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surge engineering chip by italian90
Started on: 09-19-2007 11:05 PM
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Last post by: Cliff Pennock on 09-22-2007 06:29 PM
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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.PBodyClick Here to visit Mr.PBody's HomePageSend a Private Message to Mr.PBodyDirect Link to This Post
Or I have a job, and a nicer car than you, but your way works too. I should stop this though, I don't want to get banned with you.
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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.PBodyClick Here to visit Mr.PBody's HomePageSend a Private Message to Mr.PBodyDirect Link to This Post


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double post.

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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for $Rich$Send a Private Message to $Rich$Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by italian90:

dude im in the military so keep talking trash lil boy and go cry to ur mommy

thanks for surving our country,... please quit bieng a douche

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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RandomTaskSend a Private Message to RandomTaskDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by italian90:

ive served 4 tours 2 iraq so when ur sittin in ur lil bedroom playing on the computer i was out in the freezing cold and desert heat so just shuuuuut up

LoL, my brother is special forces who served in Iraq, it doesn't get 'freezing cold', the nights are around 80-90 degrees. . . coldest around upper 40's lower 50's in the middle of jan. Cold, but i've gone camping in worse.

Go make out with a hand gun.

[This message has been edited by RandomTask (edited 09-20-2007).]

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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for The FunkmasterSend a Private Message to The FunkmasterDirect Link to This Post
I love this stuff. Keep it coming! Hehehe... served the country... busted your balls... the military took you 'cause no one else would! Hate to break it to you there muchacho.
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Report this Post09-20-2007 11:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.PBodyClick Here to visit Mr.PBody's HomePageSend a Private Message to Mr.PBodyDirect Link to This Post
I just like how he keeps coming back for more with even worse insults.
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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:04 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RWDPLZClick Here to visit RWDPLZ's HomePageSend a Private Message to RWDPLZDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post09-21-2007 06:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for User00013170Send a Private Message to User00013170Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Spoon:

Come on boys, give the poor guy a break. How many of you remember tieing a balloon to your bicycle forks for a little sound action?

You older fellows know what I'm talking about.

Now to give him a little support and divert the flames I was given a chip by a friend and I put it in my 2.8 (2) years ago.
Cant say I felt anymore power but I dont beat the car. Never had the pedal to the wall once.

As far as gas mileage I get 27-29 mpg and thats with a 4 spd / no overdrive. Sorry I dont remember who's chip it was but I know it was not the Surge product.

Now for that beachfront property somebody was selling

Would a playing card in the spokes count?
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Report this Post09-21-2007 08:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PURPLE REIGNSend a Private Message to PURPLE REIGNDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Spoon:
Now for that beachfront property somebody was selling

Lower west corner of Tuscon, about 3 acres with a small 4' x 4' beach house with a crescent moon on the door
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Report this Post09-21-2007 09:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
rofl this is interesting, I think one of the reasons he doesnt have a rating bar yet is because people want to see exaclty WHAT he will say next lol
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Report this Post09-21-2007 11:36 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
It's really a shame to see seasoned members treat a guy like dogshit because he wants info on his 2.5 instead of genuinly offereing help...
The responces to this guys querries have been appauling. We should try to treat newer less experience members with just a tad but more finess and support so as not to make them feel unwelcome.

Just in case some of you havent figured it out yet, not everyone wants a v6 or a v8. Some people actually have a 4, like it and want to know how to make it work more efficiently. They guy has a FIERO and wants to make the 2.5 work better, he wasnt asking how do I replace the engine or where I have 5 grand laying around, where can I get a 3800 SC

So if you dont know how to do that OR can only offer up boiler plate responces like the duke is crap or replace the engine then keep it to yourself as it is an insult to those of us who do WANT to make it work and want to help others do the same..

To the guy needing assistance.....

The item you purchased plugs into the IAT... the 84 2.5 doesnt have one. If you need help in the future or have a question PLEASE do not hesitate to ask. No one wants to see you spend money on a useless item. There are chip mods available that can alter the timing and offer better fuel economy. However, they may require higher octane to work properly and you could actually do the same by bumping up your timing a few degrees.

At one time I had my 84 timing set well ahead of spec. I was getting 35 MPG on premium fuel and the engine didnt blow up as everyone here thinks Iron dukes do on a daily basis if you push them to hard... its simple not always true, no more than any other engine.

The Duke just reqires a different approach and alot more respect.

[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 09-21-2007).]

