The badges are being manufactured as I type this. They raised the price (b@st@rds) when they realized the amount of work that was involved. He sent an e-mail that 3 were done, and we hoped that it was the 3 special order ones. This is killing Andrew as much as it is you guys. He's sorry he's not here to harrass them. Thanks for hanging in there.
The badges are being manufactured as I type this. They raised the price (b@st@rds) when they realized the amount of work that was involved. He sent an e-mail that 3 were done, and we hoped that it was the 3 special order ones. This is killing Andrew as much as it is you guys. He's sorry he's not here to harrass them. Thanks for hanging in there.
Thanks for the update. I was wondering about this as I thought they were supposed to be done a while back (originally told a time frame of 3-4 weeks, not 3-4 months). So does this mean that we will need to pay more for our badges other than the amount we paid? And finally any idea on any ship dates on these?
Thanks again,
David Heinke
[This message has been edited by MP5Na3 (edited 04-12-2006).]
Thanks for the update. So does this mean that we will need to pay more for our badges other than the amount we paid? And finally any idea on any ship dates on these?
The badges are being manufactured as I type this. They raised the price (b@st@rds) when they realized the amount of work that was involved. He sent an e-mail that 3 were done, and we hoped that it was the 3 special order ones. This is killing Andrew as much as it is you guys. He's sorry he's not here to harrass them. Thanks for hanging in there.
Anyone gotten anything yet???? Not saying I am smelling a scam, but when this all started, we were told 3-4 weeks before delivery would begin. That has been closer to 3-4 MONTHS now and nothing. Then almost a month ago, we hear that some are done and that production is "being manufactured as I type this"
So again, anyone gotten anything yet.....
Starting to really lose faith in this project and vendor.
If anyone has received anything, I will feel better about this, but until someone can confirm ANYTHING, well, it is not looking to good so far. And I am not trying to be offensive towards anyone, it is just gone far beyond any reasonable expectation with very little communication and zero results. David
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09:18 PM
System Bot
TD37 Member
Posts: 746 From: Howards Grove, Wisconsin Registered: Jan 2004
I talked with Linda on the phone last week. Andrew is doing well and should be getting out of jail pretty soon (sometime this month we hope) if everything goes right. Don't have any details on the badges as I didn't ask. I imagine that Linda has her hands pretty full right now keeping the household together and doing all of the "single mother" stuff.
But, when this all started, the idea sold to us was that we were not waiting for him to get out of jail for any progress to be made on these. Again, they were supposed to be shipped in 3-4 weeks. If that was not to be, then he should not of accepted orders till after he got out of jail.
Just a cynic who has been burned to many times and have never dealt with him before, but it looks like he figured out a income stream to hold everything over while he was in jail. Again, that is something I wouldn't have minded, but I dislike the inappropriately long time line. If I was told, "hey, I am taking orders now, getting everything lined up, but won't ship for the next 5 months untill this is all carried over", well I would have understood and still ordered / prepayed for the set. I just don't like being lied to about stuff. True, he might not have had as many orders, but he would certainly probably have more reorders in the future.
I hope this all works out for everyone involved, but I don't have a lot of confidence right now. For those that know Linda, I would suggest that you contact her and let her know she should address this situation and let us know where things stand. People usually don't mind delays as long as they are being told why.
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11:01 AM
Saber49 Member
Posts: 937 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: May 2004
i don't know the whole story behind this and im sure he's a good guy... but why is anyone dealing with someone who's in trouble with the law... im sure it has nothing to do with anything related to these badges... just doesn't seem to make sense to me... ah well.
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03:17 PM
Gordo Member
Posts: 2981 From: East Guilford, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2002
I wasn't trying to make excuses or speak for somebody else. I'll leave that to Andrew. Just wanted everybody to know that he should be out soon and he hasn't skipped the country or anything.
