Originally posted by JRP3: Here you go, this is what you want to look for, Hyster motor 325774, I think it's actually made by GE so it might be in other lifts besides Hyster. http://www.autobatteryelectric.com/325774.htm The end shaft might be different than this.
Awesome! Thanks
Second page in the thread - what a lucky guy!
Welcome to page twelve! The special of the day is electrifying!
[This message has been edited by toddshotrods (edited 01-29-2009).]
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09:20 PM
Jan 30th, 2009
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
i thought about regnative braking how about this on a dc or any put say 3 250 amp one wire altanators hooked up to the drive wheels in some fasion but and they are hooked to a relay so when you on the gas there just turning no power is being made or used due to there not energized you step on the brakes the relay trips conecting the altanators
[This message has been edited by engine man (edited 01-30-2009).]
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01:19 AM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
What people have done is get a high output alternator or rewind one for higher output, use an A/C pump pulley with a belt to the front motor shaft with a switch on the brake pedal that activates it when you hit the brake or a dash switch so you can control it when you want. http://www.northrim.net/wya...v/ev_wiring_dia.html
Just remember that unless you do a lot of stop and go or have a lot of hills you won't get all that much back, maybe 10-15% or so, but it will make your brakes last longer.
[This message has been edited by JRP3 (edited 01-30-2009).]
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08:39 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
Nice, great price for two, that looks like a newer version of the 7.5 Yale I have in my 6x6, though yours must be longer if it weighs 80lbs since mine is only around 60. You'll need to advance the brushes if they aren't already since it's probably setup to run at 48 volts from the factory. Does the shaft come out of the commutator end, (CE, or brush end), like mine? If so you'll need to support the motor from both ends since the big cutouts for the brushes weaken the comm end.
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06:12 PM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
it said 13 1/2 inches long by 7 3/4 diam set for 36 volts will need to advance the brushes like you said dont know what type of power i can get but i figure 2 is better than 1 and it is a yale
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07:21 PM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
Hmmm, I don't see a shaft sticking out of either end, looks as if it might have a female slotted shaft which will make hooking anything to it more difficult.
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07:54 PM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
Well got messing around today and was supprised by just taking copper and zinc some vinigar and salt and got about 4 volts with 1 penie and 1 zinc washer it showed amps but gota get a better multi metter i did get it up to 16 volts i realy like doing this stuff just fun to fool with
wow just found info about a zinc air battery to power electric cars there cheaper and lighter but there arent any refueling stations yet but even then refueling is fast
Well got messing around today and was supprised by just taking copper and zinc some vinigar and salt and got about 4 volts with 1 penie and 1 zinc washer it showed amps but gota get a better multi metter[/URL]
Volts by itself doesn't mean much. Power is the key...remember that Watts are watts.
I can scoot across the carpet and discharge a few thousand volts but it's usually not enough power to do any damage... unless I happen to discharge that spark around the fuel nozzle of a gasoline powered vehicle. Then look out
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03:24 PM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
I see there realy keeping the zinc air battery fuel cell under raps it has enough power and light enough cheap enough they said and ready for production
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03:56 PM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
All we need is just one of the lithium companies to make a grab for market share by dropping their prices. Everyone will flock to them, forcing the other companies to follow. Of course they all know this and are holding out, for the moment. That may soon change.
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09:13 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
may be if some one could talk one of them into givning them some batteries and doing there car paint scheem in there logo and race across the country seting a new electric car record for speed and distance and geting like on the leno show and a few morning shows
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09:29 AM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
A123 sponsors KillaCycle and Altairnano sponsors CurrentEliminator, the top 2 electric drag racers in the world. The large format lithium manufacturers don't seem to be interested in promotion, probably since most of them are in China and are already selling almost all they can make. However as I mentioned there may be a big price break coming soon....
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11:17 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
I thought i saw Energizer had lithium polymer battries but wow the price is so high it needs to be one tenth what it is now but they are supper light for the power
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11:54 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
Ok i need to know how much power can i get from the pair of motors is there some sort of formula or is it just amps X volts divided by 746 and do any of you know how much HP a blower belt take like the ones on a top fuel car
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10:54 PM
System Bot
Feb 2nd, 2009
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
Ok i need to know how much power can i get from the pair of motors is there some sort of formula or is it just amps X volts divided by 746 and do any of you know how much HP a blower belt take like the ones on a top fuel car
There is a difference between theoretical and actual power you can get. Jim from www.HiTorqueElectric.com who built my motor said mine should be able to go to 120 volts, but he went through the motor completely and checked all the windings and insulation, trued the comm on a lathe, put in new bearings and brushes, advanced the timing, etc. A slight flaw in insulation won't be a problem at 48 volts but might be a big problem at 120. It might be able to go higher, but remember higher voltage = higher RPM and I think 6000 or so is about the most brushed DC can take. Brushes start to float and arc, comm's fly apart, not good stuff. My guess is 500 amps at 120 volts with maybe 10-12 degrees brush advancement, but I'm no motor expert. For the belt, go to Gates.com, they have a program called Design Flex Software which allows you to put in parameters of your belt design, hp, torque, pulley size and center distance, etc. If you get into it I have contact info for one of their techs who was very helpful in designing what I needed for my 6 wheeler.
