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Help! Jordans green Fiero is down! by Fiero5
Started on: 10-30-2003 04:55 PM
Replies: 163
Last post by: Cliff Pennock on 11-11-2003 09:58 AM
Cliff Pennock
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Report this Post11-08-2003 06:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff PennockClick Here to visit Cliff Pennock's HomePageSend a Private Message to Cliff PennockDirect Link to This Post
Ok, somebody pointed me to this thread, asking me what my thoughts are on this. My thoughts? Threads like this are the reason I'm wondering if it's all worth it. This forum was put together to get Fiero owners together, not to divide them. So we can all help each other keep our cars on the road. Instead, some of you take every single opportunity to start flamewars.

I'm also getting sick and tired of the "let's go to, it's much better there" posts. Yeah, great way of saying "Thank you for the forum and all you've done for the Fiero community, Cliff. But now that we've made a mess of your place, we'll go party somewhere else".

Let me tell you something: it's not the forum that sucks, it's some of the people on it. Let me tell you something else: you will encounter the same people there. If you think PFF is the problem, then by all means, go. Please. But don't start crying "this forum sucks". Also, kudos to those people that use PFF as their personal advertizing board for their forum. That really looks good on you.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I cannot understand why you would want to try to split up the Fiero community by starting a new forum. There is one already. And I'm not saying this because this happens to be my forum, I say this because I'm a Fiero owner. You want to start a Fiero forum? Fine. Let me know and I'll close this one. As a Fiero owner, I want one single place to ask questions, one single place where I can find the majority of the people I have questions for. I don't want to jump between tons of forums.

Yes, I'm ranting. I'm ranting because I simply cannot believe why we as a group constantly have to engage in childish bickering. I'm ranting because I already am in a bad mood and on top of that, you guys simply make me sick. Most of you are from a country that constantly advocates "peace on earth", yet you can't even get along amongst yourself, with a small group of people that share the same interest, people that share the same misunderstood love for that weird little car.

So do whatever you please. Go. Stay. I don't care. I used to be proud being part of this community. Because we were a close, friendly and very helpful bunch. People from other car forums actually joined just to say they had never seen such a nice group of people. But that seems like ages ago.

So again, do whatever you want. Go to if that's what you want. But stop the petty bickering and stop blaming PFF for your own actions.

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Report this Post11-08-2003 06:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for KentoSend a Private Message to KentoDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:
So again, do whatever you want. Go to if that's what you want. But stop the petty bickering and stop blaming PFF for your own actions.

Cliff. not trying to flame, bicker, or nitpick but the link you posted is bad.

Even after 3 years of no Fiero driving, Guess where the 2nd place I surfed to??? Here, had to hit google first to find it . I think this place is awsome and yeah a few people stir it up but that happens in real life as well. I have seen this happen before and we made it thru those times and we will persiveare<sp????> again. I would like to thank you Cliff for this awsome place for us the gather. Thank you!



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Report this Post11-08-2003 06:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for red GTSend a Private Message to red GTDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Ok, somebody pointed me to this thread, asking me what my thoughts are on this. My thoughts? Threads like this are the reason I'm wondering if it's all worth it. This forum was put together to get Fiero owners together, not to divide them. So we can all help each other keep our cars on the road. Instead, some of you take every single opportunity to start flamewars.

I'm also getting sick and tired of the "let's go to, it's much better there" posts. Yeah, great way of saying "Thank you for the forum and all you've done for the Fiero community, Cliff. But now that we've made a mess of your place, we'll go party somewhere else".

Let me tell you something: it's not the forum that sucks, it's some of the people on it. Let me tell you something else: you will encounter the same people there. If you think PFF is the problem, then by all means, go. Please. But don't start crying "this forum sucks". Also, kudos to those people that use PFF as their personal advertizing board for their forum. That really looks good on you.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I cannot understand why you would want to try to split up the Fiero community by starting a new forum. There is one already. And I'm not saying this because this happens to be my forum, I say this because I'm a Fiero owner. You want to start a Fiero forum? Fine. Let me know and I'll close this one. As a Fiero owner, I want one single place to ask questions, one single place where I can find the majority of the people I have questions for. I don't want to jump between tons of forums.

Yes, I'm ranting. I'm ranting because I simply cannot believe why we as a group constantly have to engage in childish bickering. I'm ranting because I already am in a bad mood and on top of that, you guys simply make me sick. Most of you are from a country that constantly advocates "peace on earth", yet you can't even get along amongst yourself, with a small group of people that share the same interest, people that share the same misunderstood love for that weird little car.

