Originally posted by Cliff Pennock: [b]Coolness! KPH is available!
Now I need some help with the colors. I'm not very familiar with this EL stuff, so I don't know how the colors will look in the dark. What I want is this: during the day, I want dark gauges (not white) with light lettering. Or maybe silver gauges with black lettering. But in the dark, I want everything to be pitch black except the lettering like this: . . . .
or this:
Can anyone help in picking colors?[/B]
To get dark in daytime with white, and dark at night with the lettering shown above narrows your choices pretty much to "font glows," or reverse indiglo. The above image is black dial color with white font.
Help any?
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05:14 PM
fieroluv Member
Posts: 1951 From: Ft Wayne, IN USA Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by tednelson83: are the 85 mph ones included in the 20 or do we need to get 20 orders for them as well?
restated: do we need 20 FIERO guage orders or 20 120's AND 20 85's?
I believe that you have to get 20 of each pre-ordered. that stinks. How many 85's is out there. I just mailed my check to Visa so maybe I can pre-order mine next week.
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05:35 PM
soup Member
Posts: 1572 From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
Yes... We will need 20 of each kind... sooo.. the 120's are a go and there are no 85's as of yet. They may do it with 15 people since we are going to be great customers.
Denny...I want the same thing too. I think it will work.. just may not be bright red at night. For comparison I looked at the yellow font with black background and red flames.... I was looking at that red. I may just have to have the gauges light up.
On the logo...we will all get a confirming e-mail about colors and such later. He said it would be no problem doing a total change at that time.... so I wouldn't worry about it yet.
Originally posted by grgoyl86: I want white-face with red font, in the dark the faces disappear and the font glows red.
I want this color combo also. If not I will take a Black face White font with disappearing faces glowing red fonts at night.
Unless someone gets a normal Face glow with white face and black lettering to illuminate blue or green. That does not need the Aux gauges. I will buy them off of you as I already have the indiglo gauges that are on E-Bay right now.
1988 Fiero Formula T-Top # 1008 of 1252 (5 Spd White/ Grey) 1987 Fiero SE V6 Auto (Blue/ Grey) Click here to go to my Web site
AIM = SpiffyFiero
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12:47 AM
Dan Robinson Member
Posts: 482 From: South Milwaukee, WI Registered: May 2001
Hey Fiero Freak thanks for such good communication with them.
------------------ DiZZI
Matthew 11:28,29 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." www.geocities.com/captain_cu_cu/danro.html
Fiero Freak thanks for staying on top of this for us.
I think you guys that want the red reverse indiglo are going to be looking at doing custom gauges and it will probably cost you a bit more. That is what I have gathered from the page.
I just want to know where text # 1 goes on the gauges I left it blank, but would like to put something "clever" there. I emailed them but never got an answer to that question(they answered everything else ). Does anyone know?
Thanks again Fiero Freak and thanks to all the people that preordered. When I talked to the lady on the phone she was astonished we had gotten our quota so quickly.
Are they gonna start a preorder for the HVACs or do we need to email them individually? Fiero Freak since I assume you are the "model leader" that I got a reference to in my email, get off your a$$ and get us these HVAC units.
[This message has been edited by JMunilla87GT (edited 09-14-2002).]
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10:12 AM
System Bot
Dan Robinson Member
Posts: 482 From: South Milwaukee, WI Registered: May 2001
I e-mailed them early this week with a design question but never heard anything from them. Oh well I'll jus wait till they e-mail me about the color confirmation.
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10:57 AM
Sep 15th, 2002
Denny Member
Posts: 1410 From: Leola, PA USA Registered: Apr 2001
I am going to try to get all the questions together later and give hime a call sometime Monday or Tuesday and see if I can get all of them answered. See you later guys.
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12:08 AM
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
When can we expect the shipments of these gauges to start coming through. I ordered the white faced backs with red lettering in the eurostyle with a custom lettering of Rare 88 Formula which I am assuming is underneath the speedo gauge right above the trip odometer. Also how will it look at night with that setup, will I just see the red letters. I also chose the 6 different indiglo settings for green and blue. Glad we had enough to get Speedhut.com to start making them. Its great a company finally started making some indiglos for Fieros!!
