We need a RED Fastback Fiero GT 86-87 for a movie shooting this month in New Orleans. The star of the movie drives a custom red Fiero GT. RED RED RED RED RED RED RED Must be hardtop, T-Top, or sunroof...no convertibles! The car must be customized including lowering and custom wheels. It must be a clean running car, with a clean interior. There will be compensation for the owner (I don't know how much). Post your pics here so we can narrrow down the choices. No other colors will be considered, so do not post them. Please tell everyone you know who has a custom Red Fiero GT that fits this description. We need this car ASAP, and it won't be crashed or raced. And yes, I work in the movie industry.
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12:05 AM
System Bot
Miss-Tress007 Member
Posts: 541 From: New Orleans, LA, USA--now in Greensboro, GA thanks to Hurricane Katrina Registered: Feb 2004
My car doesn't fit the bill, but I'll pass the info. along to some friends and see what we can dig up. It'll be great to see a fiero in a movie. Unless there's more than one movie being shot right now (which is always possible), I may have seen one of your on-location setups today right outside of the French Quarter near Armstrong Park.
Good luck on the search.
BTW, how long will the car be needed?
------------------ I may not know alot about cars...but I make a Fiero look good! "The Hottie" Coming Soon!
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12:10 AM
SNMFX Member
Posts: 436 From: Los Angeles, CA 90026 Registered: Mar 2004
I have a Red GT with T-top and custom chrome wheels, 1" drop . Custom leather interior, How long do you need it?
Hey jscott, if they decide to use your car, you can always leave it my capable hands--I'll "car sit" for your baby and make sure it's well-taken care of (drive it everyday, wash & detail it, drive it, drive it, did I mention drive it? LOL) But seriously, I'd volunteer to watch out for it for you while it's being used. I'm fiercely protective of these little babies, so I'd make sure they took good care of it for you.
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09:16 AM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
FieroBear...i'm working on paperwork for your new car!
Disillusion...I will not tell you any more information then I already stated due to non-disclosure agreements. The company financing the movie is The J Peterman Company. J. Peterman is the same guy Elaine works for in Seinfeld...yeah its a real multimillionaire they make fun of and I grew up with. The movie is a comedy in the genre of 48 hrs. This is real so please DO NOT waste my time since you don't even have a car that fits the description or live in the US close to New Orleans. STOP WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME!
Skitime...We would love to hear from you
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12:51 PM
SNMFX Member
Posts: 436 From: Los Angeles, CA 90026 Registered: Mar 2004
I will be on the set with your vehicle at all times to ensure it safety. I will be the Fiero Specialist on the set. I've been a Fiero Owner and collector since 1984. There are no Race, Skidding, or Crash Scenes with car. There is a lockout scene from the car. Compenstaion will be worked out with the owner. This is all the new information I have at this time. As I get more info I will pass it on.
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12:57 PM
Cheever3000 Member
Posts: 12400 From: The Man from Tallahassee Registered: Aug 2001
Here's a few pictures taken when my Fiero was used for the upcoming movie called "THE ALIBI" with Rebecca Romjn-Stamos. But, New Orleans??? Don't know if I want to part with my car that long???
I'm hoping the movie will be release soon.............
You were the first person who came to mind. Too bad you are stuck in Beautiful LA!!!
Since it is in New Orleans, we are looking for a car in/around that area. Thanks Jess, and let me know if you want the car to go that far and we will definitely consider it!!!
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01:56 PM
SNMFX Member
Posts: 436 From: Los Angeles, CA 90026 Registered: Mar 2004
Here's a few pictures taken when my Fiero was use for the upcoming movie called "THE ALIBI" with Rebecca Romjn-Stamos. But, New Orleans??? Don't know if I want to part with my car that long???
I'm hoping the movie will be release soon.............
Do you have any Idea who is driving your Fiero? Or is it just a small part of the movie?
I checked the IMDB for "The Alibi" and here's what it said..
A man (Coogan) who runs an alibi service for adulterous husbands gets into a jam with a new client. In trying to remedy the situation, he must rely on an alluring woman (Romijn-Stamos) who is often seen driving a red T-top Fiero, with gun metal custom wheels, and a gray interior, and is surrounded by a crew of lighting and camera personnel everywhere she goes...
Or something like that
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04:34 PM
skitime Member
Posts: 5765 From: Akron, PA, USA Registered: Aug 2000
Somehow I missed this thread but was PMed about it. I would be interested in hearing details. Here some of my mods.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. Click here to read the History of Skitimes Car
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04:53 PM
SNMFX Member
Posts: 436 From: Los Angeles, CA 90026 Registered: Mar 2004
Full tubular suspension! Fully adjustable coilovers front and rear! Poly everything! 3.4L TWIN DUAL CAM V6 240+H.P. Heads p/p! underdrive pulley! Darth chip! Accell performance ignition! Borla exhaust (how sweet)! Now who ever said that a V6 can be fast????????
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11:23 PM
Apr 6th, 2005
SNMFX Member
Posts: 436 From: Los Angeles, CA 90026 Registered: Mar 2004
Congrats Jscott! Whoo--hoo! (and I'm not saying this just because I get to car-sit LOL)
Maybe this can turn into my big break. Picture it, I'll be standing guard over Proud-2 on the set and the director will say "Hey you, come here," and the rest will be history.......hehe LOL
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03:27 PM
skitime Member
Posts: 5765 From: Akron, PA, USA Registered: Aug 2000