1. When I post a picture, I try to post at least a 1024x768 image in true color. A picture of that quality is often too large in file size to upload to the forum. Why do I post a picture of that size? Well in my opinion, that is the minimum size needed to get enough detail and clarity to make it worth the effort of posting. All too often I see guys post some thumbnail sized picture taken with a crappy cell phone and then say 'sorry for the low quality pic'. What's the freakin point of even posting it it then?
2. I want, and deserve, credit for my pictures. Selfish I know, but I have actually had my pictures STOLEN on the internet and someone else took credit for them. Not here, but on another forum. Can you imagine opening up a thread on a forum, reading the responses, and then seeing a picture that you took years earlier attached to someone elses reply and they don't even bother to give you credit for it? Yeah, I was pissed.
3. Liability. A nasty word, but it is something we all have to live with. If I post a picture in a thread about how I fixed a problem I had with my car, and then some idiot 5 or 10 years from now mis-uses that information and gets themselves hurt or killed, could I be held accountable??? This is one question I do not want to have to face. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but who knows what could happen.
I'm sure I could think of other reasons if I put my mind to it, but this is enough to justify in my mind why I don't leave photos lingering on the internet for all of eternity.
1. Crappy images? because some people don't have a better camera or has a better camera but doesn't know what a Macro, etc. So what... People need help in Technical Discussion & Questions or often Totally O/T.
My images and whole web pages in Cave has been stolen... (Business/commercial use) Copyright notice intact even... Unless you are Adobe, Microsoft, etc, has lawyer on payroll and can use DMCA notice at host service... My pages will get stolen/plagiarism.
3. Liability? Delete/Move/etc images will not help you. Once in Digital and posted... People use Save or Print to keep images and even whole pages intact and can keep it forever. Talk to a good lawyer that knows Discovery and Internet use. (Lawyer and police love Photo bucket, Facebook, etc.) And see Internet Archive: Wayback Machine whole site are gone but the maybe Wayback Machine still has it. Like this...
------------------ Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. (Jurassic Park)
Pip dont work under OSX or linux. so it's not a option for a group that is rapidly growing in size due to windows being unstable and easily infected.. I personally switched 2 windows users over to Ubuntu linux last month and they are happy as can be.
I'd love a OSX version of pip or a linux PIP. or better yet a Java version of PIP so it will run on everything including OSX, Solaris, BeOS, OS2, QNX, BSD, AmigaOS, and all flavors of Linux.
2. I want, and deserve, credit for my pictures. Selfish I know, but I have actually had my pictures STOLEN on the internet and someone else took credit for them. Not here, but on another forum. Can you imagine opening up a thread on a forum, reading the responses, and then seeing a picture that you took years earlier attached to someone elses reply and they don't even bother to give you credit for it? Yeah, I was pissed.
Call me when you do the Fiero community a favor and spend several thousand dollars to shoot and produce the 25th anniversary video, only to have a fiero owner buy a copy, rip it and put it in it's ENTIRETY on youtube and uploaded to Bittorrent sites. All I wanted to do was recoup my expenses. Less than 80 DVD's sold, I chalked it up to most people dont want one. Nope, most were getting it free.
Losing a free photo is a pain in the butt, having someone rip off your hard work and spread it around because he is a complete scumbag is another.
I had to spend an extra $250.00 to have a lawyer send a letter to Youtube to take it down. I got a kick in the groin with a slap in the face...
If anyone can find free remote image hosting software I could dedicate http://www.wedriveexcitement.com and host it pay for it likely host everyones images forever.
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04:38 AM
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
I would love to use PIP, but I post photos elsewhere, as well. So I have to carry my own image hosting. Up until recently, I was hosting the photos from a spare computer in my house. But I switched to Photobucket instead. Now all my old archived threads have the "little red X", because I can't update them.
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12:57 PM
Larryh86GT Member
Posts: 1757 From: Near sunny Buffalo NY Registered: Jan 2008
If you host pics on Pennocks then you are using Cliff's bandwidth (which he pays for!). If you host pics offsite it saves him a little money at least.
If I understand how things work, hosting the pics here REDUCES the bandwidth used.
If the pix are hosted on photo\shutter\whatever, each time someone opens the link to a post it calls the pic from the hosting site = incoming bandwidth, then it send it to the requester = double bandwidth.
If it is hosted here it only is 1X bandwidth to send it to the requester.
If that is not how it works and you are an IT guru. Please explain it to me.
------------------ Steve AT 88GTP DOT com 88 GT\3800 SC\4T65E-HD NIC Cam\Comp Cam Hi-Tech 1.8 rockers\Rhoads XL Lifters eBay Headers\Magnaflow Camaro muffler, 3.25 pulley DH Tune
Wanna go faster?
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11:10 AM
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
Yeah. Provided that PFF member is still around and reachable. Older threads with long departed members are sometimes completely useless.
I guarantee ANY picture EVER posted here is saved on lots of computers. I know for a fact lots of the girls pics Ive taken down long ago are still on many computers here. You just have to ask for them.
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02:14 PM
Nov 9th, 2010
Terry_w Member
Posts: 930 From: Fort Worth,TX Registered: Sep 2008
First, I am guilty of the Red X syndrom. Just search my screen name in the archives and you will see lots of them. Why? Because the pictures I take of my car are my property. They do not belong to this forum or anyone else. If I choose to host them on a public site and link to them here, then that is my business. If I decide later to delete those same pictures, then it is my right to do so... because I own them. I will never upload any of my personal pictures to any forum, be it this one or any other. Sorry if some of you do not like that, but that is the way I am.
