Hmmm. I have no use for the HVAC also (I too have the other type... And I agree it shouldn't be included in the basic set. I doubt anybody would buy it from you because there's no way they can hook it up without the rest (inverter and stuff).
[This message has been edited by Cliff Pennock (edited 09-18-2002).]
I am obviously missing something... I like allot of the designs people are photo shopping, but I don't see them listed ???? All I see is white and silver metallic. I would want the black faces myself
I will try and ask if you guys can still get the 119 price and not get them. They are just trying to make it easier. I'll e-mail them and see what he says.
Originally posted by Fiero_Freak: [B]Soup, there was another guy on here that was looking to get a set of Aux Gauge overlays off of someone. Maybe he wants to by your HVAC panel also.B]
I was that guy. I have the Indiglo that are being sold on E-Bay. If some one could get a set that looks like the ones that are on E-Bay. I would buy both the Aux and HVAC overlays. But they have to be the 2 color blue/green, White face/Black lettering like the E-Bay ones.
I will try to get pics up this weekend of the overlays.
1988 Fiero Formula T-Top # 1008 of 1252 (5 Spd White/ Grey) 1987 Fiero SE V6 Auto (Blue/ Grey) Click here to go to my Web site
AIM = SpiffyFiero
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01:31 AM
hallsman Member
Posts: 1017 From: Litchfield MN USA Registered: Jul 2002
#1 I could get that illustrator file that has the basic layout
#2 I modify it, and send it in to them.
#3 They print it and there ya go!
Are they cool with this type of tinkering? Or is it too much of a pain. I'm just getting some specific ideas in my head of how I'd like this to look....
87 Quad 4 HO convertible
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12:00 AM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
If you start tinkering alot then it'll just cost a little more money. I'm not really sure what layout you're talking about though. I would just do it up and e-mail them and see.
I'm sending the pics back in and asking about the HVAC panels
I liked the pegasus ones (Good job), I'd buy a set if a couple options were available.
Arn't we missing the obvious here? Prancing horse logo would be nice for all the kit people, but the main thing I'd like to see, and they could do rather easily in a production run this large is a Speedo that goes to at least 150, personally i'd rather see 200. And a tach that redlines at 7000. I'd pay extra for those options too. That is the one thing everyone has gripped about over the years, good gauges for the Fiero. So lets do it up right! Feedback?
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01:45 AM
WFO Member
Posts: 35 From: Scottsboro,AL Registered: Nov 2001
So...Fiero Freak... Got a couple of questions, but I think you may be able to answer these without e-mailing Speedhut. Btw, I've already pre-ordered my set. AND...I'm *elated* that you got them to include the HVAC panel!! Thanks a bunch!!! Now to my questions... 1. About that HVAC panel... Will the panel itself be the same color as the gauge faces, or is it just going to light up the same color as the gauges? 2.The group logo is gonna be *huge* right? Cause I was thinking it was going to be the size of a quarter or something...not covering the whole face of the gauge. Hmm... 3.Do you have any idea if they would be able/willing to use the checkerboard fade that MinnGreen designed? I know he sent the file to them and was wondering if they were going to make it available at all? Cause that fade was cool!! 4. IF I wanted to talk to someone about this on the phone, who should I talk to there?It's becoming increasingly difficult to decide exactly what I want because I'm not sure I understand exactly what each option is. Thanks for any help you can provide! Later...WFO
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05:20 AM
System Bot
Sep 21st, 2002
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Ok Guys here's the options. There is essentially 2 options...small logo or large Peggy.
With the small logo you can get it with Fiero OR Fiero GT in the top. This can also be had with the graphics they offer, flames, etc. The color can be the same as the font, graphic, or redline. I'm hoping for them to get it a little bigger, but this is the postion.
Option 2 is with the larger Pegasus logo. This is not availible with the flames, etc. but when picking the color choice you will use those same color options as the graphic. This way it can be seen at night. The location will be on both larger gauges.
Anything beyond this will have to be taken up with them later and at additional cost. They will normally offer only one graphic, but since we are working with us as much as they can they are going the extra mile and offering 3 logos, in our two style choices. But these will remain the only standard group logo choices.
On the HVAC panels: Guys who don't want them, not a problem. $119 just like original. Everyone that wants them, $139.
