance we could revive this effort?
I'll try and get the images loaded with PIP here. First try at that, so, let's see