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Report this Post09-21-2007 11:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for OH10fieroSend a Private Message to OH10fieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by italian90:

ive served 4 tours 2 iraq so wen ur sittin in ur lil bedroom playing on the computer i was out in the freezing cold and desert heat so just shuuuuut up

Didn't he post somewhere that he is in his early 20's in another of his threads?? If so i find it hard to believe that he has already served 4 tours. Something does not sound right here and looks more like someone playing a joke on the forum to get members PO'd just to see them go off on what appears to be a dumb kid running his ego and seeing who follows. But thats just me.
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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 86_IRM_TURBOSend a Private Message to 86_IRM_TURBODirect Link to This Post
This was posted in another thread. It seemed like a sincere offer to me. My observation of all this is that the new member italian90
is more interesed in stirring up the forum than working on his car.

I hope he seeks out the offer for help and quits talking dirt with the other members of this fine forum.


Umm 22 threads in 6 days.......

Seriously? You made 5 threads, EXACTLY THE SAME, asking for opinions on what to do with your car. This wasn't over a spread out time. We were never making fun of your car either, were making fun of your inability to refrain from the 'New Thread' button. My first fiero was an '85 SE 2.5. The four cylinders are fun in there own right. I already know my next fiero purchase will be an '84. LoL too at saying don't talk trash, look at you. . . *childishly points finger* [sneer] "You started it!" [/sneer]

So let me help you and I'll answer all your questions for you, just keep them here, or PM me, I have no problem helping you, you just seemingly don't want to take the advice.

The 2.5 does not take kindly to mods. Honestly, the motor can't handle much more over 110 HP. This on top of the fact that you have an '84. You see, in '84, GM outsourced getting the connecting rods. The supplier (Isuzu I think) slipped on quality, so the connecting rods of the '84 are notoriously weak. The absolute best thing you can do, is get your motor running right. This involves a full tune up, new plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and oil change. Chipping or adding those resitors are worth nothing on those motors, if not, it will just hurt your fuel economy, and prematurely foul plugs, thats really it. This is why everyone is so adamant against them. Even with exhaust headers, a holley TBI, intake, and some rockers, don't expect much over 110-115hp. These motors just weren't built for it. I really wish I could give you a different answer, thats just not the case. Your BEST bet to make the car faster is to get it to handle better. This is also a great way to learn the car. Get some nice springs/struts and if you're really ambitious, some poly bushings.

As far as mounting your street glow neons, I don't know. I'm not familiar on how they mount or what sort of brackets they have. On the same note however, if you look under each side of the car, you'll notice the coolant tubes. This might be a good starting place to look for a mounting location. There are plenty of spaces up front, but I would start with under/behind the radiator for one. Also, its the same in the back. Just have to use a little bit of imagination.

For sources, while we all wish we owned Lambo's, fiero owners are cheap. If it can't be had at the local auto store or the junk yard, try these places.

[This message has been edited by 86_IRM_TURBO (edited 09-21-2007).]

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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 86_IRM_TURBO:
The 2.5 does not take kindly to mods. Honestly, the motor can't handle much more over 110 HP.

This is why everyone is so adamant against them. Even with exhaust headers, a holley TBI, intake, and some rockers, don't expect much over 110-115hp.

You "can" get 150 hp or more out of a 2.5.

Just like any other engine out there, the harder you make it work the shorter the life will be.
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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RandomTaskSend a Private Message to RandomTaskDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

You "can" get 150 hp or more out of a 2.5.

Just like any other engine out there, the harder you make it work the shorter the life will be.

You're talking to a kid that wants to change the spark plugs and oil and get those numbers. To get 150 hp out of the duke, you need to tear down the motor, if not, it WILL be a matter of time. And by the time he spent the money on getting 150 hp out of the duke, he could have just easily done a 2.8 swap.

Edit: You know what. . . he needs a bottle of NOS. . . the big ones. . . better yet, make it two, and before the night.

[This message has been edited by RandomTask (edited 09-21-2007).]

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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 86_IRM_TURBOSend a Private Message to 86_IRM_TURBODirect Link to This Post
84 Bill Please re-read the top section of my post. What you "Quoted" from me was not anything that I stated.

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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by RandomTask:
Edit: You know what. . . he needs a bottle of NOS. . . the big ones. . . better yet, make it two, and before the night.

Thats the exact kind of sarcasm I was refering to. What exactly are you trying to prove by the above?


You're talking to a kid that wants to change the spark plugs and oil and get those numbers. To get 150 hp out of the duke, you need to tear down the motor, if not, it WILL be a matter of time. And by the time he spent the money on getting 150 hp out of the duke, he could have just easily done a 2.8 swap.

Did he state he was a kid?
Did he state he wanted to got 150 hp out of a duke?
Did he state he wanted to perform and engine transplant?


He wants to add persormance to his 2.5. If you cant offer assistance or knowledge to man then how about refraining from making disparaging remarks.

