Edit WooHoo, Page Ownage, have not had that for a long time.
Yep he said the exhaust was re-done to 3" today and my tip was re-installed in the exact same place.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
[This message has been edited by Capt Fiero (edited 11-25-2012).]
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10:57 PM
TheRealShadowX Member
Posts: 1456 From: Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Registered: Mar 2010
...we have decided, that same as Patrick's recommendation they will have the car an extra day and will put it on the dyno at a different dyno shop. Yippie. I can't wait to see what the numbers end up being.
Excellent x2! Let's hope the numbers support the theory behind the work.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 11-26-2012).]
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12:15 AM
Reallybig Member
Posts: 974 From: Calgary Alberta Canada Registered: Mar 2011
Ya know what, I am not going to be the guy that claims a million hp and be mad when he does not get it, so I'll guess
215hp at the wheels and 310lbs of torque.
If it comes out higher I can be really happy,
What's the general accepted power loss through the drivetrain, 20%? Whatever if I get 260 estimated at the crank I will be ecstatic.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
Well I have heard everything from 25-30% (people trying to make wheel hp numbers seem bigger at crank) down to the Lowest of 5% in special race applications.
However I am going to stick with about 15% if if were the Isuzu I might shoot for 10% but I think with the heaver clutch, (physically weight) Heavy custom flywheel and such, larger grand am brakes and a few other things that add to rotating mass like my heavy 3 spoke wheels lose from the crank to the tires might be even higher than 15% but I did have to go with durability and cheap to replace over Race Spec parts. This is once done going to be my daily driver for 11 months out of the year. I might even drive it in low amount of snow as I have dedicated snow tires for it.
So the car is once again delayed. I don't know who to blame so its not fair to blame anyone.
However is the dates I have been given for the car.
It will on Wednesday or Thursday get the alignment as the entire front suspension was rebuilt all new upper and lower ball joints, all new control arms and all new poly installed. So the car should be safely drivable by the end of the week.
I spoke to FOY tonight and apparently the #6 Injector was leaking and he believes that it was enough to cause a partial hydro-lock situation and that was causing our very labored start.
That has since been fixed.
The car at 11am and possibly 12pm is booked for 2 different dyno shops. That way in case either shop bails out or has an issue he can quickly get to the 2nd shop and finally get the dyno done on the car.
I am understanding enough to realize that after months of delays he would really like to see the results of his teams work. I have been asking for the car back for the last moth. (short of the time I was in the hospital)
However it is frustrating to know that I was blaming myself in the hospital for holding up the end of this story, only to find 3 weeks later that actually the car was not ready to come home. Which meant I blamed myself for nothing.
I am so anxious to get this baby home, as to me its like my 3rd Child. I love my children and I have great fun playing with them. Especially the 3 year old Daughter who when she finds out Daddy is in the garage always comes out screaming Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, can I help, then runs and grabs wrench's and trys to work on things.
However there is something out there better than sex, jumping into a V8 Fiero and going to your favorite road, err I mean Test Track Cloverleaf and Letting the loud pipe scream. Pulling up beside some rice burner, carefully listening for him to downshift and bring the revs, up, then I don't even bother shifting, just Mashing that big pedal on the right to the floor. The torque thows you back in the seat and you wave past as you go by, and that was with a pretty much stock 4.9. With this new combo, it should be drop the hammer at a roll counter steer to keep the car straight, with the back tires going up in smoke as I pass on by, and if for some reason I can't, ya never know, some of them Honda's do have a good power to weight ratio with them High Boost Turbo motors and even though they suck light to light a 1 mile race could be an issue, I have a toggle switch right next to the cigarette lighter than I can switch and add an instant 100hp above and beyond the mods. If I get 300 crank HP that will be great, if I get 260, I'll be happy, if I get 240, well it will be worth it, If it comes back with anything less than 200 Crank HP I will be very depressed. Heck anything less than 200hp at the wheels I will be very disappointed.
I would like any 4.9 owner that has a dyno graphs from a chassis or knows some place that has a thread with them, could you please post it. I want something to compare it to
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
[This message has been edited by Capt Fiero (edited 11-30-2012).]
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04:51 AM
lou_dias Member
Posts: 5351 From: Warwick, RI Registered: Jun 2000
Do you have a thread I could look at for mods, or can you post that here so I can see if you have about the same mods.
Ultimately I am looking for someone with a med delta cam, Allante Intake and 5spd.
However all Dynos' of all cars except "kill of the hill" swaps.
You know who you are. Basically if you did 12.99 or slower I'd like to see where I compare.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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07:58 AM
lou_dias Member
Posts: 5351 From: Warwick, RI Registered: Jun 2000
allante intake and Bosch Design 3 injectors with Fiero Factory exhaust setup
Well that's pretty close to this build sans cam. However the cam is a mild cam, so should only get 10-12hp extra from it.
As for exhaust he assures me that the system he build for me will flow like never ever before. So we shall see what 3" exhaust is like. I have never seen the Fiero Factory's setup.