So do whatever you please. Go. Stay. I don't care. I used to be proud being part of this community. Because we were a close, friendly and very helpful bunch. People from other car forums actually joined just to say they had never seen such a nice group of people. But that seems like ages ago.

So again, do whatever you want. Go to if that's what you want. But stop the petty bickering and stop blaming PFF for your own actions.

AMEN BROTHER...I could'nt have said it better myself...

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Report this Post11-08-2003 06:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MarkJPanaSend a Private Message to MarkJPanaDirect Link to This Post
Cliff, if i may voice my opinion of this topic. i think it is Trash Can material, no good has become of it, close it or trash it please, for the sake of the normal PFFers.


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Report this Post11-08-2003 07:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fiero5Click Here to visit Fiero5's HomePageSend a Private Message to Fiero5Direct Link to This Post

AMEN BROTHER...I could'nt have said it better myself...

OK. So now I guess we are going to begin seeing the traditional kissing of Cliff's you know what now, which interestingly always seems to happen more right after Cliff finally steps in and says his peace on situations like this.
It is very sad that it takes Cliff (the man who built the house we love to play in) to step in and say how upset he is on the actions of some on here, to maybe open your eyes, again.... and again.

Since this is after all my thread (hijacked or not), though I really hadn't planned on saying anything further in here, giving any of you childish attack hounds any further fuel for your flame fire, I have decided to at least say my thoughts after these latest posts.

This was said before and I think it is a good place to say it again:
We need to ask ourselves, before we click "submit reply", is this comment I am about to post in a certain thread relevent to that thread and is it going to be helpfull? Am I conducting myself in a manner that is appropriate for this public forum? Am I giving someone the respect and courtesy that myself expect in the reverse?
This should be on your mind whenever you decide to click reply, not just after you have received a bunch of red on your bar or only after Cliff has stepped in saying how upset he is.

You know what? If you don't like a green Fiero, or a purple one for that matter, then simply do NOT click on a thread that is very obviously the subject matter in the first place.
It's not rocket science people.

Lastly, I agree with Cliff that it would be nice to have a main place to go to when needing help or advice on things Fiero. Now of course this is the real world and with the internet being as massive as it is and ever growing bigger every minute, having one and only one place will realistically probably never happen. But up until very recently, Pennocks has for a long time been THE main place to go to if you owned, had owned or simply just liked the Pontiac Fiero. We didn't have nearly at the level like we have now on here the number of "members" who simply feel it's their right to just jump in a thread with no thought of the actual subject matter of that thread and simply say whatever they feel like - insults and all. Everyone was welcome and we respected each other. If for whatever reason we didn't agree on a certain subject, we would just move on. We all loved to come here and join in. We came to have a great time, get some great advice, see what was new or what someone was doing on their Fiero, see what events were coming up and just have a great time while understanding the fact that it was a priviledge, not a right, to be there. Lately however, that has sadly changed greatly.
PFF was always the first stop, not maybe the second or third. It was THE Fiero fun place to be.
But now, thanks to the continuing hard efforts of many of you lately, that has changed. Yes, I myself have gone over to to see what is going on. I have found some great help over there as well that we were desperately looking for. I also agree with Cliff that a lot of the crap that has sprung up here can also possibly happen over there. And that too is sad. But there are ways to control it to a certain extent. Cliff has put in some measures here in PFF like the ratings bar. I still think a PFF member lock out feature for threads, like Cliff allready has set up with the PM feature, might be a great way to drastically cut down the problems like we have seen in this very thread. The minute i saw a member jump in with something I didn't feel was appropriate for my thread, I could lock them out from posting any more in that thread. Problem solved at least after the first time. From then on I could take the attitude for awhile anyway of, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Knowwhatimean?

So, why did I (and many others) go over to
Well, to get that answer you need to simply look no further than this exact thread.

Steve Kelley
Once proud PFF member since Jun 2000

[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 11-08-2003).]

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Report this Post11-08-2003 07:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 80's BOYSend a Private Message to 80's BOYDirect Link to This Post
A blatent observation:

If you needed TECH help why did you post in the GENERAL section ?

Why didn't you post in the TECH section ?

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Report this Post11-08-2003 08:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nachtzehrer6Send a Private Message to Nachtzehrer6Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 80's BOY:

A blatent observation:

If you needed TECH help why did you post in the GENERAL section ?

Why didn't you post in the TECH section ?

Another observation if I may.

So, why did I (and many others) go over there?

Also, kudos to those people that use PFF as their personal advertizing board for their forum. had 8276 registered members. has 64.
Why do they even have that many? Cliff answers that question(the board was "advertised" here.

