I'll get a set but where do you go to pick out the colors and everything. I was to the site but can't find where to go.
------------------ DiZZI
Matthew 11:28,29 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." www.geocities.com/captain_cu_cu/danro.html
I am a professional graphic designer and I have been working with others on trying to develop indiglo/EL gauges for the Fiero for more than a year now. We've discovered quickly that the cost for low-volume production is prohibitive- and others have suggested that I send you my Adobe Illustrator Layouts to help speed up the process.
My layout includes the 120mph Speedo, Tach, Fuel/Temp gauges, "AUX" Guages with Oil/Volts, and the HVAC control panel. People are very adamant about wanting the HVAC controls panel made... it is just as easy to replace as the gauges- and has the exact same appearance. There is also shown two small vertical strips that would have been left as a translucent-white piece to cover the existing turnsignal/warning light strips.
I've attached the layout in a ZIP file for ease and download speed. The file contains a copy of the ".ai" file, as well as the font initially used (serpentine), and a fade-to-white checkerboard background (obviously optional- just part of my original design). Let me know if this will help at all.
I do not wish for any compensation for these layouts (although a note as to whether or not they'll help at all would be nice)- I just hope it will speed up production on them, so that I may order a set (or two) as well!
Thanks- Rob Bartlett "MinnGreenGT" Custom 87 GT Custom 88 T-top
I just hope this helps!
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10:50 AM
87ECO5 Member
Posts: 1633 From: Centerville Registered: Feb 2000
Originally posted by MinnGreenGT: Your work on Indiglo gauges for the Pontiac Fiero was brought to my attention in this Pennock's Fiero Forum thread: https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTOML/020451.html (I'm "MinnGreenGT").
Originally posted by Fiero_Freak: I'm game for a pair.... I have a gauge set and pod that I could send in too. Someone e-mail me if we can get together on this thing. chvfrk98@cs.com
If you e-mailed them www.speedhut.com<~~they could tell you where to send them. Wonder if they'll pay for shipping, if not I'm sure a few of us can pitch in
Oh..& I want to thank everyone that was working on the orginal developement of these. I didn't want to step on anyones feet, I just saw that this company would make these with a reletivally (sp) low amount of orders and would save people with other jobs some spare time also.
Originally posted by cancerkazoo: Oh..& I want to thank everyone that was working on the orginal developement of these. I didn't want to step on anyones feet, I just saw that this company would make these with a reletivally (sp) low amount of orders and would save people with other jobs some spare time also.
I hope you're not referring to me? No toes stepped on here! I started developing mine more than a year ago... and it is really impossible for me (and Joe Torma) to produce them for anyone for less than about $250... And very few have jumped or even hinted that they were serious at that price. ("...why would I pay $250 for those, when I can get a set for my honda for $45.99 at Rice Boys?")
If I can get a complete set... that's all I care about!
As for my mistyped address... I hope they can figure it out
If you run a search for "indiglo guages" or "EL guages" with my name (MinnGreenGT), you'll see what happened with my inital- and consecutive designs...
It wasn't anything you said. I was just thinkin about it and didn't know if you were really excited about making them for us or just wanted to build them in general.
Acually I've been reading your indiglo threads since about when you did your clear tails
[This message has been edited by cancerkazoo (edited 08-07-2002).]
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06:52 PM
System Bot
87GTBro Member
Posts: 1223 From: Edinburg,TX,USA Registered: Oct 1999
Well... here's what I just recieved from Speedhut:
---------- From: "sales" <sales@speedhut.com> Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:52:34 -0600 To: "Rob C. Bartlett" <rob@xtralite.com> Subject: RE: Pontiac Fiero LAYOUT!
We could not open your files. Are they 8.0 illustrator files? What are the other files you have included? Im sure they will help us once we have someone step forward and send us a instrument cluster. The person that sends us the cluster for the fiero group will receive their indiglo for free. We need info on all years of fiero the indiglos cover. Are there differant clusters for differant years of fiero?
And this is the response I just sent- along with a revised ZIP file:
---------- From: Rob C. Bartlett <rob@xtralite.com> Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 11:50:57 -0500 To: sales <sales@speedhut.com> Subject: Re: Pontiac Fiero LAYOUT!
The file was originally an Illustrator 9.0 file. I've resaved and re-zipped it for Illustrator 8.0. The other files included were 1)an optional checkerboard background image, and 2)the Mac "Serpentine" font originally used in my layout. Were you able to UnZip it OK?
There were basically 3 different clusters used in the fiero. There was an 85mph front-lit model with screened-metal plates for gauges. Then there was an 85mph backlit model (where the gauge face was a printed piece attached to a piece of clear molded plastic), and the most-popular was a 120mph backlit assembly (as shown in my layout). If you're looking for samples of them all, I will willingly supply you with the 85 mph front-lit assembly (I have one for which I currently have no use). Just tell me where to send it.
Again- please let me know if this file is readable, and whether or not it will work for you. Also- are you on a Mac or a PC platform? I can save the file differently if that would help.
Thanks for working with the Fiero community on this... it's greatly appreciated.
Thanks- Rob Bartlett "MinnGreenGT"
So far so good. BTW: I personally don't recall ever seeing a backlit 85mph assembly- but I've heard they exist. Was that right?
