Does anyone else (especially my fellow notchback owners) sense a certain preference for the fastback design amongst many PFF users? It also seems that many of those who make extreme modifications to the Fiero are partial to the fastback style...
Anyone else feel the same way? Is there descrimination against the original notchback design?
Does anyone else (especially my fellow notchback owners) sense a certain preference for the fastback design amongst many PFF users? It also seems that many of those who make extreme modifications to the Fiero are partial to the fastback style...
Anyone else feel the same way? Is there descrimination against the original notchback design?
WOW what a statement to make your first post.!!
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09:06 PM
Oneredfiero Member
Posts: 999 From: Lethbridge Alberta Canada Registered: Mar 2002
Welcome to PFF I like and have both Well ok two Notchbacks and one Fastback. They all run and drive great as for looks they both have charms of their own.
Does anyone else (especially my fellow notchback owners) sense a certain preference for the fastback design amongst many PFF users? It also seems that many of those who make extreme modifications to the Fiero are partial to the fastback style...
Anyone else feel the same way? Is there descrimination against the original notchback design?
Yeah, but notchbacks are better. It's what makes the Fiero standout. The fastbacks look like tons of other cars out there.
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09:15 PM
blackrams Member
Posts: 32245 From: Covington, TN, USA Registered: Feb 2003
I do have a preference, but the other kind is alright , I guess. I won't say which is my favorite though.
------------------ Ron 88 Formula, 4.9, auto, daily driver 88 Formula, 3800 SCII/4T65E Swap in Process, almost done. 88 Formula, 5 Spd, 3.4 TDC Swap in Process, just started. 88 Formula, Stock, 5 Spd, T Top, Special Days Only!
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09:20 PM
$Rich$ Member
Posts: 14575 From: Sioux Falls SD Registered: Dec 2002
im bias, i own 2 notchies and Have owned 4 total currentluy i own 2 86se's one V6 and one V8, i have previously owned another 86se and an 84 se i like the look of the Fastback but it bothers me to drive one, there is a lot more of an annoying blindspot and they just seem soo much bigger
Fastback all the way. It looks like a modern design even now. But both styles are very beatiful its just that the fastback is not seen as much and it looks more exotic. My opinion only!
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09:32 PM
Coop9200 Member
Posts: 2076 From: Westchester, NY Registered: Oct 2002
I had a notchback, and then converted it to a fastback. The fastback has much better looks and styling. Instead of a quick angle (to the decklid) it has a nice smooth transition which really makes the car flow. When i see notchback, it reminds me of the 80's (obviously) with weird rock bands, an oil spill, and mullets. But when looking at the fastback, you see a design that could contend with other 90's cars. With all of that said, they are all the same cars underneath after the thin plastic panels are taken off...
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09:37 PM
System Bot
Raydar Member
Posts: 40950 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
I had a notchback, and then converted it to a fastback... When i see notchback, it reminds me of the 80's
I have both, but I am going to convert one of my notchies to a fastback. The notchback styling screams the 80s in my opinion. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I prefer the more modern looking syling of the fastback. But its not just anti-nostagia, I vividly remember back in 1986 I thought the fastback looked a whole lot better than the notchback.
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09:58 PM
GT86 Member
Posts: 5203 From: Glendale, AZ Registered: Mar 2003
I like both (all Fieros are good ), but have always preferred the fastback. I've owned 2 notchbacks, and currently have a GT. It's much more of a timeless design than the notchie, IMHO. Gets a lot more more attention as well, at least in my experience.
When it comes to the notchbacks, my favorites are the 87/88 base coupe or the 88 Formula. I really like the redesigned fascias on those models.
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10:04 PM
ThaFieroMunk Member
Posts: 945 From: Whitby, Ontario, Canada Registered: Dec 2002
I like both pretty much. I just don't like the coupe front and rear fascias. I'm fine with any GT, 85 or 86-88. I own an 87GT but thats only because I found an extremely good deal on a good condition car. I have no problem with notchies and if I were to get another Fiero, it would be a notchie.
I would agree that the fastback has aged better and looks like it could have been designed yesterday. Its definately not typical 80s, whereas the notchback definately has some lines that are reminiscent of the 80s.
I have owned and still do , both designs. The one thing about the notchback is , well , people know it's a Fiero. Some people still ask what kind of car the GT Fastback is. It has more exotic looks I guess with smoother lines.I like the Fastback tail end treatment better.
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10:17 PM
css9450 Member
Posts: 5498 From: Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA Registered: Nov 2002
A few of us had this same conversation at Fierorama a few months back. Since all 84's and 85's were notchbacks, it stands to reason that there were more notchbacks produced, by far. But there seem to be just as many fastbacks, if not more, at most of the events I've been to. I guess there's many people who prefer the fastbacks, myself included. But overall I like 'em both.
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10:23 PM
litespd Member
Posts: 8128 From: No where you want to be Registered: Aug 99
Ah...another Nebraskan. Welcome! I've had 86SE, and now an 86GT. I like them both, but I prefer the fastback. I just like the lines of it better.
Mike...86 GT 4 Speed "Sucks to be me..."
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10:23 PM
Jeff of NC Member
Posts: 126 From: bostic, NC USA Registered: Jun 2002
I like the fast back, but love the nochie even more. Thears less blind spot, the car looks more unique. its a little bit lighter, and I read somewhere on theis fourm that the nochie is actualy a bit more arodynamic. Besides If you have a rear deck scoop you can see it better with the notchie. gota have the aro nose though!
I have to admit though I preffered the fastback till I bought my notchie, so maby I am a little biased
Actually i think fastbacks dont look unique at all, and kinda fat and bloated. I love the notchie look with oor without a wing. But hey, to each their own.
