Having made a few custom things I thought from the beginning Andrew had too many choices. When you are farming out the work you are left at the mercy of your supplier. I think he had good intentions but I never saw a request that he didn't say he could come up with. Remember Henry Ford? You could have any color car you wanted as long as it was black. I think he would have been better off with less choices. Not that I'm an expert------just a thought. Cliff
I'm going to post here, to say that I have emailed Andrew, explaining that I will do my best to help him, and/or his customers, out of this predicament.I haven't had a reply yet. The decision to try to fulfil my words about backing Andrew as a good guy, now has another meaning. I DO still believe Andrew is a bona-fide person, and hope he can come back again, and continue with his extraordinary artistic and designing ability.But now, it comes down to me coming through with my promise.I am NOT going to hand out cash to anybody, until I can verify that they have paid, and not received their orders. That isn't going to be easy, unless we hear from Linda or Andrew. I am sure you will all agree that that is fair.I believe the majority of Members are honest, and wouldn't try to take advantage of this endeavour..but I want to be sure.So, anybody who hasn't recieved their orders, please pm me, or email me with the details of your order.I will give 101%commitment to fulfill my promise. I am also going to try to locate the Company that made the badges for Andrew, and see if they still have the prototypes, and whether we can get the outstanding badges made, and delivered. Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 08-30-2006).]
OK, I have sent an email to one of the Producers of badges Andrew mentioned for details of availability for more badges . . Perhaps the prototypes are still available, and they might produce some more....we'll see.If they will, I will arrange to pay for them, and sent on, if you don't mind waiting...?? Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
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03:40 PM
northeastfiero Member
Posts: 511 From: Norwich / Uk Registered: Mar 2005
This is a shame. I really would like 3 of the 3800SC badges and I almost odered them from his site. Glad I read this first before I placed the order. Hopefully he will return and I can order them in the near future.
No replies yet, from either Andrew or the Fabrication Company. .Will try again..but it is difficult to explain to the Company that makes them, as to why I am trying to get information about Andrew's project, without explaining why..Diplomacy ..hmm. Don't want to say ANYTHING that might imply something which is just not true.And maybe this wasn't the Company which finally made the badges..Will keep trying. Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
Still no replies from either I am sourcing some button and badge-makers in the UK and here in Spain..)If I don't get any results from producing the badges, or a call from Andrew, I guess it will be hand-in-pocket time!! Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
I have been talking to these people in the UK.. http://www.rocketbadge.co.uk/ We have a lot of discussion to get through, but they are interested in helping me/us. My biggest dilemma...will I be in trouble if I submit Andrew's designs to them to reproduce them??Wow, this is getting complicated...maybe I should just paypal the amounts outstanding...Comments, please? Nick Edit to add: I am sure the People with outstanding orders would prefer to receive their badge, rather than the money. If that is not the case, just let me know.
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-01-2006).]
and we all know Andrew is a compulsive 'poster'...I hope that He and his family are ok... Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-01-2006).]
Over thirty hits since I last posted.. and not one reply..come on ..help me out here If F-I-E-R-O has a copyright on these designs( either applied for, or by implication) and I am successful in getting somebody to make them, both myself, and the maker COULD be in deep doo-doo.. so I am going to wait until the end of next week (Sunday 10th September), get some legal advice, and then decide whether to refund or go ahead and re-manufacture, if possible.It will be one or the other, depending on any advice I get between now and then. My God..no good deed goes unpunished, does it??? Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-02-2006).]
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02:54 AM
System Bot
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
You have two PM's Cliff, second related to the first..and my panties are fitting quite nicely, thanks Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
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08:02 AM
DL10 Member
Posts: 2350 From: Bloomington IL Registered: Jun 2000
Well if you want opinions I think you should just leave things as they are ………..Andrews problem. Don’t get involved with trying to get these badges made, and don’t send Your hard earned money to anyone. I don’t think anyone bought badges because of your offered to back Andrew. You were just defending someone you thought of as a friend. I don’t think anyone expects you to pay out hundreds of dollars. I hope Andrew is alright and I hope he comes forward to explain what happened.