The badges are being manufactured as I type this. They raised the price (b@st@rds) when they realized the amount of work that was involved. He sent an e-mail that 3 were done, and we hoped that it was the 3 special order ones. This is killing Andrew as much as it is you guys. He's sorry he's not here to harrass them. Thanks for hanging in there.
so a month ago they were being made.. really looking for an update -
I hope you all get your orders as soon as possible.Andrew was honest about his situation, and I am sure he will come through. Just would like to point out an anomaly that is going on here on PFF.I realise that it is normal for folks to get upset when their own money is involved...and yet there is a deafening silence surrounding a certain Hurricane Katrina Charity Project that has been slowly dropping off the edge of the Forum...A car and parts, and Member contributions that seem to have been misappropriated. Or just gone wrong.Whatever has happened, there has been no communication from the instigator of the project for many many weeks.If the project cannot be completed, the donations should be returned to their rightful owners. I cannot understand why it apparently attracts no comment or interest.Is the car still there? Or can nothing at all be done about securing and completing the project. Sorry to hijack the thread, but it is confusing, to say the least. Nick
------------------ fierofetish.PFF'S self-confessed Snowbird!! Responsibility: the solution for our World's Dilemmas.. Yahoo messenger:nickcannspain MSN
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04:10 PM
May 6th, 2006
TD37 Member
Posts: 746 From: Howards Grove, Wisconsin Registered: Jan 2004
That is a very good point. I never heard much about the hurricane project but I remember seeing a lot of threads about it and haven't seen a lick since.
I'm a little curious on the time line of his sentence. I remember in his thread explaining his situation he would serve 3 months. That thread came about in January. I believe he left at the end of January or start of February. Here we are one week into May. Thats about 4 months, shouldn't he be out by now? Just getting anxious for my badges, its that time of season! Hope everything is alright with Andrew and look forward to his return!
(edit) - nope, not here yet, but it is good to see that at least one made it to the owner. I am not in a huge hurry... simply because I am not sure what I am going to do with mine yet. Put it on the car, or adore while it sits on a shelf.
[This message has been edited by topcat (edited 05-12-2006).]
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04:46 PM
System Bot
1986 Fiero GT Member
Posts: 3383 From: Eden, NY USA Registered: Mar 2005
Yes, it is appears as though I am the first to receive my badge, and damn am I happy. Even at $129, this was a bargain. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I never lost faith in Andrew or Linda, they're both wonderful people and very honest. I had no problem sending Andrew a week's paycheck, because I know that he would never do anything to scam or rip off anybody. That, and I knew his family needed the money. Bravo Linda and Andrew!
Linda Rogers here.......I apologize for the lack of communication regarding the badges. The company that manufactured the badges went WAY past the promise date. The job was much bigger than they anticipated. My fault for not communicating. Please do not hold Andrew accountable. Most of the badges have been shipped. Andrew is due home on the 26th, which is 3 weeks later than he was told. Since this is the first batch that were made, I guess we should have expected some glitches. Again, I am very sorry for not staying in touch and keeping everyone up to speed. Believe me, when I had trouble getting answers from the vendor, I was feeling pretty much the same way as some of you. Thanks for the patience.
Andrew has only been able to see the finished product at a distance. He's very impressed with the quality, as I'm sure you all will. There are some issues with who ordered which badge, but he'll be able to get these rectified late next week. Thanks for hanging in there and having faith in him.
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08:00 PM
mcaanda Member
Posts: 3652 From: Grand Junction Colorado Registered: Mar 2003
Originally posted by F-I-E-R-O: ...Most of the badges have been shipped. ...
Linda, can you please PM / E-mail me at to make sure that mine has shipped, and if not I need to update the address that the badge is going to.
** Rice; it's what's COOKIN **
[This message has been edited by mcaanda (edited 05-14-2006).]
Thanks for the info Linda. I'm sure happy he'll be back soon. Not near as happy as you are though. Could you please drop me a line to let me know the status on my badges?
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08:54 PM
Haagster Member
Posts: 1378 From: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Registered: May 2001
I never doubted ya for a minute I know Andrew, and know he would not screw us over
I am glad he will be home soon, and I must say Linda, you are a remarkable woman for staying with him thru all of this. Many women would leave for less.
Kudos to you both!!!
Your Friend, Randy
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08:29 AM
May 19th, 2006
FieroGTguy Member
Posts: 3087 From: Indianapolis , IN Registered: Mar 2001
I got the final proof to agree on right before he left, and didn't send the money because I couldn't get the final details of the timetable, etc. Since he still has the proof, are you still able to have it made? If so, I'll send the $$$.
Thanks, Greg
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09:25 PM
Posts: 1177 From: PORT SAINT LUCIE,FLORIDA,USA Registered: Dec 2000
I would still be leary of this deal if you have not already been sucked into it. Like I said. I paid darn near $250 for two custom badges, got one, have left message, get no reply. Customer service right now is running a strong D-
I hope Linda contacts me at some point about this, but am getting nothing back yet.