I spent about an hour on the phone with the designer behind these hinges and let me say that I am EXTREMELY impressed. The amount of time and thought that went into this is staggering to me. I'm in 1000%
First... the block in the picture isn't holding the door up. It's just sitting in there.
Second... the door sits flush and in it's stock position.
Third... It's adjusstable. You can adjust the angle of the hinge and the power of the strut. You can also get a lineal actuator if you want to avoid gas struts.
Fourth, he's currently developing a plug'n'go version of the electronic kit.
I'm soooooo going to get one of these. He has thought of EVERYTHING and is EXREMELY eilling to help with any questions.
He did say that we could split a kit and get 2 driver's side hinges...
Email me at agaricx@agaric.net if you want to go halvsies.
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06:30 PM
Automoda Member
Posts: 318 From: Bluffdale, Utah, USA Registered: Sep 2002
Having installed a convertible kit myself, I do not fear this mod. However, once my initial excitement wore off, I realized there are some questions that they need to answer about the kit:
1) Please give us some video of a person getting in, and out of that car at ground level.
2) How about a picture of the door opening from the inside-view?
3) Show me the window-to-rubber seal up close. I had to do a few hours of work to get my convertible to seal perfectly. Fortunately there's a lot of adjustability built in to the Fiero's window system. I'd like to see pics of the door closed, and just barely starting to open, and just barely starting to close to see whats going on with that.
4) The instructions in the PDF are pretty much useless. Some good photographs of the door jambs, the striker and latch area, the hinges and struts and anything that has to be cut out of the door to make room for struts etc. I know, I know its "adjustable" but its best to have something to start from and go from there.
5) Is this reversible? If it doesnt turn out as cool as I want, or if I decide to put it on a different car eventually, have I ruined the mounting points for my stock hinges and striker? Thats important! Who cares about the door itself-- those are easily replaced.
Before I saw this I was thinking about how it could be done. I concluded it would be a REAL trick. I cant believe they pulled it off! Congrats! I've also been pondering a gullwing. Like I say-- once you've done a convertible, nothing scares you! :o)
Someone who's buddies with the StreetDreams people needs to pass these questions/concerns along so that I, and people like me, can decide if we should regain our enthusiasm for this sissor-door kit again!
87 Quad 4 HO convertible
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06:53 PM
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
Yeah I think we need some many details of this. So far it is great. But after reviewing so forth, I think we want answers from every aspect of it just to be sure. If we do want to switch back to the original openings of the doors can it be done all that! What we need is definitely more pics of all this. Get the street dream guys on the Forum and have them impress us even more!
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07:53 PM
Dec 7th, 2002
Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
Am I the only one that noticed in the video tha window is NOT up all the way. Obviously so it will clear the a pillar. That is reason enough not to do the kit. How do you park it in the rain. With the window down?
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07:51 PM
vassago12 Member
Posts: 86 From: pickering, ont. Canada Registered: Aug 2002
Support Street Dreams! They are offering something new to the Fiero community.
Not long ago someone posted a picture from a Quebec import show with a silver custom Fiero with a similar hinge setup. People couldn't stop drooling over it, some wanting to know if a kit was available, and now that there is some of you want to nit-pick it.
Since when must everything custom must also be fully functional or comfortable for everyday use? Does it have to be? Who says?
As far as fit and function, it's just like kit cars, a lot depends on how good of a builder and craftsman you are.
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11:11 AM
Posts: 1813 From: East Tawas MI Registered: Dec 2001
It's just something different someone may want on thier car. Besides that, I have a hard time getting in and out of my Fiero with the stock doors, that's why the seat cover is wore out now LOL. Everyone have a Great Day Thanks Gary
Yeah, but you don't like power steering either, you sicko! (j/k)
I actually have mixed emotions on these doors. The gee whiz factor would be hard to beat. I don't see that they'd be any harder to get in and out of than a regular Fiero door in a parking lot when you couldn't open the doors all the way.
But, kind of like Dennis, I'm not sure they fit the car.
John Stricker
Originally posted by Dennis LaGrua:
It think that these Lambo style doors look out of place on a Fiero, serve no practical purpose and are quite ugly. Just my opinion!
