Well street dreams has just come out with some lambo style door hinges for the Fiero and I am thinking of buying a pair. For those of you that are interested: Check them out. Just scroll down to the middle of the page at this link: http://www.iserv.net/~strdream/hinges.html
[This message has been edited by Chief (edited 12-04-2002).]
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08:54 PM
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Rare87GT Member
Posts: 5085 From: Wichita, KS USA Registered: Oct 2001
------------------ --Adam-- 1987 Blue GT 5-speed IM AOL: GTFiero Remember, always brush your milk, drink your teeth, dont do sleep and get eight hours of drugs
Drive it like you stole it...nice and slow so you dont get your @$$ caught by the cops
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09:26 PM
AusFiero Member
Posts: 11513 From: Dapto NSW Australia Registered: Feb 2001
THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! If I forget going to California in the spring, I could have those installed by the 20th in Pontiac!!! SWEET!
I spoke with them for about 45 mins on doing these doors about 2-3 weeks ago. When I purchased my new car I figured I HAD to have these. They make a 4strut kit (basic only comes with 2) but then your up to $700. It comes with rails that you have to weld on, with 6 different positions that you can set the strut. There is much welding, cutting, fabricating to get these to work perfect, but once you do its the WOW, factor. I decided not to go with them only because I don't think I'll have the extra cash around after everything else is done (over $700 with shipping the the cost of fabrication to work). For those that do, however, please go for it!!! I would love to see them.
They say the major issue is that there is a slight 'buldge' outward on the fiero lower a-arm area that you have to work around and the fact of getting the door to line up properly with the window fully up. (remember no frame so if its not right, you can break the glass). You can however add the option of using a motorized strut type thing so the door would actually be able to open itself at the push of a button. Perhaps you could even rig in a switch so that when you press it, it opens the window about 2" or so, then pops the door out and up, just to give you the security of that window being out of the way.
Good luck with whoever does this, I can't wait to see it!!!
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11:48 PM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
Yeah, it looks like there might be to much door in the way to get in easily like tabs said. Haha, just watched the mpg they have, and I could just picture the guy opening the door and once its fully "up" it just kind breaks off the car. Sorry.. just me thinking again. Matt
------------------ Red 86 SE 2.8
Rate me if I've helped or just if you liked my responce.
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01:06 AM
soup Member
Posts: 1572 From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
I agree, how can someone get in there? almost 3/4 of the opening is covered by the door still I looks cool, but unless there is something we are missing by those pics, not practical.
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05:58 AM
87gt guy Member
Posts: 111 From: Bel Air, MD, USA Registered: Nov 2001
<sing with the two front teeth song> ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS THAT COOL DOOR HINGE, THAT COOL DOOR HINGE. Man! That is NICE, maybe if I dont get anyone presents this year I could get one. Or, I might have to go to the mall and ask Santa for one.
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06:17 AM
FieroBUZZ Member
Posts: 3320 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Feb 2001
Hey man, do you have any pics of your interior? if you do could you please post them or e-mail me at stpstp1@aol.com Make sure you make the subject big with fiero in it so I wont delete it. If you e-mail me. thanks.
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10:37 AM
The Aura Member
Posts: 2290 From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
its a pretty neat mod, but for the time/money/effort i could find SO much better to do. fierobuzz is right, i'd rather be driving than having people gawk at it. seems like it would cost near 1000 when its all said and done, and would probably take a LONG time to make perfect. for that time/money, can you say cadero?
They said it could not be done, but street dreams did it. I spoke to them and they said the picture does not show the true size of the opening from that angle. They are going to post other pictures soon that show how much room there really is. The hinges dont just pivot they also push the door outward at an angle for better clearance. Nice set up, I wish I had them.
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04:46 PM
artherd Member
Posts: 4159 From: Petaluma, CA. USA Registered: Apr 2001
Gotta find out more about the fit when closed, but whoever had the actuator idea with automatic window-lowering, you're right on man
Price is totally reasonable.
