Thats for the inside one, and mine are still useable. I am gonna cover the ones on the strip with some old carpet glued on with 3M super glue after i rivet them to the new piece. Joe
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12:25 PM
jaskispyder Member
Posts: 21510 From: Northern MI Registered: Jun 2002
Mine were $72.21 shipped. I cant wait till they get here. I am gonna fiberglass the metal mounts back to the insides of my inner door panels so they will fit like they are supposed to once I get the dew wipes installed . I will take and post plenty of pic's for all to see once they are here and while I am mounting them up to the door.
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04:09 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
well whenever somebody does decide to make these available to everybody i definately want a set. i have a set on spare doors that a lightly cracked but me being a perfectionist wont fix the problem till i can get new ones. personally i don't care if they look 100% stock as long as they look decent and work like they are supposed to. thank you to everybody that is trying to make this happen.
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09:39 PM
josef644 Member
Posts: 6939 From: Dickinson, Texas USA Registered: Nov 2006
You can order these from Cindy Bergstrom tomorrow if you want to . You have to order at least $50.00 worth of stock #1369 Ask her to have them cut to 36 9/16". Its all in the earlier posts of this thread. Mine will be here one day next week and I will mount them up, take pic's and post it for all to see. Buddycaigg has given it a thumbs up. I sent him a piece and he compared it to a new one still soft. If you can hold off a few days longer you will be able to see it on the door, mounted up and ready to go.
Joe Crawford Texas
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 09-27-2007).]
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10:18 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
oops. i've been busy trying to figure out how to get my new video card to work and put videos on youtube, i totally forgot about this. i better get to work.
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12:14 AM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
notice the loop, this seals against the outer door skin the GM one rolls over more, but the aftermarket one should be easily tucked in under the skin with a putty knife or even the edge of a credit card. . although the flap that touches the glass are the same lenght on both. the point where it pivots at on the aftermarket one is slightly lower so after it's installed and is resting against the window it will have the apperence of being shorter. which will probably look better than stock cause it's not just sticking up in the air when the window is down. . the angle of the sealing flap compaired to the backing strip is different, but again, once it's installed will look normal. . they both have that fuzzy felt like stuff in the same places. . laying side by side, it would be hard to tell the difference
backing strip . metal strip . wiper . overall *** note that they are very close in overall height on the backing but the aftermarket's loop isn't curved over. i would suggest mounting it about 0.075" higher so it will seal against the door skin and also make the wiper flap higher up like stock. .
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 09-28-2007).]
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12:33 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
Yes, a great find, guys! Two thumbs up!! I gave you, both a plus.
I can't get the website to come up, is there some wrong with or is it me? I wanted to order mine. Maybe this idea will bring the price of the others down.
[This message has been edited by 3.8 SC (edited 09-29-2007).]
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01:14 AM
The Funkmaster Member
Posts: 1541 From: Chilliwack, B.C., Canada Registered: Oct 2004
You can order a box of 15 pieces 8' long for $12.90 a piece. That would be just over $240.00 shipped. As long as you just ordered 4 pieces cut into two 36 1/2" pieces , it was $72 shipped to me here just north of Houston. Four guys need to buddy up and make the call. I just tried thier website and it is having problems right now.
Joe Crawford
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08:56 AM
Kemp3 Member
Posts: 282 From: Carmel Valley CA, USA Registered: Sep 2007
They are supposed to be here Tuesday. I don't live in the city, and sometimes UPS is a little funny about their deliveries here in the country. I will mount and install them Wednesday. I will post pic's Wednesday afternoon. Joe
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 09-29-2007).]
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08:44 PM
Oct 1st, 2007
josef644 Member
Posts: 6939 From: Dickinson, Texas USA Registered: Nov 2006
Guess what I got off of the UPS truck today? They were shipped to me in this cardboard container, about 4 lbs
Look what was inside. All 36 1/2" .Some member paid $200.00 for a factory set of two last week in the Mall. I guess these are worth $1600.00 ?
I just stuck a whole one inside the door up against the glass to see how it will look installed. I have never had good ones on this car since I got it Feb. this year. These next two are of this.
#c 23
These next two show the relationship of the inside wipe, and the new wipe strip where they come togeather with the glass all of the way down. They touch , this will keep the trash from falling inside of the doors. My door were full of pine needels and leaves.
and the next one
I will start the mods on these in the morning and mount them up. I will stop and "Post & Pic's" after I do the drivers door. I am not gonna mount the inner panels on the door till I finish painting the two outside mirrors one day next week.
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 10-02-2007).]
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03:39 PM
josef644 Member
Posts: 6939 From: Dickinson, Texas USA Registered: Nov 2006
I took and drilled out all of the old rivets. They were all the same size. I used a 1/4" to drill out all of the old rivets. Just go through the top part of the rivet. Don't go into your old dew strip/ We are going to use them to mark the holes on the new ones. We want them straight and in the right places. You can see that I marked each old wipe L or R before I removed all of the pieces that we have to remove. Makes it easier to identify if you have to stop and come back later. I'm over 60 and have to keep it simple. This shot is of the removed pieces we will have to recover and re attach to the new wipe. I also marked them with a L or a R. In this pic you can see that some of the old rivets are still there in the guides. Be real careful while you remove the old rivets so you dont bend the guides all to heck. They are real soft metal. Also do not ream out the mounting holes.
