Originally posted by FIEROPHREK: Hey douche no one is disrespecting his swap . We are just trying to open peoples eyes to the reality of what a V-8 is actually capable of.
I think it is you who needs his eyes opened to what a 4 cylinder engine can do.
Do you even own a car let alone a V-8 fiero? I do, N* fiero and a Nissan Skyline GTR. I will put money on both of them against a tpi fiero.
Douche. You are a bit outclassed. Talk to us when you actually have a V-8 fiero loser.
Another thing, Those dyno results are from a completly internally stock >2.2< Ecotec. Hes got the turbo bolted on, 2.5 exhaust, and injectors, and then a tune so it all flows together. so for 10PSI, on a normally 150HP engine, with no other mods, thats pretty good. Those numbers are from a cavalier also, so hes got 4x as much exhaust, so in a fiero, with the short exhaust, the turbo would spool MUCH quicker. like i said up top to, this is the 2.2, not the 2.0 which is even MORE boost friendly, since it comes stock with a SC. Those engines are not taking much at all to get them to 300WHP. thats with small bolt on, pulley, injectors, intake, exhaust, and a tune. 300HP, from a 4 banger. those are running mid 13s in a cobalt. They can be competitive, its cost more than doing a SBC, but for some, the 350 isnt the engine from god. And some people are looking for other things BESIDEs power also. For example, i bet that boosted eco is still getting 25-30 MPG, in that cavalier, while your guys SBC in a fiero get what, 20-25? Just guessing, havent looked into that, cause i could care less about a 350 in my fiero. But I mean, 20-25 is still great MPG, but the eco in a fiero would get AWESOME gas milage, i would imagine 35-40MPG. Ecspecially staying out of the boost. IDK, i like V8s, nothing again them at all, but FOR ME, theres no better feeling than 20PSI spooling up through the RPMs. Different strokes for different folks.
PS-This has been an awesome thread, good discussion going on. I like it
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07:03 PM
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
I don't know many V8's cast iron or not that are making less than 250hp. Even if the V8 made only 220hp at the rear wheels the sheer torque of the V8 on launch will kill a 250hp wheel HP Turbo Ecotec.
How about just about every single one of them made in the 80's? Take the IROC for example. In its final, most powerful year, it was boasting an earth shaking 245hp at the crank. Woo hoo, hang on. Hope you didn't get an older one, they got as bad as 195 crank hp. Thats using all 8 cylinders.
And don't forget, torque is only the first half of the 1/4. HP is the second half. Assuming that V8 hooks good, he'll get off the line good and quick, just like my buddies truck. Then he'll shift into 3rd and I'll blow by him like he's standing still. 3.4 liters of powah, suckas!
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07:59 PM
88GT5.0KILLER Member
Posts: 590 From: Watching a once great nation become a 3rd world slum. The power of stockpiles of ammo. Registered: Jul 2002
I think it is you who needs his eyes opened to what a 4 cylinder engine can do.
Do you even own a car let alone a V-8 fiero? I do, N* fiero and a Nissan Skyline GTR. I will put money on both of them against a tpi fiero.
Douche. You are a bit outclassed. Talk to us when you actually have a V-8 fiero loser.
I knew the TPI reference would come up. NOTE: the stock TPI is JUNK we ALL know this (except for the people that keep swaping this thing into their fiero)
Unless that TPI is built, it isnt going to be running a BOOSTED, tuned ( I said tuned lol ) 4 banger.
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08:02 PM
88GT5.0KILLER Member
Posts: 590 From: Watching a once great nation become a 3rd world slum. The power of stockpiles of ammo. Registered: Jul 2002
How about just about every single one of them made in the 80's? Take the IROC for example. In its final, most powerful year, it was boasting an earth shaking 245hp at the crank. Woo hoo, hang on. Hope you didn't get an older one, they got as bad as 195 crank hp. Thats using all 8 cylinders.
And don't forget, torque is only the first half of the 1/4. HP is the second half. Assuming that V8 hooks good, he'll get off the line good and quick, just like my buddies truck. Then he'll shift into 3rd and I'll blow by him like he's standing still. 3.4 liters of powah, suckas!
We're not talking about the 80's, or the 70s. The were purposly built that way, emissions remember?
