New pics pokey just sent me! Sorry, a lot of them are dark, he took them this evening when he stopped for the night. You may have to turn up the brightness on your monitor and look close, but you can see whats going on.
[This message has been edited by Fastback 86 (edited 07-25-2005).]
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03:03 AM
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
Hmm, the pics are huge. They're under 100k, but they're way big. I just took down the size, I didn't resize. If someone wants to resize and repost, I'll take down these bigs ones so you dont have to scroll all over the place to see them.
[This message has been edited by Fastback 86 (edited 07-22-2005).]
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03:06 AM
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
Pokey isn't doing much of anything these days because he had a little nip and tuck done, and he's on the mend. He said he won't be able to start work again for another couple of months... sooooo we shall have to wait a bit longer.
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12:04 AM
Dec 18th, 2005
pokeyfiero Member
Posts: 16203 From: Free America! Registered: Dec 2003
The mongrel has not died. Had a little medical setback and now I have tranfered the mongrel out to Fierobears chop. Still need to take all my tools and welders and such out there before work can resume.
The next twenty hours of work will be strictly welding brackets and support structure. All of it is mock up to be later tranfered to a 88 chassis. Doing all the fitting in this wrecked 84 first. So everything will/should be flanged or end plated and drilled to be bolted. The entire rear will be removable with a couple guys or an overhead as will the front. Gonna need a lot of styrafoam to carve out the body and then fiberglass it. I have never done anything this extensive but I am very excited to finish the structure so I can play with the body shape.
I have a few little projects to finish first like my Coupe and another 88 GT and also my suburban needs some serious attention but I have eliminated all other car and boat projects and decided to keep the mongrel going.
------------------ PLAY HARD-DIE FAST The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has a past while every sinner has a future.
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11:24 PM
Dec 19th, 2005
fierobear Member
Posts: 27083 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Originally posted by ohioindy: I think I'm going to be ill.
I was. I had two body guys look at the car, and about the frame damage, both said something between "forget it" and "would cost a FORTUNE". But hey, where were you when I I was trying to GIVE the thing away?
Any chance you can sell me the drivers side inner fender well?
Heh. I'll be keeping most of those parts. I might be persuaded to sell you the engine/tranny. It ran fine, but I haven't started it for 3 or 4 years.
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11:32 AM
pokeyfiero Member
Posts: 16203 From: Free America! Registered: Dec 2003
Last time I saw it, a few weeks ago, it was sitting out at fierobear's shop just as you see it in the above pics. The projects on the backburner, as pokey has a lot of other projects that need finishing. He says he'll get back to it someday, but who knows when.
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01:02 AM
Disillusion Member
Posts: 1132 From: Victoria, B.C, Canada Registered: Nov 2004
Oh man this is priceless.I'm liking the look. It looks like you could fit some considerably wide rear tires on the rear, and with all the engine space you could do something insane like a 400. Keep the car all pontiac lol. Or do a 454 or 427...
I can't wait to see this thing finished.
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01:39 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Don't put a roof scoop on it. Cut the roof and make it a TARGA!!!!! I like this BEAST, especially since I know you FIERO NUTS!!!! This is a cool thread.
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10:01 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27083 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Easy, there, guys. I tried everything I could to save that car. It was TRASHED when I bought it, after having been in a rollover accident. No glass, broken rear clip, busted body panels, crunched on was a parts car. The frame would have cost a FORTUNE to straighten, if it could be done.
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10:46 PM
fourpoint9 Member
Posts: 1058 From: Long Beach, WA, USA Registered: Feb 2004
Easy, there, guys. I tried everything I could to save that car. It was TRASHED when I bought it, after having been in a rollover accident. No glass, broken rear clip, busted body panels, crunched on was a parts car. The frame would have cost a FORTUNE to straighten, if it could be done.
you people are insane.... i wanna help sometime... iam not to far away..ill bring beer!!
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05:35 AM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
Just a little taste of what I'm working on for the Mongrel. What do you guys think of this so far?
C'mon, you know you like the sharkgill scoops!
I really like this idea. When I first saw the mismatch in heights of the sections I thought this a great idea for engine air intake.The shark giills look badass.
------------------ Notchbacks RULE
"Let a man drive a Fiero and he'll own one. Teach a man to fix a Fiero and he'll own eight."
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04:43 PM
Feb 14th, 2006
pokeyfiero Member
Posts: 16203 From: Free America! Registered: Dec 2003
I really like this idea. When I first saw the mismatch in heights of the sections I thought this a great idea for engine air intake.The shark giills look badass.
Gills are not gonna happen. But definetly a side scoop vent inbetween a upper and lower body width extension continueing to the front fender. But the roof line will have a vent to the back for the northstar. I may drop it a bit though Thinking about lowering the whole rear clip another inch. I been thinking about the side door windows and I guess I will fill the top with a solid glass like some foriegn cars I've seen. The window in the fiero door will butt to that. Maybe I can make a swing glass or something. I like the quarter glass to remain glass like an extension of the door glass. I am hoping to do a little work no and again until after Westfest. Then I hope to give it more time. Definetly gonna get a ton of work done on it during the next rainy season. I will be doing all fabrication and mechanical ,body work myself so it is going to take some time. I wouldn't want to send it to Archie's or anywhere even if I had the money. When she is done I will be able to say I did it whether it looks good or not. Lucky as I am I have a lot of good friends and then of course there is pennocks that always has an answer or an idea when i get stuck.. This place rocks!!
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12:28 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
cool will do just let me know when and let me know what type of tip you need and the size
edit: btw dont worry about that hole block thing a while ago one huge big misunderstanding probly on my end... anyways coke? pepsi? just let me know
Hey Dood are you aware Of our club. Golden Gate Fiero's? Were not to far from you. I think closer than the sacromento club and they are not real active anymore where as we do all kinds of events.
Looks like the truckee run is post poned for a month so maybe you would be interested in that. I guess I will spend this weekend working in the shop on my Evil Stepchild instead.Give me a hoot if you want to come out. Gonna do some fiberglass repair and some clutch work(master or slave is bad) also steering column is wobbling like a big bobble head. Probably change the oils and such too since we have the lift and it just makes everything so easy. If I have time I will definetly stare at the Mongrel for a few minutes and shake my head,maybe open and shut the door a couple times.
[This message has been edited by pokeyfiero (edited 02-14-2006).]
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04:36 PM
Apr 21st, 2006
Reno Scoopeno Member
Posts: 46 From: Boulder Creek, California Registered: Apr 2004