This is like how TEXASGT ripped me off then I found out he was REMIXGT and he had ripped others off as well. William (Will or Bill) Proper was his name. Against rules or not, I'll dime him out every time.
Woah woah.... Bill had the balls to come back on here after all that drama he cause back in 2001(ish)??????? PM, I got to hear about him.
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03:47 PM
mptighe Member
Posts: 3321 From: Houston, TX Registered: Aug 2009
Woah woah.... Bill had the balls to come back on here after all that drama he cause back in 2001(ish)??????? PM, I got to hear about him.
Yup still a douche in 2009 - 2010 as well. I had even looked for info on him but didn't find any when I looked. I really wish we had a sticky with "known" crooks for people to see.
Originally posted by Tony Kania: ..... For the right price, I am willing to go knock on this guys door. Seriously. He is about 4 to 5 hours from me. Figure gas, lunch, and dinner. It may not get anywhere, but let's just say that I have a history of being in the "collection" business. I can surely add to my resume.
Are you close to Ormond Beach, FL by any chance JOKE !!!
[This message has been edited by Danyel (edited 01-17-2013).]
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03:56 PM
Robert 2 Member
Posts: 2401 From: St Hubert Quebec Canada Registered: Jan 2006
Yup still a douche in 2009 - 2010 as well. I had even looked for info on him but didn't find any when I looked. I really wish we had a sticky with "known" crooks for people to see.
Oh its on here alright. Some of the old timers should remember the epic flame-war he and I got into back in '01-02.
This is like how TEXASGT ripped me off then I found out he was REMIXGT and he had ripped others off as well. William (Will or Bill) Proper was his name. Against rules or not, I'll dime him out every time.
I remember this one. I almost bought an Indy from him, but he wouldn't send a pic of the vin tag or the RPO sticker so I avoided that trap. Talked big "owned a bar' "owned a tune shop"--I didn't keep up with everything, but in the end, think it turned out he didn't actually own much of anything.
I remember this one. I almost bought an Indy from him, but he wouldn't send a pic of the vin tag or the RPO sticker so I avoided that trap. Talked big "owned a bar' "owned a tune shop"--I didn't keep up with everything, but in the end, think it turned out he didn't actually own much of anything.
Thats him....I called BS on the guy after talking to him the first time. Guy was so full of it I dont see how anyome could fall for his scam. But there is always that one person..
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07:44 PM
mptighe Member
Posts: 3321 From: Houston, TX Registered: Aug 2009
Thats him....I called BS on the guy after talking to him the first time. Guy was so full of it I dont see how anyome could fall for his scam. But there is always that one person..
It wasn't him it was his partner that made it believable. He had experience and accomplishments, TEXASGT was a partner but he focused on the business management and sales side, while Scott did all the "heavy lifting".
Oh and they got more than just me. They got a few Lexus ISF owners too among some others.
[This message has been edited by mptighe (edited 01-17-2013).]
I took too long, your money was refunded AND I sent you completed parts. I also offered to send you a kit at cost of shipping via COD
How have I scammed you? Your argument that I intended to steal your money does not hold water as many many people have received good products from me. Look at my feedback here and on ebay, many have received great parts and in a good time frame.
Steven, Jake, Ian and Jose. I have parts to send you. Ian and Jose already got good parts from me, but needed additional things. It does seem like one thing after another, I apologize
It has never been my attention to take money from anyone, I am going through hard times and it has been difficult completing orders on time. I have no help and am doing my best. PayPal and credit are both reversible and I have not contested anyone who has asked for a refund
Still I have not gone anywhere and am trying to make sure everyone is squared away and leaves feeling like they came out on top. Not like I can hide
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10:18 PM
Jan 18th, 2013
mptighe Member
Posts: 3321 From: Houston, TX Registered: Aug 2009
I took too long, your money was refunded AND I sent you completed parts. I also offered to send you a kit at cost of shipping via COD
My money was never refunded, it was RECOVERED. Refund means you gave me my money back. My credit card company had to RECOVER it. Yes, you did offer to send me the kit for the cost of COD. I accepted that offer. Guess what? Never got a reply, tracking information, anything. Here we go again...
How have I scammed you? Your argument that I intended to steal your money does not hold water as many many people have received good products from me. Look at my feedback here and on ebay, many have received great parts and in a good time frame.
