We have a lot of awesome Fieros here. I myself have a highly modified Fiero. I would love to see some awesome photos of TOTALLY stock Fieros. Please do not post any photos if there is anything non-stock on the car including wheels. Surely we have some shots that would look great in the a Fiero new car brochure. Remember don't post if anything is visible that is not stock! We could include totally stock interiors and totally stock engines as well.
I will start the postings with our 88 GT that we show in the stock 88 GT classes. The lighting was perfect but I wish I had less cluttered backgroud.
------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 Supercharged White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution.
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10:44 AM
System Bot
kslish Member
Posts: 1476 From: Womelsdorf, PA Registered: Apr 2000
Here's my 88 Coupe.. Absolutely fully stock. Even has the stock radio and Delco battery. 62,000 miles. Only thing not original are the tires. That was as she sat when I got it last spring.
Since then, I've added a factory spoiler and replaced the hinges in the driver's door..
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01:02 PM
Poncho Jim Member
Posts: 869 From: Woodlands, MB, Canada Registered: Mar 2000
That's gotta be a prototype mockup.. The side vent and grill are wrong and it has the snowflake rims that were optional on the late 70/early 80 Firebirds..
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01:06 PM
billfredmike24 Member
Posts: 475 From: Paris, Ontario, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
I'll be glad to post a couple pics of mine ... I know I have a few on my hard drive taken before I swapped over to a Pontiac/Delco CD player and added the custom 'FORMULA' decal across the top of the windshield.
I'll dig around and see if I can find them.
O.K., it's not perfect, but close. ------------------ Patrick W. Heinske -- LZeitgeist@aol.com 1988 Red Fiero Formula - 1st Place - Stock Coupe - FOCOSEVA 2000 - 3rd Place - Stock Formula - FOCOA Nat'l 2001 - Class Winner - 1982 to Present - Tarheel Tigers All-Pontiac Show 2001 - Class Winner - Fiero: All Years - Tarheel Tigers All-Pontiac Show 2002
[This message has been edited by LZeitgeist (edited 02-27-2003).]
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01:27 PM
mrfiero Member
Posts: 9002 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Mar 99
Well here is mine parked near the lake down the road. It doesn't show up in the pictures but the ground effects and wheel centres have a pearl overlay.
Ok ARTE44 nice try but that's a clay mockup with the guys in design staff with Hulki, Mike Pitera, Chuck Jordan and few others I can't remember their names.
Mike Murphy DSM PMD St. Louis & Portland Zones 82-87
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06:59 PM
The Prezzzz Member
Posts: 836 From: Greenfield, WI USA Registered: Sep 2001
OK, Let me explain what I am looking for again. I was hoping for high quality pictures that could easily of been used in a Fiero new car brochure. I have taught photography for several years so let me evaluate some of them as if I am grading them in my class. The hands down winner so far is emars. He gets an A+. Nice shot good composition and lighting. Second place so far is RDosdorian. He gets a B+. Good pic but the lighting is washed out on the street. Next is FieroMGDriver. He get a B. Good potential but the garbage cans on the curb detract from the shot. Probably should of been shot futher back in the diveway. Next I would include AusFieros second shot. He blew the assignment since it was not stock but since he has so few Fieros to choose from I will give him credit for a nice shot. C+. Next I would include klish picture but lighting is poor on that otherwise nice shot. OK the rest are nice Fieros but you missed the assignment. A picture of your car in a driveway with oil spots or a parking lot with other cars would not be in a new car brochure. Pay attention to the background. A plain field would not be interesting. Pics should be clean, sharp focus and interesting. Lets get some more. Hope not to offend anyone. Just trying to have fun.
skitime sent you an email of an original type brochure well actually a football schedule. would of put it up myself but I have had no luck with my computer and this PIP thing.
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10:29 PM
skitime Member
Posts: 5765 From: Akron, PA, USA Registered: Aug 2000
I have a great pic of an 84 Sport Coupe, but PIP won't allow me to post it because it is too wide. I can email it to someone if they know how to reduce the size without deminishing the quality.
------------------ Check out my website... www.localline.com/~dlcrim 1985 Sport Coupe 1988 Formula
Actually, I can't see why you guys are nitpicking about Aus's car. The wheels are stock, just as you asked, and the paint effects wouldn't even have been noticeable in the photo if not for Aus's mentioning them. His pic gets the thumbs-up from me.
One trick I've noticed in brochure photos is that they usually black out the glass. Not necessary here, just one of the ways they make them look so dramatic. The tires are always polished black too. Gray tires lose points!
I have a great pic of an 84 Sport Coupe, but PIP won't allow me to post it because it is too wide. I can email it to someone if they know how to reduce the size without deminishing the quality.
You can email them to me and I will post them. skitime@ptd.net
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11:25 PM
Dec 24th, 2002
RAREW66 Member
Posts: 1119 From: Davenport, IA USA Registered: Jun 2001
Here are a couple of my Blue GT taken in July at the Michigan Fiero Show in Frankenmuth.
------------------ Fred Bartemeyer Chairman Heartland Fieros http://www.heartlandfieros.com 86 GT 4spd 26k miles 87 GT 5spd. Blue 37k miles 88 Silver T-Top Formula 266,000 miles 87 GT 5 spd Annette's Sunshine Driver 88 GT 5 spd Annette's Daily Driver
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12:07 AM
AusFiero Member
Posts: 11513 From: Dapto NSW Australia Registered: Feb 2001
Well it is besides the grouind effects and wheel centres. Well ok, and the front marker lights and the RHD conversion but they are considered stock here
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12:24 AM
RossT Member
Posts: 3038 From: Bismarck, North Dakota Registered: May 99
Thanks for the kind words, skitime. I went out one day just to take pics of my car -- I always do when I get a new toy. I've got a lot more where that came from! Here's another for all you "bone-stock 85 SE V6" fans.
