Well I am going to go cut my grass. I have a 6.5 Brigs & Straton. I am sure I will get bashed because I have never dynoed it. But I swear it will cut the entire yard in like 30min. Once I am done I will be back to hijack this thread some more.
Later, and keep the red bars coming guys. I know it sucks getting a taste of your own medicine. In fact I may just be come your favorite thread highjacker and do this to all the threads you start. Thats the ticket maybe I will do that, post a bunch of worhtless crap on every thread you open. Hmmmm this gives me a idea.
To be continued............................................................
See I emailed Cliff to close this thread and emailed me back stating even though it is worthless as long as it stays on topic there is really no reason to close it. Well since it was a worthless topic I can post a TON of worthless crap and it should stay open. Fair is Fair. Now he could close just becuase but If Cliff is a stand up guy like I think he is this thread will go on and on.... for me anyway.
How am I doing guys (of course I am not talking about nutswingers, thats not my style). All people that like this hijack stand up and say how feel or post a bunch of nothing crap here.
Ok I really have to go cut grass. Anyone know how to put NOS on a lawn mower?
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04:26 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Whitedevil88 thank you for your post as you now have added some great information to this thread as well, you should be just as proud of the rest of the sweet pickles gang. By the looks of your rating bar your really liked as well. =) Why so mad bud. Like Ryan.hess said..... This is entertaining isnt it????
Truth is and I stated this earlier, these guys are VERY knowledgeable... they just have never grown up. SOOOO I am acting just like they do 90% of the time in the forum and everyones getting pissed at me. I dont get it. (lol)
Ryan said I had better watch it. So I thought what could he do to me. 1. Beat me up? Big deal, wounds heal but dumb is forever. 2. Talk about about me on RTF with all the other red bar goons? Big loss there. 3. Talk about my family? Sticks and stones will break my bones....... 4. Hack my PC? Nothings on but this forum and quality of it lately I could care less. 5. Key my fiero at a show? Its insured and needs a paint job anyway. I doubt they would mess with it as its never been on a dyno. 6. Shoot and kill me. Maybe.... there are some sick people on here, but then again I am worth more dean than alive. 7. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. 8. Get me banned from PFF. Ok so I would have to re register under a different name like all the folks at RTF but who cares. 9. Make fun of my spelling. I never could spell, but at least I am not like our wonderful president "W" I can at least speak it. With that said...... I am going to STAY THE COURSE. =)
Like Archie said, you guys talk all this smack and at the shows you can even introduce yourself.
Does anyone own a pinto?
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05:23 PM
p8ntman442 Member
Posts: 1747 From: portsmouth RI Registered: Sep 2003
No but i did see a vid of some knuckleheads spraying NOS thru a leaf blower into a Honduh on a dyno. Does that count?
HAHAHA, yeah and they made 8 hp less witha 4.3 v6, leaf blower, and NOS. Thats right archie. swap 2 cylinders for a leaf blower and some nawz, and your customers could have the same performance at a fraction of the cost.
Here is the vid. the Sonoma at the end makes 222.4 hp. This makes the 230whp archie put down WITH A V8 look even more pathetic.
No No No p8ntman44 You wont get more red negs for posting a dyno vid.(your doing well on them by the way) You just get them for adding your wonderful information that you provide to most threads. Great Vid by the way...... HOWEVER I MUST CALL BS WHEN I SEE IT. Those dyno numbers have not been verified by folks like WILL, or RYAN so they must be BS.
[This message has been edited by ambfiero (edited 06-11-2007).]
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05:34 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
Originally posted by ambfiero: So Ryan, I dont know how to take your comment about "Keep it up, and you'll really feel the love". Either you are threatening me or you really are a nutswinger. Either way I am sure your proud of yourself. And you are right we have learned something.
2. You like to highjack threads but cant stand it when someone else does it. 4. I have met Ryan and he is a great guy. So what he dives a BLAH BLAH BLAH. Are you saying if ryan drove a pinto and still did the quality work he does now that would make him a jackass? What does that have to do with anything, your starting to sound like a little kid.... well well my G.I Joe Doll has super powers.