You stalled until PayPal dispute time period expired. You never shipped the kit I paid for. You left a voicemal on my work phone stating you had customs numbers for the original kit. You were never able to provide them to me. So in conclusion, that was probably untrue.
Steven, Jake, Ian and Jose. I have parts to send you. Ian and Jose already got good parts from me, but needed additional things. It does seem like one thing after another, I apologize
It has never been my attention to take money from anyone, I am going through hard times and it has been difficult completing orders on time. I have no help and am doing my best. PayPal and credit are both reversible and I have not contested anyone who has asked for a refund
STOP APOLEGIZING AND FIX IT! Get everyone their parts. Are you sending me a kit or not? If you want ANY chance of recovering your name and ever doing business again with anyone on this forum and MANY others (as Fiero owners don’t only own Fieros) you need to turn these bad transactions around. Transactions on here need to be exactly like on e-bay. Prompt shipping, tracking, receipts and communication.
Still I have not gone anywhere and am trying to make sure everyone is squared away and leaves feeling like they came out on top. Not like I can hide
Well you tried by changing your name on here. Also you claim to have taken over the shop from you father who was sick.. Your father is a bankrupcy lawyer who owns a welding shop??? Or was that another lie?
[This message has been edited by Purple86GT (edited 01-18-2013).]
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07:45 AM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
Google Streetview picture of FOY's Dad's house with same Fiero... (did not include address or link to said house for safety reasons, this is just here to establish identity link)
I don't know who lives in that house now, but that picture is about 6 years old
Steve - You have tracking for two large priority boxes - One with the f23 kit and the another with a factory htob system frmo GM to replace the one you sent me
Ian - You have tracking for your adjusted and repowdered dogbone
Jose - You have tracking for the flat shift adapter
Jake - It is a good thing I put everything together before I sent you your kit because I messed up your harness somewhere, I'm going to take it apart this weekend and figure it out. Your money is still in the trust account, don't worry. When I spoke to your father I explained that to him
Everyone should now be taken care of aside from Jake. I am not going anywhere, I have cleared out my inbox and will reply to any and all PMs
I don't know who lives in that house now, but that picture is about 6 years old
Steve - You have tracking for two large priority boxes - One with the f23 kit and the another with a factory htob system frmo GM to replace the one you sent me
Ian - You have tracking for your adjusted and repowdered dogbone
Jose - You have tracking for the flat shift adapter
Jake - It is a good thing I put everything together before I sent you your kit because I messed up your harness somewhere, I'm going to take it apart this weekend and figure it out. Your money is still in the trust account, don't worry. When I spoke to your father I explained that to him
Everyone should now be taken care of aside from Jake. I am not going anywhere, I have cleared out my inbox and will reply to any and all PMs
Kudos for trying to do it the right way ..
------------------ BLUE BY YOU! NYFOC
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10:09 PM
Tony Kania Member
Posts: 20794 From: The Inland Northwest Registered: Dec 2008
I don't know who lives in that house now, but that picture is about 6 years old
Steve - You have tracking for two large priority boxes - One with the f23 kit and the another with a factory htob system frmo GM to replace the one you sent me
Ian - You have tracking for your adjusted and repowdered dogbone
Jose - You have tracking for the flat shift adapter
Jake - It is a good thing I put everything together before I sent you your kit because I messed up your harness somewhere, I'm going to take it apart this weekend and figure it out. Your money is still in the trust account, don't worry. When I spoke to your father I explained that to him
Everyone should now be taken care of aside from Jake. I am not going anywhere, I have cleared out my inbox and will reply to any and all PMs
I truly hope that you do. A great bunch of folks here. Too much of this going on lately. I hope that it all works out.
Good luck...
[This message has been edited by Tony Kania (edited 01-18-2013).]
I really was not ever trying to scam anyone, I can't apologize enough for parts being so slow. I have no future selling parts here, and I understand, after all this I wouldn't buy parts from me either. Every reason(excuse) I told you all was true. You all like to bring up my father, call him and ask. Things have been very bad. Suppose it is the price I pay for deceiving everyone. I want to make sure everyone is happy with their parts and ends out on top. If I had posted as RZL, the many that DO have great parts from me, wouldn't have them.