WFO. HVAC panels will look just like the gauges. Graphics if you get them, text whatever. On the checkerboard fade. He didn't think they would do it since getting it to print just right would be cost prohibitive. You may be able to call and talk to him about it and get him to give you a price, but I got the idea that getting the inital first good copy was the hard part.
Any other questions just yell. Thanks everyone for working on these graphics and giving input. I can't wait!!!
Edited for 2nd grade spelling
[This message has been edited by Fiero_Freak (edited 09-21-2002).]
Given the two, I kinda like the large pegasus. On the other, if you move the RPM back to where the logo is, and put the logo (smaller) under each pointer, that would look good too. Making the tach read up to 7000 is a no brainer. But I still want a speedo to read to 200, even if I have to calibrate it myself. Am I the only one thinking ahead here? (for engine swaps, 3.4 DOHC's, and the just plain ol cool factor)
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01:27 AM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
All the text and font is just representative. That's the fiero Stock stuff. The text for that will probably be smaller and be somewhere else. If you want a higher tach that's something you can pay a little extra for I think. You shouldn't even have to recalibrate. The only thing about having the logo like that under the tack is it will get in your graphic. You don't want to get two things that light up in each other. It will be hard to differeniate at night.
Originally posted by Fiero_Freak: All the text and font is just representative. That's the fiero Stock stuff. The text for that will probably be smaller and be somewhere else. If you want a higher tach that's something you can pay a little extra for I think. You shouldn't even have to recalibrate. The only thing about having the logo like that under the tack is it will get in your graphic. You don't want to get two things that light up in each other. It will be hard to differeniate at night.
I think you misunderstood me or I wasn't clear. I was refering to the top sample, not the one with the large pegasus, when I suggested moving the Fiero logo under the pointers. :-)
And yes, I will pay extra for it. But there is room to make them all have the tach read 7K, and I don't think anyone would mind if it did.
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05:52 AM
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Do you mean rotate the tach numbers to make the space at the bottom? You said move the RPM and I thought you meant the "rpm x 1000". I was saying that's not necessarily where it is going to be. But as far as the logo that's where the standard location is going to be except as I said earlier it is going to be bigger to take up the entire space. It just really depends on the new text size and such. If you're talking about something else just change the pic to reflect what you want and let us see. And for the 7K thing, I would think that they would do it for you for probably $5 since it's next to nothing. They might not even charge.
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02:39 PM
Unltd1 Member
Posts: 912 From: Morrison, CO 80465 Registered: Jun 2002
Originally posted by Fiero_Freak: Do you mean rotate the tach numbers to make the space at the bottom? You said move the RPM and I thought you meant the "rpm x 1000". I was saying that's not necessarily where it is going to be. But as far as the logo that's where the standard location is going to be except as I said earlier it is going to be bigger to take up the entire space. It just really depends on the new text size and such. If you're talking about something else just change the pic to reflect what you want and let us see. And for the 7K thing, I would think that they would do it for you for probably $5 since it's next to nothing. They might not even charge.
I meant swap the RPMx1000 with the logo. Make the logo smaller, and place it under each pointer. I was going to edit it in phototshop, still working on it...
Originally posted by Unltd1: Like this kinda right?
Actually, no... but looking at it, I like that too!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I should have just posted a pic of it, but it was too late, I was too tired and lazy, and photshop was pissing me off. ;-)
or this? I'd rather have it go higher than 140, but this gives you an idea, as it is it took an hour with photoshop. 140, is at the least, more reasonable for those of us with mods.
[This message has been edited by godalex (edited 09-23-2002).]