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08:06 PM
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
How about just about every single one of them made in the 80's? Take the IROC for example. In its final, most powerful year, it was boasting an earth shaking 245hp at the crank. Woo hoo, hang on. Hope you didn't get an older one, they got as bad as 195 crank hp. Thats using all 8 cylinders.
And don't forget, torque is only the first half of the 1/4. HP is the second half. Assuming that V8 hooks good, he'll get off the line good and quick, just like my buddies truck. Then he'll shift into 3rd and I'll blow by him like he's standing still. 3.4 liters of powah, suckas!
We're not talking about the 80's, or the 70s. The were purposly built that way, emissions remember?
Ah, we're cherry picking which examples we want to use to fit our respective agendas. Thanks for clearing that up.
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08:09 PM
88GT5.0KILLER Member
Posts: 590 From: Watching a once great nation become a 3rd world slum. The power of stockpiles of ammo. Registered: Jul 2002
Don't need to tell me that a TPI V-8 is only suitable for a truck.
I just get sick of reading Fierofreak's posts because he knows nothing about owning a V-8 fiero. His opinion does not matter one bit. "HARDCORE SBC CRONIE AND PROUD OF IT ! GOT TQ ?" - Do you? Nope.
A boosted 4 cylinder engine has the best of both worlds. V-8 power under boost and 4 cylinder fuel economy when not boosting. A "built" V-8 may have a ton of power, but is a lot less friendly as a daily driver.
If I were to do it all over again, I would probily do an ecotec as well. I could care less about having the V-8 sound, I would rather have the fuel economy of the ecotec. I also prefer the power curve of a turbo engine. I love the rush you get when you feel the turbo spool and put you back in your seat.
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08:13 PM
88GT5.0KILLER Member
Posts: 590 From: Watching a once great nation become a 3rd world slum. The power of stockpiles of ammo. Registered: Jul 2002
iono, i just couldn't wrap my head around "downgrading" from a 6 to a 4, even if it makes more power. a turbo might make me reconsider, but N/A? nah thanks, i'll putt-putt around in my slow-ass v6 (and hopefully v8 someday :] )
not knocking anybody, just giving my $0.02
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08:20 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
iono, i just couldn't wrap my head around "downgrading" from a 6 to a 4, even if it makes more power. a turbo might make me reconsider, but N/A? nah thanks, i'll putt-putt around in my slow-ass v6 (and hopefully v8 someday :] )
not knocking anybody, just giving my $0.02
I agree with you. I would only install a 4 cylinder engine with turbo attached. I would not go below 300hp. A boosted small displacement engine is easier on drivetrains because there is less torque and shock loading. There is no instant 350+ lb/ft of torque like you get with a built sbc. The power comes on smooth and the peak torque is usually much less than peak hp which is also transmission friendly. This would explain why there are 700hp Honda Civics out there that are not grenading tranis left and right like some 400hp sbc fiero owners are. Add a lightweight flywheel and there is even less shock loading on the transmission.
I would love to see a 600hp ecotec fiero running 10s in the 1/4 mile and being reliable. There are plenty of imports doing it, why not a fairly light weight fiero? A 600hp ecotec probibly only has 350-400lb/ft of peak torque, about the same as a moderatly built V-8.
N* fiero and a Nissan Skyline GTR. I will put money on both of them against a tpi fiero.
I couldn't agree more. Is the skyline stock? What does it do in the 1/4 ? have you handed any stock vettes thier a$$ yet? how about any modded vettes? I don't see you posting to many kill stories over on the suck forum so i guess you must not race it. Tell me cause i'm an idiot ,the skline engine is a inline 6 right? So why do we keep bringing up engines that haven't actually been installed into a fiero? Just curious.
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08:32 PM
Oreif Member
Posts: 16460 From: Schaumburg, IL Registered: Jan 2000
Originally posted by FIEROPHREK: Dude you got a crate zz4 . 350hp at the crank you dynoed 300+ at the wheels right? Thats one step above a TPI swap in my book. Apparently you know what a very mild small block is capable of. Hell i believe Bryson dynoed higher than you with his turbo quad4 . Look a little harder and you'll see a SBC is capable of ALOT more. My s-10 blazer has a mild 350 small block in it and it's getting yanked because it's freeking weak, I barely beat a couple of 4th gen lt1 camaros with it .