I actually have mixed emotions on these doors. The gee whiz factor would be hard to beat. I don't see that they'd be any harder to get in and out of than a regular Fiero door in a parking lot when you couldn't open the doors all the way.
John Stricker
True getting in and out when you cant open the door enough does suck. But its not each and every time. Like on the street or in my driveway where the coolness doesnt make any difference I still will have to fight it.
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01:54 AM
tomanyfieros Member
Posts: 2702 From: Albany, Ohio Registered: Nov 2000
i dont think i could see those doors on a stock fiero... but i think i can see those doors on my GT i like them.. and once i get the $, im going to order them (hopefully, this 88 coupe is sold, then i can get them!) I would buy those hinges, just have them open up like that, i dont care much for how doors open on the car, but it adds the "wow thats neat" onto the car.. and my car is going to be a show car when finished, so... for me, i love them and im going to order them.. if anyone is going to order them.. shoot me a PM, cause i talked to him, and he said he would knock off 15% if we get a group order... later all Jason
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07:39 AM
fiero go fast Member
Posts: 1728 From: Royersford, PA Registered: Apr 2002
DITTO!! For any who are interested and love that movie as much as I, can get the whole trilogy set on december 19 on dvd. Its supposed to have lots and lots of extra stuff.. Sorry just thought I'd add this.
If you look at the block that is holding up the door and where it is located you can tell that there is very little room to get in and out.
Um, go back to the top and re-read the first post. The block is NOT holding up the door.
Also, for those who say the door (in open position) covers most of the opening, thus making it hard to get in/out - I do not believe that is the case. It is simply the angle at which the photo was taken. In fact, I know that's what it is - take a CLOSE look at it.
It would still be nice to see some more pics, like sealing / actual opening from the side.
As far as this looking good (or not) on a Fiero - most of us are trying to make our cars as exotic as we can. Does it get any more exotic than this? I don't think so.
You don't have to buy the product if you don't like it but someone has spent many hours coming up with something unique for the Fiero community - please don't knock it.
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10:34 AM
Tigger Member
Posts: 4368 From: Flint, MI USA Registered: Sep 2000
Like Stricker, I see both sides to this. First: for a long time, people have imagined making this possible on Fieros. Now, it appears someone has done it. Yes, we need to see more angles and to fill in the blanks with more information, but apparently it works and they're showing it to us. Second: no, it doesn't look real great on that car, IMO, but as said above it just might look fantastic on the right car. Third: this is the place for opinions, so if you don't like it you should be able to say so.
Fourth: BTTF trilogy on DVD with extra stuff? Now I GOTTA get me a DVD player! Sam's Club, here I come!
Ok... I think it's cool. Everytime someone posts a pic of a Fiero with "scissor" doors, people rave about it (even if it's super-riced or photoshopped).
how many people asked about this pic (yes...this one is photoshopped)
Personally, I think it's quite the cool mod. I'd like to see more details/info before I spend my cash on it (and I'd like a complete motorized version capable of lowering the windows a touch for entry & exit).
For those that don't like it- that's fine too... you don't have to give them your money!
Keep the info flowing- we're hungry for it! (heck- have you just forwarded them a link to this thread? invite them to sign up and help us answer a few questions).
To start with let me explain. This is not a show car or a finished product, It is a Junker that I could cut up to proto-type this setup on and to prove that it can be done. There are several ways to address each of the concerns that where stated in the previous thread. That is what building a custom car is all about. It is an expression of the Design, Imagination, Talent, skill and Engineering of the creator. To simply buy something, open the box, bolt it on, is what I call a "Cookie Cutter Custom".
There are a lot of things that I would do to this car before I would call it Good and there are a lot of different ways and different levels to which they could be done.
I could design and build a hinge that would bolt right in to the Fiero and do the job, but I didn't think the market would support the cost of development. I would have to sell that kit for Like $3,000.00. Are there any takers?
This kit can work on any car and allows the builder to exercise their own skills and build a true custom. If you are looking for a cheap way to this, than you have to figure that there will be some things about it that are not as nice as the more expensive ways. Most importantly it is done to YOUR specs. One of the areas of give and take is the position of the door when it is open. To increase this you may have to have the window down first or modify the roof line, etc.