And while on the topic, how many 2.5's have you modded?

I've moded a few and I'm happy with the 2.5.

I'm not out to prove my car on the track or touth the 2.5 as the be all end all of the racing world. BUT I will stand behind it as relyable, efficient and very easy to work on not to mention "realitivly" inexpensive to make performance modifications to.

Port the intakes and exhaust, get a good valve job, bore it out, throw in a cam, add headers, deck the block, etc. and have fun..

It wont win the top fuel match, It wont go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds but it will serve well.

Just seem to me the attitude around here is if it isnt a V6 o a V8 then your on your own...

Just noticed something while doing a search on the 2.5 and 90% of the threads have someone mentioning something about swapping it out OR the duke is a POS when the person was merely asking for information on how to get a bit more out of it.

Nice forum we have here... as long as you have a 3800 or N* that is.
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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 86_IRM_TURBO:
84 Bill Please re-read the top section of my post. What you "Quoted" from me was not anything that I stated.

It's cool man.. I was trying to help out a brother in need and just took your post to the next level to make a point. It wasnt directed @ you but was instead as "general" reply. No offence to you.

[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 09-21-2007).]

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Report this Post09-21-2007 12:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 86_IRM_TURBOSend a Private Message to 86_IRM_TURBODirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

It's cool man.. I was trying to help out a brother in need and just took your post to the next level to make a point. It wasnt directed @ you but was instead as "general" reply. No offence to you.

None taken!
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Report this Post09-21-2007 10:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for The FunkmasterSend a Private Message to The FunkmasterDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by RandomTask:
Edit: You know what. . . he needs a bottle of NOS. . . the big ones. . . better yet, make it two, and before the night.

And if he wants to win, he'd better start double-clutching like he's supposed to!
Originally posted by 84Bill:
Nice forum we have here... as long as you have a 3800 or N* that is.

*I* happen to have a 2.9... Just modded the everloving piss out of it. Everyone seems pretty decent to me, but it might just be the fact that my posts are legible and I don't ask the same dumb questions over and over... every hour or so.

But yeah, we are partial to swaps. Why not? They're fun! And our boy here can drop the cradle in only a few hours so why not suggest that to him?

Too bad he's gone, we'll miss him! Kinda. Like when the annoying neighbor's dog gets run over in your driveway... You regret it, but only because of the mess! ...Oh Snap!
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Report this Post09-22-2007 01:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RandomTaskSend a Private Message to RandomTaskDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Did he state he was a kid?
Did he state he wanted to got 150 hp out of a duke?
Did he state he wanted to perform and engine transplant?


He wants to add persormance to his 2.5. If you cant offer assistance or knowledge to man then how about refraining from making disparaging remarks.

And while on the topic, how many 2.5's have you modded?

I've moded a few and I'm happy with the 2.5.

I'm not out to prove my car on the track or touth the 2.5 as the be all end all of the racing world. BUT I will stand behind it as relyable, efficient and very easy to work on not to mention "realitivly" inexpensive to make performance modifications to.

Port the intakes and exhaust, get a good valve job, bore it out, throw in a cam, add headers, deck the block, etc. and have fun..

It wont win the top fuel match, It wont go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds but it will serve well.

Just seem to me the attitude around here is if it isnt a V6 o a V8 then your on your own...

Just noticed something while doing a search on the 2.5 and 90% of the threads have someone mentioning something about swapping it out OR the duke is a POS when the person was merely asking for information on how to get a bit more out of it.

Nice forum we have here... as long as you have a 3800 or N* that is.

Bill let me try to explain to you my thought process on this. I'll try to answer all those questions you asked the best that I can. First, we made fun of him for asking the same exact questions over and over and over. Thats like continuing to ask "Hey, whats 2+2?" over and over until the answer becomes 645. With this sort of mentality, its like thinking "Hey, if 1 girl can have a baby in 9 months, then 9 girls should be able to have a baby in one month!".
Was he a kid? My guess, yeah. He mentioned working on his car with his father as well as his intillect that he presented was horrid. Could he have just been hitting a language barrier? Perhaps, but you kind of throw that out the window when you resort to "your mom' jokes.
Did he state he wanted 150hp out of the duke? Not specifically, but he did make mention of not wanting to spend money on the duke and to get more performance. This added to the fact that he was using a v-chip, something thats KNOWN not to work, demonstrates his inability to modify the car properly. Short of a tune up and a shot of n02, name something you can bolt onto the duke to get more power out of it?
Did he state he wanted to perform an engine transplant? No, and thats why we said "you're pretty much stuck." Everyone knows the 2.5 is a horrible backbone for power. We kept trying to tell him that too but he figured if he kept asking, the answer would eventually change. Yes you can do some machining and get a couple extra horses out of a 2.5, but not much. Back to the V-chip, he wanted to just bolt on horsepower to his car, and thats it. He didn't even have the mentality to figure out how to rig up neon lights under the car himself, you think he's gonna be able to tear down a motor and do this sort of stuff? The 2.5 is what it is. Its an economical engine for getting around. The reason we do the swaps is to have a better base.

