------------------ 1 of 2: Graphite Grey Pearl 87 GT 5 spd: 2.8L (Best 1/4 mile: 15.57@87mph, 2.0 60ft) 2 of 2: Ferrari Red 88 Formula/4T65EHD: 2000 L67 Motor (Best 1/4 mile: 12.0@118mph, 1.89 60ft w/True Street Radial Tires not Drag Radials!) New Engine on the Road again! FTW Motorsports style! 312rwhp/332rwtq
Do you have a pic from behind the car with the doors up? That will help me decide. Is the kit a bolt on or do I still have to do so welding? Need a price on the ss hinges.
Do you have a pic from behind the car with the doors up? That will help me decide. Is the kit a bolt on or do I still have to do so welding? Need a price on the ss hinges.
Hi Dave
I don't have a pic from behind but I will take one for you. But keep in mind I still have the first ones on my car so they my not be even. I am trying to get a new set on my car by the dells run but I keep getting orders which works for me but slows down getting a new set on my car. The ss one run 850.00 shipped to you. They are not polished you will have to do that. I believe you live in the U.S right?
Thanks Jesse
[This message has been edited by 88lambofiero (edited 04-25-2010).]
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07:43 PM
Apr 26th, 2010
Daredevil05 Member
Posts: 2345 From: South Jersey 08077 Registered: Oct 2006
Hey Jesse I tried that tweek you told me over the phone. I'm still rubbing and the bottom right Driver side door could you re-explain here ... picture is worth 1000 words. I attached a recent pic. Thanks Dan
Hi Dan! Sorry the other method didn't work. Let's give this a try. You will have to go out and buy two washers or however many it will take I guess. Loosen the top two bolts of the door itself and put the washers in between the door and door plate to space out the top of the door. This should push the top of door out and hopefully level the door up. You may need to loosen the main hinge and slide it towards the front of the car so you don't rub on top and bottom. This is a prime example of no two fiero's being the same because everything is machined and lasered and jig welded together.
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04:38 PM
Tony Kania Member
Posts: 20794 From: The Inland Northwest Registered: Dec 2008
This is a prime example of no two fiero's being the same because everything is machined and lasered and jig welded together.
Ever so true. Even cars built on different days, get different build qualities. I have heard that not to buy a car on Friday. Payday is Thrusday, and the drinking begins just after the money hits the hand. Looking at your pics danyel, it looks like some basic shimming should do the trick. Wish that I was there to help? Still working on Amy for permission to buy these for myself.
88lambofiero --- You are right .... no two same make and model cars are built exactly alike... ahhhrggghh move the hinge down is going to be a pain but anyway a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do ... will follow up tomorrow THANKS JESSE !!!
It is rather close to me? I just don't know who it is? Maybe they want it to be a secret?
I have always been interested in your design. I wish that I could just send you a check, but prioroties. But, until that time comes, you have my support. It just seems like you stand by your hinges, and really are offering them at a very fair price.
Tony Kania ... I positive you will get these... do the priorities and soon you will be like us ... Jesse has been behind me every step of the way and beleive me I'm not a car expert ... just a computer tech ... he had his work cut out ... any way I know that these hinges are the best bolt-ons I've seen around ... they are NOT perfect... but not very far from it. I will stand behind Jesse kit ANYDAY ... I even offered him to be a canadian distributor ... He has given me excellent support even going out of his way to call me on the phone !!! Any way hope ypu get them soon ... they are worth every penny and more... the only down side I found so far is ... been busy talkin to curious people when they see the Widow's doors up and not getting the work on hand done !!!
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12:45 AM
May 20th, 2010
falcon_ca Member
Posts: 1295 From: Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada Registered: Dec 2007
I dont know if this question has been asked before, but what is the advantage/disadvantage of having 2 separated hinges instead of a long single one such as the Decah on this picture.
The weight of the door is not better distributed with two hinges linked?
That is a good question ... I'm not sure that if you linked Jesse's Hinges top and bottom the weight distribution would be better... but I know one thing for a fact ... they would weigh twice the actual weight ... more weight = more shipping cost..... and more material ... you could always link them together yourself and save on shipping
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11:49 PM
May 21st, 2010
topcat Member
Posts: 5486 From: Charleston SC Registered: Dec 2001
I'm not sure if the braided would rub on the door support lever and crack ... These are over $70 to Canada ... someone will need to buy and test these ...I use my OEM rubber gromets and black plastic wire pass through works well for now .. will post pic tomorrow.... Please if someone buys these let me know if they work ... THANKS !!!
88lambofiero I'm not out of the game yet. I was rear ended couple weeks back and was looking for another Fiero. Will be buying one today. So I'll be hitting you up in a week or two. I didn't forget about you.
If you do and they are a good fit ....can you buy me a set and ship to me .... he's asking 45$ for shipping to Canada &*%?$(*( ... Will paypal you ... THANKS JESSE !!!
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11:37 AM
Daredevil05 Member
Posts: 2345 From: South Jersey 08077 Registered: Oct 2006
88lambofiero here it is. The lady that owned the car was very friendly and we agreed to an honest price. I'm not going to lie the car is far from perfect. Pics always makes anything look better than what it really is. I'll be contacting you in about two weeks. I'm back on the saddle again.
[This message has been edited by Daredevil05 (edited 05-22-2010).]
It isn't the best video I have ever shot. You can go to this link at YouTube to see a high speed run of 88lambo's doors. If you pause it at the right spots you can just make out the speedo. As they say on mythbusters ... don;t try this at home, you have to take it on the road.
You just have to confirm with me that you want a set and send me the funds via paypal or cashiers check. Paypal info (itsmyfiero@aol.com) if you use cashiers check contact me for the address. Stainless are 850.00 (this will be the last set of stainless I'm making) or 750.00 for steel shipped to your door in the US. They take about two weeks to fabricate. Thanks, Jesse