Hey Nick !! can you belive i am almost finished with this project !! next will be a V8 corvette conversion but have to find a nice clean 88 gt t top in white !anyone got one out there.........
that's gr8 Duane & i'll keep an eye out for ya for your next project....
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09:26 PM
May 9th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
So wasent able to get the motor in on sunday but Joe did show up at my house, we headed to the shop to do some test belt fitting and a quick look over to see how i did with the looming and placement of things, one thing was noticed, the high presure Ac switch was not added into the harness, so i did that and got the belts all on, I am aiming for saturday install i know Joe is busy but i may have Rob if he is available give me a hand, it wont be long till she is done a bit of pluming, custom intake and mount the ZZP intercooler in front under the bumper.
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11:59 PM
May 11th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
Got off early today so hit the shop till 10:30 got the harness a re loomed with heat resistant tape i have checked over things looks like its ready to go in on Saturday Hey Robby up up for it ! Any ways picked up a few odds and ends today for fuel lines and mounted the EPM Stewart pump under left side grill looks sweet there so i am going to do my bet to make it work in that location ..
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10:48 PM
May 13th, 2011
87spyder Member
Posts: 105 From: St. Catharines,Ontario,Canada Registered: Feb 2005
Hey Nick !! can you belive i am almost finished with this project !! next will be a V8 corvette conversion but have to find a nice clean 88 gt t top in white !anyone got one out there.........
Just a nice MINT88GT, one owner from new (ME!!).....no T-top though....Lothar
Dam PIP not working !!! Motor is in have lots of pics but will post later wired things up everything seens to be working but starter solinoid is haveing a issue possibly needs better engine grounds ?? Joe and I will be doing some test on it tomorow, Car is back on all 4s engine looks sweet had to move the coil pack to new location was hitting the trunk hindge support, will look better up front, if i can get this to crank over tomorow i should be ready for a test fire by next week, I did crank it over by jumping the starter seemed ok !
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08:18 PM
doublec4 Member
Posts: 8289 From: Oakville, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2003
got pip working again !! i know some of the pis are not that great but it was 3:00am and i was beat from getting this in the car, going to get the ground wires figured out tomorow
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10:57 PM
May 16th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
going at this full tilt now !! Joe showed up sunday morning to help with starter issue wasnt anything wrong with the harness things are cranking over now all lights and relays are good to go, finished off looming, tucking ,and trying to relocate the coil pack , test fit the intake, mounted the FPR beside the intercooler pump will be under the left rear grill looks good, haveing compresion fitted lines made should be done tomorow, any ways here are more pics .. Thanks Joe for your help and a picture of my poor finger tips, edward copper tips ( my fingers and hands have taken such a beating )
I do construction type work and my hands have never hurt like they do now,i have cuts and gashes everywhere been bleeding like a stuffed pig almost cut my finger off with a grinder that blew up in my face but all is good because it will heal and this is part of the satisfaction of doing this by my self and i am sure i will have the scars to prove it !! but i am almost done !!! fuel lines are ready for pic up, i will install them prime the fuel system check for leaks,then its one coolant line and the coils, ready for start up !! Exhaust will be finished off at Zooros Muffler here in Mississauga best custom exhaust place in the GTA (greater toronto area)
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05:06 PM
System Bot
May 18th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
Ya i know the pics are not great i am useing my cell phone LOL so got the fuel lines in and custom intake as well as relocated the coil pack to new location on trunk wall out of sight low just above the ATL looks clean, primed the system a few times to check for fuel leaks, i haveent put coolant in yet so a quick fire up then shut down things seem to be ok, Man is the zzp XP cam lumpy i like it couldent run it for more than a few seconds but oil presure is good no oil leaks no fuel leaks, go the coolant lines all pulmed in, so it looks like saturday Joe will be passing by to help me with extending the coil wires and adding coolant then we can let it run and see how it is but i was happy to hear the roar today !!
[This message has been edited by RULOOKIN (edited 05-18-2011).]
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04:07 PM
May 19th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
Looks great! With all the money you're spending on this swap you should be able to get a real camera! A swap this clean deserves good photos...
I had a nice camera last year ! I went to FieroRama and had it in my trunk and under arm deoderant melted all over it !! needless to say it was finished so i have been useing a cell phone camera which is good most of the time but in poor lighting its not so great. I will get a new camera soorn but right not need to finish this project .