Secondly "many" is like....well "fast". Once again 8276 vs 64. That's .8% right? How is .8% of the total PFF membership considered "many". Just curious.
Everyone is already of the topic anyway, if this post is offensive just don't reply.

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Report this Post11-08-2003 08:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fiero5Click Here to visit Fiero5's HomePageSend a Private Message to Fiero5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 80's BOY:

A blatent observation:

If you needed TECH help why did you post in the GENERAL section ?

Why didn't you post in the TECH section ?

On the possibility that many here will wonder why on earth I am still wasting my time even replying to any of you, I guess you didn't notice the very first post 3 pages ago now? I started this thread to point to the actual thread I started in the tech section. We were trying to get a few ideas as quick as possible. I posted here only because as we all know (I am not the first or the last to do this), more members frequent the general chat than on any given time in any other section.
The tech thread sadly got very little response but this thread got quite a few now didn't it?

As for the other site comments I made, of which you do seem to have the majority of comments in here BTW don't you Nachtzehrer6, you are one of the many that is over there aren't you?
And unlike here, you seem to completely understand how to act over there (for the moment anyway). Why can't you be like that here? Things that make you go Hmmmm.
There may be over 8000 registered members on PFF, but how many actually post on here and are "active" on even a semi regular basis? Say 70? 100 members maybe? if so, then the percentage would actually be much much higher, like 64% of active members then wouldn't it? That was point.

Thats it, I'm done. You kids can all just argue and bicker amongst yourselves now. Have fun without us in here as I now officially relinquish my thread here to the PFF hijacking goons. May you hopefully get enough negs soon to solve at least some of the problems you have recently caused here on PFF.

[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 11-08-2003).]

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Report this Post11-08-2003 08:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nachtzehrer6Send a Private Message to Nachtzehrer6Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fiero5:

On the possibility that many here will wonder why on earth I am still wasting my time even replying to any of you, I guess you didn't notice the very first post 3 pages ago now? I started this thread to point to the actual thread I started in the tech section. We were trying to get a few ideas as quick as possible. I posted here only because as we all know (I am not the first or the last to do this), more members frequent the general chat than on any given time in any other section.
The tech thread sadly got very little response but this thread got quite a few now didn't it?

As for the other site comments I made, of which you do seem to have the majority of comments in here BTW don't you Nachtzehrer6, you are one of the many that is over there aren't you?
And unlike here, you seem to completely understand how to act over there (for the moment anyway). Why can't you be like that here? Things that make you go Hmmmm.

Thats it, I'm done. You kids can all just argue and bicker amongst yourselves now. Have fun without us in here as I now officially relinquish my thread here to the PFF hijacking goons. May you hopefully get enough negs soon to solve at least some of the problems you have recently caused here on PFF.

[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 11-08-2003).]

Dude, I just asked a question in regards to a fact you posted. You said "many" people went over there. I am wondering what you meant by "many", considering there is only a small percentage. .8% off the top of my head. Hey, you posted it man. Let me in on "many".

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Report this Post11-08-2003 08:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nachtzehrer6Send a Private Message to Nachtzehrer6Direct Link to This Post


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Originally posted by Fiero5:

There may be over 8000 registered members on PFF, but how many actually post on here and are "active" on even a semi regular basis? Say 70? 100 members maybe? if so, then the percentage would actually be much much higher, like 64% of active members then wouldn't it? That was point.

[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 11-08-2003).]

Just took a scan through the sections of PFF, and if you think only 70-100 members are "active" "semiactive", then you might also believe a stock duke could 0-60 in just 6 secs. Oh.... well anway, I have some ocean front property in Aziona. And a nice tower in Paris.

[This message has been edited by Nachtzehrer6 (edited 11-08-2003).]

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Cliff Pennock
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Report this Post11-08-2003 09:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff PennockClick Here to visit Cliff Pennock's HomePageSend a Private Message to Cliff PennockDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Nachtzehrer6:

Let me in on "many".

It took PFF 3-6 months to get its first 64 members and it took a lot of work for me to get there. Now I see a lot of sites parasiting off of PFF. Post one message here and you reach a lot of people in a very short time. And 64 isn't much, but it's 64 people from which it's less likely you will get help here. And that sucks. The end result will be that the community will be broken up in small pieces again. Just like it was 4 years ago when it was incredibly hard to find some good technical help for your car.

