the new wax works great, i'd recommend it to anyone... But since the piece i layed up is on lne layer think, i put it back after i pulled it off... I've gotta get more hardner for my resin and then I lay up a few layers of roving onto the fiberglass layer that i've got now... That oughta stiffen things up... Gotta watch how much i spend on projects now tho... I'm saving up to build a shed so i've got some shelter to do this kinda thing... Im aiming to beat winter, but time will tell... Wish me luck...
the shed i will be building is going to be 3 12'x24' sheds that attach. In the end I'll have a shed that also disassembles and can easily be moved that will be 36' x 24'
Reason im making it so it can be taken down and moved, theres several...
1. if it wasnt mobile, the property wuld have to be re-assesed. and taxes would be raises
2. im avoiding inspections, electrical, framing, fotter inspections, roof inspections etc.
3. im still living at home (helping with bills and all here tho) but eventually i'll be married and have a family of my own and I'll want to take the shed along with me then...
4. incase it ever has to be moved on the property before i move out, it'll be a pain in the butt, but will be possible...
those are the major reasons... But i can keep huge projects like this going without shelter (then i gotta avoid eather and all that, i think you understand where i coming from.)
Id like to have a gambrel roof on the building, this way i can easily have a second level, and can use that to store projects and keep them out of the way or the workshop / garage.
But anyhow, ive gotta wait till BAPS opens so i can get some more liquid hardner...
Something else to look forward to, I'll be making the new plug for the center console soon... (i was going about it a very hard way, so Im going to try again i do believe it wil work est at this approach though) once i get the foam etc, i should be finished with the console in no time... I'll be going at it with a more efficent quicker approach than i did the 1st time. Its all a learning expierence folks. But soon the console will be at the top of my priority list... Once i get back from florida (14th-24th) Im ging to be hitting th center console and the shed full force... Hopefully when i get the center console mold finished I'll be able to sell several to help fund the shed... Time will tell, but be prepared to see a few for sale once Im done with the mold...
I've promised atleast 2 people for one, so theres no backing out now...
Hang on for the ride, feel free to ask questions, and enjoy the ride... if your beginning fiberglass / bodywork, Im also just learning, so learn from my mistakes along with me...
Enjoy !
[This message has been edited by 88GTFormula (edited 07-02-2006).]