Old Lar Pic1 Grade B+ This pic had a lot of potential. You needed to walk about thirty feet to the right as well as move the car to maintain the good angle you had on the car. The tree is distracting to the tower and the steps which are directing your attention down to the car, which is great. Wish the electrical wires were gone too. I like how you did not center the car top to bottom as well. Pic2 Grade=A- This a very good shot. Things that prevented the A+ are the blending of the black of the trees and the front of the nose. Also the object setting behind the car. It makes you wonder what it is. I know you would not do this for a personal shot but for a brochure shot the front license plate would have to go.
Since we are now on page three let me explain again what I am doing in this thread. I have taught photography for several years. I am evaluating the photos in regards to their photography only. Think of this as we are trying to find great shots that would be worthy of being in a Fiero new car brochure. So the cars would have to be totally stock. I do not intend to offend anyone. I am only evaluating the photograph.
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10:00 PM
Morninglight Member
Posts: 449 From: The Netherlands Registered: Aug 2002
Morninglight - Grade A+ I really like this shot. I could easily see it in a brochure. You know with the caption "Its the perfect car to go out on the town in" The lighting is great except the area above the front tire. I love the drive texture and great lighting on the background. Good Job!
I do some occasional photographing on big raves, so mostly people. The shot above was taken in a hurry at a gasstation when I just bought the car.
I'm still waiting for a nice and sunny day to get some better pics..
I kinda like this one too:
No flash (duh) Long shutter time (dunno how many sec though)
Morninglight Interesting but would not make the brochure since we can't tell what car it is. (We all recognize it) Time exposures are a lot of fun. You never know what you got till you get the pics are back. I like how you like to play with light and are using a film camera. They leave you more options usually.
TM_Fiero Grade=A- This is a very good pic but has some problems. First it apprears that you are using a wide angle lens. Probably an equilivent of a 28mm or so for 35mm camera even if it is a digital camera. What makes that apparent is the bending of the light pole. Rain and fog are a great time to get the camera out. You got the reflection of the car on the blacktop with it being wet. Some detail got lost on the car but the mood of the photo doesn't seem to hold it back very much. Too bad the building on the right and the light pole got included. I love the low clould in the background. You should of tried several shots in the area to make the most of it.
Howard_Sacks Grade=B- Certainly a Fiero in competition might be found in a new car Fiero brochure. The background gets distracting. Especially the SUV behind it. There is a light line right up the middle of the door going over the rear quarter panel. Not sure what caused this. I believe you might of enlarged the photo too which is evident but the jagged edge on the GT fastback section.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 12-30-2002).]
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11:01 PM
Morninglight Member
Posts: 449 From: The Netherlands Registered: Aug 2002
Morninglight Interesting but would not make the brochure since we can't tell what car it is. (We all recognize it) Time exposures are a lot of fun. You never know what you got till you get the pics are back. I like how you like to play with light and are using a film camera. They leave you more options usually.
I don't have a film cam, all my pics are taken with a Sony DSC-P5 3.2MP cam Hence the noise on the pics with less daylight, the flash doesn't reach that far... max 9.2ft/2.8mtr
Morninglight Interesting but would not make the brochure since we can't tell what car it is. (We all recognize it) Time exposures are a lot of fun. You never know what you got till you get the pics are back. I like how you like to play with light and are using a film camera. They leave you more options usually.
I have to kinda disagree a little about Morninglight's shot. It's that kind of shot that makes the covers of car brochures. I've got a new car brochure around here (I don't think it's a Fiero one though) that has a shot just like that on the front of it. It catches your interest and compels you to look inside the brochure so you can find out what kind of car it is on the front.
Pontiac did something similar with one of their Fiero brochures. The cover is just a close up shot of the Fiero's headlight door (the one with the Pontiac embossed in it). You'd never know what the car really looks like from the pic, but it grabs your interest.
Ken S.
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11:45 PM
skitime Member
Posts: 5765 From: Akron, PA, USA Registered: Aug 2000
skitime, thanks for the tips. I used a digital camera, the pic was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I took it in a mcdonalds parking lot outside of seattle the day i picked the car up. i was heading for pennsylvania so i didn't want to spend much time with pics. I do want to get some nice pictures next year and your advice is appreciated.
happy new year
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02:32 PM
Old Lar Member
Posts: 13798 From: Palm Bay, Florida Registered: Nov 1999
Old Lar Pic1 Grade B+ This pic had a lot of potential. You needed to walk about thirty feet to the right as well as move the car to maintain the good angle you had on the car. The tree is distracting to the tower and the steps which are directing your attention down to the car, which is great. Wish the electrical wires were gone too. I like how you did not center the car top to bottom as well. Pic2 Grade=A- This a very good shot. Things that prevented the A+ are the blending of the black of the trees and the front of the nose. Also the object setting behind the car. It makes you wonder what it is. I know you would not do this for a personal shot but for a brochure shot the front license plate would have to go.
