OK - a bunch of us got back to my place between 8:45-9pm. Damien & Nicki (spell?) couldn't make it through the snow drift in front of my place to get into the driveway... so he ended up parking on the street. Kev made it to the driveway in his truck (but fell on the ice getting out), and Nick made it up the driveway (with a few extra hands pushing him through the drift).
By the time everyone left at 11:30- Midnight... Damien & Nicki backed part way out of my development before getting a little stuck (nothing they couldn't overcome easily themselves). And Nick pretty well got his car fully stuck in the drift behind my driveway (which was at least a heavy foot in most places) - and we finally found my tow strap to have kev pull him out with his 4x4. Kev & Nick were going to travel back (at least to Jordan) as a duo in case of trouble...
Dang plow guys came by at 3am. Noisy buggers.
Steve - we are really glad to see that you made it home in a "reasonable" amount of time! You too Jason.
Despite the snow - we had 10 people show up. Dinner at Ruby Tuesday's - then a couple of "laps" around the mall to walk it off! Carissa & I both had a great time, and look forward to seeing everyone again.
[This message has been edited by MinnGreenGT (edited 02-25-2007).]
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10:45 AM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
I did make it... I followed Kev to highway 13 but he needed gas so I just kept going... and at 169 and 41 they had plowed arcoss the highway leaving a 18 inch high bank across 169... when I hit it it ripped off the plastic shrouding under the front lip of my bumper and under the radiator. So I dragged that for 10 miles back to Jordan.
Then I couldn't get up my driveway so I parked in the middle of the road and snowblowed the driveway at 1:00AM, my neighbors are loving me right now... sigh...
It was a good time other wise and I actually like driving in this stuff...
Oh and for Dollface:
[This message has been edited by carbon (edited 02-25-2007).]
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12:47 PM
Synthesis Member
Posts: 12207 From: Jordan, MN Registered: Feb 2002
Sounds like a blast. I just got done hand shovelling the driveway, deck, sidewalk, rear patio, front patio, steps around the side of the garage, and the back yard area where the dogs do their business....
4 1/2 hours.
I had fun last night.
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12:56 PM
DrRodey Member
Posts: 856 From: Alexandria MN Registered: Oct 2000
Sorry I missed this one...but I will defenitly go to the one in March. Being the country bumpkin that I am would not like the cities in a snow storm, but I am glad to see that everyone got home safely.
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11:32 PM
Feb 26th, 2007
blayde8 Member
Posts: 262 From: Golden Valley, MN Registered: Jun 2000