Boy, Capt', that title heading for your thread isn't very appropriate anymore! Having met you and your wife, before, on one of your earlier Oregon trips, I really symathize with your situation. There sure seems to be a number of "experts" taking hard earned Fiero owners money and providing little in return. If I can't do the work, one of my friends can! That's my motto , and I'm sticking to it after seeing everyones problems with getting work done. I sure hope you get it all sorted out.
Thank You, and with your shop (I remember how big it was) I can't see ever sending a job out. You had some amazing cars in there. I normally do all my own work, from swaps to rebuilds, but this time I just didn't have the time or space to do the job I wanted done. I was tired of doing quick patch jobs to keep the car running and on the road, I wanted a completely new motor and have a turn key reliable car. FOY did do his best job to complete it, but it was a run of bad luck for him. I am not going to sit here and bad mouth him as he has in the past done good work and had happy customers.
I am going to be in Oregon for 6 weeks I was supposed to leave today, however I felt kinda woozy yesterday during packing and last min tweaks to the car. I got to bed kinda late, and I vaguely remember talking to FOY on the phone this morning, then my wife asking me if I was ever going to get up, and I asked what time it was? Before I could reach over and grab my glasses she responded. Its 1 in the afternoon. It was then that I remembered I had 2 places I was supposed to be at 10am. So I jumped up raced to the Passport Office and the Drug Store and came home and promptly passed out again until about 6pm tonight. Its now 10pm and I have yet to finish packing my clothes for my month and a half long stay in Oregon. If I make it up to Seaside I'll send ya a PM and maybe we can do coffee. I will be alone on this trip, as since I saw you and your wife last, my wife and I have had 2 kids. My wife will be staying home with the kids on this trip.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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12:55 AM
Mickey_Moose Member
Posts: 7559 From: Edmonton, AB, Canada Registered: May 2001
Sorry all this has happened (to both parties), but I do recall mentioning earlier in the thread that this was not a good way to be heading with the 4.9l based on my own personal experience. But I was optimistic that just maybe it might work.
I will still say that the 4.9l is a cheap and easy upgrade, but for more power you really have to look else where. PBJ is the only one that has been able to get something impressive out of the 4.9l, but so far he has also been the only one to complete it and this was many years ago.
Any event I hope you get it all sorted out and back on the road - my advice would be to just dump the motor and start fresh since you can easily dump some serious coin on trying to repair the one that is in the car (unless it is something simple for all problems).
Capt', if you do make it over to the North Coast, get in touch and we will have coffee, dinner or a drink if your so inclined. Hope you are feeling better, lots of bad stuff going around for everyone to pass on to the next person. Bryan
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11:14 PM
Feb 1st, 2013
Capt Fiero Member
Posts: 7657 From: British Columbia, Canada Registered: Feb 2000
Kinda Frustrated here, met up with FOY today, and no rocker bridges as he could not find them, and no refund. He didn't have the engine vents from My car, but did have a set that he gave me. I did get my old exhaust back, as well as the throttle cable and my dog bone and he even tossed in some Valve cover breathers to replcae the PCV valve. However it was the Steel Rocker Supports that were the most important, followed up by the additional 500 bucks. He says he did not get the final $900 payment from the trust account so I am going to call and see what the deal is with that. I'll see if they can hold my $500 and refund it to me and just give him the $400 difference. Can anyone tell me how much is costs to buy a couple steel rocker supports new?
Anyway, I made it to Oregon in good time, cruised on at 80-90mph most of the way with only a few spots that I had to drop below 70 because I came up behind a cop and almost past him at 15-20mph over the limit, oooops.
