I m gonna try and take ratzilla to some shows and tow it with my yellow 47 chevy pickup. Im thinking of yellow wheels on one side and red on the other .I will park the yellow wheel side next to the 47. Of course when your riding down the road people can only see one side so it doesnt matter if the wheels match. I saw a cigarette boat one time that had different graphics on each side.
A few of you have said you would like to have something like ratzilla. Its not rocket science, if any of you are really interested I would be glad to share my build info. If you are into parts scrounging you could do it for less than 3-4-5 K .
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08:49 AM
autobody101 Member
Posts: 18 From: Merrill WI USA Registered: Feb 2007
Hey Todd could you do the pic with the red wheels and white walls with a number 70 on the door sorta like they did with the Boneville dry lake cars/trucks ? thanks ED
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11:32 AM
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
thanks very much Todd, That last one with the rusty looking hood side panels is great. also the black wheels with the white walls look good. There appears to be some kind of a logo in the back ground. What am I missing ? It appears what I'm missing is my eyesight, I just noticed you web site link for the first time. I now see what the logo is and you are a very talented man. Kinda LATE NOW BUT i WILL READ YOUR WHOLE SITE IN THE am
[This message has been edited by luckyfasteddie (edited 03-04-2007).]
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09:59 PM
Mar 5th, 2007
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
Glad you like it, and let me knowwhat you think of the site. I am working on the first installment of my street rod article right now. I hope to have it online this week...
------------------ toddshotrods.com - wanna ride? crazy projects, features, articles, art & more
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01:06 AM
System Bot
luckyfasteddie Member
Posts: 43 From: Dover Delaware USA Registered: Dec 2006
Ratzilla is taged and running,during test drive we noticed that the engine seemed to be rocking excessivly. The Haynes manuel says that when installing an engine you loosly insert the front strut bolt and push the engine back until the rear strut bolt can be installed. As we made our own rear strut bracket we need to know how far do you push the engine back so we can make the bolt hole in the right place.It seems this will put the engine in tension and will stop the rocking we are experiencing. Hope I have made my self clear.If any one wanted to call me for a better explanation feel free .302 270 1827.Thanks guys.
Hey lucky glad to see you posting. If that doesn't fix it you may want to look into solid mounting the engine and tranny. I have my cradle and motor solid mounted in my V8 Fiero and the only time it moves is when the rest of the car is moving. I made my own tranny mounts and just welded the front mount that came with my V8 kit. I have seen some people take an old mount and replace the rubber with steel tube.
The only draw back is it may cause you to notice any vibration in the drive train. But I don't think its bad at all and I have 2 more cylinders than you. Glad to see you driving it. Hope to lay eyes on it one day. Jake
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02:09 PM
luckyfasteddie Member
Posts: 43 From: Dover Delaware USA Registered: Dec 2006
Hey Jake thanks for the info.We took a piece of 1x1 and closed the distance between the holes and pulled the engine in a little and took it for a ride. Big improvement,gonna experiment a little get the right distance then drill new holes in the bracket and use the dog bone. With no engine in the front it rides a little stiff gonna remove a leaf ot two to soften it up a bit.Gotta work the bugs out now.
That's funny... It looks like a tired 2.8L though. Why would you pick engine? Why not a Ford?
Is it a Ford or a Chevy. I haven't been reading if it was mentioned.
I(it is a 2.8 , but it is not tired . The cab and grill are Chevy.I went with the Fiero because it was allready set uo to be in the back , We are still messing with the rear coil springs , looks like were gonna wind up with 700# springs , as there are 2000 lbs on the rear wheels. All in all it has been fun.LFE
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04:51 AM
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GT40 3.8 SC Member
Posts: 104 From: Bear, Delaware Registered: Aug 2003
Hey Eddie, Delaware hear too! We must pass you on our way to the beach every weekend. You mentioned rear spring weights... did you go to coil-overs? If this was covered, sorry I missed it. Coil-over conversions are simple on these cars. Hey... There's a car show this weekend on 13, up near Wilmington, at Hack's. I believe it's at 1pm, Saturday the 18th. I might even get some good pix to post on "Girls with Fiero's"!! (Hack's is the closest thing we have to a strip club here in Delaware)! Have Fun, Kevin
------------------ 67 GT-40 Mark II, 3800 S/C auto, 85 Fiero based (ASPP) kit. Held suspension and coil-overs all around with 2" dropped spindles. Mike's leather interior. And a whole lot more...
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06:19 PM
Aug 14th, 2007
luckyfasteddie Member
Posts: 43 From: Dover Delaware USA Registered: Dec 2006
Yes Kevin you go past us we are in Camden,I put coil overs on with adjusters the 300lb springs compressed 4" so they were kind of stiff,the higest weight available is 450lbs which I have ordered they should help some.If my math is right a 2600lb fiero which is split 57-43 % weighs 1482 lbs in the rear . My "Fiero" weighs 2000lbs in the rear and 1000 lbs in the front which is 66-33 % , slightly different than a real Fiero.Going in for an alignment Fri that should help the ride some at least it will help my tires .
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09:16 PM
Feb 25th, 2008
luckyfasteddie Member
Posts: 43 From: Dover Delaware USA Registered: Dec 2006
The strength of the upper rear strut brackets worries me. Looks too weak or am I missing something? Looks like if you hit a few pot holes the brackets will bend up.
Hey rodney you were right,hit a big pot hole in Brooklyn blew out the strut- we did not have the factory flexable top bracket on ,our strut was directly attached to top bracket.sheared off 3 lug bolts and bent the top strup bracket.Every thing has been redsigned and beefed up, Gonna email Jake some pics so he can post an update. Go mahead say I told you so we just didnt know exactly what to do till it broke.LFE
An update on Ratzilla,clutch went out in may of this year,replaced it and drove the wheels off it all year. When we did the clutch job we had to remove everything out back. Put it back together with out bed etc. Moved gas tank to the front and frame etc is exposed . Am rebuilding rear frame to look "cool" I know this engine wont last forever ,. really dont need a v8 as the location of the engine is what wows folks. My question has anyone used a sl;ightly larger v6 from a FWD car ? I presently get over 23 MPG and really dont want to give this up. Hey Jake if you read this I have some updated pics on KB in the ratrod pictures section under ratzillas face lift.Didnt make Daytona again,maby next year LFE
I remember seeing that at the car show on Route 13 near the toll booth plaza. I was the guy who was like, "Hey, at least there's part of a Fiero here" and told you about my Formula. Ratzilla is awesome.
Originally posted by luckyfasteddie: Hey Jake if you read this I have some updated pics on KB in the ratrod pictures section under ratzillas face lift.