I'm excited but I can't say too much... yet... "Fiero Overhaulin" :) by Finally_Mine_86_GT
Started on | : 05-10-2011 09:59 AM |
Replies | : 195 |
Last post by | : solotwo on 11-10-2011 07:42 AM |
May 10th, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
RALLASTER GOT OVERHAULED!Pics and video inside. I was recently asked to be a mediator for a soon to be build to keep the anonymity of the person putting this together. Can anybody say... "Fiero Overhaulin"? Myself and a few other PFF members have decided to help out a fellow member. Sadly i can't say too much other then this car needs love in the worst way and the owner is going to have to sell it to get a different car soon if nothing is done. I scrapped my recent plans of flying out somewhere else for this because i believe a vacation can wait when it's something worthwhile. Now I'm flying further out and going to be assisting other PFF members in making another members dream come true in his/her time of need. This started as a simple "hey, lets fix his/her car for him/her" but now has turned into "let's overhaul it and give him/her the car they've always wanted". Not really a big stretch between the two either. I'm not the orchestrator of this event but that person can not post due to the fact that it would give it away to the unsuspecting member. This will all be taking place the last weekend of may. Been reschedule for the first weekend of June. So i don't have a lot of time to get it all together. Late notice i know, but it'll be worth it. From what I'm told we have most of the parts other then what i've posted below. We're going a tan and black theme with a black car.(only need the carpet) Not too much of a stretch since the car is already black but it needs new paint. The interior is your common gray/black right now but it's getting completely refinished. The motor (2.5) is going to need to be redone. So a local (to there) machine shop offered to help cost will be $200 to rebuild. If you would like to donate my paypal info is below. For shipping info if you have parts please PM me. All who donate will be posted here (unless you don't want that) I will put a running total on here but I wont single anybody out for their amount donated unless they want me to. Every little bit will help and whatever is left over is going to the person in question to help offset their bills. None of us are going to make anything off of this build other then knowing we did a good deed. I'm more excited then a 7yo at christmas.... Can't wait to be a part of this and to see the look on his/her face.  Sorry i can't give more info out publicly, i would love to but any misstep can ruin everything. Parts neededTAN GT SEAT COVERS!!!!! UpdatesPay pal luv2eatsome (at sign) yahoo dot com (long story, had it since i was 16) We are deeply in the hole but it will be worth it. Only waiting on visors. - not worried. $275 - donations so far. GT Wheels - Received Complete body - received engine - received, being rebuilt rounded molding - received Interior other then carpet - received Wind deflector - received Exterior trim clips - waiting on shipment but donated Headlight motor rebuild kits, no gear needed. - full motors that need a little love - received Formula Decals - received Fiero Thomas Discounted supplier. Front marker lights round - Arrived today. Tires - received. www.fierostore.com - ordered clips and paint www.ridneydickman.com - ordered all new bulbs GT auxiliary gauge with pigtail - purchased, should arrive in time. Visors & headliner material kit - Ordered from Fiero Thomas Carpet is on it's way. Diy_stu's dew wipes - received Donations2.5 - Paypal Thank you BlackThunderGT - Paypal Thank you! Datacop - Paypal + parts Thank you! Teaser... Work has begun! ------------------ "Remember: amateurs built the ark .... professionals built the Titanic." | quote | timgray Because that is all a corvette is good for, parts for the fiero.. |
[This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 06-06-2011).]
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09:59 AM
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johnyrottin Member Posts: 5496 From: Northwest Florida Registered: Oct 2007
Where and when...you are up near my folks house in CT...pm me some build details so I can see if I can join in the melee!
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11:04 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
PM returned.
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11:14 AM
pontiackid86 Member Posts: 19632 From: Kingwood Texas..... Yall Registered: Sep 2008
| quote | Originally posted by johnyrottin:
Where and when...you are up near my folks house in CT...pm me some build details so I can see if I can join in the melee! |
PM me as well. If i can drive there I might be able to help as well.
