A few weeks ago, an acquaintance walks up and says, "Hey, Stu, you're always up for another one of those Fieros, aren't you? I saw a white one over at [he describes where it is]. May be junk, don't know if it runs or whatever. Didn't see a "For Sale" sign or anything. But I thought I'd tell you about it."
Hmmm-! Well, nice of him to mention it, I thought, but I need another Fiero like eskimos need more snow. So I smiled and thanked him for telling me about it. This is an older gentleman who occasionally drives a Model A Ford and likes to talk cars, so naturally I like the guy.
Didn't give it much thought for several weeks, until I happened to be taking an "alternate route" to a favorite spot on a beautiful, cool sunny day. Suddenly it occurred to me that I must have just driven past the location of the white Fiero the fellow had mentioned. Oh, well, who cares, I thought, I know what a junky Fiero looks like already. But on a sudden notion out of nowhere, I decided to turn my car around and have a look.
It was kind of hidden behind a block building, but visible if you knew what you were looking for. As I pulled into a nearby parking area, I noticed the license plate frame had "Electric Car" stenciled on it. Hmmm. Okay, so a junky Fiero with a weird plate frame, I thought.
Imagine my surprise when I walked up to the car, and saw solar cells on the front and rear decklids! A few days later, borrowed a digital camera, and returned to the site. With the owner's permission, snapped a few photos...
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01:39 AM
System Bot
Electrathon Member
Posts: 5241 From: Gresham, OR USA Registered: Dec 2002
My apologies - apparently the photos are too big to post (range from 137KB to 181 KB, FWIW). Maybe some of you guys are smart enough to figure out how to shrink them for me, so they'll pass the PIP criteria? I got as far as PIP telling me the pics are too large (physical size and/or require too much memory, I guess).
No idea whether the car's driveable or not. Only spoke to the owner long enough to ask his permission to snap some photos.
Actually, I think there's a lot that we're gonna be curious about on this car... that nose, for starters (donk brought it up in chat)... does the thing run? Who did the work on it? Is it for sale?
I would like more info on this. I have one electric fiero and would be interested in another one. Please send me an email with any details you are willing to give up. Thanks,
Originally posted by James Bond 007:Interesting,solar panels to charge the batterys while it's parked.
That's my guess also. For all I know, it may not even have an electric drivetrain (yet??). If the opportunity comes up, I'll ask the (apparent) owner more questions about, and possibly get a shot or two, of the car's inner workings? And, for the sake of all you collectors of "eclectic, electric plastic fantastics," I'll ask if he might be interested in selling it (BTW not interested in purchasing it, myself).
Meantime, I really wish to respect (and protect) the fellow's privacy. As stated earlier, there wasn't a "For Sale" sign, nor any indication he intended to put it up for sale.
theres was actually a few of them made i believe by a company in sort of a Mera fashion. If you watch Naked Gun 2 there is a green one in it nearer the beginning
------------------ Carbed 2.9 engine build in progress. forged pistons, crane cam, fully balanced, ARP bolts, double roller timing chain and more --Adam-- IM AOL: FieroGT5speed
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08:56 PM
Aug 21st, 2004
cptn_donut Member
Posts: 28 From: Quesnel, BC, Canada Registered: Feb 2004
It seems that this post is bringing up the Testosterone levels a bit, but let's not get too focused on the "jail bait" here. As for the electric Fiero, I saw one a while back but don't remember where it was. The car was literally filled with giant golf cart or fork lift batteries. As for the one shown here it looks like the designer added solar self charge capability which should provide some energy replenishment. HOwever, it's doubtful that this car will run on solar power alone. I"ve had the opportunity to drive two experimental electric vehicles and while the ride was quiet and smooth, neither had a range of beyond 30-35 miles before the batteries drained and a charge was needed. The top speeds were only about 50 MPH. Due to the high energy demands the cars did not have heat or A/C. While an electric vehicle may be a nice novelty, IMO they are totally impractical for everyday use and certainly less practical in Winter where cold deletes battery capacity. I view this cars as nice experimental oddities.
Originally posted by Dennis LaGrua:and certainly less practical in Winter where cold deletes battery capacity. I view this cars as nice experimental oddities.