Since we are now on page three let me explain again what I am doing in this thread. I have taught photography for several years. I am evaluating the photos in regards to their photography only. Think of this as we are trying to find great shots that would be worthy of being in a Fiero new car brochure. So the cars would have to be totally stock. I do not intend to offend anyone. I am only evaluating the photograph.
Thanks for the critique, Ski. 30 feet to the right and I'd been in the Erie Canal. I think on one of my Photo shopped versions of the photo I did get rid of the electrical lines. I was standing on a picnic table at the time, which was chained in place. I was just out driving around after cleaning the car, stopped took a couple of shots and left. Now if I can find which CD I moved the original.
#2 I can maybe boost the contrast and get rid of the neighbor's shed two doors down. It is amazing what can be doe with digital editing. Another photo I took 5-6 years ago after a day of car cleaning.
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03:12 PM
Feb 26th, 2003
Spyhunter Member
Posts: 1254 From: San Francisco, CA Registered: Feb 2002
Here is what my 1984 looked like when I found it: Here is a detail shot: Here is my 1985 interior: Here is a nice evening shot: And here is how it looked lunchtime today!! Sorry to post so many pics but I will be interested in comments. BTW First shot was with a very simple fixed focus p&s camera taken by my (then 12 year old) son. The rest were taken with a Kodak DC200 digital camera.
Sorry, I didn't read the post carefully, my wheels, crests and interior are not stock. Enjoy the pictures (it is still a chance to show them) and again excuse me for not paying attention (especially Skitime who started this thread).
[This message has been edited by Monza76 (edited 02-26-2003).]
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10:31 AM
System Bot
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Wow, I am surprised this thread was bumped back up. Since it has been a while let me explain what we are trying to do. We are trying to find photographs of totally stock Fieros which would be good enough quality that the photo would be a likely canidate for a Fiero brochure. I am offering my critique of your photo. Please no flames and I know everyone has there own opinion and I welcome yours.
Spyhunter Grade=C- This picture has some thing going for it and more going against it. This is a great angle to shoot the GT. It really accents the body lines. The closeness of the camera to the car has created some distortion and I would suggest to move futher away and crop if needed to reduce the distortion. The background is a little cluttered and does not help the photo. The car appears dull as if almost dusty so that detracts too. There appears to be some type of photo retouching at the rear wheel and where the exhaust tips should be.
Denny- Grade=C Wow, now Denny I know you have thousands of Fiero pictures and this is not your best. This comes across as a snapshot and not a well thoughtout photo. too many distracting backgound items such as the poles. The melting snow gives the impression of the car is leaking too. I also find it distracting that the car is not parked in the lines. I am surprised you are diving it on a day like that since last winter you took it off road into a tree on ice. lol You still need to fix that crack at the right turn signal.
Monza76 I am trying to limit this to totally stock Fieros. Let me comment on the wheel shot despite not being stock. I mentioned earlier in this thread I believe that closeups of the Fiero are a good way to get a dramatic and interesting effect. The angle of this shot made the wheel gap apprear worse than it actually was. A closeup also shows up dirt and in this case rust on the rotor so the shot would not be a "brochure shot" Still the angle of the photo is interesting.
stimpy - Grade=B- This reminds me of a vaction type photo. It could be a great photo but what holds it back is that it appears to not be in sharp focus. More than likely the camera is the fault of the focus but possibly camera shake. When you get the opportunity for a great shot take several at different angles to improve the chance of a great photo.
Robert Wright - Let me critique the first one which I feel is the best. Grade=B+ I like this shot and the feeling of a frosty country morning. It could of been cropped better leaving less at the bottom and right side. Sharpness is off but probably from the dampness in the air which lends the feeling of morning. The fender flap of course would not be in a new car brochure. I also like the third shot.(Glad to see you back into a Fiero after losing both of you Fieros in that crash)
Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 Supercharged White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 02-26-2003).]
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11:17 AM
Denny Member
Posts: 1410 From: Leola, PA USA Registered: Apr 2001
Originally posted by skitime: Denny- Grade=C Wow, now Denny I know you have thousands of Fiero pictures and this is not your best. This comes across as a snapshot and not a well thoughtout photo. too many distracting backgound items such as the poles. The melting snow gives the impression of the car is leaking too. I also find it distracting that the car is not parked in the lines. I am surprised you are diving it on a day like that since last winter you took it off road into a tree on ice. lol You still need to fix that crack at the right turn signal.
