These pics are from Ken & Heidi... I am just putting all the pics together in one place... easier to hunt for later.
You'd be surprised at how often I go back and look at pic threads from shows I attended... it makes the memories more vivid.
Thanks Heidi for posting all of those!
| quote | Ken & Heidi photojournal |
Show N Shine at Pep Boys . . .
Jonathan's car a/k/a "the movie star car" always attracts attention!
Blake's idea of a brighter shade of black . . .
And then there was Rob's truck which acted at the tent anchor and garbage collection truck . . .
The CRUISE . . .
Blake coming around a curve. . .
Revin passing Blake!
Dinner at Brick's Riverfront Cafe in Bandera, TX . . .
By the river of course!
Where did all that grease on the car come from?
Waiting for dinner . . .
Some got to eat early . . .
Ron trying to convince Desiree that she really would like the appetizer!
Desiree letting Ron color with her.
Breakfast at Taco Cabana. Desiree helps her Dad distribute the "Thanks for Coming Plaques".
Brian . . .
Charles . . .
Jonathan . . .
Ken & Heidi . . .
Scott (the cruise director) . . .
There was a little confusion and Mike did not get a plaque---just a picture . . .
Some of the breakfast car line up . . .
edit-- to fix ubb tags
[This message has been edited by blakeinspace (edited 05-06-2009).]