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11:32 AM
datacop Member Posts: 1426 From: Indianapolis, IN, USA Registered: Jan 2004
PM Sent..
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11:36 AM
GADJet Member Posts: 1466 From: Star City, AR, USA Registered: Sep 2010
AWESOME! Wish I could help. My budget wont allow it. It really doesnt allow me to work on mine. Yet alone anothers. You guys rock. This is the very reason I love this community and the people in it.
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11:45 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Thank you guys for the quick responses. One step closer... wheels acquired. First post updated. [This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 05-10-2011).]
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11:47 AM
Isolde Member Posts: 2504 From: North Logan, Utah, USA Registered: May 2008
PM sent.
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12:10 PM
fieroguy123 Member Posts: 1523 From: Indianapolis Registered: Sep 2009
I'm not quite sure what I could do being 1000 miles away from you, but I do have a lot of good parts so please be sure to let me know if there's anything you need or something I can do to help. I've said it before and I'll say it again....I LOVE THIS FORUM!! ------------------ May the Lord guide me where I must go. May the Fiero get me there in style
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12:47 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Ty everybody who replied and PM'ed already. Now i guess we only need donations to cover some costs and a set of tires. We got a quote of $200 to rebuild the extra motor that was donated so it'll run like new. Getting more excited by the hour.
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01:40 PM
2.5 Member Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
I love this kind of stuff
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01:52 PM
System Bot
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
I was just asked about posting my paypal address in the thread... not sure if that's a good idea as it's a public forum. Anybody had any experience with that?
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03:15 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Bump for the night crew and i added parts needed. Interior and exterior trim clips.
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08:53 PM
2.5 Member Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
I think you can post the address, I've seen it done a few times, some people just post it as name (at sign) yahoo dot com. So it can't be easily found. Maybe someone else will chime in about it too.
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09:04 PM
Hulki U. My-BFF Member Posts: 5949 From: Back home in East Berlin, PA Registered: Apr 2008
Love what you are doing here for the other owner, thanks for doing what you are doing. I am cash strapped, but also have a stash of parts, and if I have what you need, it's yours.
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09:09 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Thank you guys... right now all we're looking for are tires, interior clips and exterior molding clips.
Thank you 2.5 for being the first person to donate. Ever little bit helps. Either way this is getting done between myself and the others but cost offset is greatly appreciated. I know it's hard to donate when details are sketchy and i've never done something like this but i can promise pictures, hopefully video and the money and parts ARE going to the unsuspecting member. I can give more info in PM's but it has to stay quiet to this person.
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09:29 PM
May 11th, 2011
fieroguy123 Member Posts: 1523 From: Indianapolis Registered: Sep 2009
TTT I'm going to be following this one closely
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08:07 AM
BlackThunderGT Member Posts: 2048 From: The Rock Registered: Apr 2009
PayPal sent
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04:31 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Thank you very much. After this post i'll send you a PM with more info. Parts list just got worse.  Please see first post.
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09:58 PM
May 12th, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Small bump... still looking for parts.
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08:25 PM
May 13th, 2011
datacop Member Posts: 1426 From: Indianapolis, IN, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Paypal sent.
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09:26 AM
System Bot
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Thank you very much datacop! Now were getting somewhere! Just called the fiero factory. very friendly people. If all goes well with the quote i asked for and it's not too high we might still be able to pull off the tan interior!  Keep your fingers crossed! [This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 05-13-2011).]
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09:55 AM
May 14th, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
So far we're doing ok. There are still parts needed and i update the first post as often as i can. Any more help would be greatly appreciated! This is going to mean a lot for one of our own! Lucky enough we have the engine paid for and some other parts as soon as i can order them this week. Thank you guys who helped so far. 2 1/2 weeks till i leave NY for a 4 day weekend... i can't wait to make one of our own extremely happy! Time is just not moving fast enough for me.