You may ask, "why are you so selfish to not leave your pictures so that others might benefit from them." Okay, here are some of my reasons:
1. When I post a picture, I try to post at least a 1024x768 image in true color. A picture of that quality is often too large in file size to upload to the forum. Why do I post a picture of that size? Well in my opinion, that is the minimum size needed to get enough detail and clarity to make it worth the effort of posting. All too often I see guys post some thumbnail sized picture taken with a crappy cell phone and then say 'sorry for the low quality pic'. What's the freakin point of even posting it it then?
2. I want, and deserve, credit for my pictures. Selfish I know, but I have actually had my pictures STOLEN on the internet and someone else took credit for them. Not here, but on another forum. Can you imagine opening up a thread on a forum, reading the responses, and then seeing a picture that you took years earlier attached to someone elses reply and they don't even bother to give you credit for it? Yeah, I was pissed.
3. Liability. A nasty word, but it is something we all have to live with. If I post a picture in a thread about how I fixed a problem I had with my car, and then some idiot 5 or 10 years from now mis-uses that information and gets themselves hurt or killed, could I be held accountable??? This is one question I do not want to have to face. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but who knows what could happen.
I'm sure I could think of other reasons if I put my mind to it, but this is enough to justify in my mind why I don't leave photos lingering on the internet for all of eternity.
Many of the disappointing red Xs were pictures showing "how to" and often the thread is useless without them. A crappy out of focus cell phone pic is 1000 times more helpful than a high resolution red X. Your BS excuses about liability and being stolen don't make sense. Are you not liable if you post a pic and then remove it later. Or can it only be stolen after leaving it on the site for 10 days or 10 months? NO it can be stolen or attach "liability" 1 second after you post it. If you are really that paranoid about your pics and you are just going to delete the pics later please do us a favor and don't post them at all. Just keep reading and learning from everyone who does post pics and keep all of your high resolution pics to admire for yourself.
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11:51 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38103 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I guarantee ANY picture EVER posted here is saved on lots of computers. I know for a fact lots of the girls pics Ive taken down long ago are still on many computers here. You just have to ask for them.
Roger, Roger, Roger... that doesn't do us a whole lot of good when we're looking at a tech thread posted several years ago and all the pertinent images that go with the helpful instructions are gone, gone, gone...
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11:57 PM
Feb 22nd, 2011
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
1. When I post a picture, I try to post at least a 1024x768 image in true color. A picture of that quality is often too large in file size to upload to the forum. Why do I post a picture of that size? Well in my opinion, that is the minimum size needed to get enough detail and clarity to make it worth the effort of posting. All too often I see guys post some thumbnail sized picture taken with a crappy cell phone and then say 'sorry for the low quality pic'. What's the freakin point of even posting it it then?
You can have it both ways. You just need to think creatively. Try this UBB code:
[url= <URL of self-hosted high-res image> ][img] <URL of low-res image uploaded via PIP> [/img][/url]
Simply click on the above image (360x480 pixels, ~40 KB) to download the full high-res image (2448x3264 pixels, ~2.5 MB). The small image you see above is resident on the PFF image server, while the high-res image is hosted on my own server.
This way, even if your high-res image eventually disappears, the PFF-resident low-res image will still be here. I have used this technique several places on PFF, such as in this thread.
2. I want, and deserve, credit for my pictures. Selfish I know, but I have actually had my pictures STOLEN on the internet and someone else took credit for them. Not here, but on another forum. Can you imagine opening up a thread on a forum, reading the responses, and then seeing a picture that you took years earlier attached to someone elses reply and they don't even bother to give you credit for it? Yeah, I was pissed.
I share your concern, but you have to be realistic about it. PIP will preserve any metadata (e.g. EXIF data) present in the image file, including copyright declaration. But even when you host your own images, that still doesn't prevent someone from copying your image and stripping the metadata. All the copyright declaration does is provide you the basis for legal recourse if someone uses your image without permission or attribution.
3. Liability. A nasty word, but it is something we all have to live with. If I post a picture in a thread about how I fixed a problem I had with my car, and then some idiot 5 or 10 years from now mis-uses that information and gets themselves hurt or killed, could I be held accountable??? This is one question I do not want to have to face. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but who knows what could happen.
The only way to avoid liability exposure is never to post in the first place.
[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-22-2011).]
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11:14 AM
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
If the pix are hosted on photo\shutter\whatever, each time someone opens the link to a post it calls the pic from the hosting site = incoming bandwidth, then it send it to the requester = double bandwidth. ... If that is not how it works and you are an IT guru. Please explain it to me.
I don't consider myself an IT guru, but I can tell you that's definitely not how it works.
The HTML page sent by the PFF server to your computer only contains the URLs of embedded images, using HTML 'IMG' (image) or 'A' (anchor) tags. It is your browser, on your computer, that downloads the actual images directly from their respective servers. If you look at the "Page Source" for a simple HTML page sometime (click View->Page Source in Firefox, or Page->View Source in M$ Internet Explorer), you can see the 'IMG' and 'A' tags referencing the image URLs.
As an example, consider that on PFF the images are hosted on a different server (in a different country) than the root server for the forum itself.
In my post immediately above, the HTML code ('A' and 'IMG' tags) for the linked low-res/high-res images looks like this, which is all the PFF server actually sends to your browser:
I use PB because i take super high res pics and not sure now to downsize them and its easier IMO but i log onto PB regularly to add things so my pics are not going anywhere.