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09:56 AM
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
So a few things i had done before the start up .. Custom teflon braided lines with compresion fittings, the only way to go in my opinion ! plumed the fuel regulator with a prefect fit i would highly suggest going this route as AN fittings are not cheap and scratch very easly never mind the cost of braided fuel line from a performance shop up here in Canada its $10 a foot AN fittings are between $13 and 25 dollars, for $130 i had custom lines done that go right into the stock fiero fuel filter, and the stock fiero return line with new O rings
What the heck is that thing( with the fins) next to your FPR???
its the intercooler pump !! EMP Stewarat its found in the Ford GT 40 bought it off Ebay for $60 bucks i called EMP in Michigan its apparently worth 450 bucks
It is hard to tell from the pictures, but it looks like that pump is higher than the intercooler. It should be lower than the intercooler to work best.
The pump is about the same hight as the intercooler, but i have a cobalt fill neck that ends up higher or the highest part of the system, it will be back fed water untill the fill neck tops off basicly you clamp one intercooler line and feed water one way to ensure no air and any little air bubbles will surface to the fill neck the pump only cost me 60 dollars, at 450 i would have never bought it, its over kill for what i need to achieve but it looks nice and was cheaper and a better unit than a Bosch, EMP pumps are brushles dc volt motors which run on magnets it hooked it up once for a second and you can barely hear it ,
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05:39 PM
May 21st, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
got a bit more done today relocated the coil pack to just above the ATL ont trunk wall out of sight got coolant in and did a run test with JOE ! started right up idles a bit high between 12 and 1500 might have a vacume leak but not sure where posibly the vacume T i made ?? Motor sounds strong and with the XP cam shes very lumpy havent yey hooked up intercooler , need to get idle issue figured out should be around 900 as the computer was programed to 900rpm if i remember right ! car isnot overheating but for some reason cant get heat to heater core may have a air lock in there somewhere if you have been folowing my thread hte LIM is blocked i am getting flow from water pump out of a 3/8 fitting and the return taps into the right side coolant tube ,seems to be getting some fluid ?? may have to T into heater core lines to add fluid Now i have put a few calls into the guy who tune these cars here in Canada and not much luck anyone close by interested in tuneing this beast!! Will be going for exhaust next week
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07:29 PM
doublec4 Member
Posts: 8289 From: Oakville, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2003
For local tuning, theres a place in Toronto that did a great job on my vortech charged vette. They specialize in vettes but I've heard good things about their forced induction tuning in general. Champion Motors, talk to Rob.
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07:58 PM
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
For local tuning, theres a place in Toronto that did a great job on my vortech charged vette. They specialize in vettes but I've heard good things about their forced induction tuning in general. Champion Motors, talk to Rob.
Thanks Chris i will check it out, realy trying to get a hold of kevin from Cartuneing he does the turbo kits for 3800 but hes not responding to emails or calls so need another option ! car is running prety good little high idle but i will figure it out with Joe we will scan the motor and check things out and smoke the intake look for leaks i am thinking its the brass vacume T i made for brake boster and BBV i may not have teflon taped it ...
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08:08 PM
sabooo Member
Posts: 859 From: Lehigh Valley, PA Registered: Aug 2006
Give bmwguru a shout. He is now tuning 3800's, and I suspect he may already have a tune for what you've done with this.
Cheers, Sabooo
will look into some options for a tune once i have the vacume leak situation figured out and get exhaust done i guess i need to get the intercooler on and working so still a few things to do . Sabooo you going to be a Charlisle this year ? i am doing my best to have this done for that show but might end upo trailering it down
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10:27 PM
May 22nd, 2011
sabooo Member
Posts: 859 From: Lehigh Valley, PA Registered: Aug 2006
hte LIM is blocked i am getting flo from water pump out of a 3/8 fitting and the return taps into the right side coolant tube ,seems to be getting some fluid ?? may have to T into heater core lines to add fluid
That is wrong.
You need to block the "water pump" port, and put the feed for the heater core into the LIM. The water pump has 2 returns in it, one for main, one for heater core... You are T'd off of the main return.. so you basically have the heatercore plumbed to the same hose within 1foot of itself..
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05:39 PM
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
How much pounds of boost do you think your going to be pushing?
this car will never see a track or a dyno to the # i will never know just building a extream 3800 with a bit of a budget as well, but i would guess 10 to 12 lbs of boost !!