It means get on topic, or be quiet. If you can't do that, we'll show you to the door.
2. Where have I hijacked a thread?
4. Ryan can drive whatever he wants. What he does has nothing to do with his personality. If he started calling people names and fanning a flame war, I'd call him an ass too. However, since you brought it up, I'd rather have a performance shop that was enthusiastic about building MY car (a fiero), not a pinto. BUT, they would get bonus points if they made an impressive pinto. 10 seconds is 10 seconds, no matter what you're driving.
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05:46 PM
ambfiero Member
Posts: 386 From: In here its like living in goonville Registered: Jan 2003
Archie, I just noticed a couple of these guys have build threads for just the motor that have been going on for 3 to 4 YEARS. LOL how many cars have you turned out in the last 4 years. Thats funny, maybe we should go post in these threads.
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05:48 PM
System Bot
ambfiero Member
Posts: 386 From: In here its like living in goonville Registered: Jan 2003
What would you call Ryan if he was always bashing folks or trying to start a flame.......
I think Archie calls them nut swingers but I am just curious what you would call them. So Archie is a ass for FANNNING a flame war so the guys who start it and fan it must be..... well something reall bad right? I still have not found that door, and if it finds me, oh well.
you have turned this topic about yourself, while everyone else is still in the general vicinity of the topic... you have 300 post but been here since '03 and 30 of the posts have been in this thread alone... go back under that rock you have been under.. if will or ryan pissed you off... well.. go cry somewhere else, look at this thread, everyone is pissed at everyone... and if they want to be, why should you chime in with your stupid crap.. at least they were arguing about SOMETHING.
You are by far the troll of this thread, where are all these threads where will and ryan act like you?
edit: thank you cliff
[This message has been edited by Coinage (edited 06-11-2007).]
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06:09 PM
DL10 Member
Posts: 2350 From: Bloomington IL Registered: Jun 2000
So you give me a neg for hijacking a worthless thread, yet these guys do it all the time and you never rated them. Come on, if I deserve a neg at least give one to like the first five people that posted on the first page that got the entire ball rolling.
Friends dont let friend drink and post........
I won't give you a neg, but I am getting tired of your post....If you want to play like that, join RFT. I've had fun there a few times.
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06:09 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
I dont post a lot because well, because of threads just like this. Someone starts a thread with the intent of getting shi$ started, and then a bunch of people join in to bash someone who is a valuable member of the fiero community just because they dont like them. Only a few brave stand up to help and the bash continues on.
You know how much my post piss you off, I feel the same way everytime I see this kind of crap go on. I bet if I was bashing archie it wouldnt be a big deal to you guys. Its a worthless thread so I have helped by posting a bunch of worthless crap. Dont get mad bud.
Now Cliff is posting that "I should consider the consequences"... what ever. At least I stand up for whats right. If you want to ban me for that then so be it. I asked you to close the thread because it was BS... You said it yourself in a email to me. I think its funny this is my "first offense and I am about to get banned, yet these guys start crap all the time and they are still here.
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06:26 PM
ambfiero Member
Posts: 386 From: In here its like living in goonville Registered: Jan 2003
Whitedevil88 thank you for your post as you now have added some great information to this thread as well, you should be just as proud of the rest of the sweet pickles gang. By the looks of your rating bar your really liked as well.
I've learned not to put too much stock in rating bars.
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06:29 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
Originally posted by ambfiero: I dont post a lot because well, because of threads just like this. Someone starts a thread with the intent of getting shi$ started, and then a bunch of people join in to bash someone who is a valuable member of the fiero community just because they dont like them. Only a few brave stand up to help and the bash continues on.
Go reread page 1. Everything was fine until Archie pushed the thread off a cliff with post 12. Here's what he COULD have said:
"The engine is actually a 305, and all of the other cars dyno'd that day read a little low too. We haven't been able to find out what the correction factor was on the dyno. I took the car back home and had it dynoed again. Here is that dyno: *insert graph*"
Instead, it's "Shaunbag nutswingers posting garbage again, You idiots are being used, blah blah blah, too scared to demand proof from him, he's laughing at you"
REAL mature way to handle that, I must say. And I still haven't seen this redyno graph, 6 pages later.