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08:50 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
going in 86 fiero GT engine is blown was going to do a 4.3 V6 but you all got me so excited about electric now i gota get rid of the 4.3 stuff i have I would like to buy the lithium polymer battries but way to much money i wanted to do a cross country trip promoting electric cars but like i said not enough money
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11:21 AM
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
Originally posted by engine man: ...i wanted to do a cross country trip promoting electric cars but like i said not enough money
A promotional trip is a great idea. You need to think of involving others it would benefit A couple possibilities:
* Build a trailer full of lead acid batteries and use the sides for "billboards"... * Try to get a sponsor to cover the cost of the lithium batteries, travel expenses, etc.
[This message has been edited by toddshotrods (edited 02-02-2009).]
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12:28 PM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
Ok thanks sounds like I should have the motors looked at and a few things done if you dont mind how much did the work on your motors cost
I bought the motor already modded from Jim for $500. You could try to contact him through his site but he's sort of dropped off the earth lately so I don't know if he's still doing that any longer. You could probably get the motors re-shafted if you're doing a complete tear down which would make hooking them up much easier. You really have to find someone who knows their stuff, the average forklift motor re builder may not know about high voltage brush advancing and all that. I've talked to some motor re builders who had no clue what I was talking about.
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01:11 PM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
I was thinking Energizer the car would be painted wraped in black and silver with lightning bolts and the Energizer bunny on th hood but Ive gota get them to give me battries and some bucks just to do it and try and get some talk show apperances i think I might put up a web site and ask for donations to
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11:30 PM
Feb 3rd, 2009
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
Originally posted by engine man: ...Ive gota get them to give me battries and some bucks just to do it and try and get some talk show apperances i think I might put up a web site and ask for donations to
I don't want to pull the thread off track, but just one last quick note on this. If you decide to go for sponsorhip to do your cross country trip you have to change your thinking. When you approach a company for sponsorship you are not a car builder, hobbyist, etc. You have to be and think like an advertising agency at that point. You have to have a well thought-out, and carefully packaged, full-color, high-quality, printed, presentation. That presentation has to very quickly grab their attention and tell them exactly what you're going to do for them. BEFORE you ever ask for a thing they have to be sold on the opportunity.
I've done it before and have entertained the option of using it to build the 27 but am not sure I want to split my focus. You have to make a pretty serious commitment to proactively sell their products/services, which can possibly take a lot of attention and focus away from your own project. Since your cross-country tour idea expressed interest in promoting EVs I figured it might be an option for you.
...back to propulsion.
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08:37 AM
JRP3 Member
Posts: 318 From: Central NY State Registered: Jan 2009
I was thinking Energizer the car would be painted wraped in black and silver with lightning bolts and the Energizer bunny on th hood but Ive gota get them to give me battries and some bucks just to do it and try and get some talk show apperances i think I might put up a web site and ask for donations to
I haven't seen any batteries from Energizer that would work for an EV. Do you have a specific battery in mind?
Yes you are right they must be approched in the correct way and Energizer i think would look good on the car but i dont think they make a battery that would work but i think that it needs to be some battery company that big
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10:14 AM
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
Yes you are right they must be approched in the correct way and Energizer i think would look good on the car but i dont think they make a battery that would work but i think that it needs to be some battery company that big
Not necessarily. Smaller companies have to find more creative ways of marketing their products because they don't usually have multi-million dollar advertising budgets to work with. You can't buy much TV time with a few thousand dollars, but if someone had some really creative idea to get them major exposure, over a relatively long period of time, from sea to shining sea... Get my drift?
Also, think in their terms. If they give you five thousand dollars worth of product, that they have twenty-five hundred invested in, how many do they really need to sell to make the investment worth it, as compared to just pushing harder for a sell over the phone/internet? You have to convince them that you can sell their product better than they can - I wouldn't recommend using that line as a sales pitch though.
Edited - for a typo in my numbers - that didn't add up...
[This message has been edited by toddshotrods (edited 02-03-2009).]
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12:08 PM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
are you in marketing you know how and I sure dont know how to approch them never was realy good try to rais money for my racing dont have the gift of gab
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11:27 PM
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
are you in marketing you know how and I sure dont know how to approch them never was realy good try to rais money for my racing dont have the gift of gab
Nope, it's just a part of what I do, and an important part of any business for that matter. I don't have that gift either - I really hate selling myself.
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11:52 PM
Feb 4th, 2009
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006
Ok ? at what stage of this should I aproch them for there product and should I set up a web site to try and rais moneys to do this I realy would like to try it and see if I can show every one the tech is here today I am kinda sick of this its 10 years out BS
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07:39 AM
toddshotrods Member
Posts: 1177 From: Columbus, OH, USA Registered: Aug 2004
Ok ? at what stage of this should I aproch them for there product and should I set up a web site to try and rais moneys to do this I realy would like to try it and see if I can show every one the tech is here today I am kinda sick of this its 10 years out BS
You have a PM - back to propulsion...
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09:58 AM
engine man Member
Posts: 5309 From: Morriston FL Registered: Mar 2006