You mentioned Delpi 3 injectors are they anything like the Mustang Injector upgrade that the guys on the Caddy forums talk about they are spec'd as 19# in a Mustang but flow closer to 21# in a Caddy. Stock Caddy is only 18# So its not a huge Jump, But enough to see an increase in Throttle Response and slightly more power. I may go with the Mustang injectors and shoot the fuel pressure up on a dyno and see just how far I can go before I start loosing power, then back it down a far as I can before I have to start worrying about lean out and detonation / or melting engine parts.
In my old 2.8 I would leave it out for ym work commute and run it at the edge of being too rich for the weekend nighttime street races. For me it was a very easy change 30psi for daily drive 40psi for spirited night driving and 50psi for Nitrous use as the car would bog until it hit 3000rpms.
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08:55 AM
olejoedad Member
Posts: 19513 From: Clarendon Twp., MI Registered: May 2004
I doubt that the 3" exhaust will do anything other that hurt low end torque. Even with the 100 shot of nitrous, 2 1/2" would have been more than adequate.
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09:55 AM
Capt Fiero Member
Posts: 7657 From: British Columbia, Canada Registered: Feb 2000
You might be totally right, even I knew that for 3" it may be overkill in the flow department, but the deep rumble from idle will be great, and when/if I go back to using the nitrous the 3" will be a great margin of safety. I believe the stock caddy was 2.5 and that motor flowed less air than what I have, so again 3" might be overkill, but it won't hurt. As for bottom end torque I already have enough to blow the tires off starting at 800rpms, if it moves that bottom end up to 2000 I am fine with that.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
Well, if it makes you feel better, my 4.9/auto is pretty sad now that I got myself into faster cars I built. Unless you floor it in first it doesn't impress much. This is why I'm looking forward to swapping to an MY8 Hybrid.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 11-30-2012).]
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11:56 AM
Dec 2nd, 2012
TheRealShadowX Member
Posts: 1456 From: Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Registered: Mar 2010
It definitely will not. Capt and I are in constant communication and he knows how much time and effort have gone into his car. The motor is back out now, being swapped for another. We managed to pop a head gasket on the dyno on Friday. Not from poor tuning just a series of crappy unfortunate circumstances. We initially broke one of the starter bolts off in the block when the engine randomly didn't want to turn over after sitting a couple days. The #6 injector had been leaking and completely filled the cylinder after multiple tries to start it. Thought it was the starter dying, but nope. That same cylinder is the one the headgasket let loose on, so we are thinking there is some sort of correlation. The motor has already been back out once to drill and back out the broken starter bolt.
It should be all back together tomorrow. We still have to swap over the cam and intake to the new motor.
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04:37 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38249 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Loyde kept peoples cars for years and owes upwards of 10K to a couple different people. Big difference. I have a new baby, a girlfriend that has been very ill after and a lousy good for nothing busy partner. It's called life. David knows we have no intention of ripping him off and we are doing our very best.
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05:00 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38249 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I certainly don't need you giving me grief or comparing us to lowlifes like Loyde. There are dozens of people on here we have sold parts to that are very happy
We've been in business for 20 years, this isn't the first time we've had to redo things and make someone wait, it happens. This isn't a small start to going downhill. I have been upfront with Dave from the very beginning and have done everything I can to make this work out well. Two months is hardly a long wait considering the amount of work that has gone into tuning and building these custom parts, this would have cost an absolute fortune for anyone else. We've fulfilled about fifty orders in the last three months, we don't just work on Fieros, it doesn't even make up 10% of what we do. I'm dedicating my own personal time to finishing his car when I have a million other things that I have to finish as well. Enough. Save the commentary for when we are done
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05:33 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38249 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I did pay in advance and even made final payment before I went down to pick up the car, expecting it to be done and there were complications. There are a lot of Untested parts going onto the car and honestly I did expect some delays knowing all this. The engine I paid for was a used motor with a 30 day warranty from FOY and unfortunately the motor did not last long enough to get out of the shop. So they are installing another motor. At my count, they pulled my motor, installed this spare motor, snapped a starter bolt, pulled it back out, fixed the busted bolt, put it back in, blew the head gasket and are now installing another motor.
Myself having done dozens of swaps, I know that delays like this can be unforeseen and costly. FOY has not asked me for any extra money and in fact offered a partial refund due to the delays and my expenses for the wasted trip down and back. At this time I am going to publicly say, I don't expect a refund for the current delays and I'll go ahead and publicly say, I am not going to ask to be reimbursed for the costs of the wasted trip. I just want the job finished.
The whole dyno issue was something he asked if it was alright to do, basically use my car as a test mule for the parts, which to me, I was more than happy to let them use my car. They get to test their parts and prove they are a gain, and I get to have real dyno results for what my car makes with those parts so to me it was a win win.
Although I was not expecting this many delays, as a mechanic I do understand that sometimes crap happens that is out of a shops control. Sometimes jobs go fast and you get to make extra cash, sometimes jobs get hung up and you are lucky to break even, and even lose money on some jobs. So long as FOY stays in touch with me, and gets the car to me with a good running motor, I'll be happy.
Ok, so how about an update on the progress.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
Damn right you should dedicate YOUR TIME AS HE PAID you.
