I also know how much effort if takes to create something. I once made a bicycle seat that was meant to reduce impotence in men. It was split in the back, and by design, it would no loger crush the veins in the pelvic girdle leading to your... "special place"... I made several designs(one that was REALLY adjustable, and another for those with "big buts"), and a few full mock-ups, and began trying to get it patented....then, I found out how much money it cost. I was totally broke at the time, and I didn't know about venture capitalists or anything like that. So, It just sat there. A few years later, I opened up the paper, and there was a pic of a guy holding my seat. he made a deal with Specialist bicycles for a nice amount of money. Now, I see those seats all over. Can't lie still if you have a great idea...
Another time, I was making a hard case for the Blackberry, that lit up when you opened it, so you could see the keys. I met with a Venture capitalist company, and things were looking good, but then 9/11 happened, and things kinda fell apaert after that.
This weekend was kinda rough, timewise, but I'll see if I can at least tear the fender off...
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 02-29-2004).]
Not to toot my own horn but (excuse the mess though) You must respect the time and effort someone puts into making there product. I for one respect patents and design since I always am looking to get a patent of my own someday on something. I'd hate it if someone came along and stole my research and copied it. If its for themselves, OK. but at least give credit as to where the Idea came from.
I agree, I wouldn't endorse anyone to try to reproduce and sell these. I think the company who designs the product deserves the recognition and to be paid for their research. If someone has his own machine shop and has spend $10,000 or more on his tools and thinks he can make one for HIMSELF, he deserves to try. Software is a different story and is covered by copyright law and it is illegal to copy it, and the person(s) who spent the time to learn the programming and work the bugs out deserves to get paid for his efforts. If the price is too high, then find something you can afford or learn to program and make what you need. Sorry for me going on.
[This message has been edited by cancerkazoo (edited 02-29-2004).]
If it only involves bending the bottom part of the hinges like in this crude pic, Then I should be able to do it. If it involves welding and altering the hinge itself, then I'll return the hinge if I can, and then see what my options are...
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10:25 PM
Mar 1st, 2004
Fierobsessed Member
Posts: 4782 From: Las Vegas, NV Registered: Dec 2001
*runs and pulls the tags off all his mattresses and pillows*
That would be really cool, if you wouldn't mind...I'd buy whatever materials needed (Bits, oil, etc). I have a buddy that owns a truck repair shop that might be able to help me do the bending part...For now, I'm going to make a door hinge out of some prototyping stuff, and then see how it all fits after I bend it to the angle required. I can also get the holes measured correctly that way...
How are your projects coming along, BTW?
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01:25 AM
System Bot
ImmortalFirefly Member
Posts: 302 From: Northern Utah County, Utah Registered: Apr 2003
*runs and pulls the tags off all his mattresses and pillows*
Man I couldn't take it, that was the funniest thing I've seen all night.
P.S. "But sorry bout your car man." -- Tommy Boy
------------------ Practice makes perfect, but since nobody's perfect, why practice? If life gives you lemons, take them and throw them at people you hate.
I hope this kit works out for you, but I’m a little surprised that they didn’t include installation instructions or at least a template for drilling the hinge holes. I’d think if nothing else you should call them and find out how they are suppose to be installed. You may want to suggest to them that the next time they sell a kit to include installation instructions. Looking forward to watching your progress.
In Decah's defense, I DID but the "universal kit", and they did include instructions. They were VERY nice on the phone, and they allowed me to have the hinge shipped to a different location then my billing one (a risky thing for them to do). THAT alone had such a coolness factor to it, it sealed the deal. I really don't see there being a problem as long as my buddy and I can bend the lower part of each hinge, and then I drill the holes at FieroObsessed's Fiero Workshop.
If the weather is nice, I'll take the door off, and fit my mockup to it sometime this week. I have a LOT of homework, I'm workin' on getting a new version of the Fiero Game out this week, I have that project at work I'm dealin with...so I'll do the best I can. (please be patient!) -FieroRumor
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09:18 AM
Fierobsessed Member
Posts: 4782 From: Las Vegas, NV Registered: Dec 2001
Well, since you asked, here it goes: I am this ->| |<- close to snapping! Im going to clean out the "Fiero workshop" It's just gotten WAY too messy because of the weather. I've had to work on all the projects in doors and that = One big MESS Like you could not have ever imagined. Project #1 Some good things and some bad have been changing my mood with the ole pace car. Someone selling me some Quad 4 W41 cams and IDI cover has backed out of the deal. So its a big setback, because without the nice cams, the motor is NOT going in. Building the exhaust system has made me sick to the stomach because Its just not working out the way I wanted it to. Powersteering seems to be going well, the Indy Decklid scoop is looking good, but needs alot of work, The custom steering wheel radio control system is coming along good. The strobe light system hasn't even been purchased yet. (gotta love the authentic pace car look!) Project #2 Im purchasing a 3.4 DOHC crate engine to strap the custom blower intake onto, with a bottom end beef up. Looks like an expensive proposition, but definatly going to happen, It better make me proud! Project #3 Keeping the GT up. Every time I fix one thing, the car drives 10X better! I had a nasty exhaust leak, Fixed it, now its way faster and sounds cool too. I reworked the glider pins on the brakes and replaced the pads and rotors (SOOO EASY ON THE 88!!) Now the car stops remarkably well. I still think the prop valve is iffy, perhaps its just the tires, it locks driver's tire alitle too easy. Next I have to re-adjust the rockers Then make a custom front transmission mount (factory one's suck) I got that car in July and have since put 14,000 miles on it. Runs very well. I love my 2.8.