Building First Class Custom Cars is done by people that have years of experience doing regular work, then they bring it to a higher level.
These are hinges and an installation kit. The rest is up to the builder. And YES it can be done.
As for the Instructions. They are intended to give you the basic principles, parameters, guidelines and factors for you to use in your engineering of the project.
Here is a picture of the door opening from a perspective behind the door. The movies and pictures on our site are photographed from slightly ahead of the door - the vertical beams of the hoist would have obscured the view.
Sincerely Ross
...just thought I'd add it to this thread (and fix the image link at the same time).
I'll have to remember that when you or Smoooooth GT ever offer anything new.
Well said Voytek!
Please do remember this when I do make something you want.
Like when I started making flush lights? I didnt make them because there were alot asking for them. I made them because I wanted a set and I saw what was out there. And ask anyone that has one of my light kits of the quality or fit or ability to return to stock with no hassle.
Never have seen your name come across my desk to order a set. You never supported me in my new item for fieros. And no you didnt ruffle anything. You dont have what it takes to ruffle me.
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11:00 PM
Tigger Member
Posts: 4368 From: Flint, MI USA Registered: Sep 2000
Please do remember this when I do make something you want.
Like when I started making flush lights? I didnt make them because there were alot asking for them. I made them because I wanted a set and I saw what was out there. And ask anyone that has one of my light kits of the quality or fit or ability to return to stock with no hassle.
Never have seen your name come across my desk to order a set. You never supported me in my new item for fieros. And no you didnt ruffle anything. You dont have what it takes to ruffle me.
LOL, what are you talking about? What does a flush headlight kit have anything to do with lambo doors or why I never purchased one?
Little do you know I have recommended your headlight kits to a lot of people I talk to at shows and Fiero meets. I have talked with a few who have them. No, I haven't bought one, you are right on that. Do I have to buy something to be supportive of it.
Since this is getting so far off subject...
Am I not supportive of Archie because I haven't had him do a choptop to my Fiero? I sure don't go out of my way to tell people not to do it because they might bump their head more often getting in & out and will end up with less headroom so that's reason enough not to have Archie chop the top on your Fiero. LOL, NO.
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11:54 PM
Dec 11th, 2002
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
I'll have to remember that when you or Smoooooth GT ever offer anything new.
Well said Voytek!
Well, First off..... I said that I agreed about that when a 'new product' is introduced to the Fiero Community does not mean that it is 'quality' and should be admired by all!! I mean that too.....
Tigger, I can't believe that this came from you..... It's just not your style to act like this.... No, you did'nt 'ruffle' anything, Good try though.... All I said was "I agree".... I guess we can't post how we feel anymore...???
This is EXACTLY why I am not introducing anything to the Fiero Community!!!! Too much from people that really don't understand how much work it take's to do something 'custom' like this or even 'custom' like my "Smooth GT".... People alot of time say stuff that they really don't know what they are talking about! People like Cavader, Joe Torma, Mr. Mike's, Archie, Rodney Dickman, Sage, AusFiero, WCF, Paul Vargas, Darrel Morse, Pat 'FiberSmith', and even Myself.... Try really hard to make stuff for the Fiero and people that 'knock it before you try it' really should try not to 'ruffle' thing's until they try it..... I know that people should try to 'encourage' other's not be negative all the time. Sorry if I offended anyone by this post.
SmoothFieroGT@Yahoo.com Have you RATED me today??
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12:05 AM
Tigger Member
Posts: 4368 From: Flint, MI USA Registered: Sep 2000
Well, First off..... I said that I agreed about that when a 'new product' is introduced to the Fiero Community does not mean that it is 'quality' and should be admired by all!! I mean that too.....
Tigger, I can't believe that this came from you..... It's just not your style to act like this.... No, you did'nt 'ruffle' anything, Good try though.... All I said was "I agree".... I guess we can't post how we feel anymore...???
People like Cavader, Joe Torma, Mr. Mike's, Archie, Rodney Dickman, Sage, AusFiero, WCF, Paul Vargas, Darrel Morse, Pat 'FiberSmith', and even Myself.... Try really hard to make stuff for the Fiero and people that 'knock it before you try it' really should try not to 'ruffle' thing's until they try it..... I know that people should try to 'encourage' other's not be negative all the time. Sorry if I offended anyone by this post.