The say they begin tooling AFTER the 20 orders are recieved...so 8-12 weeks for that...so I guess a 2-3 month wait, right?
Anxious to see them If I wasn't changing my speedo to a 180 or 200mph, I'd consider giving up my attempt and get theirs, then again, since my guages have been stripped of faces I'm going to need something in 2-3 weeks.
[This message has been edited by Joe Torma (edited 09-16-2002).]
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12:55 AM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Ok guys... here's my list of questions at the moment.
Rare87GT When can we expect the shipments of these gauges to start coming through.
JMunilla87GT I just want to know where text # 1 goes on the gauges When do we order HVACs
grgoyl86 I want white-face with red font, in the dark the faces disappear and the font glows red.
soup How do we get the custom logo now, and can with get it w/ the flames also?
Fiero_Freak If we can get a total of 40 orders including the 85 MPH can we get both sets tooled even though we won't have 20 of the 85's?
This way I figured it might help you 85 guys out....but it still going to take quite a few orders... PASS THIS ON TO YOUR CLUBS!!! I got two orders this way. Maybe we can help out the guys w/ 85 mph's who don't have as much demand. I'll ask what the options are.
Guys w/ the 85's who want to order... at least post here who's going to order them so I have a number idea.
------------------ 87 GT Maroon w/ Silver Auto 87 Coupe Blue 5-speed 87 Coupe White Auto 86 SE Red w/ Black 3.2L w/ T-440 86 GT Gold 4-speed WrEcKeD (Should you be able to see the coolant tube and still be able to drive it?)
Fiero Freak I already emailed them about the text#1. They said it goes over the MPH. As far as the HVAC I harassed them about it, but it never hurts to keep on them about it. Thanks again for all the help.
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04:30 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock: Yes, I've got a question:
Will they ship to the Netherlands and how much would the shipping be?
And I've got a question for anyone of you here: What does the 2 color inverter do, and what does the 6 color inverter do?
If they won't ship to the Netherlands, I'm sure you can find somebody who will =)
from their website:
2 color Standard Inverter
Switches the Indiglo panel between green and blue color. The color change is most noticeable on the White,Blue,Silver, and Midnight Dial colors.
6 color Upgrade Inverter
Switches from Green to Blue in 6 increments. Most noticeable on the White,Blue,Silver, and Midnight Dial colors. The Blue and green membrane buttons control color changes in 6 increments while the black and spoted control the brightness. The Membrane switch glows indiglo blue at night. You would want to upgrade to this inverter if you would rather have the thin membrane switch buttons to control brightness, -OR- You want more control over the color hue from green to blue AND your dial theme consists of whites or blues.
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08:56 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
That's exactly one of the reasons that we should get in on the intial purchase...
OK.. got some answers...but didn't get your shipping question in time... but I'm sure they will.... Will just cost more than $8
We're looking at 2 months for the time frame.
Also the HVAC panel will be included for $20 more. WHEW HOO!
On the RED thing...they have a orange red that shows up well and it looks like the new pontiac gauges... I still think I'll go with the red on white...and have the white light up.
They are still working on getting the new inverters...but they might not have them by our ship date. The skinny on the cost is not availble yet but it will go from green to blue to violet.... Infinate settings.
They also have some other colors for you guys who want purple. Just WAIT to ask on these until the final e-mails on what you want, even if you want sometime totally different from what you preordered. The only real reason for the pre-order is to guarentee the sale.
I need everyone to give some input on this. And if someone w/ photoshop can edit Cliff's rendering for some ideas would be great. We can have two versions, or placement on the logo. I was thinking one where the RPMX1000 is on the tach where you can see the whole logo, and another with it real big but the center on the needle would cover some of it. We can Also add the "Fiero" or "Fiero GT" part of that put over on the speedometer side. Give some input everyone.
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12:23 AM
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
do we have to add the hvac gauges later or is that included in the $127 bucks? I was kind of curious. The HVAC controls are the battery and oil pressure gauges right? Let me know guys as I want to be sure to get those in my gauge package as well. See ya.