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06:27 PM
May 16th, 2011
datacop Member Posts: 1426 From: Indianapolis, IN, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Bump.. any more information?
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09:13 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Not much yet. Ordered headlight motors from a member here (name to be released when they are shipped) for the cost of shipping. they need some work but nothing hard to do. The orchestrator of this event has started painting the exterior with the help of some local member(s). By the end of this week i'll be ordering a lot from the fiero store to ship out there. No sense in ordering it bit by bit and getting swamped in shipping charges.
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10:36 AM
fieroguy123 Member Posts: 1523 From: Indianapolis Registered: Sep 2009
| quote | Originally posted by Finally_Mine_86_GT:
The orchestrator of this event has started painting the exterior with the help of some local member(s). |
Wait a minute here.... so you guys have already received the car and started the build?
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10:48 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Nope... one of the local members there offered up a body so they could get started on the bolt on paint job. I've seen another pic but can't really post it due to it possibly giving it all away. Darn reflections.  I'll PM the other one.
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11:18 AM
randye Member Posts: 14166 From: Florida Registered: Mar 2006
You have a PM
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04:07 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Well got some more stuff coming. Headlight motors, molding clips, and decals! Still waiting to hear if i can post some names though. Like i said in the first post i won't post a name without permission.
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06:28 PM
May 17th, 2011
2.5 Member Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
| quote | Originally posted by Finally_Mine_86_GT:
Nope... one of the local members there offered up a body so they could get started on the bolt on paint job. I've seen another pic but can't really post it due to it possibly giving it all away. Darn reflections. I'll PM the other one. |
When do you get to spill the beans?! Can't wait!
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01:52 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
I leave NY on 6/2 and i'll be able to spill everything on the 4th. I so can't wait! PM sent with more details! [This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 05-17-2011).]
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02:28 PM
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kyunderdawg Member Posts: 4373 From: Bowling Green, KY. USA Registered: Aug 2008
This is TORTURE! ! ! I'll be waitin' and wathin'.
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03:31 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Tell me about it! I send updates to people who donate and request one. Seriously can't wait for the reaction.  [This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 05-17-2011).]
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06:01 PM
May 19th, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Two weeks from today for the start of the build. Still can't wait.
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01:24 PM
May 21st, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
It's been a couple of days so i figure a small bump is in order.
Just ordered Fiero Thomas's visors and headliner kit. Ordered Diy_stu's wipes, rear tires are on their way. Still fighting a dash, carpet, manual window/mirror interior door panels and GT auxiliary gauge pod with pigtail. I only have till 6/2 to have all the parts there.
More to come.
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11:15 AM
May 23rd, 2011
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Another two day bump.... would like to keep this off of page 4 but i don't wish to be annoying about it.
Tires just arrived at the location., fiero store order is in and should be there in a couple of days. Also, i just ordered bulbs from Rodney. I think we will be ok as soon as i can get a bead on tan carpet, a seat belt latch, a half way decent dash and i have a lead on the auxiliary gauges now.
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01:22 PM
J-Holland Member Posts: 708 From: Norman, OK USA Registered: Nov 2010
I wish i could help, because this sounds interesting. Unfortunately, being here in Oklahoma, it just isn't practical. Good luck and I am one of the legion waiting on the thread to go into high gear.
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01:43 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Ty! This will be interesting. Can't wait to get some things posted and mention where i'm going. Some things i was going to post but there are a few here that will do some research and figure it out too quickly.  I'll shoot ya a pm with what's going on so far. Edit: have to add. I'm just glad this isn't being ignored. Who else is waiting and watching? [This message has been edited by Finally_Mine_86_GT (edited 05-23-2011).]
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05:39 PM
nitroheadz28 Member Posts: 4774 From: Brooklyn, NY Registered: Mar 2010
marc-alan Member Posts: 374 From: pottstown, pa usa Registered: Mar 2010
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07:25 PM