The quality of Street Dreams hinges are kick ass! The hinges he makes for the lambo kit cars are so cool, I've had one in my hand and didn't want to put it down. I'm sure these hinges are made with the same quality.
This conversion kit isn't going to be a bolt on mod like most here desire and there's nothing wrong with that. It's going to take some talent, skill, enginuity to do it. It's obviously geared for the expert builder. If a novice is considering doing this as their first project they may want to reconsider. Street Dreams came right out in his post that the project will exercise a lot of skill and the hinges will have to be made to fit each individual Fiero. He's not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes.
I just feel so strongly about these kits and projects like this. I wasn't calling anyone out.
As far as I know nobody has said you couldn't post how you feel about something here.
I posted how I felt, was I wrong in doing so?
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12:52 AM
jstricker Member
Posts: 12956 From: Russell, KS USA Registered: Apr 2002
Other than the cool factor, I'm still considering these for my next project (and it's not a Lambo, but the body style hasn't been completely finalized yet) for a reason that has reared it's ugly head repeatedly on the Finale.
We use Eibach's on the car and it's lowered about an inch. When we park the car curbside, it is impossible for the passenger to get out of the car at over 90% of the curbs we park at!! The door will hit the curb. We either have to park a good distance away from the curb or simply park elsewhere. Likewise, I try to park in parking lots beside some fixed object like a lightpole, etc., that keeps other cars from parking beside me. If I do that, I have to park closely enough that it makes entry and exit difficult, at best. These doors would take care of that problem as well.
Lowering makes things interesting on the doors and Lambo used these for a reason. I wouldn't like the power actuator, gas springs would be fine.
I do know that I'd like to see one work though, to see how the window comes in and fits. Mixed emotions here, but I see it solving a couple of problems (and creating some new ones).
John Stricker
Originally posted by cadaver:
True getting in and out when you cant open the door enough does suck. But its not each and every time. Like on the street or in my driveway where the coolness doesnt make any difference I still will have to fight it.
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01:57 AM
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
Tigger... No, Not at all.... I want EVERYONE to post how they feel... This is the internet, I take everything with a grain of salt... I see that you REALLY support Street Dream's, and I am glad to see other people support other's!! The support from other's is how it work's... and the ONLY way it'll work!!
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02:09 AM
GTDude Member
Posts: 9056 From: Keysville, Virginia, USA Registered: Nov 2001
Forget all the BS.......I want a set. They are sooooooooo kewl! Can't afford them now, but as soon as I can and before I repaint my car I'm installing a set! It's worth that much just for the "WOW" factor alone... ..........LOL! Good luck!
------------------ GTDude OVER 25 years GM experience
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04:20 AM
Dec 12th, 2002
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
Forget all the BS.......I want a set. They are sooooooooo kewl! Can't afford them now, but as soon as I can and before I repaint my car I'm installing a set! It's worth that much just for the "WOW" factor alone... ..........LOL! Good luck!
Ohhh Hush Phil and get to work on your headlight's...LOL
SmoothFieroGT@Yahoo.com Have you RATED me today??
[This message has been edited by Smoooooth GT (edited 12-12-2002).]
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11:36 AM
System Bot
Jan 2nd, 2003
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
Ive got a Lambo Diablo. Let me say, the doors are a pain to open, lot bigger pain to close. Once inside, you have to rest your weight on the inside armrest to get it to latch down. Im good at squeezing into tight cars, but this one is a definate hastle. You could easily throw your back out with the way you have to twist and sit. And thats if you can do it without hitting your head. I think they ought to make Lambo kits with your choice of door hinges. Id like it much better if they were conventional. You also end up with a door sill thats almost a foot wide just to get to the seat.
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03:37 PM
Will-Martin Member
Posts: 1164 From: DFW, TX, USA Registered: Aug 2002
... So I have to tell people to move over to the right angle to see it is really easy for me to get in my exotic They even work bad on a real Lambo!!
I have been in a friends Delorean (before he traded it for a porsche 911). When the gasschocks are worn or not right adjusted you wont have to go to the gym!
but NOW the biggest problem: someone's gotta make some bodykit for that ugly underside of the doors!!