Yes I have a ZZ4 with 300+ to the wheels. That's not the point. Your statement "We are just trying to open peoples eyes to the reality of what a V-8 is actually capable of." but disregarding what other smaller engines are capable of is your problem. You also seem to be slightly clueless as to what power is required to go XXX in the 1/4 mile.. As an example in your previous post. Stating a Eco-Fiero with 10psi would get blown away by an SRT-8 is wrong. A 2500lbs car hitting 243hp to the wheels would pass a 4200 lbs car with 370 rwhp. The SRT-8 is not as fast due to it's weight. You are talking about a mid/high 13-second car. 240 rwhp in a Fiero is a low 13 second car. The 3800SC Fiero's are hitting mid/high 13's with a stock engine and they are 240hp at the crank. With a pulley change they are running in the low/mid 13's and they are probably in the 240-250 rwhp range and the 3800SC is much heavier than the Ecotec.
The other thing is you keep posting like the SBC swap is only way to go, It is not. As I have always stated, Engine swap choices are PERSONAL PREFERENCE or as KeithGT stated above "Different strokes for different folks".
Finally please stop trying to "defend" the V-8 Fiero's, You are not very good at it.
[This message has been edited by Oreif (edited 10-24-2006).]
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09:04 PM
KeithGT Member
Posts: 540 From: Huntsville, Al Registered: Jan 2006
Another thing that im curious about, how many trannys have you "high horsepower 350 git-r-done" boys gone through? cause i KNOW most FWD trans wont hold up to all that mad torque you keep bringing up, so your either spending quite a bit of money to get a beefed up tranny, or replacing them annually i would think. Whereas with the Eco for example, use the Eco tranny, and youll have to make a ton of power before worrying about it. But of course on that note, the Eco trans, along with the new G6 trans would prob be a good one to use for the SBC, they seem to handle the power VERY good. Also the trans outta the cobalt SS/Ion Redline is supposed to be badass
Why can they both be good at the same time? I have a V8, its a monster but that dosent mean I wouldnt like an Ecotec. Its having the right tool for the right job. Want a loud look at me car then jump in the V8, want a nice sleeper jump in the Ecotec. Heck I have a V8 and drive a my 84 with a 2.2 every day its the right tool for the job.
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10:01 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
I couldn't agree more. Is the skyline stock? What does it do in the 1/4 ? have you handed any stock vettes thier a$$ yet? how about any modded vettes? I don't see you posting to many kill stories over on the suck forum so i guess you must not race it. Tell me cause i'm an idiot ,the skline engine is a inline 6 right? So why do we keep bringing up engines that haven't actually been installed into a fiero? Just curious.
Percentage wise, the "suck" foum has way more tech and engine swappers than this forum and is more open minded to other "inferior" engines. The 4.9 is even respected if the owners are not acting like it is the fastest thing on the planet.
Yeah, the skyline is a straight 6 twin turbo engine. I brought it up because it has a powerband similar to a boosted 4 cyl engine. This is how I can comment on both a V-8 fiero and a boosted small displacement engine. This is why my point of view is way valid than yours.
Given a choice, I will take the boosted engine over a V-8. BTW, the RB26DETT in a skyline is reliable at 600hp in race trim. Drag cars are in the 1200+hp range. There is nothing not reliable about a boosted engine. This also applies to an ecotec, you can buy engines designed for boost that will be reliable above stock hp levels.
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10:08 PM
KeithGT Member
Posts: 540 From: Huntsville, Al Registered: Jan 2006
Percentage wise, the "suck" foum has way more tech and engine swappers than this forum and is more open minded to other "inferior" engines. The 4.9 is even respected if the owners are not acting like it is the fastest thing on the planet.
Yeah, the skyline is a straight 6 twin turbo engine. I brought it up because it has a powerband similar to a boosted 4 cyl engine. This is how I can comment on both a V-8 fiero and a boosted small displacement engine. This is why my point of view is way valid than yours.