Okay now that I can think cleary, I agree, the cars are not practical compared to gas. However technology continues to improve. With more advanced batteries, such as Lithium Polymer, you could reduce battery mass by a factor of two, or alternatively double the range. There are Lithium Polymer battery powered experimental vehicles that have decent enough range to be considered practical for daily commuting. With advances in material and batteries combined with hybrid technlogy you might actually have something to write home about.
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10:31 AM
Iron_Mark_2003 Member
Posts: 1767 From: Northeast Kansas Registered: Jun 2004
but, yeh, electric.. if you google electric you can find a few.. very interesting some of them. using the stock 5speed and all. heavy as all get out tho
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07:28 PM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
StuGood, I would still like more info on this. Please find out all you can and let me know. I know a guy that has one just like that and he drives it back and forth to work every day. More photos would be great also. Thank you for your time,
I had to post...I might be on crack, but those photos appear to be photoshopped...the first one seems the most obvious. Whomever did it, if they are photoshopped, was good though...In the first pit, the cells look like they are floating above the decklid, and they go all the way to the edge on the far side, but are about 3 inches from the edge on the near side. The roof is casting a kinds strong shadow on the cells, but not the decklid next to the cells? I may be wrong, but I think the nose and car are real, but the cells are faked. If you look closely at the two pics of the front, compare the the photos of the center cell in relation to the edge of the hood...it is pretty straight in one, and crooked in the other.
Bigfieroman, I do not think the photos sre doctored. As for the rear of the car, all that opens is the square the cells are in. Also you will not get the same reflection off the cells as you would the dull white paint. I know someone that has one of these and they look just like that.
The cells do very little. They mostly just for show. the only reason for the 1 peice front clip is so the hood would be flat enough for the cells. The body is still cool looking but not real functional.
The motor runs on 16- 6 volt batteries. The car is supplied by 1- 12 volt battery. The interior is stock. I will look for my photos of the one I know of.
I had to post...I might be on crack, but those photos appear to be photoshopped...the first one seems the most obvious. Whomever did it, if they are photoshopped, was good though...In the first pit, the cells look like they are floating above the decklid, and they go all the way to the edge on the far side, but are about 3 inches from the edge on the near side. The roof is casting a kinds strong shadow on the cells, but not the decklid next to the cells? I may be wrong, but I think the nose and car are real, but the cells are faked. If you look closely at the two pics of the front, compare the the photos of the center cell in relation to the edge of the hood...it is pretty straight in one, and crooked in the other.
I'm gonna hafta agree with ya on the rear decklid.
It is not PS, it does look like it, but it is just the lighting, and resizing. It might have been doctered a bit, clean it up a little, but it isn't completely mocked.
As for the electric Fiero, I saw one a while back but don't remember where it was. The car was literally filled with giant golf cart or fork lift batteries. As for the one shown here it looks like the designer added solar self charge capability which should provide some energy replenishment. HOwever, it's doubtful that this car will run on solar power alone.
That was at Fieros At Carlisle a few years back.
[This message has been edited by grgoyl86 (edited 08-22-2004).]
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07:41 PM
Aug 23rd, 2004
numan Member
Posts: 166 From: Kentucky, USA Registered: May 2003
For the solar panels displayed it would only charge a 12 volt battery on a good day. If this is a truely an electric Fireo, then they would to have an AC to DC convertor to charge the batteries which I do not see in the photo. Looks to me that someone is using the sun to keep the battery refeshed and nothing more.
Not saying I don't think it is cool I think solar is very cool.
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07:30 AM
Kento Member
Posts: 4218 From: Beautifull Winston Salem NC Registered: Jun 2003
"Red" : 1986 Fiero, converted by (then) Solar Electric in 1991, owned by Alternative Energy Corporation, used as a demonstrator and test vehicle. The car has logged over 23 thousand electric miles and is on its second set of batteries. Specifications: 18 six-volt batteries (Douglas golf-cart batteries), 23hp DC motor, curb weight 3200lb. efficiency: 2.70 miles/kWh, top speed 76mph.
Also Found out this info about this one that started this thread.
Originally posted by Fiero~Spataro: what does this thread have to do with a dancing 14 yr old?
Orignally posted by Dennis Lagrua: It seems that this post is bringing up the Testosterone levels a bit, but let's not get too focused on the "jail bait" here.
Aaaaaaand before Cliff get's accused of hosting kiddie stuff!
She turned 20, 3 days ago....
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08:50 PM
Aug 24th, 2004
nick2x88 Member
Posts: 450 From: sacramento, CA Registered: Feb 2003