This may have already been asked but have you turned the engine over from the front (harmonic balancer bolt) using a socket/rachet? It is possible that one of the cylinders may have gas or water in it causing hydro-lock.
is the starter motor actually trying to spin? pull it off and connect jumper cables to the terminals and see if it enguages and spins like it should, if the starter works, then you got another problem. I know when I have getting my 87 Gt runnign this week, my first starter I tried, the solinoid worked but the motor didn't, then I tried another extra started and had th opposite, so I ended up making one good starter out of the 2.
But it may be a good idea to spin the enigne over by had to make sure nothing is wrong. My other 87 GT I baught with the heads and all off of it, and all laying in the trunk. Owner said one gasket blew and never put it together. Me thinking it was fine, I put it all back together, took 2 days and used all new gaskets and a good set of heads, I go to fire the engine, it spun over 3/4 turn and stopped. Took hours to figure out it had a broken rod. What a waste of time.
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11:31 PM
Apr 18th, 2007
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
well i got a response in tech about a neg cable on the back of the solinoid, i think it might not be hooked up... i am also gonna double check and turn over the motor by hand tomorrow... (and no.. it doesnt even spin yet..)
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12:01 AM
DRA Member
Posts: 4543 From: Martinez, Ga, USA Registered: Oct 1999
ugh.. no work really done yet... been moping around a bit.. Alex no longer lives here.... its a complicated mess on why, but not only do i have 1/3 less income, i have .0001% motivation at this point... (neither of us did anything wrong though! it just sucks..) im about to go out there now and TRY to remove the door...
i also noticed i have no sunvisors.. anyone have a pair to donate? stephsformula has graciously volunteered to recover them for cost of materials, so as long as the skeleton is in good condition..
on a good note, i got promoted.. i start my manager training in a week or so.
.. and i march onward...
[This message has been edited by BobadooFunk (edited 04-24-2007).]
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05:27 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
It won't make you feel any better but, I'm short two girlfriends because I wanted to work on the Fiero. Keep your head up, things will turn around. Gary
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06:52 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
yea... i still have no idea what is going on with us.. at first i thought hey, then i can work on the car more.. but its not the same.. but i DID manage to acomplish something today...
Door open!
after i backed out the torx bolt, i pryed this upwards!! didnt have to remove the door YAY!! now i gotta replace the darn thing ugh..
i took these 3 out, so i could sorta close the door for now..
Then i took the carpet out (i have sound deadener on the way, and i was gonna order a carpet, but i gues ill have to wait a lil bit..)
im gonna sand + rustoleum this part.
Got this out, i think im going to TRY and salvage it with thin peices of wood + duck tape. then im gonna just get black (or blue still debating) fabric at jo ann's or something...
and i have a TON of interior peices im going to paint black, i hate grey.
i didnt really have the motivation to go under the car, and the ignition stuff is wearing my nerves down.... so i did this stuff instead..
[This message has been edited by BobadooFunk (edited 04-24-2007).]
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08:52 PM
System Bot
agrabo85fiero Member
Posts: 562 From: Gilbertsville, New York/FT Riley Kansas Registered: Mar 2005
Use POR-15 on the rust. That will keep it from spreading. Rustoleum won't stop it. You can use fiberglass resin on the headliner and then just recover it with whatever you like.
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09:58 PM
FormulaGT Member
Posts: 790 From: Santa Barbara, CA USA Registered: Sep 2003
I have some slightly damaged sunvisors that you can have. I will contact stephsformula with photos and see if she can work with them. They are from my Formula that I had replaced with Fiero Store ones.
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10:22 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
I have some slightly damaged sunvisors that you can have. I will contact stephsformula with photos and see if she can work with them. They are from my Formula that I had replaced with Fiero Store ones.
thank you!
headliner: right now i have it mending with gorilla glue we'll see how it works.. there are alot of peices that hold the headliner up, so i dont think itll be too bad...
Where did you find bannanna man with a wrench? lol Did you check to see if you have spark? or fuel? Pretty easy to check. Easier with someone helping but if you need info on how to do it yourself let me know.
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11:18 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
headliner: right now i have it mending with gorilla glue we'll see how it works.. there are alot of peices that hold the headliner up, so i dont think itll be too bad...
Not sure how well that will work. You need something that can hold shape by itself - like fiberglass. When the headliner starts falling apart, glue typically doesn't help. It's like trying to glue a rock to the beach.