I used a drill bit and a bit guide to get the correct size of these holes and rivets. Mine were all 5/32". I am going to Loew's to see what is out there for sale for rivets and purchase a real good quality new 5/32" drill bit.
I need to look for some carpet stuff to recover the guides.
Joe Crawford Texas
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 10-02-2007).]
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05:12 PM
System Bot
josef644 Member
Posts: 6939 From: Dickinson, Texas USA Registered: Nov 2006
The next size over 1/8th " pop rivets at Lowe's were 3/16" . So I got a new 3/16 bit and a box of 50 1/4" shank 3/16" pop rivets. I also found a roll of bulk gray carpet about 26" wide for $1.97 a foot. I got one foot. I was looking in Wally-World for something better than the gray bulk carpet and found the black seatbelt shoulder pad for $2.97. I also got the black 3X3" Velcro pad stuff. When I got home I opened the Velcro stuff, and it is to thin for my thinking. And it has adhesive on it already. I am gonna cover the black end pieces with the shoulder pad stuff, and the two center long pieces with the gray carpet. It is a little thicker than the stuff that is on there now, but then again, it isnt 22 years old.
Forget the gray carpet stuff, and the Velcro stuff. The shoulder strap is the correct everything to recover these guides. It is doubeled over then sewn . Just split it open at the seam. It is the correct softness, and thickness. Just cut and apply with Black 3M trim adhesive. Drill the holes on all 4 pieces to 3/16th before you cover them or you will have drill shavings in the soft matt. I learned quick on that one.
More tomorrow.
Joe Crawford Texas
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 10-03-2007).]
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08:56 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37445 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Carnut122 and others who have PM'ed me. I have 8 pieces, and 4 are promised to PFF members already. I am gonna keep two extra for my V8 4.9 I have bubbeling in the back of my mind. Lets see how this goes and I will order a second set pretty soon, and just do the selling to members for about what I have to pay for them , plus some for gas to the USPS and back. I will need each member to sends me the mailer back empty so I can use it for the next guy. The mailer is a real good shipping container for this purpose. When I get the second order I will have two to use. I know that I will never get rich, Heck I already started on my second million. I gave up on my first!!
Joe Crawford Texas
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 10-02-2007).]
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10:12 PM
Oct 3rd, 2007
87_FieroGT Member
Posts: 698 From: Mill Creek, WA USA Registered: Jul 2005
Just FYI, the Fiero Store is already working on reproduction inner and outer wipes, although I doubt they'll be as inexpensive as these.
Projects in Development as of 09/06/2007
Inner Door Glass Seals Aftermarket reproductions of the discontinued GM originals. This straight rubber seal rubs against the window at the top of the door frame.
Outer Door Glass Seals Aftermarket reproductions of the discontinued GM originals. This straight seal has a rubber lip that rubs against the window at the top of the door frame.
------------------ Visit my website! Fieros West David 2 Corinthians 5: 17 1987 Pontiac Fiero GT, 5 Speed 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix
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12:34 PM
josef644 Member
Posts: 6939 From: Dickinson, Texas USA Registered: Nov 2006
I have mounted one on each side of my car. The first one I did I bent up, and had to start over again. The stiffener that goes on the end, and hence under the outside mirror, I put on wrong side up. I tried to remove it, and that was a disaster. So I made a second drivers side strip. It went pretty good, and the right side was ok also. I installed both on the car, and put the inside ones on also. This is the second one I made up
Drivers side with it mounted on the door.
Up towards the front drivers sider
Passengers side
Drivers side long look down the door
My feelings on these: These are a good inexpensive way to fill the 5/8" gap between the glass and the outside door skin. If I had access to a GM piece for a good price, I would use the GM . I , myself , will not pay $100.00 for a GM piece. You will have to make that decision on your own. These are just a little bit flimsey, and hence they are easy to bend out of shape. That being said, one can straighten them back fairly easy. Unless the guides are revited on. Then you are stuck with a curve that you can not remove. I will in the next few days replace both of these, with the new ones I was gonna save for my next Fiero. They are not expensive, but a little time consuming. What else can you do to close the gap? I read of a member who was using the weather strip from underneath a front door. They are $1.00 at Loew's . I have had two in my car for 6 weeks to keep the glass from flopping back and forth while I was working on the car. Brown was the only color they had. It worked good for that purpose, but I wouldn't want to drive around that way. These replacements are good enough to let you drive around , and the will not stick out like a sore thumb to every body that walks by and looks at your ride. They wont burn a hole in your pocket either.
I would suggest that you not try this without a drill press. An assistant would be good to help keep the loose end from bending while you are working on the other end. Clean up your holes after drilling, as the rubber coating holds the cuttings to the strip at times. Also ream the holes a few times with the bit before you move to the next hole. A once cut hole is tight inserting a pop revit. Bending is bad Going in easy is good on flimsey stock.
I suggest that you get an extra piece or two. If you ruin one, then you are stuck till you can get a replacement. Good luck
$180.00 -- $200.00 for a set of the GM's? For that much money, I love these. They look great!
P.S. We can all hope the Fiero Store does comes up with an affordable replacement. In the mean time, these will "fill the gap", so to speak. Joe crawford Texas
[This message has been edited by josef644 (edited 10-03-2007).]
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04:11 PM
Kemp3 Member
Posts: 282 From: Carmel Valley CA, USA Registered: Sep 2007
Let me also say thanks for coming up with this idea and sharing it. This is a huge hole in the Fiero market. If there are any left I would like to be in line for a set. PM me where you want the money sent.