One thing I do want to point out is the quality of my parts, because I saw others criticizing. I am most definitely a certified welder, check with WABO if you like. I don't know what pictures anyone has been looking at, but my welds are more than acceptable
Let's do a quick comparison with say, FieroFlyer, who was very critical of MY parts. Mine are fully powder coated as well
One thing I do want to point out is the quality of my parts, because I saw others criticizing. I am most definitely a certified welder, check with WABO if you like. I don't know what pictures anyone has been looking at, but my welds are more than acceptable
I was one that criticized so I'll try and explain. It's not the welds that are the problem. I'll admit that your welds do look good in the pictures you are showing here. The problem is the designs and the execution. Good welds on a bad design are like a gold plated turd.
How do I know they are bad designs without using them for myself? I'm looking at the load paths and thus where the stress concentrations will be in your designs. For example your dog bone. Have you ever seen a dog bone with only one bushing besides yours? I have but it wasn't for something like this which will have some vertical displacement. So where is the stress in that component? It's at the bolts. Why is that a problem? Because to much stress means yielding and yielding at the bolts means loss of clamp load and loss of clamp load means loosening of bolts.
So that's my explanation. And you can take it for what it's worth.
I'll say one more thing and that is that some of your item do look really good like your thermostat housings and I even thought about buying one but got scared off by your excuses.
[This message has been edited by Jefrysuko (edited 01-19-2013).]
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12:45 AM
carnut122 Member
Posts: 9122 From: Waleska, GA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
I have no dog in this fight. Too bad the "vender's" service appears to be pretty shabby as I could have seen him selling his product to quite a few future customers.
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09:35 AM
System Bot
87antuzzi Member
Posts: 11151 From: Surrounded by corn. Registered: Feb 2009
As a part-time vendor for fiero parts, I think it is in VERY bad taste to criticize your competition's parts in an effort to promote yours. I firmly believe that if you truly make a better part that does a good job of meeting all design criteria, where it functions as it should, it is pleasing to the eye to look at, has an efficient design that minimizes weight and allows consistent reproduction from set to set, and is priced competitively then the product will sell itself. Of coarse, even the best product in the world can be hard to sell if there is poor communication, failure to meet delivery commitments, etc...
The F23 is clearly the "in thing to do" and has been for the last year or two. There certainly is a decent market for a vendor to offer a competitively priced/high quality/visually appealing mount/shifter setup that was easy to mass produce in a short amount of time. With the right design and vendor professionalism, someone could sell quite a few of these kits and corner the market pretty quick. Just for the record, it won't be me.
Since your product offerings/customer satisfaction as FOY pretty much went down the same path as your offerings as RZL... you really need to step back and evaluate your time, $$$, and commitment to being a vendor (even a part-time one). Once you commit to being a vendor, your customers own you and your free time. If you don't think of it this way, then the issues you have had are not surprising.
Lastly, about those beautiful pictures of welds you posted... they would mean a whole lot more to me if the picture names followed the same naming convention as the pictures you have posted showing fiero based products. It looks like you have a habit of using the default naming convention from the camera vs. manually renaming them. Below are all of your photos on this page. Aside from a few stray IMG_ and the -1 that photobucket adds if you upload the picture twice, all but one follows the same naming convention. The oddball one has the zps67d9822c added to it. 20120521_202430.jpg IMG_20121017_195124-1.jpg IMG_20121017_195544-1.jpg 20120614_134736.jpg IMG_20121014_154802_zps67d9822c.jpg 20120903_101428.jpg 20120903_101406.jpg 20120720_224846.jpg 20120713_163902.jpg 20120714_170953.jpg 20120818_141149.jpg
Now here are the 3 perfect welding photos from the boom you "just finished" welding on: 322753_290914757629277_1895065262_o.jpg 319415_390195507701201_1588394889_n.jpg 614882_390195764367842_1042131448_o.jpg
Clearly these 3 pictures were taken with a different camera (which begs the question why it wasn't the camera you normally use), but the more telling aspect is the naming convention between the three photos does not indicate that they were taken within hours/days of each other even though you just finished this project. If you would show pictures of beautiful welds on your fiero products, then people would more readily trust that they came from you.
