Before you start anything on the space between the garage and living space, review the local building codes. You will need to use fire retardant drywall and who knows what else. Insulate first! It will start saving you money immediately.
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05:41 PM
topcat Member
Posts: 5486 From: Charleston SC Registered: Dec 2001
just wandering through (i like to keep an eye on y'all) and have to say i really like the house. i have nearly the same setup behind my main house, but the loft is unfinished. took me a lot longer in life to get mine though. hope you get to stay in it a long time, or as long as you want to.
Little update, today before work I jumped our Blue 3800/F23 Fiero and moved it to my garage! Both Fiero's just barely fit end to end. After that I unloaded some more of the stuff I brought and gave the master bedroom it's first coat of paint, since the walls were a pink-ish purple. Just the primer coat this time.
No, not quite. The right side garage isn't as deep because of the laundry room, so I think it would be more of a 5 Fiero garage, which is crazy enough as is. I'm thinking 2-3 Fieros, the Riviera, and a truck/minivan for hauling stuff. Plus a car outside the garage LOL.
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01:02 PM
Gokart Mozart Member
Posts: 12143 From: Metro Detroit Registered: Mar 2003
Ready for this? Houses that have attached garages have a 50% increased chance of catching on fire. I would look into a fire suppression system that you tap off your water line. When you drywall, use type x sheet rock or whatever your city codes recommend. To go above and beyond, there's waterproof fire rated gypsum plasterboard. I'm sure that'll be expensive but look at the insurance of a safe garage and maybe an insurance discount and you can wash the cars inside and not worry about getting the walls wet. Alarms and cameras are a good thing, too.
edit: :jealous:
[This message has been edited by Gokart Mozart (edited 02-14-2013).]
Ready for this? Houses that have attached garages have a 50% increased chance of catching on fire. I would look into a fire suppression system that you tap off your water line. When you drywall, use type x sheet rock or whatever your city codes recommend. To go above and beyond, there's waterproof fire rated gypsum plasterboard. I'm sure that'll be expensive but look at the insurance of a safe garage and maybe an insurance discount and you can wash the cars inside and not worry about getting the walls wet. Alarms and cameras are a good thing, too.
edit: :jealous:
I don't know about the rest of the U.S., but here most houses (90%) you see have an attached garage, my parents house included. I understand precautions are never a bad thing, but that's a little over the top IMO. I don't know of many houses that have a sprinkler system setup inside.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 02-15-2013).]
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01:40 AM
System Bot
Tony Kania Member
Posts: 20794 From: The Inland Northwest Registered: Dec 2008
I don't know about the rest of the U.S., but here most houses (90%) you see have an attached garage, my parents house included. I understand precautions are never a bad thing, but that's a little over the top IMO. I don't know of many houses that have a sprinkler system setup inside.
Living on top of the garage, I'd want the most protection I could afford. Generally speaking, most new construction will be in the range of $1-$2/sq.ft., while retrofits will be in the range of $2-$3/sq.ft. That isn't too expensive, plus it's a piece of mind and as I said insurance should go down.
[This message has been edited by Gokart Mozart (edited 02-15-2013).]
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10:10 PM
Feb 16th, 2013
VF1Skullangel Member
Posts: 190 From: Southern California Registered: Jun 2008
Today I moved a whole bunch of my stuff over today, mostly the larger stuff because I used a buddy's van (with his help). Afterwords I mostly put together one of my work benches before calling it a night, but it's still a total mess in that garage right now. And of course the Blue Fiero's battery is dead again, that problem is getting frustrating. Painting of the master bedroom is complete and now we are painting the kitchen/living room area. I don't like pink walls.
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10:17 PM
Dennis LaGrua Member
Posts: 15631 From: Hillsborough, NJ U.S.A. Registered: May 2000
Good luck with the house. Better than I had when I was 20. Good utility, lots of garage space and if the heater works well, you'll be really comfy there. It won't be long before the furniture and wall treatments get put up and then it willjust feel like home.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Powerlog manifold, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
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11:15 PM
Feb 18th, 2013
jim94 Member
Posts: 1227 From: jacksonville, fl. usa Registered: Jan 2010
UDPATE!! Today I have completely moved in my house, and am now living in it. House is still a mess with boxes and stuff everywhere but still! Getting my room, bathroom, kitchen, etc setup right, then work on the complete mess downstairs.
Got my computer desk up and running tonight. Man am I exhausted, and I couldn't have done it without help of family and friends.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-02-2013).]
nice place.. that was what I was looking for when I looked for my first house..
before you drywall the ceiling. add a few plug outlets.. they come in handle for overhead droplights. (sp?)
here code is a concrete fire board between garage and living space. I'd look into this.. I'd also wire in an exhaust fan.. to vent out any funk that comes with working on cars.. sprinkler system is overkill. but I'd have a few extingishers(sp?) on hand (both floors) and a fire latter ..
nice matt like the space and the work you do on your fieros good luck to you. i live in cleveland and have a 2 car garage wish i had the space you have rich
Nice to see you painting the walls pink! That should help get the ladies...
Other way around, I was painting over ALL the pink walls...not just my bedroom. There was alot of them. Still more slightly pink walls in the garage laundry room too.
Moved the Fiero's out of the garage for the first time in weeks, to organize the whole left garage/workshop. Big improvement from before. Also added the overhead light over the bench and the water filter in the kitchen to re-fill my water bottles.
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09:28 PM
Mar 10th, 2013
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
That's awesome! I've been seriously considering building something like that on a plot of land and later building a house to go with it, but something I could live in while building the larger house.
How big is the lot? Do you have the option to build a larger house with it?
That's awesome! I've been seriously considering building something like that on a plot of land and later building a house to go with it, but something I could live in while building the larger house.
How big is the lot? Do you have the option to build a larger house with it?
It's a small lot, but I could build another garage in front of what is already there and turn the current garage into a living space. My lot is 53' x 208', and the house is built on the back of the lot, my front yard is HUGE, and my backyard is about 6' long...haha.
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11:51 PM
Mar 11th, 2013
2.5 Member
Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
OBD1 alley?! Really?? Hahaha, only one out of three still has that. But seriously, while I tend to name my cars, my house not so much. "My house" or my address, which I'm not speaking here, is what I refer it too.
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03:57 PM
Mar 13th, 2013
retroman Member
Posts: 470 From: Brookings, SD but originally from Massillon, OH Registered: Oct 2010
Congrats on the find!! I would love to have my parents' property in Massillon someday, but I think my brother would need the space more than I do. Besides that, my wife really wants to go back to South Dakota to be near her family, and property is cheaper there anyway so that looks like what I will be doing a year from now. I would like 10 acres or more with a decent sized out building.
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01:29 PM
Phirewire Member
Posts: 1536 From: Hamburg, PA Registered: May 2012
OBD1 alley?! Really?? Hahaha, only one out of three still has that. But seriously, while I tend to name my cars, my house not so much. "My house" or my address, which I'm not speaking here, is what I refer it too.