Best! Ben.
------------------ Ben Cannon 88 Formula, T-top, Metalic Red. (2:13.138 at Sears Point) "Every Man Dies, not every man really Lives" 88 Formula, Northstar, Silver, In-Progreess. -Mel Gibson, "Braveheart"
Check the video out but pause it and put the slider to the begining not sure if he had the door open partially but it sure has a large gap at the bottom. If I had a product like that I would sure have better illustration of it. http://www.iserv.net/~strdream/gr_hinge/fiero_door_open_lg.mpg
They could'nt have put those on a more lame looking Fiero could they?!
$650!! I'll pass.
------------------ '73 Pontiac Formula Coolest body lines of all time '85 Fiero GT 2M6/Auto Stock and boring for now '92 Dakota Sport 425hp 360+NOS...just in case '01 Durango R/T Stock and determined to keep it that way
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06:00 PM
System Bot
The Aura Member
Posts: 2290 From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
I think the price is not too bad. It depends on how much fabrication work will be needed. The solenoid actuator idea is great, I wonder how much weight all of this would add?
------------------ Help, Someone has lit a Fiero in my a#@!
Check the video out but pause it and put the slider to the begining not sure if he had the door open partially but it sure has a large gap at the bottom. If I had a product like that I would sure have better illustration of it. http://www.iserv.net/~strdream/gr_hinge/fiero_door_open_lg.mpg
I was just looking at this. I noticed when you pause the video at the start the window is also down a little bit. Just wanted to point that out. still a neat idea...
------------------ 86 Black GT auto 85 Black SE v6 (parts car) oh, I drive one of them SUVs too :p
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11:14 AM
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
Has anyone got a side-view picture OR a website that has a side-view of the Fiero application??? As mentioned above, it does look like it would be a head banger on the corner's of the door's... Thank God that mine are rounded on the bottom..
DAMN! They look SWEEET! I LOVE "Lambo-doors" (and "Gull-wing" doors too)
I saw the first pic, drooled all over the keyboard, and then read a lot of people saying it would be hard to get into the car...I thiught to myself "Nahhhh< can't be THAT hard..."
Till I watched the movie of it.
Damn, it looks like you have almost NO room to get in/out. I wish the made 'em open "up-and-outward"
I'm still interested, and I hope they realize just how much business they'd get if they make a viable "Fiero door kit". They have a generic kit, but if they made one for the Fiero that was cut properly, and operated so the door gives you enough room to enter and exit, I'm sure they'd have a lot of Fiero owners buying their stuff.
my 2cents...
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12:33 PM
Posts: 768 From: Linwood, MN, USA Registered: May 2002
Look at real lambo doors. The front of the door is a foot in front of the dash, the fiero door is covering 2/3 of the door opening.
They look awsome on a kit car, but... It's a great idea but it doesn't look proportional on a fiero in my opinion.
------------------ Member MN Fieros Forever 1986 GT. Self Installed SC3800/getrag almost everything performance wise is modified/upgraded, inside and out. Over 10 years in Car Audio and Car Electronics Experiance P.S. GOT 19"s??(all the way around)
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02:22 PM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
Can someone photoshop a side view of a fiero with the door at that angle? I have a hard time believing the opening is bigger than it appears in that first picture and video.
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02:49 PM
Xantavar Member
Posts: 1158 From: Big Rapids, MI...Ferris State Registered: Nov 2002
For a show car or a sunny day only car and you have an extra grand or more to blow on doors. I can see how they would be cool.
For a daily driver they would get old fast. At first they'd be awsome and one wouldnt mind getting in or out with problems but day after day you'd get use to to the doors, wouldnt be anything special anymore and they just start getting annoying. They arent very practicle
------------------ --Adam-- 1987 Blue GT 5-speed IM AOL: GTFiero Remember, always brush your milk, drink your teeth, dont do sleep and get eight hours of drugs
Drive it like you stole it...nice and slow so you dont get your @$$ caught by the cops