I did make it over to fix a a no start on a V8 Fiero in Bellingham and made it to see FOY and down here in under 8hrs, so I am happy with that travel time. Its sure odd being here in a giant hose alone for the first time in 20 years. However that is totally off topic. I am going to pull my Fiero into the garage in the morning and do some checking. For some odd reason the alternator belt has started to squeal. Also I have lost my top end power. I get decent power from 2000-3500 but 4000rpm where torque peak is, the car is just flat. It would pull better in 5th gear with my foot to the floor than in 4th gear with the revs up. I am guessing fuel filter and air filter as I don't know the last time they were changed or cleaned. Note this is in my 88GT with the modded 2.8 V6.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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01:49 AM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41076 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Kinda Frustrated here, met up with FOY today, and no rocker bridges as he could not find them, and no refund. However it was the Steel Rocker Supports that were the most important, followed up by the additional 500 bucks. He says he did not get the final $900 payment from the trust account so I am going to call and see what the deal is with that.
Well first off, glad you made it there ok. Watch the right foot! State Troopers love to pull over the speedy Canadians! :P
Now, I'm a bit confused... His "trust" company is apperently his dad's lawfirm. That is what he told me. So his dad was not able to release the funds to him on time? I's not adding up... And who uses a trust fund to hold repair payments? I never heard of that beffore. Is that popular in the USA? (excuse my ignorance here.. )
Since there were quite a few missing parts, I'm not too confident my parts were all picked up neither?
Loss of top en power, my guess would be the fuel filter, the engine might be starving for fuel. My motto, any modded engine should have a wideband. running lean for a long time is never good.
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06:09 AM
Posts: 791 From: Montgomery, Al USA Registered: May 2005
He already got $700, I owe him another $500. All he has to do is call and release it, he could have done it when I was with him and waited an hour. I made it very clear. For people from out of country and out of state, we use the trust because otherwise it is very hard to settle if something goes wrong and the money is already spent
I found the rocker bridges which is the only thing he doesn't have now . O, and you're all a bunch of asses. You think that if I wasn't a nice guy, he'd be getting any money back? ANY other shop would have charged him twice as much, if not more, and done zero negotiating. If that car was knocking when we left it wouldn't have made the drive
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 02-01-2013).]
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11:45 AM
gen2muchwork Member
Posts: 861 From: dearborn, MI Registered: Feb 2012
Originally posted by FriendOfYours: we use the trust because otherwise it is very hard to settle if something goes wrong and the money is already spent
This must happen a lot to you?
I'd neg you if they didn't need you to stay until this is finished. So I wait.
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11:56 AM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
O, and you're all a bunch of asses. You think that if I wasn't a nice guy, he'd be getting any money back? ANY other shop would have charged him twice as much, if not more, and done zero negotiating. If that car was knocking when we left it wouldn't have made the drive
Asses??? why are we asses?? I`m lookinfg for clarification as to what is the norm when doing business in the USA. I've never had money held in limbo in a trust account while work is being done. Also I wanted to know if Capt had received my parts and his own parts were missing. So I guess you can see my concern?
No, it's called being responsible and protecting myself and my customers. You've never paid a deposit? Half down in the trust and half upon completion. Why is that hard to understand?
Finish what? We're done. Neg me.
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 02-01-2013).]
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12:04 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41076 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
No, it's called being responsible and protecting myself and my customers. You've never paid a deposit? Half down in the trust and half upon completion. Why is that hard to understand?
Finish what? We're done. Neg me.
It's hard to understand because whenever I bring my car to a shop for any custom work, the fact they have my car in their possession is usually a good enough deposit. That's why the concept is strange to me. But whatever, if Capt was cool with it then go for it. Isn't it a little biased that it's your father's lawfirm however?
Guys and Gals Please let this thread die, until you hear an update front me. I know you have threads about your parts, I was told by FOY that he did not have peoples stuff to give to me, because I would not be back in Canada for 6 weeks and he wanted to get your parts to you well before then. I have not had the time to speak to his father yet. I tried the number and its a message only line or text. It listed a number to call for urgent information, but didn't have the time to copy down the number. On Monday I am going to call the law office and get at least my cash situation sorted out.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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10:58 AM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I was told by FOY that he did not have peoples stuff to give to me, because I would not be back in Canada for 6 weeks and he wanted to get your parts to you well before then. I have not had the time to speak to his father yet. I tried the number and its a message only line or text. It listed a number to call for urgent information, but didn't have the time to copy down the number. On Monday I am going to call the law office and get at least my cash situation sorted out.