Beeing that I own two Notchies, I think that the Notchie can bee a good car to have as well. A few of them around on the PFF look awsome. Though I am not much for the Chop top ones as I just cant see how one could drive it... I would get a sore neck just sittting in it. I have just began a few planns on how my 88 will be modified and no it will not be a trailer, I was saying that out of frustration. A few added Scoops in the right places and making all them functional will be my design. I will not share untill I get them done. However money allowing I will be putting a 3800 in my Silver Fiero and Plan a differant paint scheme for it. and my 88 I have plans to do a 3800 SC swap on it with the same paint just some added scoops.
------------------ Don Pottorff Red 88 2M4 Silver 86 2M4
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11:21 PM
LoW_KeY Member
Posts: 8081 From: Hastings, MI Registered: Oct 2001
This is definately a loaded question, however, I prefer the fastback without question. It is the most unique and limited of the two Fiero designs. And some final food for thought, anybody ever hear of or know of someone converting a fastback to notchback? I wonder why so many people convert notchbacks into fastbacks?
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12:48 AM
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
Heh, if you find the link to the pics from the Coast Run back in November, you'll notice a distinct preference out in CA. I think there were 2 notchies out of something like 20 cars. Funny how that happened, seein as no one said anything about it ahead of time, then we all got there and noticed that. Several people had both styles, but it was the Fastbacks that got rolled out for the run.
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12:53 AM
86fieroEarl Member
Posts: 2203 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Jun 2002
I like the notchie 85 GTs all the way. People seems to have overlooked that they are lighter too. or in my early morning haze I overlooked someone saying that.
85 GT 4 SPD Number 53715 of 76371 Best 1/4 15.816 @ 84.72
Accel 8.8mm wires, Accel 300+ Ignition box, Blaster Coil, NGK UR5, K&N, Short Shifter, High flow cat, Monochrome Caracus red, KYB shocks/struts, ST lowering springs, Poly Dogbone.
Coulee Region Fieros member(
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09:23 AM
FieroBUZZ Member
Posts: 3320 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Feb 2001
And some final food for thought, anybody ever hear of or know of someone converting a fastback to notchback? I wonder why so many people convert notchbacks into fastbacks?
Sure we do. I spent a lot of time looking at my 86 SE parter and my 86 GT parked side by side. First I tried to get rid of that fat @ss GT look by deleting the spoiler. Better, but not dainty enough. I put the SE body on my car (no spoiler) and went from there. I have a small trunk 'lip' spoiler from a 6000 that looks decent, but not overwhelming the light look of the design.
Both are nice designs, though. I think the aero coupe gets a bit of a bad rep from the plain jane 84 coupes that outnumber everything else.
Does anyone else (especially my fellow notchback owners) sense a certain preference for the fastback design amongst many PFF users? It also seems that many of those who make extreme modifications to the Fiero are partial to the fastback style...
Anyone else feel the same way? Is there descrimination against the original notchback design?
When I 1st got into fiero's the fast back was all I liked, however I now think the best looking fier produced was the 85 GT. I would agree that most tend to like the FB over the nothy (it's an acquired tatse)
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09:29 AM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
Discrimination? Um, is this about Notchback rights? Preference for the fastback? Yeah, I see that a lot. Other than the 87-88 coupe body, I prefer fastbacks myself. I have an '88 Formula, but I'd like to add a fastback GT to that as well.
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09:35 AM
intlcutlass Member
Posts: 1431 From: Cleveland,Oh.44067 Registered: Nov 2002
I have an 88 Formula, and even though I love the notch back, I do like the aero nose and GT skirts & bumpers. But I still don't like the FB's nearly as much as the NB.
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09:50 AM
Razor_Wing Member
Posts: 1753 From: Blowing Rock, NC, USA Registered: Apr 2003
I own an 86 GT, but I like the notchie look better. In fact, sometime in the future (when funds become availiable) I am going to change it to a "Formula" look. What I do like about the GT is the rear wing, the four exhaust tips, and the extra gauges over the radio. The aero nose is ugly to me.
I still like driving a car that is as old as my son. When I take him to school in it, we get a lot of looks, because many kids don't know what it is.
------------------ Tom Morgan A+ Certified Professional
I like 'em both..I used to be way more into the Notchies , because I never saw a fastback before. My First Fiero was a silver 85 GT. Nice Aero Nosed Notchie. Then, it got wrecked, and I got a red 88 Formula. Another Notchie. I saw two nice fastbacks in NJ, and when I went to a meeting of LIFE (Long Island Fiero's) I saw a few nice ones too. Then I saw that one Yellow Fastback (John from LIFE's?) and I now totally want a fastback. I dig the Stinger, but those choptop fastbacks are sooo totally mint (that silver one, and that white one...mmmmmmmmm) I may hafta make my next one a choptop fastback...
I like both body styles and all the noses. When it comes to Fieros, the pointier, (angular) the better.
Isn't it great that one car has so many options?(and that isn't even touching the aftermarket stuff! ) :P
Although i do like them both and have owned both I must say i prefer the notchies. Specifically the Formula. Always wanted one and finally got it. The fastback has what i lovingly refer to as the "wide hip" look from the back. Seems fat looking to me and even inside you feel like it's bigger. Not that i don't like the fastback but i just prefer the notchie in it's later (87-88) years is all. The fastback does have advantages in that it does look more exotic and most people don't know what it is but, to me, the formula is the best. The formula has all the GT goodies and none of the fluff. It looks and feels smaller, is nothing but business with low options, and has that big old decal on the side screaming "come mess with me" to other challengers! <evil laugh> .....Ok, i'm alright now.....did i mention i like formulas?