On top of that, I think it's just incredibly bad sport to advertise your forum on someone else's. I've always allowed it - I've never, ever removed a message that advertized another site because I think it's up to you to decide where you should go. But my personal feeling about it is that it's really, really bad form. There's also a contradiction here. Apparantly, you feel the need to start another forum because the existing one isn't satisfactory (in your opinion). Yet you go to that forum to advertize your site because you know you'll reach as many people as possible. Something doesn't add up.

Anyway, I'm reaching the point where I simply don't care anymore. If that's what people want, so be it. If people want their 15 minutes of Fiero fame, that's fine with me. But do it on your own merit and don't (mis)use PFF for it.

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Cliff Pennock
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Report this Post11-08-2003 09:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff PennockClick Here to visit Cliff Pennock's HomePageSend a Private Message to Cliff PennockDirect Link to This Post

Cliff Pennock

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Originally posted by Fiero5:

but how many actually post on here and are "active" on even a semi regular basis? Say 70? 100 members maybe?

Actually, at any given time there are about 2000 active members (The past 30 days, 1535 different members posted a message). But that's not the point. It's really not about the amount of people leaving, it's about what it's doing to the community, and how (and why) it is done. See my previous post.

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Report this Post11-08-2003 10:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Bradbitz11Send a Private Message to Bradbitz11Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Actually, at any given time there are about 2000 active members (The past 30 days, 1535 different members posted a message).

Ooh, someone just got PWNED!

Thank you Cliff. I know many boards have anti-spam rules, and I am surprised that PFF doesn't.

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Report this Post11-09-2003 12:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Nachtzehrer6Send a Private Message to Nachtzehrer6Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Actually, at any given time there are about 2000 active members (The past 30 days, 1535 different members posted a message). But that's not the point. It's really not about the amount of people leaving, it's about what it's doing to the community, and how (and why) it is done. See my previous post.

2000 members at ANY given time. Well, people have to eat, sleep, etc at some point, which leads me to believe there are far more than 2000 TOTAL active members, certainly blows the 70-100 theory to bits. Anway will remain the dominant board, as a matter of fact I just recently passed on the site to a guy looking to buy a project car. And with 2000 active members at ANY given time, plus the archieve it's the best source of Fiero related info on the net by far.

[This message has been edited by Nachtzehrer6 (edited 11-09-2003).]

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Report this Post11-09-2003 10:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Fiero5Click Here to visit Fiero5's HomePageSend a Private Message to Fiero5Direct Link to This Post
2000 active members, Wow. For those of us "active" members who come here almost if not on a daily basis who are positive and helpfull contributors, that is certainly good news to hear. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Apparently we just need to continue to clear some of the trouble makers out of the way so we can reach the light.
I just wish in threads like this one we had received more posts from some of these more helpfull and more positive 2000 active members and far less (not that any at all were needed) from the stir up and just cause trouble group of active members that we sadly got over and over again instead.

The number or percentage of how many go over to other sites is not the point here people, but the fact that it happened at all and why is. You all need to look in the proverbial mirror to decide if your own actions and contributions to this forum are in any way part of the reason, part of the problem. Then you need to be grown up enough to be able to adjust your attitudes accordingly on here to reflect what you really want this forum to be.
If you want it to be a positive and helpfull place, then be positive and helpfull. If you however want it to be a stirred up mess half the time like it seems to be becoming lately, then those who are the problem in here (you know who you are) simply continue on your present course of action.
If the half dozen or so active members who posted nothing but trash in this thread alone want to continue to do so, then you will reap what you sow, at sadly Cliff's and all of the rest of us members expense.

I ask you once again, please stop and grow up allready.


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Report this Post11-09-2003 01:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JazzManSend a Private Message to JazzManDirect Link to This Post
Just wanted to say this publically and directly: Pennock's is the *only* forum that I will participate in, and I have no intention of participating in any other forums, at least Fiero-related ones. At this time, Pennock's is the only forum I participate in at all.

Cliff, you've done something wonderful and outstanding here. Don't let a few malcontents and whiners get under your skin. They certainly don't represent what the vast majority here feels about you and your forum.

I for one thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you've accomplished, and for allowing me to participate in it.


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Report this Post11-09-2003 01:40 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GridlockSend a Private Message to GridlockDirect Link to This Post

For a person that wanted this all to be dropped, you seem to still be going. Have to have the last word? Not everyone is out to get you. Some people just want you to tone it down a bit. Take the hint.

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Report this Post11-09-2003 03:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SanBerdueFieroSend a Private Message to SanBerdueFieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fiero5:

Looks like we need a replacement head for his 4 cyl engine.
Anyone who can help please see this thread:


Steve & Jordan

Originally posted by Fiero5:

It looks like the head on Jordans '85 4 cyl
may be bad, Bob Parker at Kick Hill doesn't currently have one available so I am asking if anyone on here has one?
If you need anything, we could possibly work out a partial trade.