[This message has been edited by ryan.hess (edited 06-11-2007).]
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06:43 PM
ambfiero Member
Posts: 386 From: In here its like living in goonville Registered: Jan 2003
Dude I understand. Its not like I was doing it just to be a di**, I have just had enough of the bashing. I have watched for years and I have never attacked these guys on the forum. I cant stand them because they do it yet I never say a word. Well what if everyone starts bashing Archie, then Rodney Dickman, then the fiero store. Its not like our cars are the most popular out there people want to make fun of them and publicly bash them. What happens when they all close the doors, who will we turn to then? I dont know these guys personaly, I dont know that I have seen the cars they drive, I do know most of them are pretty smart, but this bashing is just old and I for one just had enough. Then I asked Cliff to close it, its his forum so he can run it how he likes, but he said "as long as it stayed on topic it would stay open". Maybe that rubbed me the wrong way but i thought as long as it was worthless and cliff called it BS, I thought I could do the same to prove a point. Hey this will be the last post for me...... As they say the good guys finish last. So Ryan.hess, Will, joshua riedl, FastIndyFiero, crzyone, p8ntman442, thismanyfieros, Leafy, WhiteDevil88, and anyone else I left out. Bash away at archie because its acceptable.
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06:48 PM
DL10 Member
Posts: 2350 From: Bloomington IL Registered: Jun 2000
I dont post a lot because well, because of threads just like this. Someone starts a thread with the intent of getting shi$ started, and then a bunch of people join in to bash someone who is a valuable member of the fiero community just because they dont like them. Only a few brave stand up to help and the bash continues on.
You know how much my post piss you off, I feel the same way everytime I see this kind of crap go on. I bet if I was bashing archie it wouldnt be a big deal to you guys. Its a worthless thread so I have helped by posting a bunch of worthless crap. Dont get mad bud.
Now Cliff is posting that "I should consider the consequences"... what ever. At least I stand up for whats right. If you want to ban me for that then so be it. I asked you to close the thread because it was BS... You said it yourself in a email to me. I think its funny this is my "first offense and I am about to get banned, yet these guys start crap all the time and they are still here.
I don’t post that much myself……..your post don’t piss me off, I share your feelings. I applaud you for standing up for what you felt was wrong. I don’t recall reading any of your previous posts before this thread, but you must be a pretty nice , helpful guy to have very green ratings bar with only 311 post. Don’t let these guys get to you.
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06:51 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Show me where I bashed Archie in this thread. Please.
Personally I'm a little sick of the "Us vs Them" mentality that prevails whenever a discussion comes up, and I find that Archie has been one of the worst on PFF when it comes to namecalling and diverting the issue. I've stayed out of this thread, my only comment was wehen Archie made a claim that threads on RFT were deleted for his benefit. Since I am the moderator that archived those threads, I thought it might be important enough to clarify if he thought it was important enough to bring up. Sorry Archie.
[This message has been edited by WhiteDevil88 (edited 06-11-2007).]
Man I go to sleep for 9 hours and wake up to 2 more pages of post made by the same member that has nothing to do with the Thread. I really see nothing wrong with this Thread and wouldnt really call it bashing anoyone. As far as the dyno run goes that Archie did, when running on group dyno runs, I have seen most the time, they are incorrect. I did a group dyno a while back and only put down 278 HP but took my car to the track and trapped 114 MPH. Of course I am not making excuses for anyone.
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06:59 PM
DL10 Member
Posts: 2350 From: Bloomington IL Registered: Jun 2000
Originally posted by ambfiero: Bash away at archie because its acceptable.
So let me get this straight. It is unacceptable to criticize any fiero vendor? For any reason whatsoever, including if they treat people poorly?
Have you reread page 1 yet? I'm curious about your comments. Nobody was "bashing" archie until he made his post specifically calling people idiots, nutswingers, whatever else that brought the thread downhill quickly. He just came out swinging.