You barked about just about what I figgered you would! LOL!
Actually, all my stock photos are at home.
That shot is from a new camera that I just got, am learning how to use it, hence the "test" photo.
And I should have known better than to ever tell you what happned to the nose . . .
[This message has been edited by Denny (edited 02-26-2003).]
Thanks for the comments, I tried a few variations on that wheel picture and, despite its flaws, that one was probably the best. These were all taken primarily for a web site so the camera was just a 1MP digital (actually the evening shot was tgaken with an old Kodak DC40 which is only about 700X500). I'll break out the Pentax when the weather improves and try for some better shots (I'll have the stock wheels on it by then.)
Thanks again Ira
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12:10 PM
solotwo Member
Posts: 5374 From: Grand Rapids, MI. USA Registered: Jun 2002
Garethster - Grade=A- No fair posting pics of my favorite color and model. lol I believe this picture could of been improved by including more of the backgound and not centering the car. Read my prior comments in this thread on not centering the pictures.
Unfortunately what I submitted was a cropped and severely compressed picture dictated by the size limitations of PiP. The original picture IMHO looks way better.
Ronnie - Grade A- This is a great shot but lacks sharpness. Also the car should of had the sun on the Drivers side. The late afternoon sun can really help create strond shadows which can help make the shot more dramatic. So I assume you won at Daytona with the car. Nice car.
Unfortunately what I submitted was a cropped and severely compressed picture dictated by the size limitations of PiP. The original picture IMHO looks way better.
Thanks for nice rating.
Gareth... if the original image is too large for PIP- email it to me at rob@xtralite.com and I'll do a bit of scaling & compressing to make it work.
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06:36 PM
litespd Member
Posts: 8128 From: No where you want to be Registered: Aug 99
litespd - well it is not stock and has tinted quarter windows and painted mirrors too so I will not grade it. Like the last picture the sun is in the wrong direction. Remember a professional would be there when the sun is in the opposite direction. It is a nice picture but fall short of an outstanding one. You did show effort to find a pleasant surrounding. Try to learn to work with the light.
Thanks Ski. Yeah , the light was wrong , but mainly because it was early morning , and I didn't want to get wet,LOL. I do like the angle of that pic tho, even tho it is a bit fuzzy. Yeah , we won "Best of Class- Daily Driver" . Was really surprised because of the quality of cars in the class. Would using a flash have helped any to fill the color better?
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11:08 PM
litespd Member
Posts: 8128 From: No where you want to be Registered: Aug 99
Thanks for the advice, Ski...I appreciate it! One thing I've noticed in some of the pictures posted here are the trees that are "growing up out of the roof". Hot Rod Magazine did an article a few years ago on taking photos of your car, and although I don't remember a lot of it, the tree comment stuck with me. They advised against having "singular trees" behind your vehicle...a grove of trees would be okay, but a single tree gives the impression that it's growing out of your roof, and takes away from the focus of the shot. And...I'm almost guilty of that...
[This message has been edited by litespd (edited 02-26-2003).]
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11:26 PM
skitime Member
Posts: 5765 From: Akron, PA, USA Registered: Aug 2000
Thanks Ski. Yeah , the light was wrong , but mainly because it was early morning , and I didn't want to get wet,LOL. I do like the angle of that pic tho, even tho it is a bit fuzzy. Yeah , we won "Best of Class- Daily Driver" . Was really surprised because of the quality of cars in the class. Would using a flash have helped any to fill the color better?
I doubt a flash would of been bright enough. Pros would of used a refector screen.
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11:26 PM
Robert Wright Member
Posts: 147 From: Lancaster, Pa. Registered: Oct 2002
Robert Wright - Let me critique the first one which I feel is the best. Grade=B+ I like this shot and the feeling of a frosty country morning. It could of been cropped better leaving less at the bottom and right side. Sharpness is off but probably from the dampness in the air which lends the feeling of morning. The fender flap of course would not be in a new car brochure. I also like the third shot.(Glad to see you back into a Fiero after losing both of you Fieros in that crash)
Yes I couldn't stay away long .... what was it ... one week maybe (Longest week of my life) And I'm still placing notes on other Fiero owners cars.wanting to know if They are interested in selling them. One Fiero is just not enough. But I must admit .. everyone was right if you want a 4 banger get an 87 or 88 there seems to be a world of difference after having an 84 and 85 / no more tinty engine sounds / now if I cound find an 88 t-top, v-8 conversion, .... I'd be in heaven. Hint... Hint .