I haven't ordered yet, cause this is going to require alot more changing for me than normal, but if the new inverters are available with the purple, and HVAC is now included, I just need to find myself a 120 cluster and get it calibrated!
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06:47 AM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
Man Cliff that is awsome. Exactly what I was thinking of..and the second one was what I talked to Aaron about. Just a question, but are you wanted the exact text matched? I'll have to ask if they can do that or not. Are any other of you guys interested in as exact duplicate just with colors?
Oh also for you 85MPH guys, I've got him to agree to lower the quantity to 10 to get yours made. I thought that would help, and I did emphasis that we were very quick to get are goal and are above that right now.
For whoever asked, the HVAC is Heating,Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It's the panel that is above your radion. This way all your controls are the same color.
Also that price with the HVAC Controls will be 139+8 for shipping. This will not be reauthorized and will be verified before it is charged.
[This message has been edited by Fiero_Freak (edited 09-17-2002).]
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08:10 AM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
I am glad we are getting the HVACs it would have irritated me to look at a red a/c panel. Can we get the HVAC in a different color(i.e. looks stock but lights up blue)? Even if we have to pay more $$$. I like the big fiero logo like Cliff did it. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for these things. I guess I need to relax if it is gonna be 2 months.
ok i love the way the first gauge looked that cliff made the white back and blue numbers with the fire,what will that one look like at night will it look just like cliff has it in the second pic?
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01:40 PM
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
Are we going to be able to add our own logos so forth that is submitted by people? I would love to have a logo somethign small with the custom lettering deal I have. Also do we have to re register for the gauges with the hvac if we didn't already. I ordered the gauges and everything and it was like 128 or something. Just was curious. Thanks.
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01:59 PM
System Bot
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Rare87GT Sorry... I wasn't too clear about that. The HVAC panels are going to come with all of our kits. The total kit price is going to be $139 plus that $8 for shipping. This $20 difference will not be reauthorized on your credit cards now. It will just be charged when the time comes.
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04:33 PM
hallsman Member
Posts: 1017 From: Litchfield MN USA Registered: Jul 2002
That sounds great!! It's easy enough (we don't have to do anything), and it sounds like most of us already want the HVAC controls. Thanks for all the work yer doing! I'm just sitting here dreaming about mine.
------------------ Red 1986 Fiero GT
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05:05 PM
soup Member
Posts: 1572 From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
Ummm. the Hvac are comming with them??? That is not good at all. I don't have the air conditioning panel. I have the other style. I really don't want to pay 30 canadian or so for panels I can't use.
I think I might cancel my order. Please tell me I am not understanding this right.
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06:58 PM
The Fieromaster Member
Posts: 4124 From: Painesville, Ohio USA Registered: Jun 2001
Soup has a good point. Although I have A/C, some people might not. I think it should be an optional item. Or maybe they could tool up another version without A/C options. Any thoughts?
------------------ Red 1986 Fiero GT
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09:25 PM
Automoda Member
Posts: 318 From: Bluffdale, Utah, USA Registered: Sep 2002
I'm not sure that unleaded only is even going to be on there. Sorry to those of you that don't want the HVAC panel. Soup, there was another guy on here that was looking to get a set of Aux Gauge overlays off of someone. Maybe he wants to by your HVAC panel also. The fact of the matter is they are trying to make this as simple as possible. If it make it 20 dollars cheaper for the rest of us, great. Everyone that gets a set could chip in a buck and make up the difference to you. Even at 139 I still think it's a good deal considering the apparent quaility and good service. On that last graphic it would definately be a custom, but I don't see why it would be that much more. Forward the photo on...tell them what you want to glow and ask them to give you a price over the 139.
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10:28 AM
Dan Robinson Member
Posts: 482 From: South Milwaukee, WI Registered: May 2001
I talked to them about custom stuff and it was gonna be twenty extra bucks.
Originally posted by Automoda: I like white faces, but sometimes they seem to be "too much" in the dark. Here's one where the center is blacked-out, and a ring on the outside glows:
I also got rid of some of the "clutter" that only a fool would need, such as "Unleaded Fuel Only" etc.
Does anyone else like this look?
[This message has been edited by Dan Robinson (edited 09-18-2002).]