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07:00 PM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
So let me get this straight. It is unacceptable to criticize any fiero vendor? For any reason whatsoever, including if they treat people poorly?
Have you reread page 1 yet? I'm curious about your comments. Nobody was "bashing" archie until he made his post specifically calling people idiots, nutswingers, whatever else that brought the thread downhill quickly. He just came out swinging.
Wasn't that the intentions of starting the thread in the first place, "To bash Archie"?
It states this right under the thread link------>From: c43ff69f "More knuckledragging V8 action. WOW factor. Cletus hits the dyno with his 377 cubic inch v8 and almost blows the tires off in Daytona."
The "key" to starting this thread was too, 1. Cloaked Insurgents unite 2. Bash Archie. 3. Insurgents bored and have nothing else to do.
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 06-11-2007).]
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07:20 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
The video was making fun of a weak V8, that Archie swapped. If Lloyd or anyone else had swapped a 4.9 that made 110whp, it would have ended exactly the same.
Except everyone would be screaming "stop bashing Lloyd!!" Although I'm sure Lloyd would have handled the criticism with more tact, but we'll never know.
You guys know the funny thing about all of this mess? It is only brought about because shaunna wanted to work for Archie and he got his little heart broken when Archie said NO ! That is the only reason for the stupid little vids making fun of Archie. Some people would just say "oh well let me apply somewhere else " but shaunna must still be picking up the peices of his shattered dream. To be Archies 2nd hand man thats all he wanted (tear) Is that so much to ask . Poor shaunna , keep your head up buddy . There is a light at the end of the tunnel. LOL
The video was making fun of a weak V8, that Archie swapped. If Lloyd or anyone else had swapped a 4.9 that made 110whp, it would have ended exactly the same.
Except everyone would be screaming "stop bashing Lloyd!!" Although I'm sure Lloyd would have handled the criticism with more tact, but we'll never know.
Yes. You maybe correct but, there is one thing you've over looked,......the car "IS" Archie's and not a customers car. It's one thing to call someone on their business motor swap claims of certain "expected" HP and the true number are not there and now the customer is pissed. In this case, Archie has "play'd" you into thinking the motor was something else. When you're dealing with Archie, think Chess not checkers.
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08:27 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Yeah, that was so clever, I'm still trying to figure out why he claimed 377 cid.
BTW, "insurgents"? Oh my God. Somebody likes the drama.
Like I said, "Think Chess, not checkers." Archie laid and waited for the insurgents to strike knowing that someone would catch the bait without every viewing the motor prior to popping off a few shots. Archie then added more bait to the line, hooking more insurgents along the way before he "pops" the news regarding the engine.
Tell me now, who looks stupid. The person who thought what he saw was the correct engine and posted a thread and insurgents who took the bait or Archie? Man thats "classic baiting 101."
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:
Show me where I bashed Archie in this thread. Please.
Personally I'm a little sick of the "Us vs Them" mentality that prevails whenever a discussion comes up, and I find that Archie has been one of the worst on PFF when it comes to namecalling and diverting the issue. I've stayed out of this thread, my only comment was wehen Archie made a claim that threads on RFT were deleted for his benefit. Since I am the moderator that archived those threads, I thought it might be important enough to clarify if he thought it was important enough to bring up. Sorry Archie.
I did a recon mission of the RFT forum and found the insurgents…saddening. As a "Moderator" how could you allow a whole section dedication to bashing Archie and other peoples Fiero without ever knowing them? Although the threads have been sealed in the vault, the truth is: Archie is riding high for the last 2-yrs. Creating newer engine swaps and even customs builds whereas the RFT forum is know for bashing during the last 2-yrs.
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 06-11-2007).]
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08:59 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Tell me now, who looks stupid. The person who thought what he saw was the correct engine and posted a thread and insurgents who took the bait or Archie? Man thats "classic baiting 101."
I'm still going with Archie. And with all the "insurgent" talk, you're not looking like the sharpest tool in the shed, either.
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09:08 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99