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12:52 AM
CoolBlue87GT Member
Posts: 8470 From: Punta Gorda, Florida, USA Registered: Apr 2001
Here are a couple of my Blue GT taken in July at the Michigan Fiero Show in Frankenmuth.
Why do i get the impression that that car had a LeBra on for a while? or many a nose lift...somethings different about that front fascia
------------------ Steven Rossi 2M4 Cadero Converted to Aero Notch Back Visit my website at http://members.rogers.com/jrossi E-mail me with any questions at steven.rossi@rogers.com Please rate me if you appreciate my contribution to the Forum
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02:11 AM
Kelvin Vivian Member
Posts: 1233 From: San Jose, CA, USA Registered: Jan 2001
Thanks for the kind words, skitime. I went out one day just to take pics of my car -- I always do when I get a new toy. I've got a lot more where that came from! Here's another for all you "bone-stock 85 SE V6" fans.
I'm a fan of stock Fieros and I love your 85 SE V6 emars... It's PURE Fiero... Do not change a thing...
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04:35 AM
CoolBlue87GT Member
Posts: 8470 From: Punta Gorda, Florida, USA Registered: Apr 2001
OK Let me be presumptuous to continue evaluating the submitted photos.
JetroGT- Pic 1 That is a great shot, Grade=A the overhead wires need to be edited out but definitely a brochure shot. Professionally they would of had a reflector off camera to help light up the front of the car. Pic 2 background too distracting.
RARE66 Pic 1&2 Grade=A- Both pics have the color not quite right. Good composition but you should of not centered the car in the center of the picture. If the car was off center in the lower left corner it would on made the setting more dramatic.
RossT - I am a little bias towards these pics since I had used them to inspire me to bring my 88 GT t-top from rough condition. These had actually been my wallpaper in the past. OK let me evaluate them. Grade=A- The car should of been in the sun but the backdrop is perfect. This appears to have been taken with a wide angle lens which endangers distorting the subject. In the second pic the rear quarter was distorted because it was too close to the camera.
Turbotoad - Grade=B- This was an interesting angle. It became a victim of poor focusing. If you notice the depth of field or the area of sharp focus is in front of the car which caused blurring in the back of the car. Opening the camera to a larger lens opening would on helped.
emars #2 Another great shot Grade A+ Simple clean shot. The stark bark ground enhances the clean lines of the car. Sharp focus was a little ahead of the car.
CoolBlue Cool you cheat because you are using a new Fiero. haha Pic 1 Grade=A Good shot the white box in the side window detracts from being a brochure shot. Pic 2 Grade=A- Two things that would improve it would of been a polarized filter to bring out the clouds and to place the car in the lower left corner of the pic. Now that I see that same white square in the passenger window I realized it is the new car window sticker. Course that would have to be removed for brochure pics. Pic 3 Grade=A This is a great shot. Color appears to be off a little. The car should of been lower in the photo and the car across the street should of been missing. This beautifully sets the feeling that the Fiero is a very classy car. Nice job! Pic4 Grade=C+ Interesting setting but the cars in the background should be missing. Pic5 Grade=C Course the Steering wheel cover would not be in the brochure and the lighting is too dark. Pic5 Grade=C Of course it is absolutely stock but the lighting is too bright and washed out the color and some detail.
Micky_Moose Pic1 Grade=A Great shot. Again to improve it you should not center the car and it needed light in the foreground. Definitely a good shot though and the colors are perfect for the color of the car. Pic2 Grade=B+ Pretty much the same problem as the first but had the potential of being perfect. Lighting is the problem which would of required to setting and locking the camera for lighting of the foreground instead of averaging the lighting for the whole picture which is how most cameras would handle this situation. Pic3 Grade=A- Another picture that works perfect for the color of the car and background. This picture should of been framed with the car in the lower right corner. If you look at it and crop the pic so the car is in the lower right you will see what I mean.
Great pics everyone. I hope nobody is offended by my comments. I am only doing this for fun. Just a little of the photography teacher in my coming out.
Why do i get the impression that that car had a LeBra on for a while? or many a nose lift...somethings different about that front fascia
Steve- The car does in fact have a "bra" on it! They made a plastic type of cover that went over the fascia to act as a bra would. I have not seen this on any other Fiero, it is pretty uncommon. Nice car Fred!
------------------ '87GT 6" Drop, Can you say "Bagged"? Pictures and Details Coming Soon!
'87 blue cp- Yah! '91 Eclipse- Lowered 2.5" '91 Beretta GT- FOR SALE
I withdraw my entry after reading the rules again. I wish I had a nice stock picture but I don't.
My vote goes to RossT, I think it's the most awesome example of a Red 88GT. It was his car that inspired me to get a red 88GT. Now if only mine could shine like that again...
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 12-24-2002).]
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11:31 AM
RossT Member
Posts: 3038 From: Bismarck, North Dakota Registered: May 99
Thanks Ski and Jscott! Actually I did not use a wide angle lens. Just a bone stock digital camera. I think the shadows from the trees is making it look that way. At first I thought the pics were bad because of the lighting, but after looking at them for a while, The lighting adds to the car IMHO!
The first shot I had mingreengt blow up to poster size. Looks good that way too.
I like the ones from coolblue!!
Ski, you need to start a seperate thread for interior and engine compartment pics. My dialup is freeking out. This was a great idea. I know that we all love to customize are cars, but sooner or later there won't be any stock cars left.
The cars that have lots of miles and are maintained GM stock HAVE MY GREATIST RESPECT!!!
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11:58 AM
sailordude Member
Posts: 421 From: Pt. Edward, Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2001