As a business owner, it makes me sick to read this.
Buddy, I think you need to go back and read everything. I already work 70+ hours a week and am willingly using the very little free time I have for my family, fixing things that are out of my control. I don't understand where the idea that I've done anything wrong or dishonest, is coming from.
New motor is mated, on the cradle with the new cam and intake swapped over
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11:42 PM
Dec 3rd, 2012
Reallybig Member
Posts: 974 From: Calgary Alberta Canada Registered: Mar 2011
It definitely will not. Capt and I are in constant communication and he knows how much time and effort have gone into his car. The motor is back out now, being swapped for another. We managed to pop a head gasket on the dyno on Friday. Not from poor tuning just a series of crappy unfortunate circumstances. We initially broke one of the starter bolts off in the block when the engine randomly didn't want to turn over after sitting a couple days. The #6 injector had been leaking and completely filled the cylinder after multiple tries to start it. Thought it was the starter dying, but nope. That same cylinder is the one the headgasket let loose on, so we are thinking there is some sort of correlation. The motor has already been back out once to drill and back out the broken starter bolt.
It should be all back together tomorrow. We still have to swap over the cam and intake to the new motor.
A cylinder full of fuel will prevent an engine from cranking because it's impossible to compress. This happened to my brother's 450rwhp LS1. It's not the starter but the injector.
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11:15 AM
Dennis LaGrua Member
Posts: 15633 From: Hillsborough, NJ U.S.A. Registered: May 2000
This is a big job so let's give the man a chance to see what he can do. IMO anything over 200 RWHP with a Caddy 4.9L is pretty good. I would not use nitrous in this engine. It will make more power but this engine is really not set up for it.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Powerlog manifold, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
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11:38 AM
Twinn Member
Posts: 51 From: Langley, BC, Canada Registered: Feb 2012
This is a big job so let's give the man a chance to see what he can do.
Plus one here, It's Capt's Car and he seems to be cool with the delays. This is a one off custom build right. I do get that people have had and are having problems with previous fiero shops but if Capt states the communication has been good and everyone should be a little understanding with the bad motor thing.
Keep going FOY I'm hoping it all works out for ya
[This message has been edited by Twinn (edited 12-03-2012).]
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04:43 PM
BV MotorSports Member
Posts: 4821 From: Oak Hill, WV Registered: May 2001
I certainly don't need you giving me grief or comparing us to lowlifes like Loyde.
No comparison at all if you ask me. **** happens when breaking new ground. You are on here and telling it like it is and working on it. A person cant ask for much more than that.
As a customer, I'd be frustrated but I would understand it can go this way at times. We aren't talking about a completely fresh engine if I read the thread correctly. So problems are bound to arise. Keep plugging away, you guys will get there.
Awesome, and LOL, I just went and grabbed the phone and was about to call you, I sat down opened up my email and saw the reply. Glad to hear we are getting close. Did you get my email about the snow coming this weekend here, and it being our Fiero club meeting on Saturday so I would love to have the car before the end of the week. I know many guys in the club are eager to see the car.
If we are due to for a small skiff of snow, there is an area between Arlington and the Boarder that is slightly higher elevation and it could get hairy through there, so make sure the alignment is good and the tires that needed to be swapped are swapped and you should be good to go.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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06:10 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38249 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Awesome, and LOL, I just went and grabbed the phone and was about to call you, I sat down opened up my email and saw the reply. Glad to hear we are getting close. Did you get my email about the snow coming this weekend here, and it being our Fiero club meeting on Saturday so I would love to have the car before the end of the week. I know many guys in the club are eager to see the car.
If we are due to for a small skiff of snow, there is an area between Arlington and the Boarder that is slightly higher elevation and it could get hairy through there, so make sure the alignment is good and the tires that needed to be swapped are swapped and you should be good to go.
Tires swapped, alignment done and I'll be heading out here in a bit for a quick shakedown run. The tune doesn't seem to like this motor very much
I can't remember how Dr.Fiero and I modded that plug but it was done for clearance between the Getrag trans and the exhaust to keep it from melting.
Those are Brand New MSD 8.5mm Superconductor wires I don't think they have 100kms on them. I installed them along with the new cap/rotor and plugs in preparation for Emissions Testing but due to the overheating never made it there. About the only thing I could see is that if there was an internal tip busted off a wire going onto a spark plug as I have had issues with that in the past. However if you did have a wire lay directly on an exhaust pipe and burnt, I have spare wires here, so you can just toss on something and I'll replace it when you get here. If there is no obvious external damage to the wires, ohm them out and see which one has gotten broken. Assuming you drop the cradle like I do, by swinging the back down first, their is very little clearance between the trunk wall and those wires, which can damage them if not removed before you drop the cradle, so I would check their first.
Its great to see you finally have the car driving again, even with the miss it sounds good.
What do you mean by, "this motor does not like this tune" Assuming same cam, intake and exhaust, you should be able to assume it to be fine?
If you tell me there is something wrong with this motor I may go put my head through a wall, or at least a bottle of Vodka through my liver.
Again its great to actually see video of it running.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
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09:17 PM
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001