[This message has been edited by DL10 (edited 09-02-2006).]
I think I may have come up with a better (read CHEAPER ) way of doing this... My idea? Simple..The only way the front emblem ever gets read, is when it is stationary..The rear one gets read by anybody behind you...soooo...How about a single front emblem, which will fit ALL cars, and a separate logo for the rear, which could include another front emblem, but with a word or words, made up from separate letters in chrome, for instance, which would qualify WHICH Fiero it actually is? I have found a place which produces letters in chrome finish, self adhesive , in quite a few diferrent fonts.This way, you can chose the letters that are already in existence, which overcomes the problem of so many different variations, in small numbers?? Apparently, they also produce the letters in several colours too, as well as size and font. I think that the basic front Fiero badge would be in the region of $50 shipped, and the letters are not that expensive. If anybody thinks this is a good idea, let me know.If it does work for everybody, when Andrew returns, I will give him the idea, and let him use it.There are endless possibilities here... As already stated above, I am waiting until next Sunday, to let people who have outstanding orders with Andrew contact me, and then will settle up with them, as the opportunity arises. Thanks for reading. By the way, two Members have contacted me with VERY generous offers to help me resolve the problem.I thank you BOTH for this kindness.God bless Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-03-2006).]
Still no news, comments or contact from anybody else!! The Badge Companies seem to have enough work to do, without making Fiero badges.I have spoken to a Company in our local town (Reus), who has a plasma cutting system, and can probably fulfil most requirements.They can cut a number of blanks, which can then be profiled by plasma cutter. Googled plasma cutting systems available for small businesses. A small unit, which can do this sort of profiling, costs about $9000 But I must overcome the obstacle of copyright etc., even though I intend to hand it all back to Andrew upon his return. Nick
Sorry not to have posted before now..as some will know, I have a very erratic ISP connection, and have not had access to the Internet for a few days.( result of living in the sticks here in Spain ) I am disappointed to report that NONE of the 5 businesses I contacted about making badges for those whose orders are still outstanding have bothered to come back to me, other than an initial auto-email acknowledging receipt of mine.Due to complications about copyrights etc, I have decided to not try any more to get badges made using Andrew's designs. Neither have I had any contact from Andrew, or directly from anybody here who has Andrew's current contact info although.I did receive an email, saying that contact had been made with Andrew, and that he would be posting here in the near future, but unfortunately that hasn't transpired yet, either. I have been informed of two peoples' outstanding orders ( just opened your email David), and one posted in this thread since I confirmed that I was going to try to honour my commitment.Those two people will be contacted privately this week. Two people here made very generous offers to help out, but this is my responsibilty now: I made that commitment.Thanks anyway to you guys I still believe that Andrew was not trying to be dishonest. His sojourn at the pleasure of the US Law department must have severely disrupted his plans, and the apparent non-delivery of other orders sent but not received became a burden he could not deal with. He did post to the effect that he was overdrawn a considerable amount, and I am sure that would preclude him from paying for more replacements.I am very saddened that he has been unable to come through.I am SURE he feels worse than all of us. Now it is my turn to honour my word.It WILL take time: I am not rich . But I do believe in being honorable to my word.I wish I could find the original Manufacturer of the badges already supplied.They must have the jigs/dies/tooling available to make some more, but the Company Andrew first mentioned at the beginning of this whole thread has not replied to me at all. That is sad, and not very business-like. I sent them an email explaining that some of the outstanding orders to customers here on PFF were still being waited upon, and that I was trying to help resolve that situation, but no reply,as I stated earlier.Thanks Steve Thanks for reading, and I appreciate your patience in waiting for my attempts to put things right Nick ------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-11-2006).]
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
Well, thank you very much Nick. Again, I didn't at all think this was your responsibility but you truly are a man of your word and if you ever need a reference for anything, feel free to count on me for a positive one.
