I have never been into kit cars at all. In fact the Vector is not a Fiero kit car. But if it were I WOULD BE ALL IN. I have this one pic of it that came out of some magazine. To me, this is the penultimate body design exercise. There are a bunch of crappy videos on the web via Google. Comments? (Sorry, I forgot the pic. Duhhhhh
[This message has been edited by FieroG97J (edited 09-21-2011).]
This gets posted once a year. Basically it boils down to, yeah it would be neat, maybe one person would actually pay the money for one body, the company would go bankrupt then 5 years later everyone will be asking whatever happened to...
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06:40 PM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
This gets posted once a year. Basically it boils down to, yeah it would be neat, maybe one person would actually pay the money for one body, the company would go bankrupt then 5 years later everyone will be asking whatever happened to...
Oh my god curl just hot linked a thread i started , i feel like one of jesuses apossels or what ever u call them following the meshia. I dont know what to do, i am lost in joy right now. Pretty much the fiero god has aknowleged my existence. An if some one were to make the kit i would buy it. I say one on ebay a long time ago an tryied to talk the guy in to letting me trade my house. The only other kit that i would consider would be the lizardo. But the vector kit would be the greatest kit built cause its just a amazing looking car. An theres no chance in ur life time of owning one. U can buy a lambo u cant buy a w8 what like 15 were built. A kit would be the only way.
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12:48 AM
hyperv6 Member
Posts: 6121 From: Clinton, OH, USA Registered: Mar 2003
It might be cheaper to buy the real thing vs making a kit and molds.
A local dealer has two of the real ones here and has been stuck with them for almost 2 years. I saw them Sunday at a display the dealer had at a local show here in Canton. They might cut you a deal at this point. LOL!
The vector m12 u might get a deal on . A w8 theres no deals, the one i saw on ebay eventually went for like 200,000. Ive seen 2 on ebay. There a piece of american supercar history, the w8 is in my opinion the only american built true super exotic car. There really was nothing that could compete with the europian cars in its day. I wish a owner would let one out to a car mag so they could take an beat the **** out of it around a trqck n what not . Would love to see real numbers on paper for it. Its just so beautiful.
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09:23 AM
GT85 Member
Posts: 40 From: Abbeville, Louisiana, USA Registered: Aug 2008
You do know that "Penultimate" means "Next to last," right? Like, not the last one, but the one right before that. So, are you saying that this is the second worst body design ever?
Just messin' with ya! I know you meant "Ultimate" but I had to laugh when I read it.
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10:32 AM
Deabionni Member
Posts: 4087 From: Kalkaska, MI Registered: Mar 2004
That looks like the one here and the other one is the Red White and Blue one they did special and was in a few magazines. Jeffs Auto Sales in Canton Ohio has them both. Last year the yellow one got the clutch smoked by someone. It reaked of burn clutch when I walked by it.