TEXT FROM ME TO: +1-253-203-8806: JAN 30th 2:12pm Can you give David the 3800 swap kit when he comes by to pickup his part? Please confirm. thanks
TEXT FROM +1-253-203-8806: JAN 30th 2:14pm Already planned to! He's coming tomorrow, i just got off the phone with him
TEXT FROM ME TO: +1-253-203-8806: JAN 30th 2:15pm Thanks
TEXT FROM +1-253-203-8806: JAN 30th 2:15pm You do know he's not going bck to Canada for 6 weeka though, right?
TEXT FROM ME TO: +1-253-203-8806: JAN 30th 2:15pm Yep, That's ok
Wow, a new low.. But nothing suprises me about him anymore. If it's any consolidation, looks like the law is getting involved now. He will be getting what's coming... No more taking advantage of fellow forum members.
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06:55 PM
Feb 20th, 2013
Capt Fiero Member
Posts: 7657 From: British Columbia, Canada Registered: Feb 2000
This will be my final post in this thread, so please let it die here.
I did finally get my refund from FOY which included money for the missing rocker supports. I wont go into details so please don't ask. I have since bought new Caddy Steel Rocker Bridges from California and had them at my door in 2 business days. (Thank You FieroMaster88 for locating them for me)
I will be back in Canada in Mid March and will start working on the 4.9 when I get back.
I have posted a few more details and will continue the build of this car at this thread. Please refer to the last post in the thread, or just skim down till you find a post from me on Feb 20th 2013
I wish everyone the best of luck in getting there parts or money sorted out with FOY. I am done and will no longer be doing business with or recommending him to anyone.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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03:01 PM
Feb 22nd, 2013
Federalist Junior Member
Posts: 1 From: Mercer Island, WA, USA Registered: Apr 2011
What? Nothing to say Dallas? FriendOfYours, RideZiLightning or whatever you feel like calling yourself today?
Federalist's profile info: Date Registered: 04-17-2011 Status: New Member Total Posts: 1 Current Email: Homepage: Occupation: attorney Location: Mercer Island, WA, USA Interests: composites, F1, economics, family, Fieros ICQ Number: 75 Private Messages: Send Federalist a Private Message Friends List: Add Federalist to your Friends List
[This message has been edited by Purple86GT (edited 02-23-2013).]
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06:28 PM
Feb 24th, 2013
ace5514 Member
Posts: 692 From: west long branch, nj, usa Registered: Nov 2008
This thread can now die. FOY was banned by a unnamimous vote of the membership which only proves that he is in fact an incompetant, unethical, dishonest businessman. Good riddence to him. He will probably try to re-register under a different name and I hope that Cliff catches this and keeps him off permanently. .
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10:49 PM
Apr 17th, 2013
fourpoint9 Member
Posts: 1058 From: Long Beach, WA, USA Registered: Feb 2004
------------------------------------------------------------- I have 5 Fieros and need to get rid of some
This is an '87 Pontiac Fiero GT. It looks dirty in the picture but the paint is actually very good, 8/10. No peeling or bad clear coat. It also has all matching GT wheels, no spare
No motor! Got pulled for a swap and haven't finished.
It has 77k miles on it, the interior and exterior are in fabulous shape. Excellent taillights.
Power windows, mirrors and locks
Tires are in great shape and it has a brand new windshield.
The t-tops are in excellent shape, don't leak and it has a brand new headliner. Carpets were just taken out and thoroughly scrubbed, they look great.
This is an 86 2m4 with no motor.
Clear title.
Good tires.
I began prepping the body for paint and got sidetracked. It has power mirrors, windows, and locks. 160k on the body, drove well and straight before the motor was pulled for a swap. It has Aero/GT front and rear bumpers. The T-TOPs on the car alone are worth the asking price if sold on ebay.
Give me a call or shoot me a text at 2532038806
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 04-17-2013).]
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05:40 PM
System Bot
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012