Has anyone heard anythig else. Fiero_Freak- Did you ever send those guages in or e-mail them? MinnGreenGT- Did they ever respond to you after you sent those files for a second time
I just recieved the following message from their customer service:
--------- Yes we could open them. Do you want to be the model leader and send us a junk instrument cluster? We can get started on this as soon as we recieve the cluster from you. Or is there another person sending a cluster?
OK- so who's sending a cluster already? I've got an old 85mph cluster & an HVAC controller that I'll send. But it's extremely important that someone send them a 120 & an AUX gauge cluster. (I just sent an email to Fiero_Freak to see if he's still interested). If not- or even so, does anyone have a 120 cluster & Aux gauge set that they'd like to sell? I'm in the market!
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09:40 AM
Boomtastic Member
Posts: 2359 From: Athens, Alabama Registered: May 2000
I've got my extra set...but I'm just going to give them a call... He says a junk set. This is a spare set, not a junk set. I don't want to send it in if they are going to wreck it.
------------------ Two '87 GT's... ...Double Trouble 86 SE w/ T-440 87 4-cyl-->soon to be 3.4L 86 GT w/ 60K
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11:26 PM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Originally posted by Fiero_Freak: I've got my extra set...but I'm just going to give them a call... He says a junk set. This is a spare set, not a junk set. I don't want to send it in if they are going to wreck it.
I asked FieroGT if he'd be willing to donate a set:
I have them packed.. Just waiting to hear from them. I'll call tomorrow and then get them mailed out. Here's a pic.
------------------ 87 GT Maroon w/ Silver Auto 87 Coupe Blue 5-speed 87 Coupe White Auto 86 SE Red w/ Black 3.2L w/ T-440 86 GT Gold 4-speed WrEcKeD (Should you be able to see the coolant tube and still be able to drive it?)
OK I talked with the guy today. I'm going to be sending in an 85 and 120 speedo and rally gauge set. They will return my 120 and keep the 85.
PRICES: The set will most likely be $120 or a little less. That's both 120 speedo and rally or 85 with oil pressure gauge. Sorry no break for no rallys. He forsees less of a demand for these.
Custom Graphics are $32. If we come up with one that most of us agree on then they will input it for free, but anything that's not on thier site that you provide is $32.
I was thinking of the Pegesis SP? Logo in the speedo and tach, and the Pontiac logo in the other gauges. Any input?
I will be shipping these to them in the next couple of days, but I do need your help on a few things. I need clarified what years what type of gauges were availible. All 85MPH gauges patterns look the same right? I'm not worried about backlit verses sidelit as this won't make any difference once you have the EL installed. Also all 120's and rallys are backlit correct?
Thanks guys!
------------------ 87 GT Maroon w/ Silver Auto 87 Coupe Blue 5-speed 87 Coupe White Auto 86 SE Red w/ Black 3.2L w/ T-440 86 GT Gold 4-speed WrEcKeD (Should you be able to see the coolant tube and still be able to drive it?)
I have been looking forward to this since the buzz started a while ago with a few atempts from others.
I have the Fiero Store white faces gauges and boy do they suck!! U can see where the bulbs are at night and they used a reflective white instead of a plain white. They look like something you'd wear if you did road construction at night.
I would love a RED indiglo set up for the 120MPH w/ AUX and HVAC that would be awsome. I already paid $100.00 for the crap I have now. I think most would agree this is cheap for what you're getting. I want them yesterday!!!!
------------------ Member MN Fieros Forever 1986 GT. Self Installed SC3800/getrag almost everything performance wise is modified/upgraded, inside and out. P.S. GOT 19"s??
now they just have to be convinced into making the HVACs. even if they don't I am still gonna be one of the first in line for a set of these gauges. Thanks for all the work guys.
Fiero Freak- I was planning on sending them an 85 mph front-lit set. Do you have an 85mph backlit set? And yes, they are very different. I'm 99% sure that you couldn't use the same EL Gauges with the front lit as you could with the backlit.
Also, there are two forms the front-lit 85 mph guages... one has the oil pressure gauge at the bottom of the tach, the other had the volts at the bottom of the tach. Which are you sending them?
I was also planning on sending them the HVAC control as well (which they do have a layout for btw- I sent them mine!).
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11:53 AM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Mine has the oil pressure gauge that the bottom on the tach. I think it's side lit but I'm not sure since I've never seen them work. Just let me know I talked to the guy yesterday and he said that he didn't have any and asked if I could send an 85 also. I'm getting my 120 back since as you can see it only has 60K of use. Let me know what you have...mine is out of an 87 coupe. Shoot me an e-mail if you would. chvfrk98@cs.com
Fiero_Freak- I finally remembered to grab my gauge cluster today. It is an '85 (I believe) which is an 85mph side-lit cluster with the oil pressure gauge on the tach (as opposed to the '84 which had the volts there). So if you're already sending it... I may as well leave mine collecting dust in the garage (I've got already got another installed in my 88 coupe by the previous owner- which is why I still need another 120mph cluster). Do you have the HVAC control to send? We really need to send them one so they can see how easy it would be to make- it'll be worth it. LMK!
Sounds like we may still need to locate someone with a backlit 85mph speedo assembly. Anybody?