Let us know

Steve & Jordan

two threads and 4+ pages over someone asking for a used head to slap back onto a duke..???
a member who rants over and over again that he is being treated unfairly..
a member that has his whole family register (including his 10 year old boy..
a member who asks for another member to be banned because he questions some of the "facts" that were claimed in previous posts
a member who pushes until Cliff seems to feel the need to ask " why do I even bother providing this forum"
....WTF ????

Cliff , thank you for providing this forum. I apologize for the rude behavior of Fiero 5 and etal. It is really sad that this thread has evolved to the point that it has.
Fiero 5, What you should have done is taken your old head to a machine shop. And then let them rebuild it. ( they would have tested it for cracks, measured it to see if it was warped, replaced any warped valves, resurface the valves and seats, reconditioned the valve guides, and then ( with a new head gasket) put it back on. Buying ( or being given)a used head would require any prudent mechanic to do the same to the used head. But I later read that you just placed the old head back on ????, and then stated that the problem was solved, but continued to argue your perceived points, instead of just dropping the whole thing. AND NOW YOU CONTINUE TO INSULT THE PFF FORUM AS A WHOLE ?? ( stating that fiero forum XYZ is a better place to go??) Shame on you Fiero 5. I think that you are way off base here and Mr Pennock should just lock this thread , the trash can is too good for it...
I repeat.. Thank you Mr Pennock for providing this forum, it has helped me tremedously with my Fiero.

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Report this Post11-09-2003 04:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SanBerdueFieroSend a Private Message to SanBerdueFieroDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 87V6GT:

Hay-Hay,Guess what.I got Jordans green beast UP and Running.YaHoo.I feal gooood in the neighborhood.Never did find out what was wrong.I just put it back together,fired her up and away she goes.Running along the temp.never gets 130.Russ.K.

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Report this Post11-09-2003 05:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoomtasticClick Here to visit Boomtastic's HomePageSend a Private Message to BoomtasticDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Gridlock:

She's a Viper beater.



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Report this Post11-09-2003 05:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoomtasticClick Here to visit Boomtastic's HomePageSend a Private Message to BoomtasticDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by ClearDark:

This guy is a tool.

You know Steve too?

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Report this Post11-09-2003 06:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for derangedsheepSend a Private Message to derangedsheepDirect Link to This Post
ive decided to use this to use this thread for testing my updated sig, since it has no use anyway...


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Report this Post11-09-2003 06:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MsBethClick Here to visit MsBeth's HomePageSend a Private Message to MsBethDirect Link to This Post
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nachtzehrer6:

No. I didn't retract my statements to win brownie points.
[This message has been edited by Nachtzehrer6 (edited 11-08-2003).]

You have a positive from me -


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Report this Post11-09-2003 07:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fiero67Send a Private Message to fiero67Direct Link to This Post
Well, this just keeps amazing me with all the responses. Like other members have said....this is the ONLY forum for me! Thank you cliff.(notice ,Im kissing cliffs a**)
Fiero5, you should have taken my my first post.It looks to me like you love being in the spotlight...good for you, you are there. Did you even notice that alot of the posts here look to be written to see if you respond? AND YOU DO!!!
I cant belive that you even MENTIONED another forum here? What were you thinking, that is not only rude, but totaly unfair to Cliff. Then you mention it again, and then try to be the man full of wisdom! Stop already. I came here just to read what you have written lately and sit here rolling my eyes.
Then when I search around for "fiero" on the search engine, I find you there. Are you getting enough attention yet?
I better hit the "submit reply" button quickly before I think about what Ive written.
Im not trying to bash you, but its getting easier by the post. John
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Report this Post11-10-2003 08:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Fiero5Click Here to visit Fiero5's HomePageSend a Private Message to Fiero5Direct Link to This Post
OK, so what you are all saying here is that I am not supposed to go back on and defend myself from comments like these. or I will just be seen as arguing and not wanting it to drop?

But I later read that you just placed the old head back on ????, and then stated that the problem was solved, but continued to argue your perceived points, instead of just dropping the whole thing.

The head showed no sign of damage, so getting a replacement with no guarentee that it would be any better didn't make sense. So he reisntalled it with new gaskets and it ran fine at the time and didn't overheat. That was stated very clearly, but I guess you missed it?

AND NOW YOU CONTINUE TO INSULT THE PFF FORUM AS A WHOLE ?? ( stating that fiero forum XYZ is a better place to go??)