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05:53 AM
fiero go fast Member
Posts: 1728 From: Royersford, PA Registered: Apr 2002
Well I've got a question. My speedometer only goes up to 85 right now. So if i were to get these EL gauges and upgrade to a 120 would i need to change anything? Also I'm not going to buy them untill i hear what all you guys/girls (if there are any) think of them. So if anyone actually does get these gauges can you please post pictures and keep us updated on how much of a project it was to actually get the gauges in. Thanks Matt
------------------ Red 86 SE 2.8
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02:37 PM
fiero go fast Member
Posts: 1728 From: Royersford, PA Registered: Apr 2002
Well I've got a question. My speedometer only goes up to 85 right now. So if i were to get these EL gauges and upgrade to a 120 would i need to change anything? Also I'm not going to buy them untill i hear what all you guys/girls (if there are any) think of them. So if anyone actually does get these gauges can you please post pictures and keep us updated on how much of a project it was to actually get the gauges in. Thanks Matt
------------------ Red 86 SE 2.8
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02:38 PM
Sep 24th, 2002
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
Ok... That's what I thought. The reason we decided to put it up there was to make it larger. You're just going to lose resolution in the graphic making it that small. Another reason is to allow for the added graphics like flames or racing strips to be added and not be fighting for the same space. What I meant on the RPMx1000 was that it probably won't be under the needle anyway. Unless the MPH moves under the needle also. Those are going to get balanced so they look even. If you guys want more on the speedo and want to recalibrate I'm sure they will work with you, but it's going to cost a little. These guys really aren't charging that much more so if you want something just ask how much. The most expensive thing I've seen so far they said would cost like $30 extra. For the guy who was asking about the 120 gauges... if you have the oil pressure at the bottom of your tach it would be easier for you to upgrade the actual gauges and then order teh 120 overlays. If you want to just recalibrate your speedo you could order the 85 MPH gauges and ask them about getting the 120 increments put on your speedo. Hope that helps.
I was looking for something subtle, and cool... little logos would be visable, like in the C5, Z06, ferrari, and still be different. It was an artistic balance, not trying to be outrageous, just tasteful. Now the large pegasus in option 2 was tasteful in my opinion. Just don't know what color to use with a black set of gauges, blue doesnt really match my car. (Metallic red/ tan leather)
As far as calibration goes, not a problem, all of us on here modify things that take much more work than that. Personally I hate burying a speedometer. I like to push the envelope, and know what I am doing... some people may not want to know though so 120 or 85 may suit them!
Since I am spending so much money to turn this car into a great handling rocket, I prefer a speedo and tach with the same character of the car. (My Vette cuts out at 172 via factory programing, but people still flip over the 200MPH speedo. LS1 edit will remedy that though.)
Hey, it was just an idea.
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02:19 AM
Sep 25th, 2002
WFO Member
Posts: 35 From: Scottsboro,AL Registered: Nov 2001
Fiero Freak, Thanks for the answers!! Option 1 logo is what I was hoping for! Thanks for hooking us up with that one! And the checkerboard fade... I just thought it looked *really* good and if they were gonna offer it as an option I thought I'd get it. However, as it is...the flames look great and I'm pretty darned happy as it is! Thanks again for all of the work you've done acting as our liaison to Speedhut. Later...WFO
JD86GT350, I don't know for sure (cause I haven't seen a set of the Speedhut gauges yet),but...after taking my AC controls apart last week to see exactly how they are lit...I would assume that the AC part of the gauge kit will somehow replace the grey factory face that has the writing/symbols printed on it. If this is incorrect, I hope someone sets me straight. Later...WFO
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08:45 AM
Sep 26th, 2002
Fiero_Freak Member
Posts: 1125 From: St. Louis, MO USA Registered: Oct 2000
I'm pretty sure it's just going to stick over it. They are only making the A/C one for now. You'll have the option of getting it with or w/o on the group buy, but if you wait it will only be availible with it.
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12:29 AM
Sep 28th, 2002
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
Hey, I like some of the ideas posted. But like others here I have a 2001 vette also so I really am looking for something tastefully done and not to garish. I like the idea of doing a group logo and will defiantely get that with my order. My Corvette has white on black guages, hope to get something close to that or the reverse of it would be cool also.
Originally posted by laffer98: Hey, I like some of the ideas posted. But like others here I have a 2001 vette also so I really am looking for something tastefully done and not to garish. I like the idea of doing a group logo and will defiantely get that with my order. My Corvette has white on black guages, hope to get something close to that or the reverse of it would be cool also.
I'd kill for info on how to get a C5 cluster in the Fiero... I love the C5 cluster. I'll have to search the factory service manual and see if I can figure out what it takes.
That's gonna suck for the Fiero then... the needle in my daily driver (1997 Ford Taurus) is lit from within, and the gauges themselves are EL.. (characters light up, the face is black.. text is white during the day)
there are no lights shining on the needle, it's very obvious there's a light source inside.