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05:42 PM
System Bot
May 26th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
Today still trying to figure out this high idle ?? on saturday Joe will be by with the scaner so hopefuly this will tell us something , also noticed a very tiny coolant leak form the side of the haed gasket will be fixing this as well , got the hood off and bumper top mount the ZZp intercooler then run the hoses 1 inch down left side 5/8 on the right, pump was checked and works so may even get fluid into intercooler this week. I am aiming for exhaust next week if i can get the idel right also got the clutch bled out a bit much better now had some very small air bubbles NO GOOD !! Saturday looks like it will be getting driven WOO FINALY ! intercooler will be mounted in place of the crash plastic
here is a little teaser !!!
one of the drifting cars at the shop is getting these put on for a event this weekend but i had to see how they would look on my car Joe you were right black rims do look sweet !!
dispite a few small issues i have ket on going with this hope Joe comes this weekend to scan the motor for this dam idle issue she seems to want to stay a 1000 to 900rmp but ever so oten it ramps up then back to 1000 Today i installed the ZZp intercooler and ran the wireing for the pump the pump maybe tomorow i will get the hoses under the car and up to the pump I will be filling the system with winshiel washer fluid May have a air lock some where in the cooling system will also try to bleed it out a bit better as for the minor coolant leak it seems to have stoped i read on cometics web site that sometimes the heating and cooling of a motor will seal the copper gaskets seems to have worked for now and did a test fit of the bumper fits great, i did some careful mesurements before installing the intercooler in this location so as to be sure everything would fit right I the weather is not bad on saturday i might get it out for a test spin and see if this helps the idle ??? ther are a few threads outlineing this so i guess i will give it a try
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11:48 PM
May 27th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
got intercooler plumed and working but my have to relocate as it just a bit to high by about a inch which sucks because it looks so good where it is OH well trial and error ! I will try to still keep it in the same general locaton..
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11:03 PM
May 28th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
primed and primed again the intercooler pump now work perfect was able to leave it in the location i had it in thank god! adjusted the master had to add 3 washers the the bolts holding the master to firewall, reson is i am running a FWD cavelier 282 getrag and was getting too much thro so i spoke with Rodney and he walked me through the process work great now full release and engadgement Thanks Rodney for you help! also spoke with Loyd fro Fast Fieros and he helped me out with the heater core issues so it looks like i will be buying a modified fiero T stat but for now NO HEAT Car still idles a bit high but its going out for a test drive tomorow and Joe has his scaner so hopefully we can get this figured out Tuner who did my computer set idle at 900 but we we will see tomorow then its off for exhaust mid week not mutch left to do the hood or trunk i should say needs to be modified and front bumper need re installing then a full in car tune by CARTUNEING here in Canada .. i wll try to post a video of the car running out of the shop on sunday
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11:01 PM
May 29th, 2011
bmwguru Member
Posts: 4692 From: Howell, NJ USA Registered: Sep 2006
after some good reading and scaning and trouble shooting I have reworked a few things, my fuel rails lines may not have been right so re worked them so the feed goes to one rail then to the other then to my regulator so we will see how it works now once i get the fiero style thermostat houseing and need one more fitting for my rails so hope fully this will be the fixes needed also going to scan the motor again to see if the coolant sencor is working corectly i have heard if they crap out it can cause fuel/idle issues so i have a extra one just in case , Peter (camalot) came by the shop tonight to see the progress we were continplating buying the white 88GT T top that was on ebay today Oh well some lucky guy got it anyone know what the closeing bid was?? last i looked it was 5100 I am still trying my best to get the car done for Charlisle i may trailer it down and bmwguro may get his hands on it to give it a tune! The exhaust is in the works right now and it looks like the dump will be included in the system for some WOW factor, I am realy trying to get a system under the car that looks similar to a Nissan 300 with 2 chrome oval 12 or 14 inch cans on a 30% angle then tip straight out i will post some mock up pic later, may have to cut a the trunk a bit on the corners to make it work will see ??
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01:29 AM
Jun 6th, 2011
Posts: 1157 From: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jan 2010
Ok today got the 4inch intake all on and got things ready for the new T stat houseing now if all goes as planed the tuener guy is comming to the shop next weekend with joe so hopefully we can get this thing running right in the mean time i will try to get the exhaust finished off