Given a choice, I will take the boosted engine over a V-8. BTW, the RB26DETT in a skyline is reliable at 600hp in race trim. Drag cars are in the 1200+hp range. There is nothing not reliable about a boosted engine. This also applies to an ecotec, you can buy engines designed for boost that will be reliable above stock hp levels.
Hell race trim? i KNOW theres a fwe skylines running around with 600 horse on the stock block. Bulletproof.
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10:26 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
Another thing that im curious about, how many trannys have you "high horsepower 350 git-r-done" boys gone through? cause i KNOW most FWD trans wont hold up to all that mad torque you keep bringing up, so your either spending quite a bit of money to get a beefed up tranny, or replacing them annually i would think. Whereas with the Eco for example, use the Eco tranny, and youll have to make a ton of power before worrying about it. But of course on that note, the Eco trans, along with the new G6 trans would prob be a good one to use for the SBC, they seem to handle the power VERY good. Also the trans outta the cobalt SS/Ion Redline is supposed to be badass
I am on the original 4-spd manual for the past 2 years that I've had the V-8 attached to. Tina has gone thru a few. The manual transaxles used in the Fiero are not bad. Things to remember is Tina regularly drag races her car with a 383 and NOS on the drag strip. Which is pretty hard on all drivelines. Recently there is now a kit to use the G6 6-speed. As for how well it does, we'll have to wait and see as there are only a few done so far. Archie had a Finale with the Isuzu 5-spd in it and he drove it just to see if he could break it. IIRC it never broke. (Notice I said drove it hard not abused it.) One final note, most Fiero transmissions have many years and miles on them (they are 18-22 years old). So they tend to break more often once you boost up the horsepower. Even with the stock 2.8L you can kill the transaxle if you abuse it long enough. In terms of auto transaxles, The newer ones are much better than the TH-125 that came in the Fiero. Most auto's require beefing up before running a V-8. As with anything, If you start out with a known good trans it should last awhile.
[This message has been edited by Oreif (edited 10-24-2006).]
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10:51 PM
System Bot
Oct 25th, 2006
wftb Member
Posts: 3692 From: kincardine,ontario,canada Registered: Jun 2005
ok guys you have taught me a lesson here.i will make sure i never race an LS1.cause now youve got me all scared.that shouldnt be a problem cause i dont race my cars anyway .and i doubt if i will ever see an LS1 powered fiero anywhere near where i live anyway. so i promise never to make another post that contains the letter V and the number 8 again .(this post excepted) so why do all these people you see in the ricer magazines(and no i dont have a subscription) build these 10 to 12 second four bangers any way? because they can thats why . i have owned lots of v8's .i considered one for my fiero but decided against it. the next car i build will probably have one.but that car wont be a fiero.
The topic of this post was "Drove an Ecotec powered Fiero today" - not - "Which engine is best? Flame anyone who disagrees with you".
The topic was started to give us his impressions about driving a new engine combo, and it pisses me off that many of you can't respect that. If you want to argue engines start your own thread, otherwise shut the hell up!
The topic of this post was "Drove an Ecotec powered Fiero today" - not - "Which engine is best? Flame anyone who disagrees with you".
The topic was started to give us his impressions about driving a new engine combo, and it pisses me off that many of you can't respect that. If you want to argue engines start your own thread, otherwise shut the hell up!
The topic of this post was "Drove an Ecotec powered Fiero today" - not - "Which engine is best? Flame anyone who disagrees with you".
The topic was started to give us his impressions about driving a new engine combo, and it pisses me off that many of you can't respect that. If you want to argue engines start your own thread, otherwise shut the hell up!
just to clarify the people that came in here to defend the ecotec swap only did so because of the people who can't get their head beyond the # of cylinders in an engine. i personally prefer a boosted engine with a couple more cylinders. but even NA the ecotec is a good swap and should be faster than the 2.8 while getting better milage than the irone duke
[This message has been edited by Kohburn (edited 10-25-2006).]
just to clarify the people that came in here to defend the ecotec swap only did so because of the people who can't get their head beyond the # of cylinders in an engine. i personally prefer a boosted engine with a couple more cylinders. but even NA the ecotec is a good swap and should be faster than the 2.8 while getting better milage than the irone duke
My 2.2 gets better MPG than my Duke ever did and its almost as close to the 2.8 in the seat of the pants Dyno but it dosent have the TQ.