David, I am just hoping that Andrew will be back here soon, and you will be able to get your badge in the end, and the others too. I would like to chat to Andrew about his plans..I have found some very interesting tools that can produce the badges, leaving just the enamel colouring to be applied by the new owner..it is a very simple plan, and once the initial finances are sorted, there is an endless array of opportunities to produce all kinds of different things. Anyway, glad to have helped out..please keep an open mind about Andrew...I still don't believe he is dishonest Nick Still trying to sort out the other Members here..be patient Guys!! I will be in touch.. Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 09-14-2006).]
It seems that all the problems have been resolved for now, and that everybody is anxious to see Andrew come back and be ok.We have some wonderful, kind and helpful people here, as if we didn't all know anyway.I sincerely hope everybody is happy, and hope Andrew can return when any/all problems he might have experienced lately are resolved.I look forward to that day. Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Growing old is harder than growing up. Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN Messenger-nicholascann@hotmail.com
I would like to thank Nick (fierofetish) for all his hard work in trying to resolve the matter of the outstanding badge orders. Nick offered to refund the money that I had paid, After declining his offer Nick found someone who was willing to sell one of their badges. So big thanks also go out to topcat who contacted me and shipped out my new badge straight away, which arrived here in the UK today. A big plus for you both. Hopefully Lyode will come across soon with my engine so I can have a car to put my neew badge on. Thanks Carl.
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01:31 PM
Nov 20th, 2006
never2old Member
Posts: 1854 From: Wyoming, Michigan USA Registered: Dec 2005
post visited 12345 times- COOL! I have to say that I don't know where I would be today if it weren't for Nick and Timo. I've spoken to them many times and it was with their and many others encouragement that I came back here and have been able to deal with some things that I'd rather not discuss. Again, I can't say enough about the people on this forum. I can honestly say that so many of you are better than my family and local friends.
When I was released from the "big house" I had to struggle not only with looming foreclosure and possible bankruptcy, but the huge disappointment that what I had done for others around me and in my life was quickly forgotten.... I'm a very giving person. I do things for everyone and anyone who asks. I used to do things for my neighbors without wanting anything in return- such as using my snow blower to clear out sidewalks, driveways and plowed in aprons up and down my block. I never expected a thank you, and never stopped by to let them know that I had done it. When they got home it was done and they didn't have to worry about it.
When I got home, our yard was a field, and I discovered that no one had stopped over to ask Linda if everything was OK. We live in a nice neighborhood, and the front lawn is a big hill making it difficult for Linda to mow. To see that none of the able bodied men stopped by to see if Linda and Em were OK, to learn that no one had stopped by to ask if they were alright based on the fact that one of the houses in the neighborhood with one of the nicest lawns and landscaping had turned into a disaster- that alone should have thrown up red flags.
So I understand the disappointment here and will do everything in my power to turn that around. I appreciate not having to face one or a few of those "XXXXXXX is a JERK!" threads. I am going to post the three badges that I will take reservations on. They will be the standard badge, a V8 badge, and an SC badge that Timo and I were talking about last night. BTW, having SKYPE and being able to talk to anyone in the world for free is AWESOME! The pricing will be a little more for the badges than before because the cost has gone up a bit and I didn't charge enough to cover the first run, so sorry about that. Also, when I do this in the next couple weeks, I will only take reservations. No money. When you receive the badge, then send the money. I really don't see much difference in trusting others vs myself and am more than willing to do business this way.
Thanks again for letting me be a member here, for letting me be a part of this great community, and never forget that if your life seems like it's going through a blender that this is the place to be for people you can truly count on.
Here we go folks, here is the "Supercharged Fiero" badge that will be one of the three badges to go into production. I hope you like...
Very nice! How much are you getting for V8 badges? Paypal okay? What is the turn-around time?
Just curious... Who is the model? Looks like Kirstie Allie, about 15 years and 50 lbs ago.
Edit -- I also am happy to see you back. I hope everything is working out for you. Unlike some of the other posters here, I'm not one to "wax eloquent" but I'm glad you're well, and getting the things in your life back on track. Take care of yo-seff! (That's a southern thing. )
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 11-21-2006).]