[This message has been edited by RandomTask (edited 09-22-2007).]

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Report this Post09-22-2007 03:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for $Rich$Send a Private Message to $Rich$Direct Link to This Post
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Report this Post09-22-2007 03:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PURPLE REIGNSend a Private Message to PURPLE REIGNDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Did he state he was a kid?
Did he state he wanted to got 150 hp out of a duke?
Did he state he wanted to perform and engine transplant?


He wants to add persormance to his 2.5. If you cant offer assistance or knowledge to man then how about refraining from making disparaging remarks.

And while on the topic, how many 2.5's have you modded?

I've moded a few and I'm happy with the 2.5.

I'm not out to prove my car on the track or touth the 2.5 as the be all end all of the racing world. BUT I will stand behind it as relyable, efficient and very easy to work on not to mention "realitivly" inexpensive to make performance modifications to.

Port the intakes and exhaust, get a good valve job, bore it out, throw in a cam, add headers, deck the block, etc. and have fun..

It wont win the top fuel match, It wont go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds but it will serve well.

Just seem to me the attitude around here is if it isnt a V6 o a V8 then your on your own...

Just noticed something while doing a search on the 2.5 and 90% of the threads have someone mentioning something about swapping it out OR the duke is a POS when the person was merely asking for information on how to get a bit more out of it.

Nice forum we have here... as long as you have a 3800 or N* that is.

Sarcasm or not .............................the whole point ( which you missed ) was pointed out that the V chip is a waste, only to look out for his best interest in not wasting time or money on worthless mods ( on a worthless motor )

No one was personally attacking, or ripping on his car. Just stating the obvious about modding the Duke and trying to keep it to ONE thread, instead of 11 with the SAME answer. Then to ice the cake, cant spell worth a damn. It's also proven that the Duke is probably the all time worst pile of scrap iron produced. I'm really sorry you cant come to reality and accept it, but I havent seen even 1 motor with a worse reputation or history.

You may have the skills and ability to modify & machine up a Duke, which is the only way to gain 5hp on the Duke. But apparently this guy dont.

If you do your math, there probably isnt even 1/4 of the registed members here with engine swaps done. The other 1/4 want them, and the other 1/2 have stock cars ( like me )
You may now resume trolling the Trash can & O/T...................................................

[This message has been edited by PURPLE REIGN (edited 09-22-2007).]

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Report this Post09-22-2007 05:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by PURPLE REIGN:
Sarcasm or not .............................the whole point ( which you missed ) was pointed out that the V chip is a waste, only to look out for his best interest in not wasting time or money on worthless mods ( on a worthless motor )

The POINT you obviously missed is the fact that you people put him on the defensive ritght from the first thread... I mean really, does spelling make that much of a difference? Boondawg NEVER got called out becasue of his spelling.



No one was personally attacking, or ripping on his car.

I have a different perspective on the situation and I saw it ans still see it that you dipwads like to diss the duke... Fine.. so beit


You may now resume trolling the Trash can & O/T...................................................

Thenks for the invite.
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Report this Post09-22-2007 05:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by RandomTask:
First, we made fun of him <insert lame excuse here>.

Yes... I know.

The guy is banned so yall can resume your usual activities. Thread Closed
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Report this Post09-22-2007 06:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Yes... I know.

The guy is banned so yall can resume your usual activities. Thread Closed

Well, he wasn't banned by the rating system, so my guess is Cliff figured out he was a banned member being a troll, or something similar. His posts were remarkably similar to Maniak84, and the spelling errors were WAY over the top. You give someone the benefit of the doubt, sure, but after a while you have to ask WTF is up?
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Report this Post09-22-2007 06:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RandomTaskSend a Private Message to RandomTaskDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Yes... I know.

The guy is banned so yall can resume your usual activities. Thread Closed

This is AFTER we asked him several times to keep it to one thread. . .

"Hey, please don't press button X or B will happen"
*presses button x*

When does it come to the fact that he should try everyones patience or learn a valuable lesson like everyone else on this forum, and get some ridicule for what he's doing?
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Report this Post09-22-2007 06:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff PennockClick Here to visit Cliff Pennock's HomePageSend a Private Message to Cliff PennockDirect Link to This Post
Well waddayaknow. 84Bill and I agreeing on something for a change.
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