There is just too much going on to be working around messes(s?). Thats about it. I'll have to stop by one day after work to see what's going on there. Help out on the hinges and whatnot. I think I want to see this work almost as much as you do, A Fiero on LI thats got something to brag about, Looks like a few cars that fit this criteria are heading this way.
wow rumor, i hope the install goes good. i just called car excess today and ordered the fiero bolt on ones, only because i read the thread from mad and also decah never called me back. best of luck tho!!
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09:37 PM
Mar 2nd, 2004
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
wow rumor, i hope the install goes good. i just called car excess today and ordered the fiero bolt on ones, only because i read the thread from mad and also decah never called me back. best of luck tho!!
MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have bought some stock in Decah? Ian asked me if the Fiero community would be strong for VDC? My respones was .....ahhhh maybe 6 sold by the end of the year. RaRuss that VDC should look sweet in your car. I love your car's color, maybe you can bring the VDC buy and let Fierorumor take alook at the difference? You both live in NY, right?
Hey FieroRumor, did you call Car Excess or Decah? I hope it was +++++++?
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 03-02-2004).]
I THINK I just sent you a PM, but when I clicked the button, my PC did something funky (and I am tired) :P
Anyway, If you would be so kind as to trace the ends of the hinges using some paper, and mark where the holes are, That would make my YEAR! Something like THIS:
Or if possible, if you could just stick 'em on a Copying machine, maybe THAT would work, but I think the tracing is easier...
Also, if you have a digicamera, if you could take some pics of the hinges, That would help a great deal... I want to make sure I got that "bend" in the lower part correct...
Hafta call Decah today... Yesterday wasn't the best day...but at least I got some sleep...
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 03-02-2004).]
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06:33 AM
Tina Member
Posts: 2858 From: At an elevation of 8564 feet. Registered: Nov 2000
Anyway, If you would be so kind as to trace the ends of the hinges using some paper, and mark where the holes are, Or if possible, if you could just stick 'em on a Copying machine, maybe THAT would work, but I think the tracing is easier... Also, if you have a digicamera, if you could take some pics of the hinges. Hafta call Decah today...
O. K. let me get this straight.
First, Madcurl goes delivering his car to the opposite side of the U.S., to able to have a set of Lambo doors fitted on his Fiero. Nevermind the fact that he was able to find a vendor willing to cater to the Fiero crowd. Of course, not only spends extra $$$ for gas, time lost of work and drops an extra 5 bills for the In House Install, so we all may benefit by being able to order a bolt on kit for our Fieros.
Rumor goes out and gets a Universal Kit for considerably less, ($1200) and then asks RadRuss who paid the full price ($1900) to please copy the needed info so his $1200 kit will work.
If I were RadRuss my only question would be .... how much $$$ is that information worth to you?
Rumor be smart about this, put the stuff back in the box, pay the extra money and get the right kit. Not only are you putting a fellow PFF member on the spot by asking for information he paid an extra $700 for, but your also depriving the people (Car Excess) who originally altered the kit and making their living of this of their due.
Oh well, I bought the kit, so I'll install the kit.
And I'll either feel like I acomplished something it it worksout , and if not, I got myself a nice 33 Lb dumbell to match the 189 lb. organic dumbell sitting in this chair.
I'll update this thread when I'm done, one way or another. If it works, I'll be sure to take a LOT of measurements, and take a ton of pics.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 03-02-2004).]
I think that if you can pull it off that they will benefit more then they will loose. Who has $3 -4000 to spend on a conversion. But if FR can pull it off you will see more kits sold and they will make more money in the long run. Good luck cant wait to see them installed.
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09:18 PM
Mar 3rd, 2004
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
If the kits were $500 or $600 we would be able to afford them. They would sell 100 times more then what they will sell now. I think it all comes down to quantity. I would rather sell 1000 and make 400 bucks each then sell 4 and make $5000 total.
[This message has been edited by Liquid-Reality (edited 03-03-2004).]
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12:25 AM
DotTC Member
Posts: 2345 From: Hamlet, North Carolina Registered: Nov 2003
First, Madcurl goes delivering his car to the opposite side of the U.S., to able to have a set of Lambo doors fitted on his Fiero. Nevermind the fact that he was able to find a vendor willing to cater to the Fiero crowd. Of course, not only spends extra $$$ for gas, time lost of work and drops an extra 5 bills for the In House Install, so we all may benefit by being able to order a bolt on kit for our Fieros.
Rumor goes out and gets a Universal Kit for considerably less, ($1200) and then asks RadRuss who paid the full price ($1900) to please copy the needed info so his $1200 kit will work.