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11:47 AM
wftb Member
Posts: 3692 From: kincardine,ontario,canada Registered: Jun 2005
my ecotec fiero gets 28 to 40 miles to the us gallon and is quite a bit faster than the modified 2.8 it replaced .i would still be running the 2.8 but it ate a cam and i just couldnt resist a dohc all aluminum 4 banger.especialy when i found out that these motors consistently dyno stock over 160 hp.it has been snowing off and on up here(nothing has stayed on the ground yet) and i should be putting it away but i really love driving this car now .i put new tires on it and it really sticks .kumho ecsta 245/50/16 rear and 205/35/16 fronts. i have installed a cavalier instrument cluster into the fiero instrument pod.this was so simple to do because on my car i left all of the cavalier harness intact that had anything to do with engine management and dash wiring .found the right connector ,extended the wires plugged it in and it worked .the speedo reads about 5% low,tach seems perfect temp gauge works.the gas gauge does not work ,it is set up for a higher ohm sending unit so i just use the trip odometer and fill up when i hit 250 kliks just to be safe. i have gotten over 400kms and still had lots of fuel left .i did not trust the fiero fuel guage , i have never got it to take more than 35 litres.summit sells a compatble gauge for 28.95 ,another winter project .
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11:47 AM
Mickey_Moose Member
Posts: 7559 From: Edmonton, AB, Canada Registered: May 2001
Nice to see the Ecotech up and running - looks like a nice install. You could probably install some sort of lever assembly to reverse the shift pattern (but then, that will add clutter to the install). But then, if you are use to the shift pattern, then no worries
Good job.
BTW >> if anyone needs a wiring diagram, let me know - I will see what I can dig up (I am good up to and including 2003 models)
[This message has been edited by Mickey_Moose (edited 10-25-2006).]
I hope to add to the ecotec power fiero ranks soon. And just so everyone knows Im going from a 3.8 to a 2.2 ecotec and couldnt be happier with my choice. It just seeems like if your using a v8 its complete blunt force, no matter what you do your gonna have globs of power, it takes some thought and thinking to do the same with a 4 cylinder.
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02:05 PM
Mr. Pat Member
Posts: 1860 From: Melbourne, VIC Australia Registered: Apr 2003
Holy Crap some people are ignorant hicks. I love my SBC swap, but jesus, 300hp is 300hp. May not have the tranny snapping TQ, but itll move down the 1/4 just as good as mine. Pull your heads out of your asses. Its a big world out there.
------------------ 1986 GT, LT1/4T60E. In the middle of cam/port, new interior, paint and waiting on new wheels. Itll blow you away!! http://hometown.aol.com/ptfiero/index.html build http://dtcc.cz28.com/Customer/LT1Fiero/index.htm
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03:25 PM
wftb Member
Posts: 3692 From: kincardine,ontario,canada Registered: Jun 2005
for mickey moose : i would like a wiring diagram ,if you have one .my stuff is from a 2004 but as long as the diagram is for the ecotec version i dont think there were many changes made .i will be able to tell by connector diagrams if anything is changed .i want to find where to turn on the instrument lights ,among other things .thanks
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03:49 PM
System Bot
Scott-Wa Member
Posts: 5392 From: Tacoma, WA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
ok guys you have taught me a lesson here.i will make sure i never race an LS1.cause now youve got me all scared.that shouldnt be a problem cause i dont race my cars anyway .and i doubt if i will ever see an LS1 powered fiero anywhere near where i live anyway. so i promise never to make another post that contains the letter V and the number 8 again .(this post excepted) so why do all these people you see in the ricer magazines(and no i dont have a subscription) build these 10 to 12 second four bangers any way? because they can thats why . i have owned lots of v8's .i considered one for my fiero but decided against it. the next car i build will probably have one.but that car wont be a fiero.