Dude, that is not what I meant and I was not at all insulting PFF. I love PFF and have done nothing but help promote this forum and be a helpfull and positive member on here as my family has as well. You should read all of what I said before making insulting comments like that to me.
I was trying to point out to some who seem to want to do nothing but post crap in threads like this, that if they continue to ruin threads like I started here and keep us from getting the members we need to post in them, we have no choice but to seek help elsewhere. That is sad but it's reality. We needed help on the Fiero. We got nothing here but mostly insults and crap dragged in from an unrelated thread.
We needed some help, we didn't get any here so we went elsewhere. Don't like it?
Then stop attacking me and instead attack those who deserve it.
Seriously, what was I supposed to do? Just forget the thread alltogether after it gets hijacked and in so doing forget trying to get any real help on PFF to get a Fiero running? Is this not a Fiero forum? Is this not what PFF is for?
I was not promoting another forum as you claim, I was sadly pointing out that it took me being forced by half of these goons on here to have to go post on another forum to finally get some real help.
I love how I try to defend myself and in so doing get bashed by more members.
This forum is becoming a sad place to be laltely. You can't get help, you only get insults and attacked. When you try and speak up and defend yourselve, you get more people attacking you saying to drop it allready. When I do, I see those who told me to drop it back in here keeping it going themselves.
And now low and behold we have the new NEFA president still chasing me around putting her insulting two cents in as well as her boyfreind, another new NEFA BOD adding insults in here as well. Great way to start out showing the class you promised you would both bring to your NEFA club positions. The past presidents would have never done that, but this once again shows who you really are. I as a NEFA member are insulted by your posts in here, but they are not all unexpected.
And this from two people who said they didn't like PFF as a place to promote Fiero events. LOL
And those that said I should have stopped 2 pages ago, what help did you offer us in trying to get the Fiero running again?
As for needing to be in the spotlight, I guess the thousand or so other members who like to show what they are doing with thier Fieros and show the events they have gone to as well, are also just wanting to be in the spotlight? If that is the case, then I say hell yeah! We want to see Fiero owners spotlighted on here. That is where new ideas come from for one thing. SkiTime is just one example of that.

Your all right. This thread should never have been started. I should never have started a thread asking for help on a Fiero in here. What was I thinking?
This is apparently a bash and insult forum, not a Fiero forum.
Thank you for pointing that out to all of us.


[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 11-10-2003).]

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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Nachtzehrer6Send a Private Message to Nachtzehrer6Direct Link to This Post
Calm down dude. This post could have just lay'd to rest but you have to keep dredging it up. Your the one who asked to let it rest a couple of times as well! Not to mentioned the couple of times you said you were done with it. IT WAS AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 2! Jeez..... Let it go.

[This message has been edited by Nachtzehrer6 (edited 11-10-2003).]

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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PyricSend a Private Message to PyricDirect Link to This Post
Feel free to trash this one whenever you want Cliff. I'm sure you could use the server space for something better.
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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post

With all due respect, that's kind of a silly thing to say.

When we're on PFF we're guests in Cliff's house. I don't dislike the rating system, but if it were *MY* house, I wouldn't use it to ban people, I'd be God Almighty and there are a number of people that have posted in this thread that would never post on PFF again.

CFOGi has a forum as well. We have tech and other sections, but it's also used by our members for club business. We have votes that affect how CFOGi is run and discussions about ways to make it better.

I don't think that it's appropriate that we do those kinds of things here on Cliff's bandwidth when we can do it ourselves. But my point is that there is more than one resource out there to the Fiero community and, like Cliff, I don't see why it has to be divisive at all. We try to make the CFOGi forum complementary to PFF, not competitive with it. We'd like more people to use it than do, as we often decide things and discuss things there that affect the membership, but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

John Stricker

BTW-I not only participate here, I send Cliff a regular donation to support the forum, which it's getting about time to do again. You get out of this place what you put into it.

Originally posted by JazzMan:

Just wanted to say this publically and directly: Pennock's is the *only* forum that I will participate in, and I have no intention of participating in any other forums, at least Fiero-related ones. At this time, Pennock's is the only forum I participate in at all.

Cliff, you've done something wonderful and outstanding here. Don't let a few malcontents and whiners get under your skin. They certainly don't represent what the vast majority here feels about you and your forum.

I for one thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you've accomplished, and for allowing me to participate in it.


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Report this Post11-10-2003 06:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FieroJuiceSend a Private Message to FieroJuiceDirect Link to This Post
Being on dial-up, I'm grateful that I didn't have to wait for 179 pics of the green Fiero to load up This thread rocks! In before trash!


