I wanted to use my factory amp and sub with my new deck but was unsure on how to get the amp to work with it. I did alot of searching thru the archives and found many articles but not one that defined exactly how to do it. I decided that I would put this thread together to show you how to do it the easiest way and that anyone can do it. So please forgive my bad paint skills, I'm still learning and let me know what you think. -Jason
This is the connector that takes the signal from the radio to the amp. The two pink wires are the ones you need to supply power to to get the amp to turn on.
I noticed that when installing an aftermarket adapter harness that the power antenna wire mated to the two pink wires I mentioned above. I figured I could feed the power to the amp using this wire.
So after quite a bit of searching and some creative thinking I came up with this.
The relay breaks down like this:
86 Power antenna (switched)
85 Ground
30 Power (Ignition B+)
87 Load (Amp)
I used a 99 Grand Am radio but it lacked the wire for the power antenna in the harness. The output pin in the radio was there .
So I removed the pin from a spare radio plug and inserted it into the harness for my radio.
Spare plug and wiring
Removed wiring
Inserted into the new harness (looks factory huh!)
This will be the mess you'll end up with but it will all fit.
[This message has been edited by Fierofreak00 (edited 07-28-2005).]