Gotta agree with Guru here, I HAVE to wonder why the pictures of the mounts you posted have kinda amateurish looking welds and no scale ground away as well as generally poor alignment finish and the next photos show an absolutely perfect (actually it appears highly to be a rotary fixture welded robotic weld) weld. Where are your certifications and insurance, you must be REALLY skilled to be certified to weld on a genie lift boom. I mean unlike the motor mounts generally speaking if a weld on a genie lift boom fails SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE!! You must have some serious insurance in place if you are doing that kind of welding. If you are so confident in your welds and your apparent certifications, and you intend to REALLY come clean here and want to offer products for the fiero community why don't you man up and post your REAL NAME and give us your certification information so we can check it for ourselves. Honestly I am not a certified welder but I have been welding most of my life and fabricate things almost daily for customers and I have seen backyard 4x4 builds done with more precision than those mounts. If you are who you claim to be an truly intend to sell your wares here then you should have NO problem posting your real name. You can clearly see that my login is MY real name.... peace
------------------ "May the grins begin when you turn the key and hear the engine roar over your shoulder" ......Gall57 (slightly modified LOL)
It's called customer pictures vs. my picture. On the small mounts I use .030 and my 251. On the big stuff I use an everlast cvs with a miller feeder and .045. Anyone who welds should be to distinguish the difference between thin wire in short circuit than big wire in spray transfer. Would you like a video with my name and me burning some wire?
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11:44 AM
Genopsyde Member
Posts: 774 From: Willoughby, Ohio USA Registered: Dec 2007
It's called customer pictures vs. my picture. On the small mounts I use .030 and my 251. On the big stuff I use an everlast cvs with a miller feeder and .045. Anyone who welds should be to distinguish the difference between thin wire in short circuit than big wire in spray transfer. Would you like a video with my name and me burning some wire?
Actually I was more referring to the cleanliness and accuracy of the welds and not so much the process.... No we do not need a video honestly just your REAL NAME and your actual certification information would suffice. If you indeed did this work and you are indeed certified I should think you would be HAPPY to post that infomation. I think anyone who welds professionally would look at those mounts and assume they were done by an amateur. I have made all sorts of stuff over the years and have welded with stick, mig, Tig, you name it and over the last say ten years or so it is strictly Tig welding as I enjoy it so much more. Honestly those mounts look to me to be pretty poorly executed regardless of how THICK the metal may be. I am quite sure I am coming across here as a prick and may appear to be jumping on you without provocation, the reality is that from the first time I saw your for sale ad posts I have been questioning the comments you made and your certifications to myself. It is only the fact that you have been so bad about taking care of the members here in regards to their orders and time frames that has brought this attention to you. The fact that you have admitted to deceiving the forum with your actual identity and past history only makes it worse. I think if you read my comments here to you in other threads I was ACTUALLY pulling for you to come out of this in a positive light. I dunno man I think someone else said it best when they said it is unfortunate that you are such a poor businessman you could have enjoyed a lot of work from a lot of people here if you had only done a bit better taking care of your customers. That and maybe some more effort in making these mounts look more professional. You do own a hand grinder right? I mean how hard is it to clean up the ends of your cuts and knock off the mill scale before you stitch the parts together. If you are indeed a pro as you so claim then this should all be second nature. I am sorry but I just don't see PRO in those pictures.... Good luck to you either way. Peace
------------------ "May the grins begin when you turn the key and hear the engine roar over your shoulder" ......Gall57 (slightly modified LOL)
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12:29 PM
Robertzep2 Member
Posts: 233 From: Akron, Ohio USA Registered: Oct 2012
I also have no dog in this battle, but certifications do not mean squat. I know certified welders who's welds are absolutely horrible. There is a problem in society where diplomas and certifications, while having places to approximate skill levels, have become the end all, they do not verify proficiency. The keyword is approximate. We all know ASE mechanics that can't diagnosis an engine, or Doctorate and lowered degreed engineers that can't design their way out of paper bag. Today there are schools (I call them puppy mills) that will train anyone to pass a test for the right amount of money. Unfortunately, these tests do not measure one's expertise or show they have a firm foundation in the subject matter. These tests just show the individual is trainable or considered entry level in the job market. For that matter a pretty weld can also be a bad weld. In fact a very ugly weld can be an exceptional weld. Whether it is welding or soldering, it's all about penetration and the joining of the two surfaces. With a weld, beauty is only skin deep. You want to know if a weld is good; submit it to a NDT strength test. As for the subject of thread, I am sorry for both sides of this. It's a shame, and probably a deterrent to anyone considering to be a new Fiero vendor or buy from one. Anyway, off my soapbox that I shouldn't have been on!