I just read the other thread in tech. I think you have to start ruling things out now. Timing is hard as the timing light will show different when the engine is running and when it is cranking. Some people were giving you good advise on finding TDC and such, especially CaddyRob. Since it doesn't sound like you have an extra set of hands at the moment what I would do is start with the dist. where you had some fire. then, move it a couple of degrees in one direction and try again. Keep doing that untill you have moved say 30 degrees, or untill it is pretty obvious that things aren't getting better. then return to starting position and go the other way. If the engine fires and run's, then you can time it properly. If that doesn't work, I would start to look else where. The easiest would be spark. Get a spark tester. It is a dummy spark plug that you attach a plug wire to. it simulates the spark needed under compression. Check only one cyl. at a time and keep the other wires pluged to the actual spark plugs. I would not let the wires just spark without the tester on there as they can become damaged, and break down their insulation causing more problems. If spark all tests good, then it's on to fuel. I don't have any experience there on multi port systems. maybe someone else can help you there. Good luck to you.
[This message has been edited by 86fierofun (edited 04-24-2007).]
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11:34 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
and suprisingly enough.. the gorilla glue (awesome stuff...) seems to have worked PERFECT!!!! im amazed... i used that + binder clips (same way to fix your surround peices..) WOW!
ALSO i check for spark when i started, trying to start it.. i do get spark. id like to test my injectors, but i dont have that stupid light thing..
[This message has been edited by BobadooFunk (edited 04-24-2007).]
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11:37 PM
Apr 25th, 2007
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
You can get stupid light things as most auto parts stores pretty cheap.
Something else to try - if you're getting spark - try squirting some gas into the throttle body. If it sputters and fires a few times, that could point to injectors not firing.
Does your Service Engine Soon light come on when you turn the ignition key on? (engine still off). If not, the ECM isn't coming on for some reason, so it will never fire the injectors.
and suprisingly enough.. the gorilla glue (awesome stuff...) seems to have worked PERFECT!!!! im amazed... i used that + binder clips (same way to fix your surround peices..) WOW!
ALSO i check for spark when i started, trying to start it.. i do get spark. id like to test my injectors, but i dont have that stupid light thing..
so... what is that? The carpet behind the seats? Did you check spark on all cyl? or just one? and the gas/ecm check is a good idea.
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12:54 PM
System Bot
May 12th, 2007
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
ok i thought it was about time to update SOMETHING!!
this stuff works great!
ok thats not really an update..
i sanded the pass. side a bit i still need to locate some por-15..
drivers side is fine though..
doing all that so i can put this in.. neoprene sound deadening material..
so basically i have the entire interior in my living room (cept dash), plus a bunch of suspension parts.. been getting ready to install these.. another forum member really hooked me up.. to many mods required for coil overs.. these are plug+play.
things to do... i will try to get the struts+shocks in, replace my cradle bolts(already have replacements), maybe find some por-15, start neoprening my interior.. then i NEED to get it RUNNING!! i just wanted it to be in better shape suspension wise before i brought it in.. cause right now its bad...
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01:19 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
how far out from carlisle are you? i'm going to be there with a pickup and if your not too far out i might be able to come out and dolly up your car so you can have all the guru's that are showing up look at it. just a thought.
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08:27 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
how far out from carlisle are you? i'm going to be there with a pickup and if your not too far out i might be able to come out and dolly up your car so you can have all the guru's that are showing up look at it. just a thought.
What a cool idea! I'd being some tools! Don't know how much help I could be, except to stay out of the way.
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09:08 AM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
pep buys helps again, the manager there loves me.. he took em apart for free...
so after some wire wheeling (got a thing for my drill), and painting..
one of them looks like this!!
ALSO RotrexFiero stopped by today.. we did the timing (which i had done all wrong.) checked fuel and spark, all are there. He thinks maybe valves being to tight is it (thread in tech) so if that is possible.. maybe we can get it started!!
[This message has been edited by BobadooFunk (edited 05-13-2007).]
Jerry, Did you double check to be sure that both fuel injector fuses were good? Each fuse feeds 3 injectors. I hope you can get it running soon. Boomer
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07:52 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
Jerry, Did you double check to be sure that both fuel injector fuses were good? Each fuse feeds 3 injectors. I hope you can get it running soon. Boomer
yea after you told me at the glen, i checked.. all good
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11:38 PM
May 15th, 2007
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
You've got oil in there, right? Is the battery low? Starter wires all tight? Good connection with the battery ground cable? Battery terminals all nice and clean? Have you tried using jumper cables/other vehicle to assist with starting?
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11:26 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
You've got oil in there, right? Is the battery low? Starter wires all tight? Good connection with the battery ground cable? Battery terminals all nice and clean? Have you tried using jumper cables/other vehicle to assist with starting?
oil, yep batt. 1. its an optima, 2 was jumping it starter wires, yep, solinoid is new, all pos cable new starter ground and batt ground are new.. clean as a whistle yep..
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11:42 PM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
That engine sounds like it is turning over way too slow. Make sure your battery is fully charged before you try to start it again. Mine sounds like it spins twice as fast when I go to start it.