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Report this Post11-10-2003 07:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TequilazSend a Private Message to TequilazDirect Link to This Post
I was trying to point out to some who seem to want to do nothing but post crap in threads like this, that if they continue to ruin threads like I started here and keep us from getting the members we need to post in them, we have no choice but to seek help elsewhere.

Look at it this way:

Let's say you create a thread asking for help on your four cylinder. In that thread, you post that your stock four cylinder is an aluminum block and head. You would expect people to correct you, right? We all know the four cylinder isn't aluminum. Right?

Now you create another thread asking for help on your four cylinder. In that thread, you post that your stock four cylinder can do 0-60 in "around" 6 seconds. You would expect people to correct your wrong information, right? We all know the four cylinder can't do 0-60 in "around" 6 seconds. Right?

To summarize: it's not that people here aren't helping you. They are. They're correcting your wrong information. Just like they would correct you if you said your engine was aluminum.


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Report this Post11-10-2003 07:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TequilazSend a Private Message to TequilazDirect Link to This Post


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This is apparently a bash and insult forum, not a Fiero forum.
Thank you for pointing that out to all of us.

It's not a bash and insult forum. It's a story telling forum!

My Fiero goes 175MPH. And that's only 2nd gear. Anyone else have a story?

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Report this Post11-10-2003 08:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TequilazSend a Private Message to TequilazDirect Link to This Post


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Report this Post11-10-2003 08:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoomtasticClick Here to visit Boomtastic's HomePageSend a Private Message to BoomtasticDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fiero5:

And now low and behold we have the new NEFA president still chasing me around putting her insulting two cents in as well as her boyfreind, another new NEFA BOD adding insults in here as well. Great way to start out showing the class you promised you would both bring to your NEFA club positions. The past presidents would have never done that, but this once again shows who you really are.

Might as well mention that I'm a CFOGi director too Steve! It has no bearing on the subject other than you trying to cast a bad light on something other than yourself. Hell, you're a club member (this week anyways) - YOUR posts insult the integrity of all other club members here. Smarten up. Just because you fail to read things, neither post was TO YOU. Don't make me have to go back and quote myself. Gridlock said it best - you ARE a tool.

I as a NEFA member are insulted by your posts in here, but they are not all unexpected.

Oh trust me, these aren't insults. I don't hurl insults. You are a liar and a thief. The first part is blatant to all that have seen your posts, and if you want me to explain the latter I'll bring in some character witnesses. Just say the word Steve, I'm ready.

Meanwhile, if you're so disgusted with NEFA, leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out. As a matter of fact, if you want I'll personally reimburse you your membership fees if you just leave.

And this from two people who said they didn't like PFF as a place to promote Fiero events. LOL

Laugh all you want, but (again) you're sadly mistaken. Just like your SUPER FAST 4 cylinder, show us proof. You couldn't back up the facts in this thread. You couldn't back up the facts in the thread about having a "rare 4 cylinder Formula" (remember I asked you to post RPO codes so I could decode them? And SUDDENLY you changed threads ..). Show us all proof that you're not full of excrement and we'll be satisfied. Quit backpeddling, changing subjects, kissing ass, etc. SHOW US PROOF!

Btw, what the hell would you know about promoting events? GREAT job ya did with F.I.N.E. ...........

IBTC baby!

[Edited because Steve is still "Hooked on Phonics" ...]

[This message has been edited by Boomtastic (edited 11-10-2003).]

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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BigRed88Send a Private Message to BigRed88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

It took PFF 3-6 months to get its first 64 members and it took a lot of work for me to get there. Now I see a lot of sites parasiting off of PFF. Post one message here and you reach a lot of people in a very short time. And 64 isn't much, but it's 64 people from which it's less likely you will get help here. And that sucks. The end result will be that the community will be broken up in small pieces again. Just like it was 4 years ago when it was incredibly hard to find some good technical help for your car.

On top of that, I think it's just incredibly bad sport to advertise your forum on someone else's. I've always allowed it - I've never, ever removed a message that advertized another site because I think it's up to you to decide where you should go. But my personal feeling about it is that it's really, really bad form. There's also a contradiction here. Apparantly, you feel the need to start another forum because the existing one isn't satisfactory (in your opinion). Yet you go to that forum to advertize your site because you know you'll reach as many people as possible. Something doesn't add up.

Anyway, I'm reaching the point where I simply don't care anymore. If that's what people want, so be it. If people want their 15 minutes of Fiero fame, that's fine with me. But do it on your own merit and don't (mis)use PFF for it.