Hehe... v-8 vs 4 cylinder... oh boy oh boy. Doesn't matter what you build someone has something faster. I love the Ecotec swap.. but the people that say v-8s suck obviously haven't gotten a ride in a bad ass v-8. Rice rockets running 10's... woo hoo. How about street driven 7 and 8 second cars? That is what's been rolling out of the shop I'm at. How about 1000+ hp to the ground, street legal radials, mufflers, and low 8 second 1/4 miles in that trim. With the power steering, heater, power windows, stock seats and rest of the interior intact. 5.8L '89 Mustang... lets see the rice rocket beat that. Guess what... if it can be done to a 4 cylinder you can do it to a v-8 and have a 8 second car that is completely streetable. Show me the 8 second front wheel drive car with a 4cylinder that can cruise the streets as a real driver. I've got a customer with a S-10 v-6 turbo'd that uses his 580hp vehicle as his work truck. You wouldn't have a clue if I just took you for a ride around the block in it that it's a 10 second ride except for the huge tach and the shift light.
Enjoy what you've got, do what you want with it... I say enjoy the 4 cylinders because they can be turned into fun fast cars AND still get great gas mileage... until you try getting stupid crazy power levels out of them, then mileage and driveability suffer. We have an advantage in the Fiero in that the FWD transverse engine problem with getting the power to the ground isn't the issue... why our cars done right can kick a lot of other cars butts... wheel spin isn't as much of a problem and you can correct for it without destroying driveability like happens with fwd cars.
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08:43 PM
KeithGT Member
Posts: 540 From: Huntsville, Al Registered: Jan 2006
Hehe... v-8 vs 4 cylinder... oh boy oh boy. Doesn't matter what you build someone has something faster. I love the Ecotec swap.. but the people that say v-8s suck obviously haven't gotten a ride in a bad ass v-8. Rice rockets running 10's... woo hoo. How about street driven 7 and 8 second cars? That is what's been rolling out of the shop I'm at. How about 1000+ hp to the ground, street legal radials, mufflers, and low 8 second 1/4 miles in that trim. With the power steering, heater, power windows, stock seats and rest of the interior intact. 5.8L '89 Mustang... lets see the rice rocket beat that. Guess what... if it can be done to a 4 cylinder you can do it to a v-8 and have a 8 second car that is completely streetable. Show me the 8 second front wheel drive car with a 4cylinder that can cruise the streets as a real driver. I've got a customer with a S-10 v-6 turbo'd that uses his 580hp vehicle as his work truck. You wouldn't have a clue if I just took you for a ride around the block in it that it's a 10 second ride except for the huge tach and the shift light.
Enjoy what you've got, do what you want with it... I say enjoy the 4 cylinders because they can be turned into fun fast cars AND still get great gas mileage... until you try getting stupid crazy power levels out of them, then mileage and driveability suffer. We have an advantage in the Fiero in that the FWD transverse engine problem with getting the power to the ground isn't the issue... why our cars done right can kick a lot of other cars butts... wheel spin isn't as much of a problem and you can correct for it without destroying driveability like happens with fwd cars.
How about John Shepards Talon? 7.fortie-somethings now, and still street legal and totally drivable. 4G63 2.0 Liters of four bangin Fury. Of course, the 4G63 is not your average 4 cylinder, and IMP, is a better engine than the ecotec even. I SOOOO wanna do a 4G63 Fiero.
As for front wheel drive, well....
Edited to add that Shepards car is an AWD Talon,
[This message has been edited by KeithGT (edited 10-25-2006).]
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09:42 PM
crzyone Member
Posts: 3571 From: Alberta, Canada Registered: Dec 2000
Hehe... v-8 vs 4 cylinder... oh boy oh boy. Doesn't matter what you build someone has something faster. I love the Ecotec swap.. but the people that say v-8s suck obviously haven't gotten a ride in a bad ass v-8. Rice rockets running 10's... woo hoo. How about street driven 7 and 8 second cars? That is what's been rolling out of the shop I'm at. How about 1000+ hp to the ground, street legal radials, mufflers, and low 8 second 1/4 miles in that trim. With the power steering, heater, power windows, stock seats and rest of the interior intact. 5.8L '89 Mustang... lets see the rice rocket beat that. Guess what... if it can be done to a 4 cylinder you can do it to a v-8 and have a 8 second car that is completely streetable. Show me the 8 second front wheel drive car with a 4cylinder that can cruise the streets as a real driver. I've got a customer with a S-10 v-6 turbo'd that uses his 580hp vehicle as his work truck. You wouldn't have a clue if I just took you for a ride around the block in it that it's a 10 second ride except for the huge tach and the shift light.