There is this thing called Time/Money VS Effort. I sell these parts for DIRT cheap and they are hidden under a drivetrain. Why would I grind millscale and square off ends? They are just hunks of steel with some holes drilled in them. Slap them in the jig and throw some welds. The point of the other pictures was to show that when I need to, things look gooood. Like I've said before, the Fiero part makes up a small portion of our business. I wish that things would have not been so bad around here so I could take care of everyone on time
I'll post my info and a video just so to satisfy everyone
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01:27 PM
katatak Member
Posts: 7136 From: Omaha, NE USA Registered: Apr 2008
It's a long time ago, but I was certified and worked at Caterpillar as a welder. They paid the most, and had their pick of the labor pool. I've known some damn fine welders, some ambidexterous. The person welding the pictured mounts did not weld those last three pics. More than likely a machine did it.
Well then I guess I'm a machine, and you haven't welded for a living. Like I said, I'll post some video come Tuesday when I'm back at the shop and I'll make you all eat your words
There are 18 year olds at Genie that put down welds like that all day long, I was one of them, hence why I repair awp's.
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-19-2013).]
I did not say that a machine HAD to have made those welds. I said they were not made by the person who welded the pictured mounts. And yes, I welded for a living at Cat for years, Fairbanks-Morse before that, as well as a good stretch using automatic welders at Ceco Mfg. I've never seen a respectable welder who would leave a finished product so crappy. As Ben Franklin said, "Well done is better than well said". I think you are full of s--t.
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11:09 PM
katatak Member
Posts: 7136 From: Omaha, NE USA Registered: Apr 2008
Wow, you guys must be welding with some f'ing parkinsons patients. Like I said, video. I welded secondaries on the s40 for two years. I'm usually not so quick to jump to insult but you guys are on crack and blind if you haven't seen welds like that. I'll do it left hand, right hand, show start and stop and my face. I'll even talk while I weld
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12:02 AM
rcp builders Member
Posts: 736 From: north port, Fl. Registered: Apr 2007
Wow, you guys must be welding with some f'ing parkinsons patients. Like I said, video. I welded secondaries on the s40 for two years. I'm usually not so quick to jump to insult but you guys are on crack and blind if you haven't seen welds like that. I'll do it left hand, right hand, show start and stop and my face. I'll even talk while I weld
Do it, you won't. LOL
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12:13 AM
BV MotorSports Member
Posts: 4821 From: Oak Hill, WV Registered: May 2001
Wow, you guys must be welding with some f'ing parkinsons patients. Like I said, video. I welded secondaries on the s40 for two years. I'm usually not so quick to jump to insult but you guys are on crack and blind if you haven't seen welds like that. I'll do it left hand, right hand, show start and stop and my face. I'll even talk while I weld
Might I suggest some humility?
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12:40 AM
Pete Matos Member
Posts: 2291 From: Port St. Lucie, Florida Registered: Jan 2010
Wow, you guys must be welding with some f'ing parkinsons patients. Like I said, video. I welded secondaries on the s40 for two years. I'm usually not so quick to jump to insult but you guys are on crack and blind if you haven't seen welds like that. I'll do it left hand, right hand, show start and stop and my face. I'll even talk while I weld
Ya know what buddy.......I don't even care if you CAN make those welds anymore man, you are a moron and an ******* and the parts you have shown us are complete crap that my ten year old daughter could make better. You must either be an idiot or a child to have the balls to come back on here and insult us like this after what you have done to these kind folks. I am done with you here. You have lost any credibility you might have had and your attitude sucks. Why don't you just go away so REAL vendors can take your place here. You know the kind who actually deliver what they say they will when they say they will and not make excuses for months on end. What a jackass......
------------------ "May the grins begin when you turn the key and hear the engine roar over your shoulder" ......Gall57 (slightly modified LOL)