If I were RadRuss my only question would be .... how much $$$ is that information worth to you?
Rumor be smart about this, put the stuff back in the box, pay the extra money and get the right kit. Not only are you putting a fellow PFF member on the spot by asking for information he paid an extra $700 for, but your also depriving the people (Car Excess) who originally altered the kit and making their living of this of their due.
... Yes I got my flame suit zipped up
No flame here Tina, I repsect you & your car. But isn't what you're saying basicly the same as someone getting Archie to install a v8 for them, and then someone else buying a kit from archie and asking the first person questions about the install?
------------------ "As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out" - Deep Forest
No flame here Tina, I repsect you & your car. But isn't what you're saying basicly the same as someone getting Archie to install a v8 for them, and then someone else buying a kit from archie and asking the first person questions about the install?
...except for the fact that you can get all the info for free directly from Archie (it's even a toll free number)... not really the same at all
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09:44 AM
DotTC Member
Posts: 2345 From: Hamlet, North Carolina Registered: Nov 2003
...except for the fact that you can get all the info for free directly from Archie (it's even a toll free number)... not really the same at all
*grabs a flame thrower* bah, you're right on that one. But you see my point I was trying to make, no?
------------------ "As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out" - Deep Forest
LOL - yeah, I see your point (although I do agree more with Tina's thoughts...)
I understand what she's talking about, if I was the company selling the modified items I'd really agree with her. I'll put my flamethrower away, won't burn ya car I like it anyways.
------------------ "As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out" - Deep Forest
I understand what she's talking about, if I was the company selling the modified items I'd really agree with her. I'll put my flamethrower away, won't burn ya car I like it anyways.
LOL - thanks for putting away the flamethrower... you know, these things can be prone to catching fire!
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03:37 PM
Tina Member
Posts: 2858 From: At an elevation of 8564 feet. Registered: Nov 2000
No flame here Tina, I respect you & your car. But isn't what you're saying basicly the same as someone getting Archie to install a v8 for them, and then someone else buying a kit from archie and asking the first person questions about the install?
I see it a little different. A Archie kit is an Archie kit. Yes some person might call the other to ask how exactly you routed this and that. Now if somebody happen to find a incomplete kit, and needed one more piece to get the install done, basically attempting to copy the missing part from mine, that would be more along the lines of this topic. ...I'd send them to Archie, even though he can get a bit ornery at times.
Decah is charging $1295 for a kit that is able to be modified to fit a Fiero. VDC is charging you $600 to modify the kit to be a bolt on. Two separate companies. Yes I am sure they get the hinges a bit cheaper than average Joe. being a authorized dealer of them. But by going around VDC you are penalizing the same people that took the Fiero on as a project to begin with.
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08:39 PM
DotTC Member
Posts: 2345 From: Hamlet, North Carolina Registered: Nov 2003
No doubt if I were to ever buy one of the kits, I'd go with the modified ones. I admire/respect them for being dedicated enought o create a new product for fieros. Its something we dont have enough of Completely do I see your point, and bow before you asking forgiveness am I
------------------ "As we live on, we lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out" - Deep Forest
That stuff really bugs me... the red Fiero shown on that page belongs to Street Dreams in Michigan - who has absolutely nothing to do with that auction. Image theft really sucks (and it's misleading to the buyers too).
All ethics aside, it might well be worth $9 to get their cd, it might just have the hole pattern and bends located that you need. If it did, good. If not, your only out $9.
For dyed in the wool ethics mongers, don't go to their website http://supie.com you will be upset.
Here's what I think should happen: Let Fiero Rumor go about what he is doing and write up his install thread. I understand the (valid) points the last few of you are making, but how about we let the guy do his install. I certainly don't like when people come into my posts (flames or not) and wander from the topic at hand.
------------------ '87GT Fully modded, 3" Drop on 17's, 3800 turbo on the way.... '95 Eagle Talon TSi AWD Turbo '92 LeBaron soft top, The Players car. :)
Here's what I think should happen: Let Fiero Rumor go about what he is doing and write up his install thread. I understand the (valid) points the last few of you are making, but how about we let the guy do his install. I certainly don't like when people come into my posts (flames or not) and wander from the topic at hand.
Like he said... he's waiting for it to stop raining
Ok, I began taking off the driver side door today, and discovered that some of the bolts were accessible from the outside, but the others are put in from the inside of the door and body frame. So I started taking off the pieces of the door to get at those ones, and then I realized that I really wasn't going to be able to get very far, because we kept getting showers the whole day.
FieroObsessed and my friend who owns the truck repair shop both were willing to help me with this project, but I realize that even though I think I could have done it, I just don't have the time right now. SO I took the hinges and drove them to a shop nearby that I know does this type of stuff, and they will be putting the hinges on.
I feel bad about it, but unless I took some time off work, This would have been hard to do...
I'll take videos and pics when I get the car back, and will pop off the fender and take any pica sn measurements you guys want.
Sorry, I didn't want to let you guys down with the "Build-up thread"...
Maybe I'll do something when I get more time and/or space.