Tonight was opening night for street legal at RMR.
My first run was a bye since I was the last one in my class and nobody to race.
I haven't done this since 1999 I think when I ran a 16.9 at 75 MPH. I was nervous!
As I pull to the lights and light the second light up, the tree started right away. There was no time for revving or nothing. As the second light came on I tried to get some revs going, then left on the third yellow and cut a .518 light. The car sputtered or something at the top of first and had a bit of wheel spin.
R/T: .518
60': 2.293
1/4: 15.035
MPH: 92.08
Second run was a time trial as well. Pulled up next to a 02 GTP 2 door. This time I cranked the boost up a bit. I forgot to say my vacuum line to my gauge touched the front manifold heat shield and was cut in two.
R/T: .420 Him: .232
60': 2.113 2.318
1/4: 14.546 15.806
MPH: 92.64 88.23
I had a lot of spin on that one. I bet I spun about 10 feet off the line.
Eliminations start. I dialed in a 14.41.
I pull next to a Baretta GTZ with a dial of 16.90
R/T: .260 Him:.620
60': 2.157 3.078
330: 7.307 7.728
1/8: 11.959 11.480
MPH: 50.38 64.93
1/4: 19.933 17.442
MPH: 58.35 83.66
Around the 60' mark my intake pipe blew off. It was pretty loud and scared me pretty good. It sounded like the impeller wheel had spun on the shaft or something in the tranny spun off or something. I backed out of it as you can see.
It was fun. I think I can get it real close to 13s next time. Hopefully....
2002 URSCCA CSP - First Place