Enjoy what you've got, do what you want with it... I say enjoy the 4 cylinders because they can be turned into fun fast cars AND still get great gas mileage... until you try getting stupid crazy power levels out of them, then mileage and driveability suffer. We have an advantage in the Fiero in that the FWD transverse engine problem with getting the power to the ground isn't the issue... why our cars done right can kick a lot of other cars butts... wheel spin isn't as much of a problem and you can correct for it without destroying driveability like happens with fwd cars.
High performance V-8s are great in a platform that can handle the torque. I agree. In a fiero with a weak drivetrain, a turbo 4 makes more sense. I love my Northstar fiero, but I can't do much in the way of mods without worrying about breaking parts.
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09:58 PM
1fastcaddy Member
Posts: 618 From: Hays, Kansas Registered: Oct 2004
"your kidding right? As soon as you start boosting things reliabilty goes out the window because people can't stop at a good thing. Next thing you know your running 30 lbs of boost and that isn't gonna make the engine live longer. Don't get me wrong i'm all for something better than a 2.8 but classing this swap with a V-8 swap is ludicrous ( not Ludacris) . I guess people are so tainted by all these junkyard V-8 swaps to realize what a semi built up small block will do. As for revving to 6500 rpm's well a small block can do that to so that is another reason to not class it with a V-8 . Oh V-8 swap is not equal to 4.9 swap . This is making my head hurt By removing weight from the rear you actually change your weight bias from rear to front. You'll be changing your split to 50/50 or higher in the front ( mid engines handle better with more bias in the back correct? ) . How do you make an inline 4 cyl have more weight forward of the rear wheels? Did you lay it on it's side? I don't see how removing 150 lbs off the rear tires is gonna make your car handle better ? I don't know maybe i'm just confused . . . please shed some light on this for the uneducated." Quote from uneducated^^^ Fierophrek aka V8Freak
<<<<<<Fiero owner that likes boosted 4 bangers and used to own a talon tsi Hey man, Your the one that started this whole thing and then you ask us to shed some light and then talk **** on 4 cylinders cause ur big bad v8 makes more torque and blah blah blah. how come the fastest v8 fiero is only in the 10s and a fwd 4g63 talon is in the low 9s last time I checked? I am pretty sure its the tranny thats the weak link for us fiero enthusiats, the tranny will hold up longer bolted to an eco so that is really all that matters is puttin the power to the ground reliably. Its really not about the engine at all then is it. So What Are We All Arguing About????? Quit the madness of v8 vs I4 and tell us more about the swap PLEASE. Thanks, Drew
------------------ 1985 GT Fastback Low Original Miles at 41,506!!!
Otherwise stock for now
[This message has been edited by 1fastcaddy (edited 10-25-2006).]
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10:28 PM
Scott-Wa Member
Posts: 5392 From: Tacoma, WA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
How about John Shepards Talon? 7.fortie-somethings now, and still street legal and totally drivable. 4G63 2.0 Liters of four bangin Fury. Of course, the 4G63 is not your average 4 cylinder, and IMP, is a better engine than the ecotec even. I SOOOO wanna do a 4G63 Fiero.
As for front wheel drive, well....
Edited to add that Shepards car is an AWD Talon,
Yep AWD... and completely NOT streetable. Take a look in the engine compartment and tell me what you see?
That is the fuel cell in the front left corner... I don't think 5 gallons will get you real far. And notice what isn't there... a radiator. Running slicks... 7 second chassis. It used to be streetable and street legal, I don't think it has been since 2005 or earlier.
Way cool car though. They are running faster without the nitrous on the new setup than they used to with a boatload of nos and turbo.
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10:51 PM
1fastcaddy Member
Posts: 618 From: Hays, Kansas Registered: Oct 2004
hey, that car could be streetable and still do like 8s if some stuff was put back so its still quick as hell. still usin the stock oil pump too, thats crazy!
------------------ 1985 GT Fastback ;) Low Original Miles at 41,506!!!
Otherwise stock for now ;)
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11:30 PM
KeithGT Member
Posts: 540 From: Huntsville, Al Registered: Jan 2006