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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for stimpySend a Private Message to stimpyDirect Link to This Post
Aren't you kids done in here yet?
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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Kelvin VivianSend a Private Message to Kelvin VivianDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:


With all due respect, that's kind of a silly thing to say.

When we're on PFF we're guests in Cliff's house. I don't dislike the rating system, but if it were *MY* house, I wouldn't use it to ban people, I'd be God Almighty and there are a number of people that have posted in this thread that would never post on PFF again.

CFOGi has a forum as well. We have tech and other sections, but it's also used by our members for club business. We have votes that affect how CFOGi is run and discussions about ways to make it better.

I don't think that it's appropriate that we do those kinds of things here on Cliff's bandwidth when we can do it ourselves. But my point is that there is more than one resource out there to the Fiero community and, like Cliff, I don't see why it has to be divisive at all. We try to make the CFOGi forum complementary to PFF, not competitive with it. We'd like more people to use it than do, as we often decide things and discuss things there that affect the membership, but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

John Stricker

BTW-I not only participate here, I send Cliff a regular donation to support the forum, which it's getting about time to do again. You get out of this place what you put into it.

To Iron Dukers,

I'm a fan of the iron duke, and if you drop the clutch, the tires will chirp and the car will pull hard from 1-10 mph. In 2nd and 3rd, she starts to lose her legs though. I can keep up with most to 10 mph, after that, she's no more power. But I still love the Duke. One can get peppy power, and excellent economy. If you want more power, do an engine swap or get a V6 Fiero. V6 Fieros and 4-cyl Fieros are selling for about the same price.

To JStricker,

I'm glad this is not *YOUR* house. You'd be censor-king. Don't get me started on Iraq again!


88 GT T-Top 5-spd #338 of 1252
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Report this Post11-10-2003 09:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TequilazSend a Private Message to TequilazDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boomtastic:

Laugh all you want, but (again) you're sadly mistaken. Just like your SUPER FAST 4 cylinder, show us proof. You couldn't back up the facts in this thread. You couldn't back up the facts in the thread about having a "rare 4 cylinder Formula" (remember I asked you to post RPO codes so I could decode them? And SUDDENLY you changed threads ..). Show us all proof that you're not full of excrement and we'll be satisfied. Quit backpeddling, changing subjects, kissing ass, etc. SHOW US PROOF!

Don't forget those factory one of a kind Indy seats.

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Report this Post11-10-2003 10:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JazzManSend a Private Message to JazzManDirect Link to This Post
I finally figured out how to get enough traction to pull the front wheels off the ground on my Formula with the hopped up 3.2: I filled the trunk with a yard of concrete, 5,000psi w/ 1/2" aggregate and fibermesh. Now I can do zero to 60' in under 4 seconds.


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Report this Post11-10-2003 10:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ScytheSend a Private Message to ScytheDirect Link to This Post
To everyone: Let this thread die already, the way it was meant to from page number 2 on. If you want to fight, use Private Messaging, that's what it's there for. I love this forum, and I've been using it to help fix my Fiero from day 1. It's been a great resource to me, from buying parts to finding fixes and to gaining better understanding of the Fiero. If you have a comment that isn't helping the community as a whole, then consider yourself as a leech and non-beneficial to the community, and if that's so then leave and make it easier on everyone. If it were up to me, this thread would've been in the Trash Can by now. Anyway, there's my 2 cents, just let the thread die and leave it that way.

To Cliff: I suggest you look into some moderators that are very trustworthy IE: Club owners, etc. That way you won't have to take all the burden for things like this. I've owned several different popular forums, and the one thing that works best is a set of guidelines (or rules), and have mods which enforce them.

Anyway, there ya go, I'm done with this thread, and I'm no longer going to read it.

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Report this Post11-10-2003 10:40 PM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post

You misunderstood me. The various forum sections have their place. O/T is for, well, O/T. I don't think I've ever even rated anyone negative in O/T, much less would I consider giving them the boot.

Again, my point is that we're in Cliff's house here. I think by the tone of his posts you can see what this is causing him to think about while reading this thread in General and if it were me instead of him, there are at least three people in THIS thread that would no longer be posting, and I'm not talking about the ones that just don't like Jordan's car.

We sling arrows in O/T, Kelvin, but to think that I'd ban someone because they have a differing opinion is showing just how little you know about me.

John Stricker

Originally posted by Kelvin Vivian:

To JStricker,

I'm glad this is not *YOUR* house. You'd be censor-king. Don't get me started on Iraq again!

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